Abbildungen der Seite

lihood from their labours, and are only remunerated for
their trouble in proportion to the extent of the work they
can procure for them.

instant the blast strikes the upper card, and before the
air at rest is removed and succeeded by the rarefied stream.
Before the air is expelled, a slight obstacle has to be over-
come, which must cause the stream to exert itself side- There can be no occasion to illustrate the cruelty of em-
ways, though to a very slight degree, as the particles of ploying "climbing boys" by bringing forward a list of the
air are extremely susceptible of motion. It should also various accounts of their troubles, as common sense, un-
be noticed, that the wind forced through the quill is in a aided by such proofs, which, if they were required, are
condensed state, and will be so at the instant of its escape not wanting, either in number or painfulness of detail;
from the quill. All those causes to separation are, how-it can surely only be necessary to state the smallness of
ever, so instantaneously overcome by the rarefied current the interior of a chimney for a boy, and the possibility of
within, and the atmospheric pressure without, that this sweeping them without one, to set the subject in a clear
effect cannot take place.
light at once. We may form a very good idea of the
dimensions of a chimney, either from observing the fire-
place, or the projection beyond the roof, and we shall find
them to measure about nine inches in breadth and fourteen
in width; and we know, too, that a chimney mug must be
larger that the square aperture over which it is placed, or
there would be no possibility of fixing it firmly, and yet
how confining these mugs are! Indeed, the boys do very
often stick in the chimney, and it is with great exertion
that they displace themselves.

It has been said, that a heavier substance-a half-crown, for instance-may be blown off. This cannot arise from its superior weight, so much as from its lying very close to the lower card; thus making the passage, for the escape of air, less than that by the quill; and, from a condensation underneath, as well as from the upward blast forced against its surface, an impulse might be given which the rarefaction, that will immediately follow the separation, cannot restrain.

To conclude, the effect of the experiment, which has created so much speculation, as well as that of the other escribedd above, depends on the following principles of pneumatics :-Air, forced from a smaller tube into a larger, causes rarefaction by expelling the air at rest, and then diffusing itself over a space too great for its volume, and vice versa:-air, forced from a larger into a smaller tube, causes condensation, being made to occupy a space too small for its volume. On the last principle blow-pipes are made.

The above contains all the observations necessary to be made, and which, I dare say, you, though a friend and patron to scientific pursuits, consider more than enough. If my solution meet the approbation of the managers of the Royal Institution, 1 shall not fail to give you early notice; and, if a medal be the reward for having stumbled upon it, (I care not though it be of bell-metal, provided it be a durable testimony of their approval,) you shall be favoured with an early inspection, as you first stimulated me to the inquiry.-I am, Sir, yours respectfully, Lithographic-office, 89, Old Hall-street,

March 25, 1828.




What a desirable object then must be the melioration of the condition of these boys, and, so far as is possible, the total disusing of them. Many persons seem to be so completely unacquainted with the mechanical means of sweeping chimneys that they cannot conceive the possibility of sweeping them (as they are always built square) with a brush. To be sure, as the brushes are usually made round, they must naturally work more on the sides than in the corners of the chimney, but they do not for that reason leave the corners untouched; the only difference is, that the soot leaves the sides the soonest, but it must be displaced from the corners in the next place, and that is no reason that the sides will be cleaner than the corners, for the brush cannot do more than clean the chimney, and the only difference is, that the bricks at the sides get a little more rubbing, but the soot is as effectually taken from the corners, as it is from the other parts; and these brushes being generally formed of split whalebones, their superior strength to that which the boy uses, made of common bristles, does away with the necessity of a scraper to bring away even the hardened soot adhering to the brick-work.

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When is a barrel of beer not a barrel of beer! When it is a little tart.

To Correspondents.

We are still amidst the bustle and inconvenience ant upon removing to our new premises in Le and we must plead this circumstance as our apalagi some irregularity and apparent inattention to respondents, which may, and, indeed, must be, th sequence of the indescribable confusion in which involved.

It is so much in our nature to choose whatever is easiest and most convenient to ourselves, that we need not be surprised at the sweeps preferring the boys to the machines. The machine cannot walk up the chimney while the master SIR,-The spirit of humanity, for which it is gratifying sweep, or one of his servants, remains below; no, the case to know the inhabitants of this large and populous town is at once reversed, and far from being in his favour; the are so much noted, makes it a most desirable object to boy merely carries the machine, and assists his master in GYMNASIA. One of our correspondents, who profes direct their attention to a subject which calls loudly for using it, but the master has the laborious part of the job their patronage and support. At all times, and in all ages, in his own hands, and even his stout arms begin to ache the original, or first method of effecting any useful pur-after using it to a very few chimneys; and what might pose, has always been rude in the extreme, and this we have been done by his lad he has to perform himself. It is a know by comparison with the improvements which have matter of course then, that no housekeeper can judge from supplanted them; and we know farther, that these improve-the reports of a sweep against mechanical sweeping, and ments have been brought into practice with greater or less without their own judgment suggests the propriety, and readiness according as habit had rendered the old practice demands the using of the proper apparatus, which most familiar, and, of course, apparently easy and preferable of the sweeps in Liverpool do possess, if they would only to any other. This is exactly the case with the something bring them forward of their own accord. more than ridiculous means by which our chimneys have therefore, expect that the abolition of this system, and the from time out of mind been swept, by allowing a child to superseding of the necessity of employing climbing boys, climb up them with the requisites for clearing away the is so near at hand as it is desirable that it should be. soot. Such has been, and still remains, the method of Hoping these few scattered remarks may not be thrown sweeping chimneys-but let any person of common feelings reflect upon the barbarity of the system, and he away, I beg to subscribe myself, yours most truly,

must see at once, not only the absurdity, but what is more, the cruelty, of having recourse to a scheme of this nature. Custom, we must allow, has deprived the present mode of cleaning chimneys of a large share of the disgust we might otherwise, perhaps, more generally attach to it; but this, it should be remembered, is a very delusive appearance, and we should bring to mind that these little creatures, for their occupation requires that they should be diminutive, are the slaves (by executing the most arduous part of the work) of their masters, who realize a live

[blocks in formation]

We must not,


Festivals, &c.

