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of their force; and in the present case, we hope the governor, on reflection, will pay some regard to the judgment of the same parliament from which the address to the crown had been preferred to issue this additional instruction, who, although requested in their next session by the board of trade, to address the crown again, that he would be pleased to repeat his instructions to the governors in his American colonies, have not only never complied therewith, that we know of, but have since passed an act for restraining the issuing bills of credit in those particular colonies, where, after a full inquiry, they found such emissions injurious to the trade of Great Britain, or not calculated to do justice between man and man, and have left us, as we presume, exonerated from the burden of this additional instruction, and in full power over our laws upon the terms of our charters; and so long as we ask nothing farther than is warranted by these, we hope it neither will nor can interfere with the royal prerogatives.

"It may be presumed, the representatives of this province, when met in their assemblies, have some valuable privileges yet left, in framing their laws, to do justice between man and inan, without the aid of an additional instruction; and we hope it cannot be expected that we should very easily part with those rights and depend on royal instructions, oyer which we are to allow the governor the power he is pleased to contend for; and we have no reason to doubt, all men of understanding and candour will prefer a regular course of laws, occasionally suited to the times, and framed by the representatives of the people, annually chosen, and assented to by their governor, to a series of instruction sent for that purpose from so great a distance.

"For our own part, we are fully satisfied and assured, that so long as we continue in our duty and loyalty to the best of kings, who has been pleased to declare, that nothing in this world can give him so much pleasure as to see (his subjects) a flourishing and happy people and neither claim, nor desire, other or greater privileges than those we have a right to, under the grant of his royal predecessors, we can have nothing to fear from a king and a British parliament; and, as it is our duty to defend these in the best manner we are able, in the faithful discharge of so high a trust, we shall have the satisfaction of our own minds, and, we hope, the countenance of all good men, notwithstanding the governor's opinion, that the charge made against this province (among other charter provinces) by the board of trade, is not much to our advantage."

And having before declared their persuasion or assurance, that the governor might pass the law in question, or any other law consistent with the royal charter, without the

least apprehension of his majesty's displeasure, they finally suggest, that it must be not only a loss of time to the representatives, but a great expense to the country, to prepare bills for the governor's assent, which he was bound by private instructions from the proprietaries not to pass.

Unanimously this report was approved of; and yet, from a principle of moderation we must presume, it was left to be reconsidered by the next assembly; as also was another report, received the same day from the committee, appointed to draw up a reply to the paper last transmitted from the proprietaries, of which, as a debt both of honour and justice to the province, some account is now to be given.

Sixteen sections or paragraphs, it must be recollected, that paper was composed of; and one by one they are severally considered, acknowledged or refused.

The declaration contained in the first is acknowledged to be a noble one, and worthy the rank held by the proprietaries: the insinuation in the second is declared to be not only groundless but also injurious; the assembly, instead of opposing the proprietary interest, having consulted that interest, even in the very point in question, if it was consistent with their interest to have a good understanding with the people; to obtain which a method was proposed: to the intimation contained in the third, that after they had ordered their governor to give the answer which he did to the former application, they had no reason to expect.a repetition directly to themselves, &c.; it was replied, that repetitions, when they are supported with new reasons, and contain answers to those given for refusing the request that had been made, are justifiable in all cases, except where the persons applied to were sure to be infallibly right, or incapable of hearing reason: to the fourth, containing the opinion of the lords of trade, concerning the obligations incumbent on the proprietaries as chief governors, to pay a part of public charges, the committee say, that the house did not require their contribution as governors but as proprietaries; which was according to William Penn's own distinction formerly made; and considering them, as in the same paragraph is afterwards done, to be the wealthiest inhabitants of the province, it follows undeniably, that such their contributions were therefore due to the province in proportion to their substance in it: in their answer to the fifth, they both combat with and complain of a misrepresentation contained in it, as a thing unworthy the dignity of the proprietaries and chief governors of a province, urging, that they did not assert, purchases were made directly with the people's money; but only, that they were made on the more reasonable terms, because of the pro

vincial presents attending them; and that this was advanced as an additional reason why the proprietaries should bear, at least, a proportional part of the expense of such presents; sharing in the first place, as they did, in the good from these treaties resulting to the whole, and engrossing, over and above, a very considerable advantage to themselves.

