Abbildungen der Seite

And whene'er on the bully ye call,
He is ready to give ye a fall;

But if long in the battle with him you should be,
The weaker are you, and the stronger is he,
For Syr Tankard is victor of all.

A barley-corn ear he mounts for a spear,
His helmet with hops is hung;
He lights the eye with a laughing leer,-
With a carol he tips the tongue:

And he marshals a valiant host
Of spices, and crabs, and toast;
And the stoutest of yeomen they well can o'erthrow,
When he leads them in beakers and jugs to the foe;
And Syr Tankarde his prowess may boast.

te following bagatelle, which we have copied from the
ton Weekly Review, is as good a specimen in its way

recollect to have met with.

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The Bouquet.

the word Firz, or Ferzin, signifies an officer of state, a
vizier. This word was, by the French, converted into
Fierge and Vierge, and the piece so named was subse-"I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and harg
quently called lady, or queen.-London papers.
brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties them."

We are often highly diverted with the information which


(Continued from page 267.)

the learned Cockney writers condescend to offer for the WASHINGTON IRVING'S LIFE OF COLUMBUS
edification of us poor country folks. In the present in-
stance we may, perhaps, fail in gratitude to our metropo-
litan guides, as we happened to know the facts commu.
nicated at least a score of years since. The paragraph states,
that chess-players in general are not aware that the piece The following parts of this work, describing Co
called the Queen originally bore another title." This may lumbus's first appearance in Spain, and his examina-
be true, because a man may be a chess-player, and a good tion before the pedants at Salamanca, are extremely
player too, who knows nothing at all about the origin or
history of the game; but the circumstance, and much
on the subject of chess is not very limited indeed. In the
more on the subject, must be familiar to those whose reading
"The first trace we have of him in Spain, is in the
Studies of Chess, vol. 2, p. 362, the name of the Queen, testimony furnished a few years after his death, in the
with its corresponding English word, is given in four of celebrated lawsuit between his son Don Diego and the
the Eastern languages, thus:-
crown, by Garcia Fernandez, a physician resident in the
The Queen is called, in Sanscrit, MANTRI (Prime Mi-ittle sea-port of Palos de Moguer, in Andalusia. About
nister.) half a league from that town stood, and stands at the
Persian VIZIER (General, or
Prime Minister.) present day, an ancient convent of Franciscan friars, dedi-
Chinese Tou (a Counsellor.)cated to Santa Maria de Rabida. According to the testi-
Burmha CHEKOY (a General.) mony of the physician, a stranger on foot, accompanied
by a young boy, stopped one day at the gate of the con-
vent, and asked of the porter a little bread and water for
his child. While receiving this humble refreshment, the
prior of the convent, Friar Juan Perez de Marchena,
happening to pass by, was struck with the appearance of
the stranger; and, observing from his air and accent that
he was a foreigner, entered into conversation with him, and
soon learnt the particulars of his story. That stranger
was Columbus, accompanied by his young son Diego."-
Vol. i. p. 95, 96.



Natural Phenomenon in Cornwall.-In the parish of St. Austle, there is a singular phenomenon; it is the appearance of light near the turnpike-road at Hill Head, about three-quarters of a mile west of the town. In the summer season it is rarely seen; but in the winter, particularly in the months of November and December, scarcely a dark night passes in which it is not visible. It appears of a yellow hue, and seems to resemble a small flame. It is generally stationary, and when it moves it wanders but very little from its primitive spot, sometimes mounting upward, and then descending to the earth. As it has frequented this spot from time immemorial, it is now rendered so familiar that it almost ceases to excite attention. It is somewhat remarkable, that, although many attempts have been made to discover it in the place of its appearance, every effort has hitherto failed of sucOn approaching the spot, it becomes invisible to the pursuers, even while it remains luminous to those who watch it at a distance. To trace its exact abode, a level


