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Scientific Notices.


Appeal to the Public and to the Legislature, on necessity of affording Dead Bodies to the Schools Anatomy, by Legislative Enactment. By William (Concluded from our last.)


or of Surgeons, of London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, or of cil Register for 1694, it is recorded that all unclaimed dead the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and bodies in the charitable institutions or in the streets, were upon the payment of twenty shillings into the hands of the given for dissection to the College of Surgeons, to one or treasurer of the hospital, infirmary, workhouse, poorhouse, two of its individual members, and to the professor of foundling-house, house of correction, prison, or other anatomy. This regulation, at that period, excited no op officer appointed to receive the same. This is too large position on the part of the people, but effectually answered a sum. 7. That no dead body shall be conveyed from a the desired object. All the medical schools on the Contihospital, infirmary, workhouse, poorhouse, foundling-nent are supplied with subjects, by public authority, in a house, house of correction, prison, or morthouse, to a similar manner. We have obtained from a friend in Paris, school of anatomy, except in a covered bier, and between a gentleman who is at the head of the anatomical depart the hours of four and six in the morning. 8. That after ment in that city, the following account of the manner in estudy of anatomy is a severe and laborious study; the expiration of twenty-eight days, an officer appointed which the schools of anatomy are supplied. It is stated; Practice of dissection is, on many accounts, highly refor this purpose, in each of the four towns above men. 1. That the Faculty of medicine at Paris is authorized to e: it is even not without danger to life itself." To tioned, shall cause the remains of the dead to be placed in take from the civil hospitals, from the prisons, and from of clear understandings, to those especially of a phi- a coffin, removed from the school of anatomy, where the the dépôts of mendicity, the bodies which are necessary hical turn of mind, the pursuit is its own reward; dead body has been examined, to the morthouse of the for teaching anatomy.-2. That a gratuity of eightpence ate so fully satisfied that the more it is cultivated the town, and decently buried. 9. That the expenses attend- is given to the attendants in the hospitals for each body.satisfaction it will afford, that they need no stimulus ing the execution of these regulations, be defrayed out of 3. That upon the foundation, by the National Convention, uce them to undergo the drudgery. But this is by fees paid by teachers and students of anatomy, on receiving of schools of health, the statutes of their foundation deans the case with ordinary minds. The fatigue and dead bodies from the hospitals, infirmaries, workhouses, clare, that the subjects necessary for the schools of anatomy st of the dissecting-room are appalling to them, and poorhouses, foundling-houses, houses of correction, prisons, shall be taken from the hospitals, and that, since this peeed the stimulus of necessity to urge them to the and morthouses. riod, the council of hospitals and the prefect of police have The court of examiners of the College of Surgeons, To this plan there is but one objection: viz. that it is always permitted the practice.-4. That M. Breschet, chief es from the candidates for surgical diplomas certifi- making the bodies of the poor public property. The of the anatomical department of the faculty of Paris, sends that they have gone through at least two courses of answer is, that the limitation in the proposed law, which a carriage daily to the different hospitals, which brings Lions; the examiners at Apothecaries'-hall do not the objection does not notice, entirely removes the weight back the necessary number of bodies; that this number of that objection. Though no maxim can be more indis- has sometimes amounted to 2000 per annum, for the fa @such certificates. The consequence is, that many men content themselves with attending lectures, putable than that those who are supported by the public culty only, without reckoning those used in L'Hôpital de ith passing their examinations at Apothecaries'-hall, die in its debt, and that their remains, at least, might, la Pitié, but that since the general attention which has not apply for a diploma at the College of Surgeons. without injustice, be converted to the public use, yet it is recently been bestowed upon pathologic anatomy, numbers single fact is sufficient to demonstrate to the pub- not proposed to dispose in this manner of the bodies of all of bodies are opened in the civil and military hospitals, at, instead of throwing obstacles in the way of dis- the poor, but only of that portion of the poor who die un- and that the faculty seldom obtain more than 1000 or 1200. , it is a duty which they owe to themselves to afford claimed, and without friends, and whose appropriation to -5. That, besides the dissections by the faculty of medipossible facility to its practice, and to hold out to this public service could, therefore, afford pain to no one. cine, and those pursued in L'Hopital de la Pitié, theatres member of the profession, the most powerful in- If any concession and co-operation on the part of the pub. of anatomy are opened in all the great hospitals, for the ents to engage in it, by rewarding with confidence lic, for this great public object, is to be expected, and pupils of those establishments; that in these institutions who cultivate anatomy, by making excellence in without concession and co-operation nothing can be done, anatomy is carefully taught, and that pupils have all the y indispensible to all offices in dispensaries and it is not easy to conceive of any plan which requires less facilities for dissection that can be desired.-6. That the ils, and by thus rendering it impossible for any one public concession, or implies less violation of public feeling. price of a body varies from four shillings to eight shillings ignorant of anatomy, to obtain rank in his pro. In point of fact, it would put no indignity, it would inflict and sixpence.-7. That, after dissection, the bodies are When a candidate presents himself for a diplo- no injury, on the poor; it is the rejection of it that would wrapt in cloths, and carried to the neighbouring cemetery, Denmark, in his first trial he is put into a room really and practically be unjust and cruel. The question where they are received for tenpence.