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To the sixth, which insinuates, that the people are able enough to pay these expenses without the assistance of the proprietaries, they retort most unanswerably, that because they are able to pay, it does not follow, that, therefore, they are obliged to pay unjustly; as also, that they, the proprietaries, are as able as themselves, and asking, why that reason, which, it was plain, was not sufficient to induce them to pay a part, should be held of force enough with the people to induce them to pay the whole after which they declare the charge against them in the said paragraph of aiming to captivate the weakest of the people, &c. to be an absolute mistake, unsupported with the least degree of probability, the proprietaries not having had any formidable share in the people's esteem for many years past, nor the supposed address to the people made, nor the representation itself published, nor even the votes on which it was founded, till after the election was over, &c.

not both reasonable in itself and respectful in the manner. It was not, as the proprietaries represent it, an address to the public. It is not to this day made public. It was a private application to themselves, transmitted to them through the hands of their governor. Their true interest (which they will always find to consist in just, equitable, and generous measures, and in securing the affections of their people) was consulted in it, and one suitable means proposed to obtain that end. As to rank, the proprietaries may remember, that the crown has likewise been pleased to give the assemblies of this province a rank; a rank which they hold, not by hereditary descent, but as they are the voluntary choice of a free people, unbribed, and even unsolicited: but they are sensible that true respect is not necessarily connected with rank, and that it is only from a course of action suitable to that rank they can hope to obtain it."

Coming then to the eighth, they express their surprise at the concern affected by the proprietaries, on their being, as they say, laid under a necessity of acquainting the public with a state of the provincial revenue, the said revenue being annually settled, stated, printed, and published by the assembly, and having so been for thirty years past: adding, that whatever reasons the proprietaries might Upon the seventh, concerning the expedi- have to make a secret of their revenue, the ency of showing a due regard to the proprie- province had none.-The manner in which the taries and their interest, they comment as proprietaries reason concerning taxes they obfollows, "that is, as we understand it, though ject to in the next place, as inaccurate and inthe proprietaries have a deputy here, sup- conclusive: asserting, that taxes, how reasonported by the province, who is, or ought to be ably soever imposed or willingly paid, are, fully impowered to pass all laws necessary nevertheless, taxes: that all taxes ought upon for the service of the country, yet, before we the whole, to produce more good to those who can obtain such laws, we must facilitate their pay them, than the same sum left at their own passage, by paying money for the proprietaries disposal, in which case they are no burden, &c. which they ought to pay; or, in some other and concluding thus; "after estimating our shape make it their particular interest to pass whole present revenue, as if it had been the them: we hope, however, that, if this practice same for twenty years past, and would certainhas ever been begun it will never be conti- ly continue, though the proprietaries know it nued in this province; and that since, as this depends on temporary acts near expiring, the very paragraph allows, we have an undoubted renewal of which is at best dubious, they conright to such laws, we shall be always able to clude that four hundred pounds a year, for Inobtain them from the goodness of our sove-dian expenses, is a small sum, and that we are reign, without going to market for them to a subject."-They afterwards expatiate on the word rank as applied by the proprietaries to themselves in the same paragraph; concerning which they say, "we cannot find on perusing the representation in question, that if contains any treatment unsuitable to their rank. The resolve of the house was, that to prevent, dissatisfactions on all sides, they should be requested, in the most reasonable and most respectful manner, to agree upon a proportion of Indian charges to be paid by them and the province according to justice: and it may be submitted to the judgment of all impartial persons, whether the representation drawn in pursuance of the resolve, was VOL. IL... F


under no necessity of being frugal, on this account, of the public money. This four hundred a year is the sum that they find has been paid on an average for twenty years past, and they take no notice of its being a growing charge, and that for the four last years before the representation, it amounted to nearly twelve hundred a year, which we conceive disinterested persons will think a very large sum: and although the same excise might have been raised, if not half that money had been expended, it does not seem to us to follow, that the proprietaries ought not to have paid their just proportion of it; if the sum be small, their proportion of it must have been smaller : and the money so saved might have been ap

plied to some other use, beneficial to the pub- | presents? and does it not prove what the prolic; or have remained ready in the treasury prietaries deny?" for any emergency."

