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And its application to our relations with our Sister Republic
of Mexico, in 1864.

New-Orleans :



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And its application to our relations with our Sister Republic of Mexico, in 1864.

The following articles were written and dedicated to Colonel FRANCISCO N. DE BORDON, President of the D... M.. D.., and composed as Prize Essays, Defending the Monroe Doctrine. A Committee of Five was appointed by the Club, to determine upon the merits of each one; and the one numbered A was awarded the prize of a Gold Medal, presented by the President of the Club.








To the President and Members of the D.. M.·. D.·.

GENTLEMEN--Quackenboss, in his History of America, writes and informs us, that; "The South American Provinces, which from the time of Pizarro had remained subject to the Spanish Crown, early in the present century followed the example of the North American Colonies, asserting their Independence, and finally establishing it by force of arms.

"While the struggle was pending, Clay, who sympathized deeply with the oppressed provinces, strove, with his transcendent eloquence, to induce Congress to recognize their independence. His efforts at first failed, as Congress distrusted their success; but his speeches were read at the head of the Patriot armies, and encouraged them to persevere in their struggle for liberty. At length, in March, 1822, the bill was passed with but one dissenting voice. The President, Monroe, heartily joined in their recognition of independence; and the following year, 1823, went so far as to declare in his Message, thạt 'The American Continents

were thenceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by aný European Power.'

This is the famous Monroe doctrine which has since been advocated by many of our countrymen, and which has lately been snubbed by the present Cabinet at Washington. Let us then examine the principles and events which are involved, and operating in the grand design of preserving and protecting American Continents and American Republics from European complications and oppressions. The American mind having become so illustrious, since it first was quickened into life and being, as to have eclipsed all former intelligences and ideas, at once repudiated the fallacies and falsities-the bigotries and perversities-the aristocracies and tyrannies---and the spirit of ambition and conquest which impelled to unjust actions the governments of Europe.

The Americans, smarting under these obnoxious outrages upon the God-like principles of universal Freedom and Equity, pressed forward under the banner of civilization, human rights, freedom, justice and liberty, and established the independence of the American people.

The American mind, educated to investigate truths, new and old----and willing to receive impressions of facts, regardless of any preconceived notions----and prompt to act whenever the occasion demanded----became omnipresent and omniscient-the first in adventure, in science, in religion, in politics and ethnography.. The new continent became ablaze with the splendor and newness of her designs and executions, and the old continent stood aghast at the contemplation of her magnificent and glorious future-a future, destined to overthrow monarchies and govern the world. Hence arose the grand idea of Monroe, Noli Tangere-touch not-regarding the unity and governmeut of the American continent, and as applied to the governments of Europe.

President Monroe, viewing and contemplating the geographic and physiologic vastness of this country-its relation to all the nations of the globe and the compound dissimilar nature of its social elements, plainly saw that the seeds of ambi tion, disunion and discontent would be planted in its soil, which, at no distant day, would spring up, and bear distasteful flowers and fruits. He also with prophetic view saw that the crowned heads of Europe, would not fail to take advantage, whenever a good opportunity presented, and intermeddle with our affairs; for they yearned after her fertile territory and the richness of her mines. He there fore became suspicious and jealous of Imperial presence upon these continents, and resentful of Imperial bigotry, tyranny and outrage, which caused him to disown, and prevent, by all possible means, any encroachments of monarchy upon this side the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

This great American statesman understood full well, that he had only to direct the American mind, in approaching the great question of self-preservation, and show them how to establish and combine American Republics under the glorious flag of Freedom, Justice and truth, in opposition to that of outrage and folly, supported by Kings and Emperors,

The idea of his magnificent design radiated from the capitol at Washington; it thrilled and throbbed the gigantic hearts of all the Américan Continents. Europe stood aback, horrified at the energetic and defiant manner which accompanied its delivery from the rostrum, and at the anti-imperial sweep it would make, when quickened into action.

Nearly two generations have lived and died since its birth; and the vital question of to-day'is, can the Idea of Monroe live? The answer is in the womb 'of time; its life or death to be determined when the question of monarchy in Mexico shall be ventilated by Napoleon and Maximilian, on the one side, and by Mexicans and Americans on the other. The former, acting as a duality, believing that our internecine war will obliterate, and forever destroy the anti-monarchical principles involved in the doctrine of Monroe, has been encouraged to take advantage of our unholy war and unprecedented rebellion and test the question of its vitality, on the plea of collecting a debt, and the will of the Mexican nation. How absurd the combination, and the apology.!! How insolent and tyrannical to our sister Republic! but there the Eagle of France disgraces, and rules over her territory, and Napoleon III. is supreme. Some of the natives, traitors to their country, have cowardly joined his legions, and falsified themselves before heaven and the world. Its nationality, however, can never thus be impaired or destroyed. Mexico, with her eight or nine millions, who possess the vital elements of successful warfare hidden within the recesses of her mines, will never be governed and tyrannized over by a foreign crown, while the heart of America throbs. If Noli Tangere of the Monroe doctrine appears to sleep under our present misfortunes, it will soon be patent to the whole world that, that sleep is not of death, but the refreshing slumber of the world-defying Hercules. Imperial France and Austria may disturb its quiet, but woe to them who shall awaken it to action; for according to the inexorable logic of events, they will be cast down and annihilated; shame will cover them as with the poisoned garments of Dejanira, which shall burn them with a consuming fire.

Can it be that the startling and malicious audacity of Napoleon has frightened into a deathly lethargy the cabinet at Washington? If Seward did acutely feel the grip of the tyrannical robber, is he to act so cowardly as to resign his purse and name, and that of his country; without an effort to save one or both; and without an attempt to extinguish the Imperial Rascal? If the American Government lacks the courage to defend the doctrine of Monroe, either by legislative acts, or force of arms, shame indelible will becloud the stars and stripes of America; and the American people, impulsive and indignant, will rush to the rescue of their oppressed and down-trodden brothers in Mexico.

In the absence of instant and efficient ajd, let the ardor of our speeches and the spirit of our writings be disseminated through the patriot armies, and our sympathies be made known to the distressed Mexicans; thus will they be encouraged to persevere in their gallant struggle for justice and liberty. However, the time is not far distant when we, having triumphed over our own domestic foes,

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