6 Easter Tuesday.





[Low Sunday.

a mechanic, wishes us to describe in the Kak
various feats taught by the professors of gymnast
should apologize for delaying to reply to his note, vä
mislaid; and we are sorry that our reply new
sarily, be unsatisfactory, as it would hardly be p
comply with the request. The feats are so nu
many of them are so complicated, that, to rendr
scription of them intelligible, very expensive
would be necessary. The best advice we can
correspondent, if he can meet with a score or **
who wish also to learn the system, is to make up 4-
purse, by small subscriptions, out of which see
their body might be taught gymnastics by Mr. V
some other competent person. The knowledge
quired might easily be communicated to the what s
and the balance of the subscription-money ex
purchasing some necessary apparatus, and payi
hire of a room for exercise.

shall, in the next Kaleidoscope, lay before our re
sketch of this eminent botanist.
ANATOMICAL DISSECTIONS.-We have, this day, comph 2
able article on this important subject, which app
ginally in the Westminster Review.

CLIMBING BOYS. We shall, next week, publish an intere
article on this subject, illustrated with engravings

The lines "To Freedom," by H. W. J., and the note of

stant Reader, shall appear in our next

8 First Sunday after Easter. Printed, published, and sold, every Tuesday, by B

5 New Moon, 9h. 5m. morn.

and Co., Lord-street, third door below Marshall-strat


Literary and Scientific Mirror.


familiar Miscellany, from which all religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending LITERATURE, CRITICISM, MEN and MINERS, AMUSEMENT, elegant EXTRACTS, POETRY, ANECDOTES, BIOGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY, the DRAMA, ARTS and SCIENCES, WIT and SATIRE, FASHIONS, NATURAL HISTORY, &c. forming mandsome ANNUAL VOLUME, with an INDEX and TITLE-PAGE. Persons in any part of the Kingdom may obtain this Work from London through their respective Booksellers.

To. 407.-Vol. VIII.

Scientific Notices. prehending Notices of new Discoveries or Improveents in Science or Art; including, occasionally, sinalar Medical Cases; Astronomical, Mechanical, Phiophical, Botanical, Meteorological, and Mineralogical henomena, or singular Facts in Natural History, Megetation, &c.; Antiquities, &c.




Prospect-place, Bristol.

efore we proceed with our remarks on this most aordinary, and, we think we may add, most use- liscovery, we shall here transcribe a paragraph sh appeared in the last Liverpool Mercury, aneing our intention to enter pretty fully into the et in the Kaleidoscope.

TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1828.

PRICE 3 d.

kites we shall briefly state the advantages and no- as explicit on other points as he has here been revelty of Mr. Pocock's invention.

specting his guidance of the kites, as he has left the reader to guess at the most extraordinary feat which he has accomplished, and which almost staggers belief.

"By these kites (says the author) a person may ascend to a very considerable height, from which elevation, land, or any other object, might be discovered, long before it could be seen from a mast head.”

His attention was first directed to the subject by finding that a stone tied to the end of the kite-string was carried with ease along the ground; a discovery which suggested the possibility of substituting a car for a stone, provided the power of the kite could be increased. In order to augment the draught, "I made (says Mr. Pocock) a second kite, and flying up the first until it would carry no more string, I tied—A person may " land himself or others on the sumthe end of the first kite-string to the back of the second kite, and letting that up, with its own length of cordage, my uppermost kite triumphed over all competition."

At length, by dint of practice, he found, that, by attaching several kites, each having a considerable length of twine, they might be elevated above the clouds, and the power of their draught increased to almost any extent. This discovery would have been of little or no value, if the ingenious, persevering, most singular and splendid quarto volume, which has and enthusiastic projector had not hit upon some put into our hands, has afforded us great and unex-means of altering, at will, the momentum, or power d satisfaction. The author, Mr. Pocock, of Bristol, of draught, and of guiding his aërial studs at his same ingenious gentleman who, as was reported pleasure. In order to show how this is effected, it will months age in all the newspapers, had contrived be necessary for us, and we think agreeable to our vel with great rapidity and safety in a carriage with-readers, to transcribe the author's following brief horses, drawn by kites, which he has discovered the chapter: le of steering in almost all directions, by a most simple ingenious contrivance. As will be seen by the adverent, we intend to devote a considerable portion of the Kaleidoscope to the consideration of this subject, and an promise our readers no small treat, mixed with ishment, if they rank, as we did until lately, this scheme amongst the wildest conceits in Swift's LaWhat will they say to carriages moving with ease in, twenty, or thirty miles and more an hour, if rea, by means of kites, and moving in diametrically te directions with the same wind? And how will astonishment be excited when they learn that human can be safely conveyed through the air by the same ? However, all these things are as true as that

ever ascended in his balloon.