In return to the ninth they say, the people of Pennsylvania pay, proportionably, as much towards the support of his majesty's government, in the shape of duties and excise, as the proprietary family, or any other subjects; indeed as much as an infant colony can bear; and more they hoped and believed the justice of a British parliament would never burden them with adding, "the proprietaries exemption was not published till now at their own instance; it was made use of as a private motive to themselves only in the representa


To the tenth, which regards the Indian interpreter, among other things equally pertinent, they say, "we suppose the instance alluded to, wherein the assembly did not fully satisfy him, must have been such as the proprietaries were concerned in by the purchase of lands; and a part might be accordingly left for them to pay."-And for themselves and all other assemblies, they declare their hope and belief, that no service from the proprietaries to the province, will ever be suffered to pass without grateful acknowledgments and proper returns.

Of the proprietary right to a monopoly of land, whether from the crown or assembly, they, in answer to the eleventh article, waive all dispute; it being every way conclusive alike, that those in whose favour such monopoly was created, ought, at least, to bear a part of the expense necessary to secure them the full benefit of it."

"13. It appears by their thirteenth paragraph, that the proprietaries think the part they voluntarily submit, to bear, and expect always to bear, of public expenses, is greater than their proportion, equitably laid, would amount to. If this be so, and they are, as they say, 'far from desiring to avoid contributing to any public expense which it is reasonable they should bear a part of, although their estate is not by law liable to be taxed,' your committee are at a loss to conceive, why they should refuse, ‘to enter into an agreement for the payment of any particular proportion of Indian or other public expenses,' when such agreement might save them money, and is proposed to prevent dissatisfactions, and to preserve union and harmony between them and the people; unless it be to show their utter contempt of such union and harmony, and how much they are above valuing the people's regard.


The charge on former assemblies, that they neglected the defence of the proprietaries' city, your committee cannot but think unkind, when it is known to the world, that they gave many thousand pounds during the war to the king's use, besides paying near three thousand pounds at one time, to make good the damages done to the masters of servants, by the irregular and oppressive proceedings of the proprietary's lieutenant; and that their not providing cannon to defend the city was not from neglect, but other considerations set forth at large in the printed proceedings of those times, needless now to Lastly, having already given the conclud- be repeated. At the same time it may be reing five articles of the proprietary paper in the membered, that though the defence of the entire, it is but reasonable to subjoin the en- proprietaries' city, as they are pleased to term tire answers, which were as follow. To wit: it, by batteries of cannon, was more their in"12. In the twelfth paragraph, three things terest (we will not say duty) than any other appear somewhat extraordinary to your com- persons whatsoever, and they now represent mittee. 1. That the proprietaries should de- it as a thing so necessary, yet they themselves ny that treaties for land are made at less ex- really neglected, and even discouraged it; pense on account of provincial presents ac- while some private gentlemen gave sums companying them; which we think any dis- nearly equal to that they mention, and many interested judge would at least allow to be contributed vastly more, considering their probable. 2. That they should say the last circumstances, by which means those battepurchase was made on no other account, but ries were not only completed in season, but purely to save the province the expense of a the defence of both town and country in that present; as if they had no occasion to pur-way provided for; whereas this boasted aschase more land of the Indians, or found no advantage in it. 3. That to prove such purchases were not the cheaper on account of provincial presents accompanying them, they should give an instance in which, they themselves say, the purchase was the dearer for want of such presents. If purchases are dearer to the proprietaries when no provincial presents accompany them, does not this clearly confirm the assertion of the assembly, that they are the cheaper when there are such

sistance of four hundred pounds' worth of cannon, was sent, like Venetian succours, after the wars were over. Yet we doubt not, but the proprietary who sent them has long since had the thanks of those who received them, though we cannot learn that they ever were favoured with any from him, for what they did and expended in defence of his share of the province property."

