Of giant sorrowes speake? Burst, dye, bleede, Neptune for pittie in his armes did take them, sung. FINIS. Where a correction in the text was made subsequently to the last quarto the name of the editor who first suggested it has been given. Practically all the emendations made by Singer, the first modern editor of the poem, have the support of Dyce & Bullen. It seems clear that certain lines at the end of the Second Seftyad on Sig. Ez and E2 Verso were printed in the wrong order in the quartos and some re-arrangement of them has been made in all modern editions. We have followed the Clarendon Press Editor and have removed lines 11 to 22 on Sig. E2 of this edition to their present position from that which they occupied immediately after the line beginning "That puls or shakes it "in the original (line 6, Ez verso of this edition). This has entailed the alteration of the catch word on Sig. E2. |