-8. That the prac subject, a case of instruments, and a memorandum, is, whether the surgeon shall be allowed to gain knowledge tice of exhumation is abolished; that there are insurformed that he is to display the anatomy of the face by operating on the bodies of the dead, or driven to obtain mountable obstacles to the return to that system; and ck, or that of the upper extremity, or that of the it by practising on the bodies of the living. If the dead that bodies are never taken from burial grounds without extremity: that by the anatomy is to be understood, bodies of the poor are not appropriated to this use, their an order for exhumation, which is given only when the od-vessels, nerves, and muscles; and that, as soon living bodies will, and must, be. The rich will always tribunals require it for the purpose of medico-legal investihas accomplished his task, the professors will attend have it in their power to select, for the performance of an gations.-9. That though the people have an aversion to mmons to judge of his attainments. These profes operation, the surgeon who has already signalized him- the operations of dissection, yet they never make any opself by success: but that surgeon, if he have not obtained position to them, provided respect be paid to the laws of shail have entered into the discussion of this sub- the dexterity which ensures success, by dissecting and decency and salubrity, on account of the deep conviction bile purpose, if we have not produced in the operating on the dead, must have acquired it by making that prevails of their utility.-10. That the relatives of the of our readers a deep conviction; that anatomy experiments on the living bodies of the poor. There is deceased seldom or never oppose the opening of any body, to form an essential part of medical education, that no other means by which he can possibly have gained the if the physicians desire it; that all the medical students in Every such surgeon who rises to France, with scarcely any exception, dissect; and that that ny cannot be studied without the practice of dissec- necessary information. that dissection cannot be practised without a supply eminence, must have risen to it through the suffering physician or surgeon who is not acquainted with anatomy, jects; and that the manner in which that supply is which he has inflicted, and the death which he has brought is universally regarded as the most ignorant of men. It is time that the physicians and surgeons of England -ed in England is detestable, and ought immedi- upon hundreds of the poor. The effect of the entire abobe changed. It might be changed casily. We lition of the practice of dissecting the dead, would be, to should exert themselves to change a system which has so ith Mr. Mackenzie, that legislative interference is convert poorhouses and public hospitals into so many long retarded the progress of their science, and been proary; we are satisfied that nothing will be done in schools where the surgeon, by practising on the poor, ductive of so much evil to the community. We are perThe plan which Mr. Mackenzie would learn to operate on the rich with safety and dex-suaded that there is good sense enough, both in the people its is as follows:-1. That the clause of our criminal terity. This would be the certain and inevitable result: and in the legislature, to listen to their representations. by which the dissection of the dead body is made and this, indeed, would be to treat them with real indig. We would advise them to avail themselves of the means the punishment for murder, be repealed. 2. That nity and horrible injustice; and proves how possible it is they possess to communicate information to the people, humation of dead bodies be punishable as felony. to show an apparent consideration for the poor, and yet and to make individual members of Parliament acquainted at no diploma in medicine or surgery be granted by practically to treat them in the most injurious and cruel with the subject. With this view we would recommend the whole body to act in concert, to appoint a committee tulty, college, or university, except to those persons Nor would the proposed plan be the means of deterring for conducting the matter, and to petition Parliament, as hall produce undoubted evidence of their having lly dissected at least five human bodies.-4. That in this class of people from entering the hospitals. There is soon as they shall have made the nature of their claims, the hospitals, infirmaries, workhouses, poorhouses, something reasonable in the apprehension on which this and the grounds on which they rest, more generally Ing-houses, houses of correction, and prisons, of objection is founded: but the answer to it is complete, known. If they act in co-operation with each other, and b, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dublin, and, if need because it is an answer, derived from experience, to an pursue their object temperately, and steadily, we cannot fall other towns in Great Britain and Ireland, an objection, which is merely a deduction from what is pro- but believe that their efforts, at no distant period, will be ment be appointed for the reception of the bodies of bable. The plan has been acted on, and found to be un-crowned with success. tsons dying in the said hospitals, infirmaries, works, poorhouses, foundling-houses, houses of correcand prisons, unclaimed by immediate relatives, or The great advantages of the plan are, that it would relatives decline to defray the expenses of interment. That the bodies of all persons dying in these towns, accomplish the proposed object, easily and completely, if need be, in all other towns, and also in country whereas the plan in operation effects it imperfectly and hes, unclaimable by immediate relatives, or whose with difficulty; and it would put an immediate and entire Mar. ves decline to defray the expenses of interment, shall stop to all the evils of the present system. At once it uveyed to a morthouse appointed in the said towns would put an end to the needless education of daring and heir reception.-6. That no dead bodies shall be deli- desperate violators of the law. It would tranquillize the d from any hospital, infirmary, workhouse, poor- public mind. Their dead would rest undisturbed; the se, foundling-house, house of correction, prison, or sepulchre would be sacred; and all the horrors which the thouse, for anatomical purposes, except upon the re-imagination connects with its violation would cease for sition of a member of the Royal College of Physicians

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ite the true examiners!

hd without it.