"brave winds that sweep the air, "Posting tall ships along, or with their breath Speeding our winged vessel on its course Fleeter than swift Camilla trod the earth, As the hot race-horse paced. Beautiful winds! We fain would harness ye.”—Pocock.

Fer the desert as rapid as fast bounding roe, my bark of the breezes all cheer'ly I go;

it more sudden the rush of the avalanche drift, arrow more fleet, nor the wild horse more swift; forward my studs, wing your way through the wind, will leave the wild Arab behind."-Pocock.


The shape may vary, but for what is termed the pilot,
or uppermost kite, the common circular-headed shape is
certainly the best. The first peculiarity of this invention is,
that the kite is made to fold up, the standard of the kite
is divided into two equal lengths, or in three, if the kite
is very large; the wings also have hinges, or joints at the
top of the kite; and if very large, each wing is divided
into two parts, having a second pinion joint.

In the second part of the invention, two lines are used
for what is termed the belly-band; the upper one, sta-
tionary or fixed; the under one, termed the lower brace
line, reeves through an eye in the upper line, at about the
distance where the usual bow is tied in the belly-band of
the common kite. Both these lines are continued down
to the hand of the controller. By straining on the lower
brace, the kite is brought up against the wind, into full
action; by slackening the same, the kite is laid inactively
upon the wind: thus its power is instantly increased or
lessened while floating in the air. By these same means
the kite is elevated or lowered at pleasure, soaring or sink-
ing in proportion as the angle is formed on the kite's


Another branch of this system consists of the application of two side lines; one attached to the right hand extremity of the kite, and the other to the left. These act upon the kite much the same as the reins do upon a gig horse; by pulling the right hand line, an obliquity is given to the kite's surface, on which obliquity the wind acting, the kite veers instantly to the right hand: straining on the left hand brace, the action is directly vice versa. By this movement the traverse is performed; trees and other obstacles avoided, and many advantages obtained. The means of a back-band: thus a tandem equipage of ininvention also admits of attaching kite after kite, by definite power is obtained, and the kites, if requisite, elevated to a vast height.

'reviously to laying before our readers the chapter
ur author's work, which is entitled "Anecdotes
he Kite," and which contains some very amusing
Ails of experiments made by the agency of the It is to be regretted that the author has not been

mit of the highest rock, raise or lower himself, or glide over the surface of the billows, and afford hope to others where none was before; rescue, when death rode victorious on the whirlwind, and destruction appeared crying for victims through the storm."

Mr. Pocock's kites are so constructed as to fold up: and such is their power, that two of them, one fifteen feet and the other twelve, will draw a carriage containing four or five persons, when the wind is brisk. As the application of these kites at sea is, perhaps, the most important part of the discovery, we shall here transcribe the author's words:


1st. They will serve as auxiliary sails to the navy, merchantmen, trading vessels, &c. After spreading all the may be added by the application of these buoyant sails as canvas possible in the usual way, very considerable power auxiliaries; and this power may be so attached, as to counteract the injurious pressure which a crowd of canvas is known to occasion, and which not unfrequently causes too great a dip of the vessel on its lee; for, let it be recollected, that the draught power of these sails, while aiding progress, is also exerted in buoying up the vessel. The writer does not presume to teach seamen to what part of the vessel the power must be applied; but one thing is evident, namely, that from the use of this novel principle will arise an entirely new branch in the art of sailing, the merits of which the skilful navigator will know far better than the projector how to appreciate and how to apply.

Again, there are seasons when common sails are of no use to a vessel; for frequently it occurs, as has been hinted in the introduction, that there is sometimes wind above, when none stirs below; and that the gale or breeze, which during a fair day was very brisk, generally dies away near the surface of the water at sunset. The mariner knows, by long experience, that it first forsakes him upon deck, till presently, as it continues still creeping upward, he derives not the least benefit, except from a light breeze in his sky-sail; and that also finally departs. But where is it fled? This is not generally known; for on such calm and clear evenings nothing is seen moving in the atmosphere, and all around and above appears to be in a state of perfect quiescence. However, this is far from being the case; for it is known to the author of this treatise, that on such an evening, just in proportion as the wind dies away below, its action is generally quickened above; and, from a number of recent experiments, he has proved, that, at the height of about 150 yards in the atmosphere, there is a steady current of air actively floating, at the rate of sixteen miles an hour, when there is not a breath below. This powerful stream of air flows generally from sunset to midnight, and sometimes runs into the next day. This being known, the wary seaman wards add as many others as he may think necessary will hoist his first kite before sunset, and he may after

"To waft him o'er the floods

Swift as the wind, and o'er the boundless deep."

It is there, then, where the proudest mast never raised

its aspiring head, nor the loftiest pennant flew, at a height that sea-boy never ascended, to unfurl a sky-sail, or the crest of the ocean-rock reached, that a surface of canvas may now be spread with an effect and power hitherto not



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Every expedient and attempt to save the shipwrecked has been deemed laudable; and if even a dog succeeds in rescuing one individual from the "greedy maw of ocean,' the noble animal is never forgotten. It is allowed on all hands, that the conveying of a rope on shore is, in the case of destructive tempests at sea, of the utmost importance; and, for that purpose, a something termed a storm-kite has been recommended; but from the description given of it, the directions laid down for the making of it, and the instructions afforded for applying the whole apparatus to its intended purpose, nothing can be more safely asserted, than that such an expedient can seldom or never prove even moderately successful. Indeed, portions of the plan are not practicable, though found in one of the most popular works on navigation. For instance, it is recommended, that after the wreck has taken place, the kite should be made. Why such a thing should not be kept always ready, is, because it would not fold up, and, consequently, occupy useful room in the vessel; neither could any place have been found, convenient for stowage, from whence it could be easily produced; and, as such, a kite could not be applied to any other than this painful use: its construction was, therefore, to be left to a moment, which, of all others, was the most exceptionable. Again, the scheme proposed was, that a small anchor, or grappling-iron, method of preventing the proper action in the wind. In order to drop this anchor, when suspended over shore, the string of the kite is to be let run out suddenly, that the whole may drop together to the earth. If it so drop, the grappling-iron must take its chance of fastening; if this does not succeed, no second attempt can be made with

should be fastened to the end of the kite's tail; the surest

that kite.

