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Scientific Notices,

Comprehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improve.
ments in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sin-
gular Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Phi-
losophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical
Phenomena, or singular Facts in Natural History;
Vegetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.

to enable your Royal Highness to perceive, that a very simple arrangement will admit of its being done. For the same reason, I only state, that to the axis of each carriage would be connected clock work, which would show the person who has charge of the carriage how far he has gone, and where he is, to a yard, so that there will be no uncertainty as to when and where to prepare for stopping, by gradually diminishing the motion of the carriage. There will be every facility for perfect vision, as at each end of

MR. VALLANCE'S NEW MODE OF PROPULSION BY THE every carriage will be fixed a portable gas light.


[Concluded from our last.]

Tenthly, this principle possesses an advantage over common roads, as well as railroads and canals, which will, under all circumstances, be generally, and, in some cases, highly important. This advantage is, that the cause of motion (the atmospheric pressure) will act vertically as well as horizontally; and that in consequence of it, the filling up of hollows, and also deep cutting, as Not that it for canals and railroads, is unnecessary. would be advisable to select hilly ground; though perfectly possible to go over any, the most abrupt rises, even were they nearly perpendicular. But that any rise or fall over which a carriage road can be cut, would be quite level enough for the operation of the principle.

Sixthly, a degree of exhaustion, or vacuum, which is he particular attention of those who use the Marine not sufficient visibly to affect the barometer, being enough Preserver is requested to the following directions. to move the carriage with persons in it, so as for them to experience the effect, and fully comprehend the operation Every desirable to wear an under-waistcoat of flannel of the principle, it becomes evident that the idea at first me other substance, the thicker the better. This, entertained of a perfect vacuum being indispensible, is les keeping the body warmer than when naked, most erroneous; and the objections which at first present s to prevent the cross-belt from chafing the wearer in themselves to us, relative to the difficulty of constructing aming. The proprietors also particularly recommend the cylinder-of making the joints air tight, and of so Eleventhly, I now mention the expense per mile, which rong pair of drawers, with a loop (2, 3) on each side, adapting the ends of the vehicle to the cylinder as should I think will not in Russia exceed £10,000. The calcut above the hips. A strong piece of tape or apron- prevent the passage of any important quantity of air, with-lations on which this opinion is founded I do not here ng should be fastened to each of these loops, and when out occasioning great friction, are all seen to exist only in submit to your Royal Highness; but at such time as may jacket is worn, these tapes should be put through the imagination. In the cylinder which Mr. Vallance has in be necessary they will be ready for transmission. staples, the jacket drawn down, and the drawers operation at Brighton, there is a space of above an inch in close as possible. This is found to be of the great-width, purposely left all round between the cylinder and mportance, as it prevents the jacket from slipping up. the end of the carriage which forms the piston, against , and it keeps the collar down in the water, and con- which the air presses to drive the carriage along; yet does ently elevates the wearer higher in floating. not the air which rushes through this crevice (though it is he mode of putting on this Marine Life Preserver is in the whole equal to an aperture of two square feet) preample as to require little or no direction, as a bare in- vent the operation of the principle; its sole effect being tion of the figure will enable almost any person to una loss of a proportion of the power employed to drive the stand it. The head is put through the aperture in the air-pumps, a loss which Mr. Vallance intentionally subwas, and the upper part of the cork collar brought in mits to, for the sake of proving that a very large portion at, nearly in contact with the chin. The strap (1) of air may rush by the piston end of the carriage, without uld be buckled as tight as the wearer can bear it; preventing the effect of the principle.-Vide pages 30 his keeps the jacket from slipping up, and also keeps and 31. body warm. Any person who prefers it, may line the Seventhly, nor will the degree to which it may be necesas with flannel; and if the strap should be found too sary to exhaust, or, as it may in other words be termed, 1, it might also be lined. the degree of vacuum" required, to move even a very great weight, interpose any insuperable difficulty. In the cylinder at Brighton, a party, consisting of his Grace the Duke of Bedford, the Earl of Lauderdale, Lord Holland, Lord W. Russel, Lady W. Russel, and another lady and gentleman, were all at the same time experiencing the operation of the principle, on the day I was last at Brighton, with a degree of exhaustion not exceeding two drachms per square inch; a proportion of vacuum which would lower the barometer about one-hundredth of an inch. Practice therefore proves, as well as the arguments in pages 47 and 48, that a very trivial degree of exhaustion will be sufficient to move a considerable load, and as it will be perfectly practicable to exhaust to a degree, that should render a barometer exposed to a vacuum inside the cylinder, several, if not many inches lower than one would stand exposed to the atmosphere, I do not think the amount stated in page 27 more than it may be possible to move at one time. And with reference to weights of 50 or 100 tons, such as locomotive engines draw at once, there will certainly be no difficulty at all, let the velocity they are moved at be what it may.

hese Marine Preservers will be found the most comble when worn with two pairs of drawers, or a pair of fers and a pair of breeches, which are preferable to trowsers. A cloth jacket or spencer may also be lover the flannel under-waistcoat. The Marine Preer will sustain the wearer with all these articles, and shoes or boots.


a Friday last, about two o'clock, six gentlemen, tered with collar jackets and bathing dresses, entered river between the Floating Bath and George's Pier, passed the Prince's Pier with a very strong ebb tide. tunately it was sufficiently rough to show the utility the jackets in a stormy sea. After the party passed northernmost point of the Prince's Pier, they had to ounter so heavy a sea, that, although very near tober, they frequently lost sight of each other, and in the trough of the sea, lost sight also of the Lanire and Cheshire shores. The distance they passed t have been about two miles, and they could have hed the Rock in another quarter of an hour, had had their clothes in the boat which accompanied Only one of the party had his clothes with him; se of the remainder had been left at the Floating Bath. circumstance obliged them to get into the boat, in er to return. This was the most unpleasant part of the Et, as they had to remain for upwards of half an hour osed to a strong north wind, only covered with a few rels and a plaid cloak.