A winter never passes without proving fatal to several ́dents who die from injuries received in dissection.


attended with this result: it was tried in Edinburgh, and
the hospital was as full as it is at present: it is universally
acted on in France, and the hospitals are always crowded.


We have stated that the plan has been tried. Experience has proved its efficacy. It was adopted with perfect success in Edinburgh more than a century ago. In the Coun





[From the Liverpool Courier.]
Extreme Thermo-Extreme
meter 8 heat du
Night.morning ring Day

State of
he Wind
at noon.


29 74 33 0 38 0 47 0 E.S.E. Fair. 29 49 33 0 37 0 46 0 E. Rain. 29 60 37 0 39 0 46 0 E.N.E. Sleet. 29 80 38 0 40 0 45 0 N.E. Fair. 36 O 39 0 46 O N. Fair. 37 0 39 0 49 0 S.S.E. Fair.



30 00
30 21


at noon."

1 30 14 38 0 40 0 49 0 S.S.W. Cloudy.

27th, Very stormy during night, with rain; and seven,

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Would that were mine some cottage lone,
With eglantine in wove;
Some Arcady to care unknown,

A stranger, too, to love;

For love, beneath an angel's form,
Oft hides the demon of the storm.

Would that were mine some dwelling bland,
From human ken remote;

Where, wrapt in dreams of fairy land,
Fond visions fancy-wrought,
Pale Memory herself might lose,
And Lethe's waters o'er her close.

Would that were mine some sylvan grove,

For gentle Dryad meet;

The glorious sparkling heavens above,
A streamlet at my feet,
Winding its quiet path along,

Through troops of flowers, a fragrant throng.

Would that were mine some leafy glen
Where Silence holds her court,
And where, for "busy hum of men,"
Heard but the blackbird's note;

Or plashing of the ocean spray,
The voice of waters far away.

Would that were mine, 'mid scenes like these,
To while the hours away;
Peaceful as evening's softest breeze,
Tranquil as Luna's ray;

The heart, whence every frailty driven,
Holding sweet intercourse with Heaven.
Would that were mine so calm to live,
Were mine so calm to die;

To bid dear Happiness revive,

And let the storm sweep by:

Alas! ere heedless of the blast,
Must life with all its dreams have past.

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I know an hour the dearest, best,
That e'er has known those sighs of mine;
It is when daylight steals to rest;

When heaven borrows smiles of thine.
That hour sure bids me, from above,
Believe that all around is love.
Oh, then, to mark the setting sun
Fling rays of glory o'er the sea!
It makes me dearly think on one,—
It makes me blest to think on thee;

For all those fairy visions seem

To smile like thee,-of heav'n a dream. Then gladness dazzles o'er the blue,

The burning brow of western seas; And Vesper sings of love to you,

Were ever moments such as these! When Silence rules the sacred hour, And Love exerts his magic power!

O then I think I meet those eyes

Of thine, more brightly-beaming far


Than those fair gems which light the skies-
Than yonder radiant sparkling star;
Though they now sing from pole to pole,
Yet thine hold converse with the soul.
That hour the seaman mourns the rays
Of day retreating from the west,
It makes me long for other days,
When our glad sun shall never rest,
But light for us a world of joy,

Nor aught on earth our heav'n shall cloy.
The moments, then, with love shall fly,
And each shall bear upon its wing
No gloomy thought, nor grief, nor sigh,
But heav'n-born Peace, that holy thing-
O, yes! beneath, around, above,
Our life shall be an HOUR OF LOVE.
Sligo, March 26, 1828.






This accomplished poet, and noted divine, was born on the 3d of April, 1593, at Montgomery Castle. He was educated at Westminster School, from whence, at the age of fifteen, he was elected a student of Trinity College, Cambridge, where he assiduously devoted himself to study, and, two years after his entrance, was made Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts in 1605. In 1619 he was chosen public orator of the University, and took holy orders in 1630, at which time he was presented to the rectory of Bennerton, Wiltshire. It was at this place that he wrote the elegant little treatise called "The Country Parson," as the author of which he is best known. He died in February, 1633. After his decease was published, from his MSS., "The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations." When it is considered that he did not labour to become eminent as a poet, but merely selected verse, in preference to prose, as the vehicle of devotional ideas, his poems, although belonging to the school of metaphysics, present some striking poetical images, and will bear a comparison with those of Doorne and Cowley.