An ingenious gentleman, knowing how exceptionable was this mode of causing the descent, invented a more certain method: this was, by sending up a messenger of canvas, which, sliding up the string, removed a catch in the lower part of the belly-band, and then the kite fell, together with its grappler. But when once dropped, it could not be raised again, neither could a second trial be made, if the first did not succeed.

Than these, the author of this treatise knows of no

other inventions or expedients, by means of kites, mentioned in any work whatever.

with the number and power of the kites, and the
velocity of the wind. The author says he "does not
commit himself by asserting that this mode of tra-
velling is the most expeditious and safe ever yet
discovered. Mile after mile (he adds) has been per-
formed at the rate of twenty miles an hour, turning
it by chronometer in hand."

We have been carried so much further than we
contemplated by this novel and interesting subject,
that we must now conclude with giving the chapter
from the work, which we promised in the commence-
ment of our commentary.


the kite-carriage, which, in an earlier portion of the work
The time is now arrived, when the anecdotes relative to
my readers. They will fully illustrate the ill-natured
were glanced at, may be not unamusingly presented to
scepticism which it has been the pride of the writer to
triumph over and defeat.

found that the commencement of his narrative excited mo-
A gentleman, speaking of the carriage drawn by kites,
mentary attention; but the company, as by mutual con-
sent, very soon neglected him. He then, rather warmly,
asked the question, “* whether they did not believe him "
This produced a titter, and whispering, indicative of con-
tempt. However, being determined that they should be
the car, at the rate of sixteen miles an hour. This com-
convinced, he assured them that he himself had rode in
pleted the wonderful story; all burst into a laugh; and a
particular friend of the narrator observed, "Well, my
dear Sir, I never knew you to tell fibs, and therefore must
credit your assertion; but if I had seen the thing myself,
would not have believed my own eyes."


at Brighton, was actually silenced by the president of the
Another gentleman, introducing the subject in a party
relations might do in certain descriptions of company, but
meeting, whose remark was, "Sir, your very surprising
they cannot be allowed here!"

of their own vision; as in the case of a gentleman, i
one day meeting the flying expedition, very politely be
the conductors to pull up for one minute: he then e
permission to examine the wheels, and when be am
there was no concealed machinery, "Well,"
kites, though I have often denied the possibility
"I suppose I must now believe that your car is
thing; however, as I value my character, be

shall never venture to relate what I have seen, bein
suaded that should I do so, I should weaken the c
for ever." In this case, it appears, the objection of th
of my best friends, and poison their good optie de
tleman was, that he did not conceive it possibl
kites to possess power adequate for the drawing of a c
had he, however, been present on one occasion, t
woman would have told him the secret at once. Hem
no higher for the discovery than to the grovelling
a number of her neighbours, who were surrou
she possessed far more elevated penetration. Act
Then, with a deal of sang froid, taking a pinch
as their oracle, she observed, "I'll tell you all ata
she added, "they have got a man up there be
kite, and he is pulling them along." It appears t
tends to her most distant dominions. A you
credulity is not confined to England alone, but tha
now in India, who was educated at "Prospec
has the following paragraph in a letter to his corres
now at the same academy :—“ I have once or tw
to give an account of Mr. Pocock's char-volant, het
who hear me mention the subject think I am p
Whenever any thing marvellous is told at the
long bow, I have lately held my tongue respec
cry in general is, Come, that beats Pritchards
carriage. They all say, seeing is believe
until they do see such a thing, they will never
Major John W. Say, 32d regt. formerly one of yo
pupils, who is at present rusticating not far from
India bear me out in my tale."
will, I hope, see the said carriage, and when he rea

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A volume of similar relations might be given:

The Philanthropist.

are sufficient to prove that something is cal away this universal scepticism, to silence the A lady, also, of high respectability, in the neighbour-the witty, and to afford general information hood of Bristol, politely requested a sketch of the car and this new, and, the writer trusts it will be ad kites, with the rate of travelling, &c.; so that some of her liar, invention. testimonials, it seems, were not altogether satisfactory, incredulous friends might be convinced: even these and nothing less than seeing the equipage in action could tleman, who had been the chief disputant with this lady, remove scepticism; this, also, was granted, and the genwas requested to alight from his carriage, and seat him. self on the char-volant; the result was, his pair of greys, drawing two persons, were quickly left in the rear by the pair of kites, drawing five. This gentleman's argument had been, that lee-way being given to the kites, by the running forward of the car, they would speedily drop to the earth: the principle is correct, when the breeze is barely sufficient to support the kites, but when it is at all active, still, as they make progress, they retain their ele