They were all highly delighted with the excursion, and e of them volunteered to join the party the following 5. Ou floating down the river, one of the gentlemen red an umbrella in one hand and in the other the tin * of the Floating Bath, which he kept sounding as he refted away. On Saturday, about three o'clock, the experiment was Peated, with similar success, in the presence of a vast ourse of people. If the weather should become mer some further excursions may, probably, be made The river, of which due notice will be given-although almost superfluous; as those persons who, after the eriment on Friday, are not convinced of the utility This simple apparatus, must be determined to reject conon altogether; and upon such individuals we shall waste a word.

Eighthly, under the trivial degree of exhaustion which will thus, generally speaking, be necessary, your Royal Highness will perceive, that rendering the cylinder sufficiently air tight for the purpose, will be far less difficult than it is at first supposed. Indeed, I see so many different ways of doing it, that I am satisfied it would not, in practice, prove more difficult, nor indeed so difficult, as causing some canals I have seen to retain the water let into them.-Vide p. 45.

Ninthly, nor will there be any difficulty in regulating the motion of, and stopping the vehicle. The shortest way of rendering this evident to your Royal Highness, will be to suppose the end of the carriage which, when in motion, stands across the cylinder, at a right angle with its course, to be capable of turning on a pivot; so that it may be moved one quarter of a circle, and placed in a line with the course of the cylinder: or edge to wind, like a sail when it shivers. The consequence of this would be, that as the air would pass by without pressing against it, the power which moved the carriage forward would be taken off; and as the wheel could at the same time be dragged by a friction lever, while other levers caused friction against the side of the cylinder, the progress of the car riage could be commanded and stopped at pleasure. This method of removing the effect of the pressure of the air against the carriage, not being that which would be made use of in practice, my reason for adverting to it is solely

Twelfthly, the expense of transit or carriage, by this principle: assuming that the combined effect of the improved railway in the cylinder, and the six-fold diameter of the wheels, should not render any given power capable of moving more than on the single-line railway (vide my Report of August, 1825,) one horse would move twenty tons; but independent of the effect which the wheels, being six times larger, would have in diminishing friction, the expense of transmission would be diminished many times, from the following circumstances :-On the singleline railway, the power employed is that of horses; and considering the construction of that railway, and the height the rail must be in some situations above the ground, I do not conceive that locomotive engines can be ever used upon it. Horse power is twenty-four times as dear as elementary power employed in the way the treatise points out. Assuming, therefore, that the friction of the rarefied air against the inside of the cylinder, as stated at pages 68 and 74, should increase the power required ten times, still would the expense of carriage be less than by the single-line railway, while we should attain the important advantage of being able to transmit 10,000 tons, at any rate between what railways now transmit at and 100 miles per hour, for an expense which, as relates to power, would be only the twenty-fifth part of a farthing per ton per mile.

But even were the friction of the rarefied air against the inside of the cylinder to increase the power required ten times, as I have supposed, it is not imperative that the expense of transmission must be increased in a similar degree. Owing to its being well known and universally received, steam is the first mover or power Mr. Vallance has referred to. The researches of men of science in England have, however, been for some years directed to means of rendering the gases first movers, instead of steam, under the hope of obtaining an agent which should serve as a mechanical first mover, without fuel. From the year 1820, the attention of Mr. Vallance has been directed to this subject, with a view of rendering the method of conveyance the treatise refers to perfect, in the particular of cheapness of transmission; and about two years ago he obtained a patent for a first mover, which will give ten times the power of steam, without any expense for fuel; the principle of which is stated in the tract, marked letter B, which I have obtained from him, for the perusal of your Royal Highness.

The power therein referred to, proposed to be used instead of steam, would so greatly reduce the expense of transmission, that the cost of power would be ten times less than by the single-line railroad. It will also be equally superior in point of safety and security from accidents, as it is in point of ecenomy and expedition; it being, as stated in page 81, absolutely impossible to be overturned. Thus combining expedition exceeding that of posting, with economy equal to that of canal transmission, it must appear that this principle is most importantly advantageous to an empire so vast in its extent as that of Russia, and, consequently, fully authorizes me most strongly to recom. mend that the government should immediately contract with Mr. Vallance, to send a practical illustration of the principle, such as he has in operation at Brighton, which being capable of carrying your Royal Highness, the Members of the Council, and Generals of the Arrondissements, over a space sufficient to demonstrate the practicability of

the proposition, will place within command a reply to all objections from ignorant or interested persons.

It has been deemed essentially important to the welfare of Russia, to promote internal communications by canals, and immense sums have been expended in cutting them; but owing to the long duration of winter, they are useless during half the year, and so slow is the rate of transmis sion by them, that, even when in full operation, they can hardly serve to convey goods from one part of the empire to the other, before winter locks them up again. Railways also, owing to the period the snow lies on the ground, and the continual drifting of it which takes place, would be available scarcely more than half the year.