Walton says "His aspect was cheerful, and his speech and motion did both declare him a gentleman, for they were all so meek and obliging, that they purchased love and respect from all who knew him."


Sweet day! so cool, so calm, so bright!
The bridal of the earth and sky;
The dew shall weep thy fall to-night,
For thou must die.

Sweet rose! whose hue, angry and brave,
Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye,
Thy root is ever in the grave,

And thou must die.

Sweet spring! full of sweet days and roses,
A box where sweets compacted lie,
My music shows you have your closes,
And all must die.

Only a sweet and virtuous soul,

Like seasoned timber, never gives; But, though the whole world turns to coal, Then chiefly lives.


Sweet Peace, where dost thou dwell? I humbly crave Let me once know.

I sought thee in a secret cave,

And ask'd, if Peace were there.

A hollow wind did seem to answer, "No! "Go, seek elsewhere."

I did and going did a rainbow note:
"Surely," thought I,
"This is the lace of Peace's coat-

I will search out the matter;"
But, as I look'd, the clouds immediately
Did break and scatter.

Then went I to a garden, and did spy

A gallant flower,

The crown imperial. "Sure," said I,
"Peace at the root must dwell."
But, when I digg'd, I saw a worm devour
What show'd so well.

At length I met a reverend, good, old man,
Whom, when for Peace

I did demand, he thus began:

"There was a Prince of old,

At Salem dwelt, who liv'd with good increase, Of flock and fold.

"He sweetly liv'd, yet sweetness did not save His life from foes:

But, after death, out of the grave,

There sprang twelve stalks of wheat: Which many wondering at, got some of those To plant and set.

"It prosper'd strangely, and did soon disperse Through all the earth;

For they that taste it do rehearse

That virtue lies therein;

A secret virtue, bringing peace and mirth
By flight from sin.
"Take of this grain, which in my garden gros,
And grows for you ;-

Make bread of it, and that repose

And peace, which every where
With so much earnestness you do pursue,
Is only there."


"My lips they are so CHAPT," says Sue, I hardly can endure them: "Oh, dear! oh, dear! what shall I do! "What shall I take to cure them!""Take!" quoth a wag; "why, take more cart, "And that may do, perhaps; "Smack every puppy's face that dare "Attempt to smack thy lips: I'll swear "That will keep off the CHAPS." Liverpool.

Fashions for April.

HOME, OR WALKING DRESS.-A peliss straw-coloured taffeta, with one very broad bias t the border, headed by a narrow rouleau of sa same colour. The corsage is quite concealed b broad fichu-collar, turning back, and fastened bra of white agate. From the small of the waist, i dress is fastened down by rosettes, placed ven gether, of rich ribbon, of the same colour. Th are à-la-Marie, with very broad antique Erg at the wrist, and a broad bracelet next the hand, of in gold. A dress-cap, or bonnet, may be worn w costume, formed of black blond and roleaux of p tin; the border turned back, and almost entirely c by a wreath of full-blown roses, placed obliquely


EVENING DRESS.-A dress of stone-coloured trimmed round the border with three rows of the be light zibeline fur. The corsage made slightly and edged round the tucker part by a row of the sace

luable fur as borders the skirt. The sleeves, of th material as the dress, are short, and en billon, with an mancheron over the top, edged with zibeline. To short sleeves are attached long ones, of white crape are made en gigot, and fastened at the wrist with a let of rubies, white agate, and gold: over this is 1 chain-bracelet. The head-dress is a hat of pick gr Naples; the front of the brim pointed, en bati, the point turned back, and fastening to the sam the crown. A superb plumage of several piak ornaments this novel and very becoming hat.

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8va below.



On the health of Mr. Cearns, the Secretary, being given, he spoke nearly to the following effect, and we give this excellent speech in the hope that it may induce some of the friends of education who do not at present subscribe to the charity, to come forward in its support.



(From the Companion.)

of the crowd, and coming up to her, notwithstanding t fears of the Lord Baron, kissed that hand which she not what to do with.

The father said, "Now, Sir, to put an end to this mery;" and the lover, turning pale for the first times up the lady.

towards the top; it is luckily almost a level; be sad
but it is forward. Yes: every limb in the ma
makes a movement as if it would assist him. S
he is on the top; and down he falls flat with sta
An enormous shout! He has won. Now be way
to caress his mistress, and she is caressing hin,
of them gets up. If he has fainted, it is wi%2
it is in her arms.

