| 1744 - 348 Seiten
...^.OQWJ "Vsoa.-{j.ments of this Nature are apt to raife dark and difnations;but for my own part, though I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be...therefore take a View of Nature in her deep and folemn Scenes, with the fame Pleafure as in her moft gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve... | |
| 1778 - 378 Seiten
...dark and difmal thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations ; but for my own part, though I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy ; and can therefore, take, a, yisw vf Wttjrs in her deep and folemn fcenes, with the fame pleafure as in her moft gay and delightful... | |
| William Scott (teacher of elocution, Edinburgh.) - 1781 - 470 Seiten
...raife dark and difmal thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations. But for my own part, tho' I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be...and folemn -fcenes, with the fame pleafure as in her mod gay and delightful ones. By thcfe means, I can improve myfelf with I look upon the tombs of the... | |
| Select lessons - 1785 - 156 Seiten
...dark and difmal Thoughts in timorous Minds, and gloomy Imaginations: but for my own Part, though I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be...melancholy ; and can therefore take a View of Nature in her d«p and folemn Scenes, with the fame Plcafure as in her molt gay and delightful ones. By this Means... | |
| 1786 - 694 Seiten
...dark and difmal thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations; but for my own part, though I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be...therefore; take a view of nature, in her deep and folemn fceijf s, with the fame pleafure a» in her moft gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve... | |
| John Baillie - 1801 - 642 Seiten
...raife dark and difmal thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations ; but for my part, though I am always ferious, I do not know what it is to be...and folemn fcenes, with the fame pleafure as in her moil gay and delightful ones. By this means I can improve myfelf with thofe objects which others confider... | |
| Sir Richard Phillips - 1803 - 578 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations ; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore Uke a view of Nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her moat gay and delightful... | |
| Nathan Drake - 1805 - 370 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds and gloomy imaginations ; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy, and can therefore take a view of Nature in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her roost gay and delightful ones. By this means I can... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 416 Seiten
...thoughts in timorous minds, and gloomy imaginations; but for my own part, though I am always serious, I do not know what it is to be melancholy; and can therefore take a view of nature, in her deep and solemn scenes, with the same pleasure as in her most gay and delight. ful ones. By this means I can... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 412 Seiten
...gloomy imaginations; but for my own part, though 1 am always serious, I do not know what it is to he melancholy; and can therefore take a view of nature, in her deep and solemn scenes, with the s ame pleasure as in her most gay and delightful •nee, By this тропи... | |
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