But the principle here adverted to, not being liable to interruption either from frost or snow, and equally effective by night as by day, offers a means of rendering the extremities of the empire contiguous to each other; and will do this at a much less charge than can ever be done by canals, or any other mode of conveyance. The vast importance of this principle to Russia, both in a military and commercial point of view, it is unnecessary for me to state to your Royal Highness; but I consider the manifold advantages it presents sufficiently demonstrated, to prompt me to recommend its speedy adoption, from St. Petersburgh to Tsarsko-selo, the river Volga, Moscow, and the Black Sea. London, Dec. 21, 1826.




palace than they deigned to bestow upon any other saw the commencement of the savage scene: s of the splendid residences of the Florentine nobility; rushed to the street too late to prevent the outrag though many were the dark eyes, and many the fair but her fate was linked with that of Buondelmon forms which the crowded windows boasted: and-and throwing herself upon his yet warm corse, s conscious of her beauty, vain of the flattering dis- breathed out the last sigh of a broken heart, & tinctions which she continually received, and buoy lived not to witness the calamities which her kin ant with youthful hope, the happiest auguries of the men's weapons entailed upon Florence. The Guch future destiny of one so favoured by nature and by faction took up arms to revenge the murder of B fortune blessed her waking dreams. Sought in mar- ondelmonti: the Ghibellines, headed by the Über riage by the noblest families of the city, Altea ex- retaliated by fresh aggressions; and, during the spa ercised the privilege accorded to beauty, and became of three and thirty years, the relentless strife co somewhat fastidious in her choice; but if she vacil- tinued in the massacre of both parties. The Ghib lated between the merits of the chief of the Cornari, lines at length prevailing, drove the opposite facti or the heir of Delle Torre, she hesitated no longer from the city; but were in turn expelled by the t when Guido Buondelmonti professed himself her umphant Guelphs, and were never afterwards able admirer. Gay and graceful in the dance, ever the regain their ancient power and influence. victor in the lists and at the ring, and bearing on his brow a wreath won in bloody strife upon the plains of Lombardy, he was exalted by general acclamation above all his youthful contemporaries, and, like Altea, became the idol of one sex and the envy of the other. How gaily and how rapidly flew the hours, when, seated side by side, the lovers whispered tender tales into each other's raptured ears, striking the minstrel string in praise of those charms and accomplishments which formed the universal theme. All radiant with smiles, happiness beamed round the angelic countenance of Altea, like a halo; the half-starved beggar in the streets blessed the glad beauty as she passed along, his sunk eye beaming with an unwonted ray at the sight of so Amid the numberless memorials which the fair much happy loveliness. The whole city rejoiced in and stately city of Florence contains of its ancient her felicity; for if some taint of earth had marred feuds, the fierce and cruel struggles of its nobles for the brightness of her perfections before she had power, and the private and personal quarrels whence learned to live for the sole purpose of pleasing one sprang its most furious civil wars,-one lowly grave- treasured object, the excess of her affection for stone, lost amid the surrounding splendours of art, Buondelmonti had purified her character from its exists, though seldom noticed by the traveller, putting dross; she grew meek and gentle, cultivating each forth its silent and disregarded claim to the attention feminine grace with all the ardour prompted by a lavished upon monuments unpossessed of half the pure attachment: the charms too proudly displayed interest attached to this frail tablet. The unsculp- to attract the wondering multitude, were now only tured marble covers the ashes of one whose sorrows prized as the chain which bound her lover.

Tales, Romances, &c.


A Tale of Italian History.




"The love of woman is a fearful thing."-Byron. "Marry, here comes a couple of strange beasts who in countries are called fools.”

The feelings which animated Fitzosborne and Ryd as they anticipated a speedy retreat from Mancheste were, alas! soon destroyed. Alice Hardman, owing the motion of the carriage, had recovered her senses, a Fitzosborne was endeavouring to calm her agitated spirit when a loud and piercing shriek arrested their attentan Rycliffe, who was busily employed in driving the carnage no sooner heard the appalling cry, than, dropping th reins, he sprung from his seat, and sped towards a hose from whence it seemed to issue; but his course was is peded by the female mentioned in the last chapter being present when Fitzosborne discovered Alice Ha man at the couch of her dying father.

"Lady, whence arises that fearful cry?" said Ryc

"Fool," exclaimed Ellen Raymond, "I gave the but it was not the cry of death, but a warning from living: stand aside, I charge thee," she continued, jestically waving her arm, "whilst I confront those fondly expected soon to place beyond the bounds of plag infected Manchester."