Now the patentee's lately invented portable kites are unfurled and ready instantly; by them may be suspended very considerable weights; they may be lowered or raised We have received the Anti-Slavery Reporter in at pleasure, till hold is taken by the grapnel. Other kites and, in order to redeem our pledge, and further the would fly only in the direct course of the wind: these may of the philanthropic promoters and talented con he veered, and dropped to the right or left of the wind's this work, proceed to lay before our readers as f course, to a very considerable tangle: and thus, if the stract of the contents as our limits will permit. anchor does not hold in one spot, it may be elevated, and remembered that, in the early part of last month, let down in another, till a proper catch is obtained. But should it be deemed more expedient at once to send a person The most mortifying circumstance that has hitherto was some discussion in the House of Commons or th on shore, with a rope, to make every thing secure, he may come under observation, was the rude treatment of two ject of colonial slavery, arising from a queste a be borne above the bursting billows, and alight like a amiable young ladies, who, having rode in this novel Brougham, as to whether the measures taken by th bird, a messenger of good from the flood, on the clift or vehicle, were quite delighted to mention their excursion; latures of the colonies, with reference to the sam beach, according to the relative situation of the wreck.this was in a numerous party. A scientific character, lation, were so satisfactory to Government as Again, it might so chance that even a rope would not renwhose age and pretensions to ingenuity had not taught him der all that aid which circumstances required; for, should common politeness, very gravely, and quite in the cha- Parliamentary interference unnecessary? Mr. it so unfortunately occur that female passengers and chil-racter of a cynic, interrupted the lively relation, by ob-replied that, in the Crown colonies, the measu dren be among the despairing number of the shipwrecked, serving. Ladies, the respect I have for your worthy mended by Government, with the exception of cou what mode so desirable as to swing them securely in a father and mother, and for the character of the family, manumission, had been carried into complete ef hammock or cot, and thus transport them, as in an ark of induces me to protest against this romancing, and to say that, in the colonies having legislatures of the safety, above the foaming billows, and land them over the that you are not telling truth." The parties have never where considerable hostility had been manifested spray, dry-shod upon the shore? since exchanged a sentence. It appears, that this pedant's conceit of his knowledge wishes of Government, nothing could be done wit of mechanism had led him to this gross breach of good be- concurrence of the colonial authorities; without th haviour, for after he had committed himself, he thought might ruin the colonies, without benefiting the it might be some justification for his rudeness, to show and With reference to the first point, the Reporter g to prove how impossible it was for low wheels to revolve on their axes sufficiently quick to perform sixteen miles an conclusive reasons for believing that Mr. Huskis hour, which was the rate of travelling the ladies had stated. sertion is not fairly applicable to any of the col It is hoped that this publication will prevent such very mentioned, nor even to Trinidad itself, which has knowing gentlemen, those so wise in their own conceit, held forth as a model for the other Crown colonies from insulting the ladies for the time to come; and should The Trinidad Order in Council of March, 18 any of these cheerful visitors hereafter drop into a friendly or fashionable circle, after some aerial excursion, and in termed an order for " promoting the religious instru the zest of conversation should they be heard to relate their of the slaves, as well as improving their temporal adventures, as having not only been drawn by kites, but tion; yet it contains not one clause conducive to that that these rara aves had borne them aloft, through ether and, in fact, no effectual measures have been ta and over rivers, it will not be safe even for reputed wisdom promoting the religious instruction of the slaves. ther young or old. It was proposed by Government the slave some day in lieu of the Sunday, in which h

In the same way might every one be landed, even the last, if circumstances require. In cases of shipwreck at a very considerable distance from the land, a patent kite, of the smallest size, would safely tow several men to shore, on the surface of the waves. Again, in despairing cases of ship's foundering at sea, of what varied service might these inventions be! One single kite would draw, and aid to busy up, a considerable spar, or little raft, keeping it from rolling or turning over; serving, at the same time, for a sail, and signal of distress, so lofty and conspicuous as to attract very distant observation. Again, were the string of a kite fastened judiciously beneath a person's arms, it might support him for hours, and waft him within

reach of help, or to some shore, or into some haven,

"Where aid may soothe away the pangs of fear, Or pitying stranger drop compassion's tear." With respect to the speed at which a car can be managed by the new agency, it will, of course, vary

to contradict their entertaining testimonies.

It is by no means wonderful that persons should refuse credence to their friends, when they doubt the certitude

in his provision-ground for his own support, and This marketing, so that that day might be set apart of rest and prayer; but neither Sunday markets nday labour has been abolished. The Spanish slave which was in force before the island came into our SE on, allowed the slave 134 days in the year on which om his religious duties and labour for his own beneBritish laws allow for the same purposes seventeen. can carry the intentions of Government, in this into effect, but the absolute prohibition of Sunday ket day, or that on which he is obliged to labour Own support,-and the substitution of some other

nesses to the deed.

increased than diminished, and the planters have proved,
beyond a question, that the owners of slaves are utterly
incapable of legislating for slaves. As to the alleged ne-
cessity of colonial concurrence, that imprudent admission
from Mr. Huskisson must serve as an encouragement to
the planters to continue their contumacious opposition to
the wishes of the Government. The British House of
Commons should no longer delegate a trust to others which
they cannot, or will not, execute fairly.


Biographical Notices.


(From the Philosophical Magazine for April.)

