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Johanna from Oibo,* on her way to Bourbon, for the purpose of landing an agent of a house at Bourbon, who was charged with procuring a cargo of emigrants for a large vessel which was to arrive at Johanna in the course of the month.

The Mascareignes had 450 negroes, all of whom were shipped at Oibo.

The agent mentioned proposed to the Sultan of Johanna to send dhows to the coast for negroes, but on my representing to the Sultan that his doing so would be a violation of his Treaty with England he refused to do so.

The vessel expected arrived at Johanna in July, and after embarking 140 people sailed for Bourbon on the 27th August. While this vessel was still at Johanna, the French ship Paul Adrienne arrived there from Pondicherry, with a licence to seek labourers on the East Coast of Africa for Bourbon. She remained at Johanna three days and sailed for Oibo, where, as I have since learned, she embarked 300 and odd men, and landed them at Bourbon on or about the 7th October last.

The Ville de Metz, the vessel for which the agent landed at Johanna by the Mascareignes was to have prepared a cargo, would have gone to Oibo, but was only licensed by the Bourbon Government to seek emigrants at the Comoro Islands. It is singular that the Paul Adrienne should obtain permission from the Government of Pondicherry to carry labourers from the East Coast of Africa to Bourbon, when the Government of Bourbon had refused to grant such permission to the Aurélie, and to the Ville de Metz, both of which vessels were at Bourbon with the Paul Adrienne.

The visits of these vessels in search of labourers will have the effect of resuscitating the Slave Trade at Comoro Islands. The price paid by the Aurélie for the manumission of the slaves which she embarked was forty dollars, and a similar sum was also paid for those embarked on board of the Ville de Metz. The price paid on the coast by the Arabs is from eight to ten dollars for a good slave.

Captain Durand, of the Aurélie, told me that he was requested by the Chief to remain at Maroni six weeks longer, to afford time for dhows to be sent to the coast for negroes; but as the instructions from the Government of Bourbon expressly forbade him in any way encouraging the formation of a depôt at the Comoro Islands, he declined doing so. I have read these instructions, which are explicit, and clearly show a desire on the part of the French Government to discountenance the formation of depôts at the Comoro Islands. To my remonstrances against permitting the people of Johanna to dispose of their slaves to the Aurélie and to the Ville de Metz, the Sultan paid some attention, and promised not to permit any more * Portuguese settlement.

slaves to be sent out of the Island, but he observed that it was very hard that his people should be deprived of advantages which the Johanna refugees at Comoro enjoyed, and that I ought to stop the people at Comoro, from doing what I objected to being done at Johanna.

It is very desirable that some check should be given to the intention which these people have of seeking slaves on the coast, for the purpose of selling them to French vessels from Bourbon, and I would suggest as the most effectual plan for doing so, that I should visit Maroni in one of Her Majesty's vessels, and insist upon the Sultan sending out of the island two Johanna men, Seid Hamza, and Seid Omer, unless they faithfully promise to discontinue sending dhows to the coast of Africa for slaves. These two persons are amongst the most influential of the Johanna refugees sent out of that island many years since for political reasons, and they have managed to possess themselves of the chief trade that exists at Maroni. I have, &c.

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18. The Earl of Clarendon to Consul July 7 May pay Kosoko his al



[ocr errors][ocr errors]


lowance in articles of ornament and utility.... 870

July 15 To endeavour to negotiate a Treaty to stop practice of destroying twins

22. Consul Campbell to the Earl of June 14 Reporting great improve


ment that has taken place in the countries around Lagos since Kosoko's expulsion


........ 871

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Chiefs of Abbeokuta to
Her Majesty.



33. Consul Campbell to the Earl of Aug. 30 Transmitting letter from





61. Consul Hutchinson to the Earl of May 24


Explaining the two points
of Article II in the

Treaty made at Old
Town, Old Calabar, on
the 21st January last.... 876

65. The Earl of Clarendon to Consul July 7 Approving his sanction



[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

ing Additional Articles to Bonny Commercial Treaties

July 15 His explanation respect

ing the two points in Article II of the Treaty with Old Calabar satisfactory.

Aug. 13 Approving proceedings

in Old Calabar, and Treaty with the King and Chiefs

Oct. 19 Respecting liberated Af

ricans settled at Duke

89. Consul Hutchinson to the Earl of Sept. 24 Code of Bye-laws for reClarendon.

gulation of trade at Old
Calabar. Grant of land
from the King

103. The Earl of Clarendon to Consul Jan. 23 Code of Bye-laws negoHutchinson.

tiated with Chiefs of Brass River, and Treaty with King Kaya for abolition of Slave Trade.







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[blocks in formation]

9 Reply to Senhor Paranhos respecting Serinhaem case

199. Mr. Scarlett to the Earl of Dec. 11 Acquittal of all concern



203. The Earl of Clarendon to Mr. | Jan. 26 Scarlett.

209. Mr. Scarlett to the Earl of Jan. 12 Clarendon.

ed in Serinhaem affair
by Court of Relação.
Dismissal of Judges
Satisfaction of Her Ma-
jesty's Government at
the dismissal of Judges
of Relação
Colonel Drummond has
again been prosecuted
in connection with the
Serinhaem affair

211. The Earl of Clarendon to Mr. Feb. 25 To press Brazilian Go

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]







Slave Trade.................... 897

Feb. 28 Transmitting despatches from Consul Cowper re



249. The Earl of Clarendon to Consul Jan. 27


specting prosecution of Colonel Drummond


Opinion of Law Officers
respecting proceedings
of Mr. Giolma, manager
of a company for insu-
ring lives of slaves........ 898

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

353. Mr. Howard to the Earl of July 8 Law enacting liberation

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors]

of slaves belonging to
the State, to Municipal
Chambers, and to "Mi-
sericordias," in Portu-
guese Colonial Posses-

July 18 Law enacting eventual
abolition of slavery in
Ambriz, Cabinda and




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[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

the Kingdom of Portugal


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]

Aug. 2 Law providing for freedom of children of fe

male slaves born in Por





Aug. 2 Law providing for free

dom of slaves belonging

to Churches

Aug. 26 Law providing for free

dom of all slaves arriving in Portugal or Colonial Possessions in India, &c.

Sept. 6 Portaria respecting abo

lition of Slave Trade in

India. Hopes of abolish ing Slave Trade in Cape de Verd Islands

Sept. 8 Report of Portuguese Co

lonial Board respecting transfer of slaves from Portuguese Possessions in Africa

368. The Earl of Clarendon to Mr. Sept. 20 Satisfaction of Her Ma


jesty's Government at disposition of Viscount Sá to abolish Slave Trade in Portuguese Colonial Possessions






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