and whose wrongs first kindled the flame of deadly The sun-lit eyes of Altea were suddenly overcloud-hurriedly addressing her, "perchance some one now warfare between the Ghibelline and the Guelph faced; the rosy lip lost its joyous smile; and tears the agonies of death claims the notice of a Christi tions, which rendered the chief of the Tuscan states coursed each other down those pale cheeks, so lately brother?" a scene of hatred and dissention. While all Italy dimpled with delight. Buondelmonti, the spoiled was distracted by the contest between the Emperor child of fortune, no longer checked his caracoling and the Pope, Florence, though joining the league steed at the gate of the Uberti palace, but fascinated against the former, was blessed with comparative by the charms of some new beauty, rode on, tossing tranquillity; the supporters of either party lived his white plume on high, and laughing scornfully as within the walls at peace with each other: but an he passed the residence of the woman he had abaninsult offered to the daughter of a noble family, doned. Altea's tears fell not unheeded: she posplunged the whole population into strife and blood-sessed kinsmen who surveyed her altered counteshed. The mouldering grave of Altea Uberti, half nance with looks in which pity contended with hidden in the long rank grass which overshadows it anger. The unhappy girl read the feelings which -blackening under the influence of time-with its those around her strove to repress in her presence; scarcely legible inscription, yet inspires mingled feel- and drying her eyes, and struggling to obtain the ings of tenderness and melancholy to those who de- command of features convulsed with internal agony, rive a pensive pleasure in dwelling upon the recol- appeared again at the open lattice; but she could lection of the storied dead. Once the fairest and the not deceive the penetrating eyes of those who hung proudest beauty of Florence, all eyes paid homage to upon every look, by the outward show of tranquillity; the charms of its loveliest daughter; every lip was and her brothers prepared to avenge the injury which loud in its tribute of admiration; and many fond she had sustained: they watched for the white pal“Ha, ha,” replied Ellen Raymond, laughing wild and faithful hearts were laid in lowly offering at her frey of the perjured lover, as he rode through the city, of the mighty opposes all egress from Manchester? The "thinkest thou I could speed hence when the strong feet. The young, the gay, and the gallant crowded unarmed and in his gala dress, to the bridal feast, forgettest, loving cousin, that thou and Reginald Fitz in Altea's train, standing behind the stone lattice- and rushing from behind the portal where they had borne cannot leave the town; and the plague, the plagu work of the richly-carved balcony. The troop of ca so often stood to welcome him as their guest, they will speedily destroy ye both. Oh, it will be glorious valiers who daily passed along on their route to the dragged their enemy from his horse, and plunging see thee defrauded of thy lover, and when thou di tilt-yard, made a longer pause, and bent with more their daggers in his body, deluged the pavement Fitzosborne will for a time be the lover of Ellen Raymond! courteous reverence before the front of the Uberti with his life-blood. Altea, from the balcony above," What meanest thou, fair Ellen ?" cried Fitzosbora

and Alice Hardman. Her eyes wildly glaring on! Saying this, she advanced, and confronted Fitzosbe youthful pair; her raven locks flowing in disorder her shoulders; her heightened colour and frantic deg ment, gave no bad idea of a youthful priestess abou deliver the decrees of fate. For a time she gazed on lovers in silence, whilst they regarded her with astonis ment and alarm. Alice Hardman was the first to br silence. "Whence comes it, dearest cousin," said "that thou art still in Manchester? Methought, wh thou left me, ere the dissolution of my father, thou sp far from this dreadful spot."

alam, “why dost thou speak so wildly touching our cape from Manchester ?"

and the son of my benefactor will be the last of his race,
May the curses of hell light upon Ellen Raymond, for
she has surely sacrificed us to her mad passion !”

"Oh, Alice, my beloved," exclaimed Fitzosborne,
franticly, and heedless of the remarks of Rycliffe," thou
wilt be cut off in thy prime, and I shall be cursed for
ever." Alice replied not; her head rested upon the shoul-
der of Reginald, and the tears flowed plenteously from her
soft blue eyes.

died happy, in the knowledge that thou wast far from this scene of disease and death."

"Talk not thus," replied Fitzosborne; " methinks we may yet live; and then doubly wilt thou love thy Regipald, for thus periling himself for thy sake."

Reginald Fitzosborne,” replied Ellen, in a calm and dued voice, whilst her eyes rested upon the ground, i her cheeks assumed an ashy paleness; "Reginald zomborne, when thou first came to woo Alice Hardman, The entrance of Rycliffe interrupted this tender colloheart acknowledged thee its lord. Oh, what hours of quy. He motioned Fitzosborne aside, and then informed sery have I passed, as I beheld thee fondly clasping to him of the state of affairs in the town, and the necessity ne heart & maiden who was not Ellen Raymond. Oft of the immediate interment of the father of Alice. To ve I, in the bitterness of my soul, resolved to destroy "Speed instantly back," said Rycliffe to Fitzosborne, this Fitzosborne assented, and bidding Alice to abide in hated rival, and as oft has mine heart revolted from" and place the lady in the house of her father, whilst I the apartment until his return, he retired with Rycliffe. deed. But when I knew that on this day Alice Hard- go to meet and counsel with this betrayed multitude." They speedily wrapped up the body of Hugh Hardman, i would become thy bride, the torments of the damned Rycliffe turned the horses' heads, and giving the reins to and lifting it, bore it from the house. As they crossed the weak compared to the pangs that rent my bosom. Fitzosborne, he went forwards on foot to meet the mi-market-place, they saw evident proofs that the plague was then, how joyous was I when the first symptoms of serable crowd. pursuing its destructive career. Of the crowd who had so ue appeared in Manchester. Speedily did I despatch lately returned to the town, numbers lay extended in the missary to warn the guard destined to encompass the agonies of death, and their livid countenances and glaring , should the plague rage within it, not to let any one eyes struck with horror the hearts of the two friends. without its boundary; and now, now the guard is m, and Alice Hardman will never become the wife of inald Fitzosborne!"

When he encountered the multitude, he exclaimed, in a loud and cheerful tone, "Inform me, I pray ye, why arises this despairing cry which now rends the air?" For a moment the cry ceased, and the crowd gazed with astonishment on the man who spoke thus undeuntedly in the midst of such direful peril; at length a universal cry burst llen paused, whilst Fitzosborne and Alice sunk back from them of "The Plague! the Plague!" Limay at the appalling tidings.