best work of his Creator. It would be quite foreign from AT THE LAST ANNIVERSARY OF THE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF my purpose, as it would be from yours, to enter into dis cussion on the differences which exist in the condition of the poor of the sister island and our own; such discussions would neither befit the circumstances nor the object of our meeting; and I will content myself with the mere expresThe spectators rejoice to see the manner in sion of a hope that every individual here will feel with me, fer upon that portion of our country is, to administer the tress. They mount the hill; they proceed well; that one of the most important blessings which we can con- moves off, slow but secure, and as if encouraging blessings of education as diffusely as possible amongst the an instant, before he gets midway, and seems rend I beg to thank you, on behalf of my brother officers people; and, though we are doing so in a very limited something; then ascends at a quicker rate; and now ag and for myself, for the flattering testimonial of your regard measure, by the support of the excellent institution more at the midway point, shifts the lady from one sile t which we have just received by the last toast, and to assure immediately brought before us, yet we may feel satisfied other. The spectators give a great shout. The L you that next to the reward which any humble attempt to that, from that source, we shall secure a portion of good, with an air of indifference, bites the tip of his g do good in a right spirit, secures to the heart, is, in my and derive a rich harvest of satisfaction to ourselves, and and then casts on them an eye of rebuke. At mind, the approval of those engaged in the same work, advantage to the objects of our solicitude. I do not envy the lover resumes his way. Slow but not feeble i and embarked in similar undertakings. And I should the feelings of any individual who can hear of the prostra- step, yet it gets slower. He stops again, and the content myself with this observation, were it not that the tion of the human mind in ignorance, and calmly content they see the lady kiss him on the forehead. The official station which I have held for seven years past in himself by simply deploring the fact, without reaching begin to tremble, but the men say he will be vi connexion with the society whose twenty-first anniversary forth the hand of a generous sympathy in some efforts to He resumes again; he is half-way between the we are so agreeably met to commemorate, appears to re. remove it. The conquest of reason over prejudice, of and the top; he rushes, he stoops, he staggers: quire from me some remarks, however brief, with refer- knowledge over ignorance, is one of the most glorious tri-does not fall. Another shout from the men, a ence to the charity itself; and if a consciousne-s that I umphs of which human nature is susceptible, and, if sumes once more; two-thirds of the remaining have but imperfectly discharged the dutics of my office rightly reflected upon, would induce many who are compa- the way are conquered. They are certain the led should occasion a feeling of humility under the circum.ratively unconcerned and indifferent on the subject, to him on the forehead and on the eyes. The wan stances. I hope the deficiency will be ascribed not to the throw their weight into the scale of endeavour to effect so into tears, and the stoutest men look pale. He want of will, but of power. I have to congratulate you, excellent an object. To such, I would venture to express more slowly than ever, but seeming to be more sure Mr. Chairman, and the friends of the "Benevolent So. the words of one of the greatest men which this or any halts, but it is only to plant his foot to go on age ciety and Free School of St. Patrick," on the past suc other age has produced, (Mr. Brougham) and remind them thus he picks his way, planting his foot at cesses, the present attitude, and, I will venture to add, "that each, by his single exertions, may influence the and then gaining ground with an effort. The ty the future prospects of that institution. Since its formation character of a whole generation, and thus wield a power up her arms, as if to lighten him. See: he is in 1807, there have been admitted into the schools no less a to be envied even by vulgar ambition, for the extent of the top: he stoops, he struggles, he moves s number than 4340 children, to whom a wholesome, bu. its dominion, to be cherished by virtue, for the unalloyed taking very little steps, and bringing one foot even siness-like education has been administered in a greater or blessings it bestows." I have only further to trespass on close to the other. Now he is all but on the less degree, with profit to themselves and advantage to their the patience of the meeting by proposing a toast in unison, halts again; he is fixed; he staggers. A gra connexions. At present, we number on the journal 250 I venture to assume, with all our feelings, and not inap-through the multitude. Suddenly, he turns fall boys, and 160 girls, (whose appearance you have this even-propriate to the present occasion. ing witnessed,) participating in the same advantages, with an income, though not bounteous, yet nearly adequate to our economical wants; and we anticipate, for the future, an increased amount of usefulness, relying confidently that ample means will be furnished for the prosecution of our undertaking, by our generous friends and the public.I would, however, venture to remind you, Mr. Chairman, that while something has been accomplished, much yet remains for the exercise of our extended exertions in the same cause, and in this town alone. I trust there is not an individual here who would not willingly extend his labours ten-fold in the sphere of active benevolence, opened to his view in the education of the poor, and thus meliorate their condition in an important