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Qui est toute la Saincte Escripture translatez en Françoys par Pierre Robert Olivetan, aidé de Jean Calvin, Neufchatel par Pierre de Wingle. 1535. in Fol. Cothique.

This edition of the Bible is of very rare occurrence, and as it is the first which was published by the Protestants, it seems worthy of being pointed out to the attention of the curious. It is thus spoken of by De Bure.

"Cette edition de la Bible est la premiere qui ait ete mise au jour par les Protestants; elle est fort rare, et par cette raison tres recherchee des Curieux et des Amateurs.

Le fameux Jean Calvin passe pour avoir eu le plus grande part a cet ouvrage, et que n'osant pas encore tout-a-fait le publier sous son nom il fit passer cette version sous celui de Robert Pierre Olivetan, qui y travailla avec lui a la verité mais qui n'y mit que tres peu de sien." V. Bibliographie Instructive.

T. 1. No. 52.

There is a fine copy of this very rare edition of the Bible, in the Cracherode Collection. In M. Gaignat's catalogue, the price is marked at 100 livres; but at the sale of the Duke de Valliere's library it produced only 40 livres.


The Preface or an Epistle before this Bible, is by Calvin, and contains some doctrinal points for which he would have afterwards roasted his opponents.


Moguntiæ, per Johannem Fust et Petrum Schoyffer de Gernsheim, anno incarnacionis Dominicæ. 1462." 2 vol. in Fol.

Impress. in Membranis.

The following memoranda of this most valuable book are taken from the beautiful copy on vellum, which enriches the Cracherode Collection.

"All things considered, and having duly weigh'd the opinions of different Bibliographers, I am inclined to conclude that the Bible (Schelhorn's) with 36 lines was the 1" printed about 1452, during the partnership of Gutemberg & Fust, that with 42 lines (the Mazarine) abt the year 1456, by Fust and Schoeffer after their separation from Gutenberg in 1455.

Both the Bibles, I think, are clearly āterior to 1460, the letter of the Mazarine is most like the Psalter of 1457, to which Fust hast put his name (vid. Bibliotheca Moguntina à Wordtwein, 4to. 1788, p. 204) therefore 'tis probable this Bible came from the same press with the Psalter (let the smaller letter of the Psalter be examined) now it is improbable that Fust would have printed

printed two such works as these Bibles before 1457, and that consequently the other was by Guttenberg, during his partnership with Fust.

It appears that Fust was at Paris in July 1466, (Vide Schoefflini Vind. p. 61, et Bib. Mogent. p. 87,) and it is probable that he died there of the plague which raged there that year, in the months of August and September (eodem p. 88): so that the story of the Bibles and his being accused of magic, is probably all a fable, unless it should appear that he had been at Paris several years before 1466."

In the superb copy of this Bible in the Cracherode Collection, is the following note, in the hand writing of M. De Lamoignon.

"Un pareil exemplaire de cette Bible a eté vendu trois mil cinque livres a la vente de la Bibliotheque Colbertine le 11 Aoust, 1728, cest le Compte Hoym, Ambassadeur du Roy de Pologne en la Cour de France, qui l'a achetté de Lamoignon."

There is a fine copy of this ancient Bible in the King's library: but the Testament only is on Vellum, and the Bible on large paper. I am given to understand, that copies on large paper are far more rare than copies on vellum, which indeed may be presumed from the one substance being of a far more perishable nature than the other. At the Pinelli sale, the first volume only of this Bible, on common paper, sold for thirty pounds.




The following list of Fust's Publications may, I believe, be depended upon as accurate:

The Bible (in the Mazarine library) about the year 1450

Letters of Indulgence from Pope Nicholas V.

Psalmorum Codex,

Durandi Rationale Divin. Officiorum,

Psalmorum Codex,


Constitutiones Clementis V.

The Latin Bible,

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The German Bible,

Another edition of the German Bible, probably about 1465

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On the above article I am favoured by a most learned friend with the following note.

The Catholicon of 1460 was not by Fust; it is with probability assigned to Guttenberg. Nor has Fust any claim to the two German Bibles, one of which belongs to Eggesteyn, or to Conrad Fyne, and the other, which is the more rare, and of which Eishop Dampier had the only copy in this kingdom, is without doubt printed by Mentel.

It is a curious circumstance, that of the Bonifacii Decret. 1465, there were two editions in the same year. Lord Spencer has them both, and it is plain that they are different editions. To the above list of Fust's publications should be added,


Clement. Constitutiones. 1467.

Justiniani Institut. 1468.

Two pieces of Thomas Aquinas. 1469.


IN my account of books on Rural Sports, f lamented the loss of "The English Huswife," Vol. 11. p. 244. In a copy of one of Markham's Works in Sion College library it makes a part of the volume. The general title of the book is "A Way to get Wealth, containing six principal Creations or Callings, in which every good Husband or House-wive may lawfully im ploy themselves." This is the 14th edition, dated 1683, in 4to. One of these "Vocations" is "The English House-wife, containing the inward and outward Vertues which ought to be in a compleat Woman. As her Skill in Physick, Chirurgery, Cookery," &c. nearly in the words. of the title already given. This is the 9th edition of that part of the volume. In p. 44 is the following receipt to make Oyl of Swallows.

"To make Oyl of Swallows. Take Lavender cotten, Spike-knot-grass, Ribwort, Balm, Valerian, Rosemary tops, Woodbine tops, Vine strings, French Mallows, the tops of Alecost, Strawberry strings,

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