Woman," cried Rycliffe, advancing, and seizing El-
Raymond by the arm, "thou art mad! Now, by
ren, 'an thou hast done so foul a deed as that thou
sest of, not even thy sex shall shield thee from my

Away," said Ellen, proudly, "I despise thy threats.
art thou that pratest of harm against Ellen Ray-
ad? Hush, fool; get thee hence, or perchance I may
m thee in a way thou little wottest of."
*Oh, I pray thee, harm her not," cried Alice, mourn-
7: "she is bereft of her senses, and talks she knows
what. Assist her to mount the carriage; it may be
her speech is as false as her present appearance."
Fair lady," said Rycliffe, "I much fear what she
is but too true. Nathless, if she be willing, Will
liffe will not oppose her escape from hence."

cliffe then attempted to place Ellen Raymond in the
clage, but, bursting from his arms, she exclained,
cools! think ye I speak not the truth, touching your
ivity? Ha, ha, ye will soon find that I am a true
er of evil tidings." Saying this, she rushed down the
, and speedily disappeared from view,
Lady," said Rycliffe to Alice, as he again mounted
carriage," who is the maiden who speaks thus wildly
hing her hatred of thee and her love for Fitzosborne?
thinks if she has spoken the truth, not all that earth
ld give can shield us from the stroke of death."
*Alas!" replied Alice," she was once as joyous a
ld as ever trod the earth; but something has latterly
hted her heart and turned her brain, and she has oft
ed thus wildly: she is mine own cousin, the daughter
my mother's brother, and she has been with me from

Besbrew me, but I guess well what has thus early ated her hopes," cried Rycliffe. "What sayest thou, Mosborne ?"

Reginald, who had hitherto maintained a mournful siE, sadly exclaimed, “Talk not thus, I pray thee, cliffe. By Heaven, it much grieves me to see so fair a wer blasted in its prime; but mine heart bears witness at never did I seek to win the love of Ellen Raymond, be even for a moment false to my true love, Alice Hardst." Alice gazed upon him with a look of fondness and gratitude, and pressed the hand she held in hers.

At this moment a loud wailing cry was borne by the ree to the ears of the trio, and a few minutes had arcely elapsed ere they beheld the vast multitude Rycliffe rid Fitzosborne had before observed, now returning to town, with looks of anguish, terror, and despair, and illing the air with shrieks, curses, and supplications.

Heaven have mercy upon us!" cried Rycliffe, as he held the crowd returning; "for earthly aid can now no avail us. Oh, Fitzosborne, thou wilt yet perish,

"Hush, ye fools," cried Rycliffe, "I know well that the plague rages amongst ye; but wherefore do ye return, seeing I encountered ye a little while ago crossing the river and escaping from the town?"

"The soldiers oppose our egress," exclaimed a thou-
sand voices: "we are lost and betrayed; the plague will
speedily destroy us."

""Tis even so," muttered Rycliffe; "the town will
speedily be depopulated, and Heaven knows what may be
the issue." Again he raised his voice and cried, "'Tis
vain for ye, inhabitants of Manchester, to raise the cry of
despair in your streets; summon your courage, and let
those amongst ye who are able and willing to govern the
town assemble in council, and decide on the course to be
taken in the present dreadful crisis." The crowd made no
answer, but again raised the cry of anguish and despair.
“Beshrew me but your cries will soon be silenced in
death," cried Rycliffe. "Fool that I was to counsel ye;
the winds of heaven would have profited as much by it as
ye will. By my faith, it is best for me to return to Regi-
nald Fitzosborne, for lingering with ye will avail me

Accordingly, he returned at a good pace towards the
market-place, and speedily arrived there. Here he en-
countered a fresh crowd, which had endeavoured to escape
from the town by the east side, but with no better success
than their fellows. Almost at the same instant a party,
who had attempted to cross the river and escape into Sal.
forde, made their appearance; and now it was discovered,
so swiftly had the intelligence of the plague been carried
to the military cordon, that scarcely a single inhabitant
had escaped from the town.

Thus in the month of August, 1605, the whole of the inhabitants of Manchester, to the amount of seven thousand, were cooped within a narrow district, four miles in each direction, afflicted with the plague, in a state of insubordination, and with but few provisions. Men in years, young maidens, children, youths, and persons of all ages, sexes, and degrees, were mingled in one confused and diseased mass, each striving to prolong a miserable existence, and avert the calamities which afflicted his or her neighbour. But to return

"Merciful Heaven!" exclaimed Fitzosborne, as he beheld the direful spectacle of the plague's progress; "it will be vain to attempt the resistance of our dreadful foe. Oh, Alice, Alice! thou wilt yet perish, and Fitzosborne will not survive thee."

"Now thou art a very woman, Reginald," cried Rycliffe," for thus giving way to despair. Tush, man, thou mayest yet live, and rule over the manor of Ravenscliffe."

"But Alice, Alice Hardman!" exclaimed Reginald wildly, "she will perish by reason of the plague; her tender frame cannot support a conflict so direful as that she must endure."

"Peace, I pray thee, foolish boy," cried Rycliffe," and let us finish our present task ere we pretend to talk of future events."

They had now arrived near to the church of Manchester, situated behind the market-place, with which it had communication by means of a narrow street, called Mill Gate. The church, in the year of the great plague, was a large, richly-adorned Gothic building, and stood in the centre of a large space of ground, then not inclosed, yet used for the burial ground of the inhabitants of Manchester. In this ground Fitzosborne and Rycliffe purposed to deposit the mortal remains of Hugh Hardman, and finding a grave open, they laid the body in it; then breathing a short prayer, they covered the body with earth, and left the churchyard.

"Return now, I pray thee, to Alice Hardman," said Rycliffe, as they entered the market-place: "I go to observe what passes in this plague-stricken and miserable town."