point of view. The number of poor Irish resident in Liverpool when this institution was first formed, was very limited, when compared with its present amount; and it is, unhappily, too notorious that their condition is but little improved, and their means of instruction (now where the desire to possess it exists) almost as scanty as at any previous period. Under such circumPart them!" said the Baron. stances, therefore, we are loudly called upon, in the ex- The peasantry assembled in the valley to witness so Several persons went up, not to part them, b ercise of that philanthropy which wishes well to our kind extraordinary a sight. They measure the mountain with gratulate and keep them together. These pe -to seek to elevate them in the scale of humanity as moral their eyes; they communed with one another, and shook close; they kneel down; they bend an eart and intelligent beings-to aim at the destruction of their their heads; but all admired the young man; and some their faces upon them.God forbid they shou ignorance by the introduction of light to their minds-at of his fellows, looking at their mistresses, thought they parted more!" said a venerable man; they pert the improvement of their condition by bestowing upon could do as much. The father was on horseback, apart be." He turned his old face streaming with tas them the means of that improvement, at the same time and sullen, repenting that he had subjected his daughter looked up at the Baron: Sir, they are dead!" that we secure to ourselves the sweet and unmixed reward even to the show of such a hazard; but he thought it of benevolent actions. For, in this respect, more blessed would teach his inferiors a lesson. The young man (the are they who give, than they who receive." I hold it to son of a small land proprietor, who had some pretensions The shepherds of the southern Highlands of be a proposition, almost indisputable, that superior rank, to wealth, though none to nobility.) stood, respectful- form a class unique in Scotland, and unparalle and wealth, and influence, have annexed to them superior looking, but confident, rejoicing in his heart that he range of European society. They are thinly sca duties, on the admitted principle, that where much is should win his mistress, though at the cost of a noble the country, and pass their days in solitude and given, much also is required; that it is obligatory upon pain, which he could hardly think of as a pain, consider their cottages are often miles asunder; and, du those who are thus elevated in the scale of society to ex-ing who it was that he was to carry. If he died for it, inclemency of the weather, they may be deba ercise their influence, and use their means for the purpose he should, at least, have her in his arms, and have looked months, from social intercourse, by the wreathin of benefiting their inferiors, by increasing their happiness her in the face. To clasp her person in that manner was that chokes up their pathways, while, even in and promoting their interests: and, I am persuaded, that a pleasure which he contemplated with such transport as their time is spent in lonely watchings on the s one of the most powerful means of securing these results, is known only to real lovers; for none others know how their meetings are few, save when, on the morta is to be found in the extension of education. The distri- respect heightens the joy of dispensing with formality, Sabbath, they assemble at the church in the valles. bution of eleemosynary aid for temporary relief, however and how the dispensing with the formality ennobles and sense of religion is fervent and unfeigned; the fat excellent in itself, is comparatively insignificant, when makes grateful the respect. fathers bled for has been cherished in its purity, compared with the cultivation of the understanding, and the enlargement of the mind. By the latter course, we and dreading. She thought her lover would succeed, but but unsubstantial adorninents of society. They have The lady stood by the side of her father, pale, desirous, rites have acquired no gloss or tinsel from the l almost inevitably lead man to ponder his condition; to only because she thought him in every respect the noblest of the polish, and none of the arts, derivable from despise sensual enjoyments, for the most part accompanied of his sex, and that nothing was too much for his strength tercourse with the world. Their interests, their puss by the debasement of the intellect, as well as the off and valour. Great fears came over her nevertheless. She and their feelings, are the same; they are like one spring of ignorance; to seek after and aspire to ad- kuew not what might happen in the chances common to scattered but soul-united family, who participate in vancement in the scale of society; to pant for the bless-all. She felt the bitterness of being herself the burden to emotion, and with whom every feeling is mutual; ings to which, by nature and reason, he is entitled; him and the task; and dared neither to look at her father are unmoved by the storms of mankind around the to cherish his rights; to seek the redress of his wrongs; to nor the mountain. She fixed her eyes now on the crowd litics and sectarians m are, to them, tales of a struggle for his liberties, whether social or political, civil (which nevertheless she beheld not) and now on her hand country; they have but one king to serve, and the or religious; to cast off every unworthy thraldom of body and her fingers' ends, which she doubled up towards her tolling of the village bell unites all in the service or mind; and to stand erect in the strength of his charac- with a pretty pretence, the only deception she had ever same protecting God. The rays of knowledge and of es ter, as a moral and intelligent being, the noblest, last, and used. Once or twice a daughter or a mother slipped out cation, which have glanced through these calm retrea

