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can be no doubt but that a gentleman of your learning and abilities might make a very useful member of society in our new country, and meet with encouragement there, either as an instructor in one of our Universities, or as a Clergyman of the Church of Ireland. But I am not inpowered to engage bany person to go over thither, and my abilities to assist the distressed are very limited. I suppose you will soon be set at liberty in England by the Cartel for the Exchange of Prisoners; in the mean time if five Louis d'ors may be of present service to you, please to draw on me for that sum, and your bill shall be paid on sight. Some time or other you may have an opportunity of assisting with an equal sum a stranger who has equal need of it, Do so. By that means you will discharge may suppose yourself under to me.

any obligation you


Enjoin him to do the same on occasion. By pursuing such a practice, much good may be done with little money. Let kind offices go round. Mankind are all of a family. I have the honor to be, Rev. Sir, &c.

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Passy, Sept. 13, 1781. "I received the very obliging letter you did me the honor of writing to me the 20th of June last. It gave me great satisfaction to find, by the unanimous choice you mention, that my services had not been unacceptable to Congress; and to hear also that they were favorably disposed towards my grandson, Temple Franklin. It was my desire to quit public business, fearing it might suffer in my hands through the infirmities incident to my time

of life. But as they are pleased to think I may still be useful, I submit to their judgment, and shall do my

Timmediately forwarded the letter, you inclosed for Mr. Lowndes and if in any thing else I can do you série vice or pleasure here, please to command me freely.19 D have the honor to be, with great regard, Sir, &c. berswoq *q I nsibl ynov 916 b98-91ab 9B. FRANKLINUds sul vd basigad or ghodni je 192 ad noo2 iliw pay 9204 9 TO RICHARD BACHE, ESO, PHILADELPHIA 760

Mr.Wharton's Pamphlet on the Indiana Claims Dr! a bisq od dode Franklin's papers lost! sur no web of Viudhodeo c. 9761 yɛm woy 100 100 empe DEAR SON, Passy, Sept. 13, 1781. 16.03 269 00 1990s some loups [NEW

I received yours of June 20th. It gave me great plea

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11 0990 sure, as it informed me of the welfare of yourself and the Day que yo no cisgildo yus

dear family. I have read Mr. Wharton's Pamphlet. The facts, as far as I know them, are as he states them. Justice is, I think, on the side of those who contracted for the lands." But moral and political right sometimes differ, and sometimes are both subdued by might.

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I received and thank you for several copies of the Indian Spelling-Book. I received also the German and English Newspapers.

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Among my papers in the trunk, which I unhappily left in the care of Mr. Galloway, were eight or ten quire or two quire books, of rough drafts of my letters, containing all my correspondence, when in England, for near twenty years. I shall be very sorry if they too are lost. Don't 1890 bas 2291340J you think it possible, by going up into that country, and 3

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SUN VIA DI 10sbion' The Indiana



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enquiring a little among the neighbours, you might possibly hear of, and recover some of them. I should not have left them in his hands, if he had not deceived me, by saying that though he was before otherwise inclined, yet that since the king had declared us out of his protection, and the Parliament by an Act had made our properties plunder, he would go as far in defence of his country as any man; and accordingly he had lately with pleasure given colours to a regiment of militia, and an entertainment to 400 of them before his house. I thought he was become a stanch friend to the glorious cause. I was mistaken. As he was a friend of my son's, to whom in my will. I had left all my books and papers, I made him one of my executors, and put the trunk of papers into his hands, imagining them safer in his house (which was out of the way of any probable march of enemies' troops)" than in my own. It was very unlucky.`

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My love to Sally and the children. I shall soon write to all my friends. At present I am pinched in time, and can only add that I am ever

Your affectionate father,


Dr. Franklin's Friends and Enemies, &c.


Passy, Sept. 13, 1781.

I have received your kind letter of July 17, with its duplicate, enclosing those for Messrs. Brandlight and Sons, which I have forwarded. I am sorry for the loss of the squibs. Every thing of yours gives me plea


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'Governor Franklin.

As to the friends and enemies you just mention, I have hitherto, thanks to God, had plenty of the former kind; they have been my treasure; and it has perhaps been of no disadvantage to me that I have had a few of the latter. They serve to put us upon correcting the faults we have, and avoiding those we are in danger of having. They counteract the mischief flattery might do us, and their malicious attacks make our friends more zealous in serving us and promoting our interest. At present I do not know of more than two such enemies that I enjoy, viz. *** and *** I deserved the enmity of the latter, because I might have avoided it by paying him a compliment, which I neglected. That of the former I owe to the people of France, who happened to respect me too much and him too little; which I could bear and he could not. They are unhappy that they cannot make every body hate me as much as they do; and I should be so if my friends did not love me much more than those gentlemen can possibly love one another.


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eras dem Be Enough of this subject. Let me know if you are in -possession of my gimcrack instruments and if you have made any new experiments. I lent many years ago a large glass globe, mounted, to Mr. Coombe, and an electric battery of bottles, which I remember; perhaps there were some other things. He may have had them so long as to think them his own. Pray ask him for them, and keep them for me together with the rest. t

You have a new crop of prose writers. I see in your papers many of their fictitious names, but nobody tells me the real. You will oblige me by a little of your literary history. Adieu, my dear friend, and believe me ever Yours affectionately, B. FRANKLIN.

Relative to General Burgoyne and Mr. Laurens.


Passy, Oct. 15, 178f.

! I received but a few days since your very friendly letter of August last, on the subject of General Burgoyne. Since the foolish part of mankind will make wars from time to time with each other, not having sense enough otherwise to settle their differences, it certainly becomes the wiser part, who cannot prevent those wars, to alleviate as much as possible the calamities attending them. Mr. Burke always stood high in my esteem but his affectionate concern for his friend renders him still more amiable, and makes the honour he does me of admitting me of the number, still more precious.exe derive y

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I do not think the Congress have any wish to persecute General Burgoyne I never heard till I received your letter that they had recalled him ; if they have made such a resolution, it must be, I suppose, a conditional one, to take place in case their offer of exchanging him for Mr. Laurens should not be accepted; a resolution intended merely to enforce that offer. 2 upha et

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I have just received an authentic copy of the resolve containing that offer; and authorising me to make it. As I have no communication with your ministers, I send it inclosed to you. If you can find any means of negociating this business, I am sure the restoring another worthy man to his family and friends, will be an addition to your pleasure. With great and invariable respect and affection, I am, Sir, your most obedient, and most humble servant, B. FRANKLIN.

I Wanting.

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