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" and it carries our reflections forward to the confummation of all things, as defcribed by the unrivalled Shakefpeare. " The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces, The folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, Yea, all that it inherit, (hall diffolve !... "
An impartial history of the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne [by J ... - Seite 17
von John Baillie (of Newcastle.) - 1801
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Tempest ; Two gentlemen of Verona ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Measure for ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 1058 Seiten
...all Spirits, and Are melted into Air, into thin Air; And like the bafelefs Fabrick of their Vifion, The Cloud-capt Towers, the gorgeous Palaces, The folemn Temples, the great Globe it felf, Yea, all which it inherit, fliall diflblve* And like this infubftantial Pageant faded, Leave...
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The Complete Art of Poetry ...

Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 Seiten
...all Spirits, and Are melted into Air, into thin Air.; And like the bafelefs Fabrick of" their Vifion, The cloud-capt Towers, the gorgeous Palaces, The folemn Temples, the great Globe it felf, Yea, all which it inherit, (hall diflblve, And, like this in fubflantial Pageant faded, Leave...
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Critical Observations on Shakespeare

John Upton - 1746 - 382 Seiten
...χιλαΗίφΙς α,ΐρχ xdQiifoi ΕΛΘΩΝ Ιχ βιλίαι In the Tempeft, Aft IV. " Proip. The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous " palaces, *'...folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, " Yea, all, which it inherit, lhall diffofof. This is exactly from Scripture. Pet. ep. 2. iii, 10. s-οιχίΓ*—ΛΥΘΗΣΟΝΤ...
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The Works of Shakespear: Tempest ; Midsummer night's dream ; Two gentlemen ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 576 Seiten
...N S. * Are melted into air, into thin air ; ' And, like the bafelefs fabrick of th' air-viiion» * The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces, ' The folemn temples, the great globe it felf, ' Yea, all, which it inherit, ihall diflblve ; ' And, like this infubftantial pageant faded,...
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Critical Observations on Shakespeare

John Upton - 1748 - 654 Seiten defcended Gods. Of $101 ijiAotufiiVW «v6fH7r«s ' * KATEBH2AN w In the Tempeft, Aft IV. " Profp. The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces, " The...folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, *' Yea, all, which it inherit, fhall di/ohe" Thi» l"i A£ls xlv. 2. And here give me leave to fet in a better light...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Select epitaphs, collected by W. Toldervy. 2 vols. [in 1].

Select epitaphs, William Toldervy - 1755 - 492 Seiten
...On the fame. To WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR, This Monument was erefted by the public Efteem The cloud-capp'd Towers, The gorgeous Palaces, The folemn Temples, The great Globe itfelf : Yea, all which inherit, Shall diffolve! And like the bafelefs fabric of a Vifion Leave not a Wreck behind !...
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Elements of Criticism, Band 1

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1762 - 436 Seiten
...illuftration, in a paflage part of which is cited above for another purpofe: The cloud-capt tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces, The folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, Yea all which it inherit, fhall diflblve, And like the bafelefs fabric of a vifion Leave not a rack behind...
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Elements of Criticism: Volume I [-II]., Band 1

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 534 Seiten
...the mind higher and higher till it feel the emotion of grandeur in perfection: The cloud-capt tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces, The folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, Yea all which it inherit, fhall dHTolve, <bc. The cloud-capt tow'rs produce an elevating emotion, heightened...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Band 1

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 488 Seiten
...all fpirits, and Are melted into air, into- thin air ; And, like the bafelefs fabrick of this vrfion, The cloud-capt towers, the gorgeous palaces,. The folemn temples, the great globe itfelf, Yea, all, which it inherit, fliall diflblve j, And, like this infubftantial pageant faded,. Jteave not a rack...
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Essays Upon Natural History, and Other Miscellaneous Subjects,

George Edwards - 1770 - 288 Seiten
...expecting an immortal name: witnefs the following quotation from his works: The cloud-cap't tow'rs, The gorgeous palaces, The folemn temples, The great globe itfelf, Yea, all which it inherit, Shall diffolve ; And, like the bafelefs fabric of a vifion, Leave not a wreck behind....
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