We forget in what book it was, many years ago, that we read the story of a lover who was to win his mistress by carrying her to the top of a mountain, and how he did win her, and how they ended their days on the same spot.

We think the scene was in Switzerland; but the moun tain, though enough to tax his stout heart to the uttermost, must have been among the lowest. Let us fancy it a good lofty hill, in the summer-time. It was, at any rate, so high, that the father of the lady, a proud noble, thought it impossible for a young man, so burdened, to scale it. For this reason alone, in scorn, he bade him do it, and his daughter should be his.

The Baron put spurs to his horse, the crowd him. Half way he is obliged to dismount; the rest of the hill together, the crowd silent the Baron ready to burst with shame and They reach the top. The lovers are face to ground, the lady clasping him with both arts, t on each side.

Traitor!" exclaimed the Baron, “thou hast p this feat before on purpose to deceive me. A "You cannot expect it, Sir," said a worthy was rich enough to speak his mind; "Sauso might take his rest after such a deed."


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To S Clegg, of Chapel-walks, Liverpool, for improve ments in steam-engines, and steam-boilers and generators.



(Continued from our former papers.)


To G. Scholefield, of Leeds, mechanic, for improve at least against the direction of its course. It is obvious ments in, or additions to, looms for weaving woollen, that there will now be no more air passing between the linen, &c.-13th of March.-6 months. To N. Gough, of Salford, Manchester, for an improved discs, than is received from the quill. The question, method of propelling carriages or vessels by steam, &c. therefore, is, can the supply from the quill occupy all the 20th of March.-6 months. interval betwixt them, and be diffused over this area, without becoming rarefied? It certainly cannot. If we blow more strongly, nothing is gained; because it will still escape sideways, as fast as it enters, by an increased velocity. But though the atmospheric air cannot enter directly against this rare fied stream, (which is a contradiction implying a current against a current,) it could, however, find its way to restore the loss of density, if admission were given sideways, or, in other words, at a right angle to its direction; and if admission be prevented by an air-tight medium, like the cards, it will press upon them, till the space between be narrowed, and the passage for the outSIR, I will now proceed to give you the entire detail ward stream be nearly equal, or proportioned to the supof my investigation of the experiment with the tube and plying tube, always making allowance for the separating circular cards. Seeing that the experiment has caused an tendency of the upward blast. If a pin-hole be made in extraordinary sensation, partly from its effect appearing so the sides of either of the discs, the air will flow inwards to contradictory to other pneumatic results, and partly from restore the attenuated air between them; but if this supthe circumstance of its having emanated from so respect-ply be too limited, the cards will still adhere, it being inable a quarter as the Royal Institution of London, I, in sufficient to restore the rarefied stream to atmospheric common with may others, have been stimulated to extra-density. ordinary exertion, in order to find the hidden cause of so singular an effect. Having likewise been honoured with a communication from the Secretary of the Royal Society, I have been induced to farther exertion, to complete, if possible, my humble attempts at a satisfactory and obviously correct solution; in which attempts I have endeavoured to lay aside all partiality for former theories, by putting them to the severest tests my limited apparatus could produce, and adinitting no conclusions, without obtaining experimental proof of their accuracy.

ght them merely to investigate the manners of mote districts, not to change their own. Their information is proportionate to the opportunity eir habits afford them of gratifying it; and their hrewdness has directed their taste to the most useful channels. It is seldom that you can ena shepherd upon the hills, that he is not busily d with a book, whilst his plaid, thrown across his Iters, from the beams of the sun, the page over-20th of March.-6 months. has lain down to ponder; and every idea he is takes a tinge from the sublimity or the beauty eenery by which he is surrounded. From this duninterrupted stream of knowledge, they acquire intance with literature and the world, unparalany equally-humble class of any country in and excelled by few in the higher walks of life. hey retail the opinions of others, it is with an ac cquired by study and research; and, when they their own, it is with a clearness (the result of thought) and a firmness that implies, while ands, conviction; whilst their language, their and their ideas, possess a pathos and a poetry unthe natives of less lofty or more frequented diswhilst rambling through the south of Scotland, I he cottage of one of these men, William Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. It is situated in a little the base of Penvelloch, and though snug enough, External evidence of luxury beyond the rank of its He was out amongst the hills when I came to but shortly after returned a low-built, honestman, of fifty or sixty years old, with a Scots bonrdinary dress, and neither shoes nor stockings, as i was wet. I was shown into, I believe, the only e-at, besides the kitchen, which the house contained, no little surprised to find its walls covered to the ing with bookshelves, loaded with standard and productions, and a complete set of the Encyclotannica." The value of his library could not be 1 adequate to purchase the rest of the establishand it was a curious circumstance to see the desire dledge so strong as to induce a man, engaged in an on the most pastoral, but the least productive, to one half of his toil-bought earnings in the purchase Nor were they merely for show: their magnetic had long been communicated to their owner's ad his conversation afforded a fine illustration of Original, without eccentricity, and erudite, dogmatism or pedantry, he seemed merely to to boast of, his acquirements. Even his boldest were cloaked in modesty, and, if any thing, 1 by the diffidence with which they were adduced.

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A closer approach of the discs will, however, depend on the velocity with which the current is urged. So long as the outlet between them is greater than the inlet by the tube, the effect will increase with the velocity, till the cards are brought so close that the outlet is reduced, or nearly reduced, to the dimension of the supplying tube, always making allowance for the force of the vertical blast. power of the rarefied current outwards, being more reThis effect seems to arise from the expanding strained by a rapid motion, and thus prevented from exerting itself sideways in its passage.