"14. The fourteenth paragraph of the proprietaries' answer seems calculated merely

for the same design with which they charge | be obtained from chief governors, at three the representation, viz., to amuse the weaker thousand miles distance, often ignorant or mispart of the people.-If they are really disposel to favour the drinkers of spirituous liquors, they may do it without a law, by instructing their lieutenants to abate half the license fees, which would enable the retailers to sell proportionably cheaper; or to refuse licenses to more than half the present number of public houses, which might prevent the ruin of many families, and the great increase of idleness, drunkenness, and other immoralities among


informed in our affairs, and who will not be applied to or reasoned with when they have given instructions. We cannot but esteem those colonies that are under the immediate care of the crown in a much more eligible situation; and our sincere regard for the memory of our first proprietary, must make us apprehend for his children, that if they follow the advice of Rehoboam's counsellors, they will, like him, absolutely lose, at least, the affections of their people. A loss, which how

more consequence to them than they seem at present to be aware of."

The assembly returned in October, for the remainder of the year 1753, and to last till October 1754, being composed of nearly the same persons as the last, met with the same dispositions, and proceeded on the same principles.

"15. In return to the good resolutions ex-ever they affect to despise, will be found of pressed by the proprietaries in their fifteenth section, your committee hope that future, as well as past assemblies, will likewise endeavour to make the public good the rule of their actions, and upon all occasions consult the true interest and honour of the proprietary family, whatever may be the sentiments or conduct of any of its particular branches. To this end, we think the honest and free remarks con- To have a sufficient currency was, as we tained in this report, may be more conducive have seen, the great provincial point; and than a thousand flattering addresses. And we from the facts already stated, it is sufficiently hope, that when the proprietaries shall think clear, that the proprietary-concurrence therefit to reconsider this matter, they will be per- with was not to be obtained, but upon such suaded, that agreeing to an equitable propor- terms as even silver and gold could never be tion of expense will be a good means of tak- worth. The loan-office, which was in the ing away one handle of dissension from men hands of the assembly, was still considered as of warm, uneasy spirits,' if such should ever an over balance for the land-office, in the unhappily procure themselves to be elected." hands of the proprietary, though they never 16. Yet if the proprietaries are really de- came into competition, and no benefit could sirous of preserving an union and harmony any way result to the province, but the probetween themselves and this people, we can-prietaries were sure to have their share of it. not but be surprised at their last paragraph, What encouragement the near prospect of whereby they endeavour to cut off the assem- a war furnished to either; and what use was bly's access to them, in cases where the an-made of it; and at whose door the obstructions swers received from their deputies may not given to the public service are to be laid, will be thought agreeable to the public good. No best be deduced from the sequel. king of England, as we can remember, has ever taken on himself such state, as to refuse personal applications from the meanest of his subjects, where the redress of a grievance could not be obtained of his officers. Even sultans, sophies, and other eastern absolute monarchs will, it is said, sometimes sit whole days to hear the complaints and petitions of their very slaves; and are the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, become too great to be addressed by the representatives of the freemen of their province? if they must not be reasoned with, because they have given instructions, nor their deputy because he has “That there is a necessity of a farther adreceived them; our meetings and delibera-dition to the paper-money at present current tions are henceforth useless; we have only to by law within this province. know their will and to obey.

"To conclude; if this province must be at more than two thousand pounds a year expense, to support a proprietary's deputy, who shall not be at liberty to use his own judgment in passing laws [as is intimated to us in the fourteenth section of the answer we have been considering] but the assent must |

With the consideration of the state of their commerce, and the accumulated proofs resulting therefrom, that with the increase of their currency, the trade of the province, as well by importations from England as the exportations of their own product, had amazingly increas ed, the assembly opened their sessions in February, 1754; and taking in also the consideration of their currency with it, came to the following unanimous resolutions. To wit:

"That it is necessary that the paper-money of this province should be re-emitted for a farther time.

"That there is a necessity, that a sum should be struck to exchange the ragged and torn bills now current by law in this province."

