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" ... there is all Nature cries aloud Through all her works). He must delight in virtue ; And that which He delights in must be happy. But when ? or where ? This world was made for Caesar — I'm weary of conjectures — this must end them. "
Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ... - Seite 683
von Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 1008 Seiten
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Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her ...

Joseph Addison - 1713 - 220 Seiten
...for Cafar. I'm weary of Conjeftures— — This muft end 'em. [Laying his Hand on his Sword. Thus 57 Thus am I doubly arm'd : my Death and Life* My Bane...: This in a Moment brings me to an End : But this inform's me I fhall never die. The Soul, fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmile's At the drawn Dagger, and...
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The Spectator, Band 8

1717 - 336 Seiten
...rufta, corruent infe invicem, Orbefque fraSis ingerentur »rbibus\ lilt/A tttfetlebis extra ' Thus Thus am I doubly arm'd; my Death and Life> My End; But this informs me I {hall never die. The Soul, fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmiles At the drawn Dagger, and defies its Point. The Stars (hall fade...
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The Spectator, Band 8

1729 - 320 Seiten
...fraRls ingertntui oriibus-, lUtfa. tu'fedebis txtra Eragmina.. Thut Thus am I doubly arm'd 5 my Dealh and Life, My Bane and Antidote are both before End ; But This informs me I (hall never die. The Soul fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmiles At the drawn Dagger, and defies its Point. The Stars (hall fade...
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Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His ...

Joseph Addison - 1733 - 94 Seiten
...Conjectures—This mud end "em. [{-tying kii H$nd on b'n StftrJ. Thus am I doubly arm'd: My Death a.nd Lite, My Bane and Antidote are both before me: This in a...Moment brings me to an End ; But This informs me I fhall never die. Th e Sonl, fecur'd in her IJxiflence, fmiles At the dtawn Dagger, and defies its Point....
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The Spectator: ...

1737 - 326 Seiten
...fraflis ingerentur orbibus ; llltefa tu fedebls extra Fragmina. Thus Thus am I doubly arm'd ; irty Death and Life, My Bane and Antidote are both before...Moment brings me to an End ; But this informs me I fhall never die. The Soul fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmiles At the drawn Dagger and defies its Point,...
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The Art of Rhetoric Made Easy

John Holmes (master of Holt grammar school.) - 1739 - 202 Seiten
...was made forCtsfar. I'm weary of Conjectures — This muft end 'em. [Laying bis Hand on his Sword. Thus am I doubly arm'd ; my Death and Life, My Bane...Moment brings me to an End ; But this informs me I fhall never die. The Soul, fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmiles At the drawn Dagger, and defies it's Point....
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The Spectator, Band 8

1739 - 332 Seiten
...corruent in ft inviccm, Orbefqut f raff is ingerentur orbibus; Jll<sja tu /ejfli'j extra Fragmina. Thus Thus am I doubly arm'd ; my Death and Life, My Bane...Moment brings me to an End . But This informs me I mall never die. The Soul fecur'd in her Exiftence, fmiles At the drawn Dagger, and defies its Point....
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The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, Band 27

1758 - 732 Seiten
...This muft end [Lj)jj;£ bit bafti en titfayrd. Thus am I doubly arm'd : My death and life, Mf bine and antidote are both before me : This in a moment brings me to an end ¡ Вис this informs me I (hall never die. The foul, (ecur'd in her exigence, fmilei At the drawn...
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The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, Band 2

Joseph Addison - 1777 - 354 Seiten
...This world was made for Ctefart I'm weary of conjeftures — This muft end 'em. [Laying bis band on Thus am I doubly arm'd: my death and life, My bane...moment brings me to an end ; But this informs me I fhall never die. The foul, fccur'd in her exiftence, fmiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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The Works of the English Poets: Addison

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 366 Seiten
...made for Casfar. I'm weary of conjeftures—This muft end them. [Laying his hand ufan his faiard' Thu. Thus am I doubly arm'd : my death and life, My bane...moment brings me to an end : But this informs me I mall never die. The foul, fecur'd in her exiftence, fmiles At the drawn dagger, and defies its point....
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