In one of my former letters to you I described the method I took to establish, beyond the possibility of error, The following remark may still farther show the nature what I have always affirmed, namely, that the current de- of this rarefaction. If cards be used of two inches diaflected outwards between the cards, did not possess re-meter, and the supply of air between be conveyed through sistance equal to the atmospheric pressure. By proving a quill barrel, it follows that a space of equal area with this, a step towards the solution of the experiment was the quill will be sufficient to convey this supply outwards certainly gained. The next and the last was to ascertain between the cards. If, however, a space so great as the in what particular quality this deflected a parallel stream whole area of the cards be made the outlet, a very close of air different from atmospheric; and why it became dis- approximation must take place before the space between possessed of so much of its pressure or resistance (which these discs be reduced to bear a proportion to the area of are here synonymous) as to allow the upper disc, not the supplying tube. merely to remain in its position over the quill, but to be actually pressed downward on its current, while a blast Nairn, of Dane-street, Edinburgh, for his im- was directly urged against it from the quill. Till after method of propelling vessels through, or on the several experiments, I was led to believe, that the power y the aid of steam, or other mechanical force. of resistance in this deflected current was destroyed by the ie 5th of February, 1828.-6 months allowed to velocity alone. From other trials, however, it appeared Hitch, of Ware, Hertfordshire, for his improved that mere motion, though in a direction parallel to the building.-21st of February.-2 months. surfaces of the discs, could not produce the effect exhibited Dickinson, of Buckland-mill, near Dover, for his by the experiment, which led me to assign some other unments in making paper by machinery.-21st of known quality to the parallel current. In my last letter, ngelo Benedetto Ventura, of Cirencester-place, it will be found, that I there suggested the probability of square, for his improvements on the harp, lute, some change in this current; and though I was not then mish guitar.-21st of February, 6 months." prepared to hazard a confident opinion whether this change, Otway, of Walsall, for an expedient for stopping or difference to common air, was by condensation or rarewhen running away.-21st of February.-2 months. 1. Bentley, of Pendleton, Lancashire, for an im-faction, I was yet rather more inclined to suppose that the larger than that of the quill. To supply the loss of air method and machinery for bleaching and finishing air in its passage outwards was confined by the velocity, cotton yarn and goods.-21st of February.-6 mo. or partially condensed. By subsequent experiments I N. Brunton, of Leadenhall-street, for improvements find that the contrary takes place, and that rarefaction is aces for the calcination, sublimation, or evaporation the chief cause of the singular result with the quill and paper discs. The rarefaction is not, however, caused by temperature, but from what at first will seem a paradox, namely, from too scanty a supply of air from the quill.


J-4 months.

metals, &c.-21st of February.-2 months. 1. Levers, of Nottingham, for improvements in the acture of bobbin-net-lace.-3rd of March.-4 months. W. Pownall, of Manchester, for improvements in 1g healds for weaving.-6th of March.-4 months.

B. H. Brook, of Huddersfield, for improvements in nstruction and setting of ovens or retorts for carAng coal for gas-works.-6th of March.-6 months. Lieut. W Roger, of Norfolk-street, Strand, for imments on anchors-13th of March.-6 months.


R. G. Jones, of Brewer-street, Golden-square, for od, communicated from abroad, of ornamenting china other compositions, which he denominates Lethophatranslucid, or opaque china. 13th of March. 2 ath

I may here suggest an experiment to those curious in the inquiry, by which a rarefaction is obtained, precisely the same in principle as that of the tube and discs. Make hollow cylinder, or drum, of writing paper, say six or eight inches long and two in diameter. The ends may be closed with Bristol paper. Through holes cut in the ends, a reed, or pipe, of stiff paper, of, perhaps, threefourths of an inch diameter, is inserted, and passed through the cylinder, a small hole having been previously cut in the side of the reed or pipe. Into one end of this pipe insert a quill barrel, which, to produce a rarefaction, must be always smaller than the pipe. Blow strongly through the quill, which will cause first a rarefaction in the pipe, the passage for the escape of air, through the pipes, being here, a supply will be drawn from the drum through the hole cut in the pipe, and, as the air is carried off, its flexible sides will be pressed together by the atmospheris

air outside.

It may be observed, that, in the card and tube experi ment, the discs are most liable to be separated at the

One of your correspondents has brought forward a beau tiful and simple experiment to show the effect of atmospheric pressure, with a wine glass and paper dise; but it is misapplied when used to illustrate that of the tube and discs. Your correspondent seems to consider, if I understand his meancards; and concludes, that a hole admitting air through the would certainly do with the wine glass. In our experiment, the separation will not take place till the supply by the aper ture is adequate to the extent of rarefaction.

A short explanation will show that a considerable rarefaction generally exists between the cards in making the experiment. To go over it once more: First, the cards are laid together, with a small space between, (concave cards are recommended,) and the breath is blown throughing, that a vacuum, or the effect of one, exists between the the tube against the upper disc. The air between them is suddenly carried outwards by the stream diverging all round from the centre. This stream, which has power to expel the air, has likewise power to prevent its admission,

discs would destroy this vacuum, and effect a separation, as it

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