On Monday, the 17th of March, died at his house in Surrey-street, Norwich, his native city, aged 68, Sir James Edward Smith, M.D., F.R.S., Member of the Academies of Stockholm, Upsal, Turin, Lisbon, Philadelphia, New York, &c. &c., the Imperial Acad. Naturæ Curiosorum, and the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, Hon. Mem. of the Horticultural Society; and President of the Linnæan Society, which office he had held from the first esta

Of this eminent naturalist and most excellent and

The decrease in the number of slaves in the British West India colonies, for three years preceding 1824, was about 18,000, or 24 per cent.; whilst the blacks in St. Do-blishment of the Society in 1788. mingo, and the slaves in the United States of America, increase about 24 per cent. per annum :-between a decrease amiable man, as time does not permit us, in our present of 24 per cent. in three years, and an increase of 2 per his merits, we must fulfil that duty at a future time. We number, to give such a notice as is due to his station and cent. per annum, there is a difference of 3 per cent., shall now only add, that he had laboured nearly up to the which, on 711,960 slaves, would make about 23,000 per day of his decease, (though often impeded by sickness,) annum, to be the extent of the destruction and prevention with unabated zeal and success in the advancement of his English of human life in the British colonies, as compared with favourite science; the fourth volume of his " Flora" having been published but a few days before his the United States of America, or the neighbouring Island death. The former volumes of this masterly work have been noticed by us on their publication. At the close of the volume which has just appeared, are the following remarks, which will now be read with melancholy interest by the friends and admirers of the much lamented author. "Several circumstances have caused a long delay in the publication of the present volume, which, if their recurrence should not be prevented, may render the completion of the work, according to its original plan, very precarious. In the meanwhile, the number of volumes originally proposed is now finished, and the first twenty-three classes are completed, as well as the first Order of the twenty-fourth, Cryptogamia Filices, the only one that required more study and emendation than it has hitherto received.

of St. Domingo!


tead. Under the existing law the slave is bound to seven days in the week; and it is unnecessary to her than this fact, in order to discover why the numthe slaves should be continually decreasing, while the free negroes around them is rapidly on the inThe evidence of slaves is inadmissible in civil terein the master is concerned; it is also rejected affecting the life of a white man, who may thus murder with impunity, though thousands of slaves 'If a slave prove that his has inflicted an illegal punishment upon him, inquent is sentenced to pay a fine of £4 9s. sterFrom a calculation recently made, it appears that the If he fails to prove his accusation, (and, be it rered, that neither his own evidence nor that of his West Indian proprietors are supported at the expense of laves is available,) he is delivered over by the the people of Great Britain, and that the fatal system of ate to his incensed master to receive a punishment slavery could not exist without the aid of bounties and eeding twenty-five stripes: and if he thinks the Protecting duties. The bounty on sugar, which amounts to about three eserving of a higher punishment for the indig. which he has subjected his master, he is shillings a cwt. (half having been taken off last year) draws from the Exchequer, for an export of about 37,000 tons, refer the case to a higher tribunal. Such an bus law as this seems to have been contrived for the the sum of about £111,000. The additional price levied purpose of preventing the unhappy slave from on the public on account of our internal consumption, ng a complaint, however infamously he may be which amounts to about 150,000 tons, is about £450,000, The Order in Council would seem to give the making together £560,000. The effect of the protecting ry ample rights of property, but as he is prohibited duty of 10s. against East India, and 36s. against foreign lling any but the produce of his provision-ground, sugar, cannot be very accurately ascertained. If we estino day given him in lieu of Sunday, the most un-mate it at the low rate of 6s. a cwt. £900,000 more is thus taken out of the pockets of the British consumers, making rifg labour can barely suffice to provide for the most wants of nature. In 1824, Government intended a grand total of upwards of £1,460,000, or at the average ide against the inhumanity of separating families rate of from £800 to £900 a year to each slave-holding which had before, most humanely, been strictly sugar planter. This sum, indeed, is divided among them en by the Spanish law; the Order in Council, in very unequal proportions, some of them importing more , only affects judicial sales, leaving the far more largely than others; but it may be estimated to yield to mus private ones to be guided entirely by individual the sugar farmer at least eight pounds sterling for every ton of sugar he imports; that is to say, the rich and the or caprice. The Government principle, that no fit to be the protector of slaves who is himself an poor of this country are burdened to this enormous extent, of slaves, is generally lost sight of in the person of not only to supply luxuries to about 1800 sugar farmers, but to enable them, with profit to themselves, to go on if protector, and his numerous assistants, who may wasting the lives of their slaves, at a rate which would ply engaged in the slave system, and warm up- ultimately unpeople the world.

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of its worst abuses. The Trinidad Order has ulation for restricting the hours of labour of the Slavery in Kentucky.-While taking my breakfast, some At the best, these amount to eleven and a half yells and hallooing called us to the door. A troop of horseiday, exclusive of a great deal of vexatious labour men were passing. Two of the party had each a negro lefield work is over; but, during crop time, that is, slave running before him, secured by a rope fastened to an iron collar. A tremendous horsewhip reminded them from one-third to one-half of the year, they are at intervals to quicken their pace. The bloody backs and led to work eighteen hours a day entirely for their necks of these wretches bespoke a too frequent application an intensity of toil to which the very beasts in of the lash. The third negro had, however, the hardest Wice of man are not subjected. The provisions lot. The rope of his collar was fastened to the saddle by the Order, for allowing the slave to redeem him- string of the third horseman, and the miserable creature ad his family, on a fair appraisement, though ob-had thus no alternative left, but to keep an equal pace with the trotting horse, or to be dragged through ditches, to by the British planters, on account of their thorns, and coppice-wood. His feet and legs all covered lity, are, in that respect, far inferior to those of the with blood, exhibited a dreadful spectacle. The three slaves sh law. By the chicanery of the master and his had run away three days before, dreading transportation derates, this appraisement is made the source of ex-Forth, calling her black girls, "what is done with the to Mississippi or Louisiana." Look here," said Mrs. int gain to him, and of grievous oppression to the bad negroes, who run away from their good masters!" With an indifference, and a laughing countenance, which clearly showed how accustomed these poor children were to the like scenes, they expressed their sentiments at this disgusting conduct "The Americans as they Are.

