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American Economist


Devoted to the Protection of American Labor and







Econ P 10,10


"A Business Question," 115.

Academic Ratiocination, 115.

Administration's, The, Authority, 53.

Administration Methods Denounced, 49,

Administration, The, Policy, 219.
Agreements, Secret, 91.

Agricultural, Decrease of, Imports, 287,

Agricultural Implements, Exports of, Since
1896, 202.

Agricultural Implements, Sale of, at Home
and Abroad, 75.

Agriculture, Protection and, 204.
Agriculture, Reports of the Secretary of,

Allen's, Representative, Opinion of THE
LEAGUE'S Work, 44.

Allison-Cummins, The, Contest, 284.
Allison's, Senator, Triumph, 291.
Altruism with a Vengance, 147.

American, An, Merchant Marine, 117.
American, An, Shipping Policy, 7.
American Beet Growers and Sugar Pro-

ducers and the Philippines, 71.

Americans, Better for, to Purchase from
Americans, 267.

American Champagne Makers and the
French Treaty, 79.

American Drawback System, 278.
American Flag, The Right to Fly the,
130, 131.

American Foodstuffs Abroad, 91.
American, German and, Wages, 153.
American Growers of Fruits and Vege-
tables and the Tariff, 271.
American Hardware Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation, Convention of the, 311.
Americans, Hurts, Helps Foreigners, 176.
American Industry, Disastrous to, 61.
American Interests, Results Against, 1.
Americanism, Sound, 204.

American Lithographers and Germany,

American, The, Market Is to be Preserved

for Americans, 89.

[blocks in formation]

American Ships, When American Com-
merce Was Carried by. 22.

American Steel Makers Shut Out of For-
eign Markets, 208.

American Sugar Growers Are Entitled to
a Fair Share of Protection's Benefits,

American Wage Earners and the German
Agreement, 30, 36.

American Wages Endangered, 140.
American Wages and Foreign Trade, 89.
American Wages Involved, 166.

American, What, Prosperity Means to the

Rest of the World, 233, 234.

American, Will Bar, Implements from
France, 170.

American, The, Workman and the Tariff,

Annual Meeting Notice. 4. 16.
Annual Meeting of THE AMERICAN PRO-

Annual Report of the Secretary of the
Treasury, 41.

Arnold Print Works' Failure, 24.

Art, The Duty on Works of, 69.

Asbury, C. W. (President of the American
Hardware Manufacturers' Association),
on Protection, 311.

Association, An official of the, of Wire
Cloth Weavers Receives a letter from an
Official of the Knights of Labor, 246.
Australia's New Tariff, 214, 215.


Baker's, Robert, Letter in the New York
"Sun," 65.

Bacon, Senator, "Startled," 234.
Balances, Favorable Trade, 96.

Balance, Light on the Trade, Question,

Balance Sheet, Uncle Sam's, 172, 174, 175.
Balfour, Mr., and Chamberlain's Views,
217, 227.

Ballard, Walter J.-Is Free-Trade Eng-
land Absorbing Neutral Markets? 307.
Ballard, Walter J., on Killed by Tariff Re-
vision, 205.

Bananas and the Tariff, 215.
Banana, The, Trust, 214.
Bannon's, Congressman, Speech, 164, 165,

Bartholdt, Representative. Expresses His
Appreciation of THE LEAGUE'S Work,


Batchelor, N. J., to Speaker Cannon, 74,


Bates, William W., on Constitutional Ship
Defence, 188, 189, 190.

Bates, William W., on a Cure for Rail
Discrimination, 104.

Bates, William W., on "Free Ships" By
Executive Law, 130, 131.

Bates, William W., on Mistaken Political
Notions, 20, 21.

Bates, William W., on Shipowners Not
Shipbuilders, 303.

Bates, William W.; on Ship Protection,
68, 69.

Bates, William W., on Trade Regulation
Remedy, 290, 291.

Bede, Representative, on the Great Service
Done by THE LEAGUE, 44, 45.
Beef, Our, and Pork Trade Abroad, 75.
Beet Sugar, 308.

Beet Sugar, The Danger Threatened to the
American, and Cane Sugar Industry,
145, 146, 147.

Beet Sugar Factories in Wisconsin, 163.
Beet, The, Sugar Industry and Free-Trade
with the Philippines. 71.

Beet Sugar People and Taft, 92, 94.

Beet Sugar and Protection, 26, 27.
Benedict, R. A., on the Dingley Tariff, 177.
Benedict, Roswell A., on the Divine Right

to Labor, 271, 272, 273, 294.
Berlin, Cost of Living in, 23.

Berlin Dispatch on Trade with Germany,

Beveridge, Senator, at the Banquet of the
National Association, 256, 257.
Beveridge, Senators, and Burrows, 265.
Beveridge's, Senator, Bill and the Tariff
as an Issue, 43.

Beveridge, Senator, on a Maximum and
Minimum Tariff, 91.

Beveridge, Senator, Mixed on the Tariff,

Beveridge's, Senator, Recent Prediction,

Bill in Behalf of the Merchant Marine,

Board of General Appraisers and the Fil-
ing of Protests, 41.

Board of General Appraisers, Reverses the,
110, 111.

Board of United States General Apprais-
ers and Open Hearings, 8.
Bonynge. Representative, on the Work Ac-
comolished by THE LEAGUE, 45.
Bookbinders-British and American, 255.
Boot and Shoe Exports. 63. 71.

Boot and Shoe Industry and Protection,
11. 275.

Boots and Shoes and Leather in Massa-
chusetts, 67, 70, 71.

[blocks in formation]

British, Migration of, Capital, 32.
British Patent Law Protection, 183, 187.
British People Pay Just as Much in Im-

port Duties as Do Americans, 243.
British Protectionist Victory, 207.
British Wage Earners and Farmers Im-
poverished by Free-Trade, 255.
British, Waning, Free-Trade, 248.
British. Where, Money Has Gone, 118.
Broward, Governor, of Florida, and Pro-
tection, 269.

Bronn-Aberle, The, Co., on a Tariff Com-
mission, 193.

Bronn, Harvey H., & Co., on a Tariff Com-
mission, 194.

Bryan, Anything to Beat, 4, 5.

Bryan as a Democratic Candidate, 124.
Bryan's Discussion of "Tariff for Rev-

enue" in the "Commoner," 12.
Bryan's, Figures to Fit, Ideas, 289.
Bryan, Free-Trader, 159.

Bryan, How, Might Win, 92.
Bryan and Taft, If, Were Nominated, 64.
Bryan for Tariff Reduction, 288.
Bryan's Tariff Views, 94.

Burgess, William, on Why Have a Com-

mission? 251.

[blocks in formation]

Calder, Representative, Congratulates THE
LEAGUE on Its Effective Work, 45.

California Is Interested, 215.

California and the Tariff, 3, 105.
Cambria Steel Co. on a Tariff Commission,

"Campaign Text Book" for 1900 on the

Sugar Industry, 146, 147.

Campbell, Representative, on the Work of

Campion's, Richard, Reply to President
Van Cleave, 139.

Canada, The Attitude of, 118.

Canada's Free-Ship Law. 207.

Canada, French Concessions to, 169, 170.

Canada, Our Agricultural Implements in,

[blocks in formation]
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