Fitzosborne returned to Alice Hardman, whilst Rycliffe, crossing the market-place, again entered Deansgate. He was proceeding leisurely along, when his ears were assailed by a deep groan or grunt, which seemingly proceeded from the back part of a small house, near which he was passing. Anxious to discover the cause of this strange noise, Rycliffe entered the house, (the door being open,) and passing through it into the yard, gazed around for the purpose of gratifying his curiosity. Observing nothing strange or uncommon, he was about to retire, when another deep grunt saluted his ear, at no great distance from it. Narrowly looking towards the place from whence the sounds came, he discovered a human head peering above a water-tub filled to the brim. Startled at this strange apparition, Rycliffe advanced, and discovered that it was Rycliffe again entered the habitation of Alice Hard-in truth a human head, with the breath of life in its nosman; an habitation which he lately deemed he had left trils. Seizing it by the hair, he cried, perhaps for ever. "The dead father must speedily be interred," said he, as he mounted the staircase; "and, by my faith, there is no time to lose," he continued, as a nauseous effluvia from the corse saluted his olfactory nerves. A deep sob directed him to the apartment which Alice and Fitzosborne occupied: he entered, and found the latter endeavouring to comfort his beloved.

"I could have borne all, dearest Reginald," murmured Alice, "if thou hadst been far from Manchester. Oh! had it pleased Heaven to take me hence, I should have

"Why, what the devil art thou that abidest in this strange place of residence ?" Scarcely had he spoken when a pair of shoulders, to which the head was affixed, emerged from the water-tub; these were succeeded by a pair of stalwart arms, and by the breast, back, and waist of a man.

"Speak!" again cried Rycliffe, "who or what art thou that abidest in this water-tub ?"

"Oh, dunna, dunna harm me!" exclaimed a voice resembling the sound of a cracked penny trumpet, "my

name's Timothy Bokanky; an au coom hither to larn
something abeawt th' pleague."
"Beshrew me,"
," cried Rycliffe, laughing, "and thou
hast chosen a precious place of observation: but emerge
from thy observatory, and let me behold thee as thou
really art."

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notice, together with my reasons for so doing. He
no sooner received it than he commenced operations
to rid the house of such pests. His plan was no
sooner matured than executed, and he succeeded in
putting the visitors to flight, with a promise from
the master of the house never to admit the like
again, on pain of having his character exposed to his
employer and the public. I am fully convinced that
landlords, in general, are not particular enough with
regard to the characters they admit into their houses;
for it matters not to some what description of persons

His command he accompanied with an action which plainly intimated he must be obeyed. The unfortunate wight was, therefore, per force, compelled to evacuate his position, and soon stood before Rycliffe in puris naturalibus." The figure that was now presented to the eyes of the aforesaid Rycliffe, was that of a man about five feet high, with a thin body, long lank visage, and a pair of legs re-engages their houses, so that they get the money. sembling drumsticks, well-covered with coarse hair. "And so thou art Timothy Bokanky, ostler at the Dog and Partridge?" said Rycliffe. "By my faith, and a precious emissary thou art, to abide here instead of informing Giles Philpot, thy master, of the state of the town. why abode thou in the water-tub ?"


If landlords (and the good order of a neighbourhood rests in a great measure with them) would follow the same course as mine adopted, the most beneficial results would follow.-I am grieved to see so many respectable neighbourhoods annoyed with these pests Timothy here commenced a long and rambling harangue, of society. It would be well if our magistrates would from which it appeared, that, coming to town, and find inflict some corporal punishment on them, whether ing the plague really did exist, he resolved to return, male or female. The usual mode of indicting is and, as per order, inform his master of the circumstance. useless: it only removes them from one house to inBut unluckily he was too late, for the military was already crease their numbers in another.-As I am myself, drawn; and he had the consolation of beholding his mas- Sir, but a feeble exposer of these infamous places of ter and the inn at some half mile's distance, without hav-resort, I trust that you will succeed in checking, if not ing the chance of accosting the one or entering the other. in eradicating, what is considered by all well-disposed He had, therefore, returned to Manchester; and think-persons to be the most shameless and crying sin of ing the most effectual method of resisting the plague would be by immersion in water, he resolved to carry such a scheme into execution; and, discovering his late abode, (viz., the water-tub) he stripped himself and entered it, whence his unlucky groans were the means of his being summarily ejected.

our town.


P. S. As my neighbour acknowledged his fault to the landlord, with a solemn promise never to be guilty of the like again, I do not wish to have him further exposed.




"So," said Rycliffe, when he had concluded, "thou hoped to escape by such a scheme as never before entered into the head of even a natural fool; but beshrew me if thou shalt so escape. Instantly dress thyself. I have ocSIR,-The lovers of the fine arts, in this town, will be casion for thy services; and will promote thee to the post highly gratified to learn, that an engraving of a portrait of steward, footman, and butler, in an opulent and exten- of the amiable and accomplished John Hull, M.D. F.L.S. sively family." The unfortunate Timothy was compelled Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, to obey; and, having put on his dress, consisting of an &c. &c. painted by the late talented D. H. Parry, old worsted doublet and leathern breeches, he followed Ry-about to be published by Mr. Dominic Bolongaro. I uncliffe from the house. They had scarcely crossed Deans-derstand the portrait is to be engraved in the first style of grate, when their ears were assailed by the deep tones of the art, by Scriven, whose graphic powers are well known. the church bell, which now tolled fast and loudly, a pre- I have been favoured with a sight of the painting, and lude to fresh scenes and occurrences in plague-infected consider it one of the happiest efforts of this clever artist's pencil; and little, or not at all, inferior to any thing in portrait painting I have seen for a considerable time; the lights and shades are happily blended, and the colouring is so rich and deep, as to throw an air of reality over the whole figure.