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lese are some of the defects of the slave code in Tri-
d, and they apply, more or less, to the other six
nies which are subject to the direct legislation of the
In the thirteen colonies having legislatures of
town, little or nothing has been done. Thus, after
years' experiment, of hopes and fears, nothing has
done to alleviate the horrors of that blot upon human
are slavery; indeed those horrors have rather been the native women.

In the stomach of a crocodile, which was killed near the Ganges, in 1824, were found the remains of a woman, a whole cat, the remains of a dog and sheep, several rings, and the separated parts of the common bangles worn by

"Of the remaining Orders, the Masci have been detailed in the Latin Flora Britannica and Compendium of the author, as well as in his English Botany; and by other well-known writers, in two editions of the Muscologia Britannica, and the Muscologia Hibernice Spicilegium. The monograph of Dr. Hooker on British Jungermannia, which, with their allies, constitute the next Order to the Musci, diffuses a new light over the whole of that Order. Dillwyn on Conferva, have gone far to exhaust the species of those tribes; an application of scientific principles to the settlement of their genera being all that is wanting. The Lichen family, under the control of the great Acharius, assumes the dignity of an entire and well-arranged Order. The Fungi, better discriminated by Withering than by most popular writers, and well explained by the figures of the excellent and lamented Sowerby, are, in their minutest details, exquisitely illustrated by the Cryptogamia Flora of the ingenious Dr. Greville, and the acthe aid of the learned Persoon and others, might possibly curate publications of Mr. Purton. These, marshalled by have proved less obscure than heretofore. This tribe, indeed, leads the botanist to the end of his clue, and leaves him in palpable darkness, where even Dillenius was bewildered.

The works of Mr. Dawson Turner on Fuei, and of Mr.

"All these subjects, if not yet brought into perfect daylight, might well, by the help of those brilliant northern lights, Acharius, Fries, and Agardh, have been made more accessible to the student, and more instructive to systematic botanists, by one long accustomed to their contemplation in the wild scenes of nature, and not unfurnished with remarks of his own. If our bodily powers could keep pace with our mental acquirements, the student of half a century would not shrink from the delightful task of being still a teacher; nor does he resign the hope of affording some future assistance to his fellow-labourers, though, for the present, "a change of study," to use the expression of a great French writer, may be requisite" by way of reTaxation and repose." * See Phil. Mag. vol. Ixvii. p 60.

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By her angel aspect meek,
By the rose upon her cheek,
By the radiance of her eye,
Smiling sweet, but treacherously;
By the veins of violet hue,
Seen her skin of ivory through;
By these tokens, well I know,
Short must be her race below,
And that soon, in beauty's pride,
Death will claim her for his bride.

By the tender matchless grace
Vain would agony efface;

By her every look and tone,

As from heaven were round her thrown,

While yet a denizen of earth,
The attributes of saintly birth;
By her soul's aspirings high,
And by her sweetness heavenly ;-
Be these, and all of good, and fair,
Brief, I know, her sojourn here.
Smiling mischief, dazzling woe!
Well, too well, thy form I know;
Know thee by thy radiant dress,
Thy more than mortal loveliness.
Fairest herald of the tomb!

Doff thy beauty, doff thy bloom,
And, since thine the poisoned dart,
That drinks the life-blood of the heart,
Veil thee deep, in robes of night,
And cease to smile a shape of light.
Dread Consumption! wherefore, say,
Thine to flatter and betray?
Wherefore still, with brow serene,
Seek thine errand, stern, to screen?
Thou Hygeia's rival still,
Smiling mischief, dazzling ill!
Doff thy flowers that round thee twine,
Doff the Hebe mask divine;

For oh, the pangs when dies the rose, Or ere the storm its form disclose ! Liverpool.


Te Dacus asper, te profugi Scythæ, Urbesque, gentesqui, et Latium feron, Regumque matres barbarorum, et Purpurei metuunt tyranni."

HOR. bk. 1, od. 35.


'Twas long since the Goth of the pitiless north,
Like his storms from the land of the tempest rush'd forth;
The Grecian had sunk in the wide swelling flood,
And conquering Rome saw her sun set in blood.
And nations, more fierce than the Vandal in name,
Had forg'd a fresh chain for the children of fame;
When reluctant to flee, and unable to save,
The spirit of freedom yet stood by the wave.

She looked for her freemen, but freemen were none,
The stranger was there, they had bow'd to his throne;
Other lords, other nations held rule in their home,
4r the glorious of Hellas, the mighty of Rome.

