So with the other it was calde againe. She rose and to her bed made forced way, And layd her downe euen where Leander lay : And all this while the red sea of her blood Ebd with Leander: but now turnd the flood, And all her fleete of sprites came swelling in With childe of saile, and did hot fight begin With those seuere conceits, she too much markt, And here Leanders beauties were imbarkt.
He came in swimming painted all with ioyes, Such as might sweeten hell: his thought destroyes All her destroying thoughts: she thought she felt His heart in hers with her contentions melt, And chid her soule that it could so much erre, To check the true ioyes he deseru'd in her. Her fresh heat blood cast figures in her eyes, And she supposde she saw in Neptunes skyes How her star wandred, washt in smarting brine For her loues sake, that with immortall wine Should be embath'd, and swim in more hearts ease, Than there was water in the Sestian seas. Then said her Cupid prompted spirit; Shall I Sing mones to such delightsome harmony? Shall slick-tongde fame patcht vp with voyces rude, The drunken bastard of the multitude,
(Begot when father Iudgement is away,
And gossip-like, sayes because others say, Takes newes as if it were too hot to eate, And spits it slauering forth for dog-fees meate) Make me for forging a phantastique vow,
Presume to beare what makes graue matrons bow? Good vowes are neuer broken with good deedes, For then good deedes were bad: vowes are but seedes, And good deeds fruits; euen those good deedes that From other stocks, than from th❜obserued vow. (grow That is a good deede that preuents a bad: Had I not yeelded, slaine my selfe I had. Hero Leander is, Leander Hero:
Such vertue loue hath to make one of two. If then Leander did my maydenhead git, Leander being my selfe I still retaine it.
We breake chast vowes when we liue loosely euer : But bound as we are, we liue loosely neuer. Two constant louers being ioynd in one, Yeelding to one another, yeeld to none.
We know not how to vow, till loue vnblinde vs, And vowes made ignorantly neuer binde vs. Too true it is that when t'is gone men hate The ioyes as vaine they tooke in loues estate : But that's since they haue lost the heauenly light Should shew them way to iudge of all things right. When life is gone death must implant his terror,
As death is foe to life, so loue to error. Before we loue how range we through this sphere, Searching the sundrie fancies hunted here : Now with desire of wealth transported quite Beyond our free humanities delight: Now with ambition climing falling towrs, Whose hope to scale, our feare to fall deuours : Now rapt with pastimes, pomp, all ioyes impure; In things without vs no delight is sure.
But loue with all ioyes crownd, within doth sit ; O Goddesse pitie loue and pardon it.
This spake she weeping: but her Goddesse eare Burnd with too sterne a heat, and would not heare. Aie me, hath heauens straight fingers no more graces For such as Hero, then for homeliest faces? Yet she hopte well, and in her sweet conceit Waying her arguments, she thought them weight: And that the logick of Leanders beautie,
And them together would bring proofes of dutie. And if her soule, that was a skilfull glance Of Heauens great essence, found such imperance In her loues beauties; she had confidence Joue lou'd him too, and pardond her offence. Beautie in heauen and earth this grace doth win, It supples rigor, and it lessens sin.
Thus, her sharpe wit, her loue her secrecie,
Trouping together, made her wonder why She should not leaue her bed, and to the Temple ? Her health said she must liue; her sex, dissemble. She viewd Leanders place, and wisht he were Turnd to his place, so his place were Leander. Aye me (said she) that loues sweet life and sence Should doe it harme! my loue had not gone hence, Had he been like his place. O blessed place, Image of Constancie. Thus my loues grace Parts no where but it leaues some thing behinde Worth obseruation: he renownes his kinde. His motion is like heauens Orbiculer : For where he once is, he is euer there. This place was mine: Leander now t'is thine; Thou being my selfe, then it is double mine: Mine, and Leanders mine, Leanders mine.
O see what wealth it yeelds me, nay yeelds him : For I am in it, he for me doth swim.
Rich, fruitfull loue, that doubling selfe estates Elixer-like contracts, though separates.
Deare place, I kisse thee, and doe welcome thee, As from Leander euer sent to mee.
The end of the third Sestyad.
Hero, in sacred habit deckt,
Doth priuate sacrifice effect.
Her Skarfs description wrought by fate, Ostents, that threaten her estate. The strange, yet Phisicall euents, Leanders counterfeit presents. Jn thunder, Ciprides descends, Presaging both the louers ends. E&e the Goddesse of remorce, VVith vocall and articulate force Inspires Leucote, Venus swan, T'excuse the beautious Sestian. Venus, to wreake her rites abuses, Creates the monster Eronusis; Enflaming Heros Sacrifice,
VVith lightning darted from her eyes: And thereof springs the painted beast, That euer since taints euery breast.
Ow from Leanders place she rose, and found
Her haire and rent robe scattred on the ground:
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