SIR,-On reading your last Kaleidoscope I was glad to find you in the field, exposing that most flagrant and abominable vice alluded to in your remarks; and I trust you will follow it up, and be true to your word. I heartily concur with you, that our worthy Chief Magistrate and the Common Council ought to take it into their most serious consideration. It is a vice which becomes more and more open, and so notorious that the fear of exposure does not deter debauched characters from assembling at these bagnios at mid-day. I am grieved to state, that it is my lot to live near one of these receiving houses; and it is only a few weeks ago, that the very next door to my own dwelling was one of this description. The occupiers of the house consisted of a man, his wife, and child; the wife in a state of pregnancy. As both houses belonged to one person, I did not hesitate a moment (after I was convinced of the characters who frequented it) to give my landlord

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ABERNETHY'S LECTURES. A Spare Diet." There was a friend of mine," Mr. Abernethy," who was supposed to be dying of hepatic affection; a thorough break-up: he was advance in life; his liver was all wrong, and he was dying least so his doctor said; but as he was dying, and 13 drowning man will always catch at a straw, he express a particular desire to see me, to know if I could order as thing that would do him good. I was sent for, and I we into the country to see him. I said to him, Upon m life, Sir, I should be most happy if I could suggest a thing that was likely to do you good, but I am very ign don't think I could suggest more judicious treatment the rant of the medical profession, and if I were not, I real has been prescribed; but, Sir, I shall give you a lectu on your diet, in the presence of your medical man." he drank no wine, but he did that which, for any thing knew the man before; he prided himself on his virtu know, is as bad-he eat most preposterously-was a pe fect glutton. Now, (said I) I know you like milk; I sha give you a cup of milk for breakfast, and you may put piece of bread in it, but not one drop of the milk displac by the bread must be replaced in the cup; you may ta new-laid egg to dinner, and a piece of bread and butt then have done for the day. Continue that for some about four o'clock you may drink some soda-water, taking it at the distance of every six hours in the de He did so; and, egad, the man got well; he seemed have grown young again; he got quite active, and rea afterwards he asked me to dine with him; I went, an it was quite astonishing to see him. About three mon saw him just at his old trick, stuffing most enorm quantities of food into his mouth. After dinner, walked in the garden; he was a merchant, and in course of our walk I said to him, Pray, Sir, what wo you think of a man, who, from nothing, had raised a st capital, and who might, if he chose to go on, increase t into an immense fortune, but who did not choose to go but squandered that capital away; what would you th of him? Why, (said he) I would say he was ad fool.' Then, (said I) what one may think of wealth, anoth may think of health, and thou art the man.' I say heal is like wealth, extremely difficult to get a little of; b when you have got it, if you take care of it, it williners and increase too with compound interest; but it is th nature of man that he will not do well unless he is con Pelled; and I believe you will find this to be the less well from inclination, they will be obliged to do it f human life; if people will not take care of health, and compulsion; but there are those who will even defy e sity, and those people go to the devil, of course.'

To Correspondents.

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EXHIBITION OF PICTURES.-We have before us several eritių upon the pictures in our Exhibition, but none to our ta as our own unschooled judgment can detect defects in e of them. A Friend must excuse our freedom in advising? to attend to spelling rather than criticism.

"Let such teach others, who themselves excel, And censure freely who have written well." For the present, we decline entering upon this subjet there are criticisms enough, such as they are, before public. It would be laughable, if it were not disgusting see the confidence, with which some men will prono upon subjects, respecting the merits of which they an ignorant as they are of the Chinese tongue. We su there must be such critics to suit certain capacities. leau says " Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admir THE CHASE. We presume that the writer of this translat did not see the note we addressed to him last week, reis! to certain passages of the second part of the composition THE ELDER POETS.-We have duly received the continuat of Specimens of the Elder Poets.

The length of the Confessions of a Femicide has obliged
for the present week, to defer the insertion of the com
nication of H. D.-Sufferer-W. R—S. M.—J. W. §

We have further to acknowledge the communications of
S. S.-Charon—A Friend to Liberality and Science.

Printed, published, and sold, every Tuesday, by E. SMI and Co., Clarendon-buildings, Marshall-street.


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(Continued from page 51.)


which obtained these rights, has long ceased to exist, (in England ;) and the British Monarch now enjoys those privileges which the first section of Magna Charta wrested from his predecessor John.

The second section provides,-That the ancient relief for wardship should be restored, viz. one hundred pounds for the fee of an Earl, one hundred marks for the fee of a Baron, and one hundred shillings for the fee of a Knight. That in cases where the King exercised his privilege of guardian during a minority, he should uphold the house and buildings, and commit no waste of the chattels and slaves. That heirs and heiresses should not be married to their disparagement, nor without the previous knowledge of their relatives; and that widows should be entitled to a third of their husbands' possessions. This section seeks to remedy the abuses which, began by the second Henry, and continued by his successors, mainly contributed to excite the Barons to rebellion. The claims made by the King in cases of wardship were more grievously felt than any of his other claims, so that, in restricting the powers of the King in the manner before stated, the Barons achieved the chief part of their undertaking. Yet no one will have the hardihood to assert that the liberties of England had any connexion with the second, and perhaps most important, section of Magna Charta. The fact is, in this case, the Barons merely contemplated the strict provisions of the feudal system, as guaranteed by the Conqueror, and never dreamed of more extensive liberties than their ancestors enjoyed. Besides, whatever might be the beneficial influence of this section, it extended only to the vassals of the Crown, and, of course, totally passed over the vast majority of the population. So much for the liberties granted by the second section of Magna Charta.