And silent in dust was the musical tongue,

And hush'd were the strains the enchanter had sung,
Yet the stone on their tomb seem'd untrue to its trust,
For there breathed yet a voice from the eloquent dust.
When the splendour was dimm'd by disgrace, and each


Determined demeanour, and straight-forward name, They draw down attention towards the close of the gam Above all things, when matters of crisis are seen, When deep in her plots dies the powerful Queen, When the valorous Knight has sunk, quite out of bra

And the Bishop's manœuvres have ended in death,

That shook the wide earth was their boast and their shame,Then the cut and thrust Castle is able to bring
A new home, a new name, a new nation she sought her,
In a land far away o'er the deep rolling water.
Where the sun, flaming o'er the Atlantic's green breast,
First looks on the glorious lands of the west,
The victor to vanquish, the spoiler to spoil,
And glory and peace are the meed of the toil.
'Twas then, oh bright spirit of freedom! to thee
The cry of Ausonia came over the sea;
Yet, strangely commingling, the far echoes roll
With the voice of Iberia, the hope of the Pole.
Shall the prayer of the sons of thy mighty be vain,
Nor the fire of past ages once kindle again?
In vain shall thy chosen imploringly bend,
While in gladness the songs of the stranger ascend.
Return, ah, return, and thy golden age bring,
More sweetly again the enchanter shall sing;
And a Cæsar arise, like the first in renown
Ere the wreath on his brow was an Emperor's crown.
H. W. J.
Liverpool, March 27, 1828.


The board is a stage that might represent life,
And the pieces the mortals that move on in strife,

O'er the black and white squares, that, as types, are unfurl'd,

For the ups and the downs of this sad chequered world.
King David, of old, said the whole life of man,
Might amount to threescore years and ten, a long span;
Our career, since his time, is much sooner got o'er,
Dr. Price, and the chess-board, grants us but sixty-four;
The movements throughout, too, the whole of life's game,
The black and white pieces, in number the same;
The good and the bad that to man e'er befel,
Have, together, been mixed up indifferently well.
See the King teaching kings what their conduct should

By the prudence and care of his own stately move;
When attacks on prerogative ever are made,
With the same solemn caution he moves retrograde.
The Queen, at manoeuvring, the head of the board,
The Marie Antoinette, so complete, so ador'd,
Till, like that accomplished, unfortunate dame,

By some dire countermining, she's swept from the game.
The Bishops come next in the game for a share,
Intriguing and subtle, a sinister pair;

They march not straight forward, as honest men do,
But glance quite oblique at the scheme they've in view.
These pieces of old bore a different name;
The title being wanted, the Bishops laid claim
To the dormant distinction, and instanced a course
Of sinister movements, so long, with such force,
The world saw no reason, on calmer reflection,
From that time to this, to rescind the election.
See the Knight, so erratic amid the gay throng,
Moving this way and that way, redressing each wrong:
He owns no straight-lacing, by old laws or new,
Though his orbit's eccentric, his object's in view.
Knight-errantry's ended,-poor chivalry's gone,
And those glorious days that with bright splendour shone,
Are extinguished for ever-from great Charlemagne
Down to Edward Plantagenet ;-never again
Will the light be rekindled; maintaining the right,
Lives only on chess-boards the chivalric Knight.
Of the Castles, in this place, need little be said,
With the blunt honest front, and the turreted head,

The loyal assistance required by the King,
A bless'd tower of strength, proved not only in name,
Yielding safety and conquest in this royal game.
The pawns are the plibs, insignificant elves,
As whom no one cares for, they shift for themselves.
When opposed by the privileged orders in ire,
Root and branch, they're cut up, and quickly expire;
Now and then they, indeed, make a vigorous stand,
'Mongst themselves, when resolving to join hand in
But this, e'en their best plight, is only like breath
That's respired from the body by a lingering death.
"Twill at times, indeed, happen, by a very fine chance
A rara avis in terris will continue to advance
To the high twig of royalty, 'mid the lords of the ga
But when, by great effort, he's got there, his claim
Will never be yielded; nor can he abide
If his former self quickly he lay not aside:
Nor can there, e'en then, a new title be got,
'Less the place of some Bishop, or Knight, or what
Remain for disposal. The steep hill of fame
He has climbed, to present but a much better aim
To sharpshooters, that first cast an eye on the height
With a long shot removing him quickly from sight.
Doncaster, April 5, 1828.




Author of the forthcoming volume entitled "Tales of ind


Scentless and pale, and lowly as thou art,
I love thee better than the gaudy train
The summer's boast,-thou speakest to my heart

Of simple joys I ne'er shall know again: When it was rapture thy meek flowers to find, And their smooth stems upon my forehead bind. I knew not then that any wealth could be More precious than my store of dewy flowersThat life could boast more rare felicity

Than to recline, in summer's noontide hours, In some deep grove, and hear the wild bird thrill Its joyous notes, where all beside was still. And though those guileless joys have passed away, Fleeting with childhood, as young flowerets fade Before the cloudless sun's meridian ray,

When torn relentless from their native shade; Yet I complain not-for around thee thrown Are other charms which later years have know I look not yet upon thy flower unmoved, Since thou wert worthy-thou bright floral g (Though by art's fostering culture unimproved,) To be twice bound in poet's diadem❞— Twined with the laurel leaves, as pearls are see In their transparent pride, 'mid emeralds green. All hail! Parnassian blossom, thou hast power, As with a mystic spell, to bid me dream Of the bright things which are the poet's dowerOf Fancy's fairy forms-of Hope's gay beamOf all his spirit pictures when it flings Its being forth in wild imaginings. And yet what hath he who thus wastes his life, (And none, perchance, in his emotions shares,) What doth he gain in the eternal strife

That his heart wages with the world's cold cares? Floweret! enshrined in ever living lays, What fate was his who first hymned forth thy praise? • "The Mountain Daisy" of Burns, and the "Deixe

India" of Montgomery.

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