Upon which resolutions, they afterwards or dered in a bill for striking forty thousand pounds, to be made current and emitted on loan, and for re-emitting and continuing the

majesty having been pleased to order a sum of money to be issued for presents to the Six Nations of Indians, and to direct his governor of New York to hold an interview with them, for delivering the same, for burying the hatchet, and for renewing the covenant chain, they thought it their duty to signify the same; and it having been usual upon the like occasions formerly, for all his majesty's colonies, whose in

currency of the bills already in circulation; and on the other hand, the governor sent them down a written message, accompanied with a letter to himself from the earl of Holdernesse, a second from the lords of trade, and a third from the French commandant on the Ohio to Mr. Dinwiddie, deputy governor of Virginia. The earl of Holdernesse's letter was dated August 28, 1753, and as it may be presum-terest or security were connected with or deed, was nearly the same with the other letters, sent at the same time, to the governors of the other provinces.

pended upon them, to join in such interview; and that, as the present disposition of those Indians and the attempts made upon them to

pear to them to make such a general interview more particularly necessary at that time, their desire was, that he, the governor, would lay this matter before the council and general assembly or the province under his govern

make a proper provision for appointing commissioners to be joined with those of the other governments, for renewing the covenant chain, &c. and that the said commissioners might be men of character, ability, integrity, and well acquainted with Indian affairs."

were of that nation, though so much caution had been used to suppress the very name) and in very polite terms denied the whole charge.

The contents of it were, "That his majes-withdraw them from the British interest, apty having received information of the march of a considerable number of Indians, supported by some regular European troops, with an intention, as it was apprehended, to commit some hostilities on parts of his majesty's dominions in America, his lordship had receiv-ment, and recommend to them forthwith to ed the king's commands to send him (the governor) intelligence thereof; as also to direct him, to use his utmost diligence to learn how far the same might be well grounded; and to put him upon his guard, that he might be at all events, in a condition to resist any hostile attempts that might be made upon any parts The letter of the French commandant was of his majesty's dominions within his govern- in answer to the representations of governor ment; and to direct him in the king's name, Dinwiddie, concerning the French encroachthat in case the subjects of any foreign prince ments on the Ohio, (for the European reguor state should presume to make any encroach-lars mentioned in lord Holdernesse's letters, ments on the limits of his majesty's dominions, or to erect forts on his majesty's lands, or commit any other act of hostility, he was immediately to represent the injustice of such proceedings, and to require them forthwith to desist from any such unlawful undertaking; but if, notwithstanding such requisition, they should still persist, he was then to draw forth the armed force of the province, and to use his best endeavours to repel force by force.But as it was his majesty's determination not to be the aggressor, he had the king's commands most strictly to enjoin him, the said governor, not to make use of the armed force under his direction, excepting within the undoubted limits of his majesty's dominions: and that, whereas it might be greatly conducive to his majesty's service, that all his provinces in America should be aiding and assisting each other in case of any invasion, he had it particularly in charge froin his majesty to acquaint him, that it was his royal will and pleasure, that he should keep up an exact correspondence with all his governors on the continent; and that in case he should be informed by them of any hostile attempts, he was immediately to assemble the general assembly, and lay before them the necessity of mutual assistance, and engage them to grant such supplies as the exigency of affairs might require."

The letter from the lords of trade, was dated September 18, and imported, "That his

In the governor's written message accompanying these papers, something was said of each; and of the last rather more (whatever the matter of fact really was) than it seems to contain. The French commandant says, “it belongs to his general at Canada, not to him, to demonstrate the reality of the king his master's right to the lands situated along the Ohio: that he shall forward the letter he has received to him; that his answer would be a law to him; that as to the requisition made to him, to retire, he could not think himself obliged to submit to it; that he was there by his general's orders, which he was determined to obey; that he did not know of any thing that had passed during the campaign, which could be esteemed an hostility; that if the governor had been more particular in his complaints, he had been more particular in his answer, &c."

The governor's comment is in these words, "An express has this week brought me governor Dinwiddie's account of that gentleman's [col. Geo. Washington's] return with the answer of the commander of the fort, who avows the hostilities already committed, and declares his orders from the king of France are to build more forts, take possession of all the country, and oppose all who shall resist,

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