The first section of Magna Charta shows the great intee and power which the clergy had attained; it states, hat the clergy of the English Church shall possess all Wherties whole and inviolate." twould have been much more satisfactory to the hisan if the Barons who framed Magna Charta had stated grievances and defined the liberties of the clergy. tas they did not do this, I may be allowed to indulge 1plausible speculation as to what were the liberties int in the first section of Magna Charta. 1st, then, the commencement of the disputes between John and Barons, the King granted to the clergy a charter of election, by which it was provided that the custody all collegiate, cathedral, and conventual churches uld, as heretofore, (when they became vacant,) be ted in the Crown: but the royal license of election Section third provides,—That in all cases where the King uld be granted as soon as asked, and whoever the requires aids or scutages the council are to be informed forty etors appointed should be approved of by the King, days beforehand; the town and place of meeting to be his election confirmed.† 2d,-The right of appoint specified; together with the intended subject of discussion. the Archbishops and the Bishops had, as before stated, These regulations being duly observed, the members absent originally vested in the King; but in the reign of the are to be governed by the decision of those present. What end Henry, the appointments were claimed, and, after is here termed aids and scutages, I have, in the second ruggle, enjoyed by the Pope and the chapters. Yet, chapter of this Inquiry, rendered voluntary contribution, ugh the Monarch no longer appointed the higher dig--so that the reader will be aware of the meaning of these taries of the English Church, he still claimed the right terms. From this section of Magna Charta it would apdoing, and more than one of the successors of Henry attempted (though vainly) to nominate in opposito the Pope and the chapters. By the first section Magna Charta, the clergy now sought to have the right fappointment by the Pope and the chapters confirmed and arified by the King; and, of course, by signing the Charta, he Monarch deprived himself of the right he had hitherto aimed. 3d,-The clergy claimed exemption from all igations, save those they themselves agreed to. This im was ratified by the first section of Magna Charta. These appear to me to be the chief liberties guaranteed the clergy, by the first section of Magna Charta; and, must be obvious, that in this case no liberty whatever granted to the people. The powers of the church,

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pear that the meetings of King's council, before noticed, were generally for the purpose of granting aids, and a check upon the demands of the King is here provided. The motives which induced the Barons to insert this section appear to me to result from the following causes :1st, During the reign of the Conqueror, the feudal law. yers discovered that there were three cases in which the King could demand contribution, or, as they were called, aids and scutages, viz.-in case of his captivity in a foreign land-on the birth of his eldest son-and on the marriage of his eldest daughter. These occurrences could happen so seldom that I have hitherto abstained from noticing this method of obtaining revenue; but it would appear that both the first Richard and John had obtained grants

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of aid from the council, under the pretence that former aids, on account of some of the three cases, had not been tendered to them. By the third section, the Barons provide against these demands, inasmuch as by obtaining timely notice of the purpose for which they were summoned, they could ascertain whether or no the King had any just demands upon them for aids. 2d, The vassals of the Crown were divided into greater and lesser Barons, or those whose fiefs were extensive, and those whose fiefs were but small. Both the greater and lesser Barons had a right to sit in the council, so that when writs were issued for the attendance of the members of the council, both were summoned. This lay heavily upon the lesser Barons, as they were ill able to pay the necessary expenses of the journey to the place of meeting, attended by the retinue they were obliged to appear with. It had, therefore, been customary for the greater Barons only to attend, and the lesser Barons generally acceded to their decisions. From this sprung a great abuse, as, though the vassals of the Crown, they were enabled to defy its power when united, yet the greater Barons could not alone withstand it; hence it generally happened, that either by threats or by force the King obtained his ends, owing to the absence of the lesser Barons. The council of Nottingham before mentioned is an example. To remedy this, the Barons now sought to obtain a knowledge of the purpose for which they were summoned, in order to warn the lesser Barons of its import, and to gain time for them to appear, should their presence be thought necessary by their fellow nobles. Such were the benefits the Barons promised themselves by the third section of Magna Charta. This section of Magna Charta tacitly acknowledges the right of the Crown vassals to refuse attendance, should' they dislike the purpose for which they were summoned, and by so doing they could evade the contribution required of them. It must be confessed that we have in this some shadow of liberty granted and guaranteed. But this part of Magna Charta was expunged in the early part of the third Henry's reign, and never afterwards restored, so that even the slight liberty this section guaranteed was speedily destroyed.

Section fourth enacts,-That the Common Pleas shall no longer follow the person of the King, but be he'd in some certain place. The King's Court, and the Court of Exchequer, are still to accompany the Sovereign. There is little in this section worthy of notice, as it merely relates to a matter of convenience. It had, heretofore, been customary for the courts of justice to accompany the King in his journeys through the kingdom. By the fourth section the Barons sought to render the most important of these courts stationary, under the plea that as the King was uncertain in his movements, much delay and expense was incurred, by the suitors in the Common Pleas being necessitated to follow the court from place to place, as the caprice of the King dictated. To remedy this, Magna Charta decreed that the Common Pleas should be independent of the King's movements; and it has, accordingly, ever since been held at Westminster. Perhaps the chief motive why this section was inserted, was the ex

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