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MANY readers, I presume, will be pleased with the following specimens of Songs, which occur in various rare Plays in the Garrick Collection.

Few, if any, of these are to be found in the Collections of Songs which have been compiled by Dalrymple, Aikin, Ellis, Ritson, and others. Many seem well worth preserving, and from the extreme and increasing rarity of the works from which they are taken, are little likely to be presented to the inspection of the common reader. Nevertheless, I have not inserted them from my own judgment only. Many intelligent friends have thought with me, that they would form an acceptable portion of the work.


Let us sip, and let it slip
And go which way it will a;
Let us trip, and let us skip,
And let us drink our fill a.




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Though pinching be a privie pain,
To want desire, that is but vain,
Though some be curst, and some be kind,
Subdue the worst with patient mind.

Who sits so hie, who sits so low?

Who feels such joy, that feels no wo?
When bale is bad, good boot is ny,
Take all adventures patiently.

To marrie a sheep, to marrie a shrew,

To meet with a friend to meet with a foe, These checke of chance can no man flie,

But God himself that rules the skie.

Which God preserve our noble Queen
From perilus chance that hath been seen,
And send her subjects grace, say I,

To serve her Highnesse patiently.

From the Interlude of Tom Tyler and his Wife, in black letter, of which the original edition was printed in 1598; and the second impression, from which the above was copied, in the Garrick Collection, is dated 1661.




In wet and cloudy mists I slowly rise,
As with mine owne dull weight opprest,
To close with sleep the jealous lovers eyes,
And give forsaken virgins rest.


Th' adventrous merchant and the mariner,
Whom stormes all day vex in the deep,
Beginne to trust the windes when I appeare,
And lose their dangers in their sleep.


The studious that consume their brains and sight,
In search where doubtful knowledge lies,
Grow wearie of their fruitlesse use of light,
And wish my shades to ease their eyes.

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