Having described the circumstances which enabled Columbus to appear at the Spanish court, the historian presents his readers with a clever sketch of the principal personages who figured there. But as kings, queens, and courtiers are much less interesting than great men, we forbear quoting any thing about has been taken during its appearance, by which the Ferdinand and Isabella, who have already had their curious have been guided in their researches the ensuing share of celebrity. It may, however, be amusing to day; but nothing has hitherto been discovered. To ac-iutroduce Columbus to our readers, as he appeared count for this phenomenon, superstition has had recourse

to supernatural agency; but before reason will adopt before the Council of the University of Salamanca,
such a conclusion, it will be disposed to examine natural which, for absurdity and bigotry, may be regarded
means. It is supposed by some to be of a phosphoric as the genuine prototype of most modern universities.
nature, and occasioned by some effluvia emitted from Our readers will observe the inveterate propensity of
the earth in that particular spot where it appears, and

which a certain degree of darkness is necessary to render learned bodies to oppose authority to reason, and to
visible. It is probable, also, that during the summer prefer the stupid opinions of St. Augustine and Lac-
season, when it is less frequently seen than in the winter tantius, to the testimony of science and the senses.
months, these effluvia may be less copious, or the rays of
light which remain in the atmosphere may be too strong
to permit it to shine. It has been considered also as an
indication of some metallic substance concealed in the
bowels of the hill.

[blocks in formation]

"The greater part of this learned junto, it is very probable, came prepossessed against him, as men in place and dignity are apt to be against poor applicants. There is always a proneness to consider a man under examination as a kind of delinquent, or impostor, whose faults and errors are to be detected and exposed. Columbus, too, appeared in a most unfavourable light before a scholastic body; an obscure navigator; member of no learned insti. tution; destitute of all the trappings and circumstances which sometimes give oracular authority to dulness; and depending upon the mere force of natural genius. Some of the junto entertained the popular notion that he was an adventurer, or, at best, a visionary, and others had that morbid impatience of any innovation upon established doctrine, which is apt to grow upon dull and pedantic men

14th,-Very stormy during night; snow from five, a.m. to in cloistered life. What a striking spectacle must the hall
noon; seven, p.m. rain.
18th,-Slight fall of rain, eight, p.m.

Tide Table.

Festivals, &c.

Days. Morn. Even Height
h. m. h. m. ft. in.
6 8 3711
Tuesday..26 8
Wednesday27 9 5 9 29 12 6
Thursday 28 9 52 10 10 13 10
Friday.29 10 29 10 4615 2
Saturday.. 111 311 1916 4 David. Full Moon, 6h.40m.
Sunday.... 211 3511 5017 3 2d Sunday in Lent. Chad.
Tuesday.. 4 0 23 0 39 18 3

Monday 3

0 717 11


of the old convent have presented at this memorable conference! A simple mariner, standing forth in the midst of an imposing array of professors, friars, and dignitaries of the church, maintaining his theory with natural eloquence, and, as it were, pleading the cause of the New World. We are told, that when he began to state the grounds of his belief, the friars of St. Stephen alone paid attention to him; that convent being more learned in the sciences than the rest of the university. The others appeared to have intrenched themselves behind one dogged position, that, after so many profound philosophers and

Dosmographers had been studying the form of the world, hides of animals; and that St. Paul, in his epistle to the
and so many able navigators had been sailing about it for Hebrews, compares the heavens to a tabernacle, or tent,
several thousand years, it was a great presumption in an extended over the earth, which they thence inferred must
ordinary man to suppose that there remained such a vast be flat. Columbus, who was a devoutly religious man,
discovery for him to make. Several of the objections op- found that he was in danger of being convicted, not merely
posed by this learned body have been handed down to us, of error, but of heterodoxy. Others, more versed in sci-
and have provoked many a sneer at the expense of the ence, admitted the globular form of the earth, and the
university of Salamanca. But these are proofs, not so possibility of an opposite and inhabitable hemisphere;
much of the peculiar deficiency of that institution, as of but they brought up the chimera of the ancients, and
the imperfect state of science at the time, and of the man-maintained that it would be impossible to arrive there, in
ner in which knowledge, though rapidly extending, was consequence of the insupportable heat of the torrid zone.
still impeded in its progress by monastic bigotry. All Even granting this could be passed, they observed, that
subjects were still contemplated through the obscure me- the circumference of the earth must be so great as to re-
dium of those ages when the lights of antiquity were quire at least three years to the voyage, and those who
trampled out, and faith was left to fill the place of inquiry. should undertake it must perish of hunger and thirst,
Bewildered in a maze of religious controversy, mankind from the impossibility of carrying provisions for so long a
had retraced their steps, and receded from the boundary period. He was told on the authority of Epicurus, that,
line of ancient knowledge. Thus, at the very threshold admitting the earth to be spherical, it was only inhabitable
of the discussion, instead of geographical objections, Co- in the northern hemisphere, and in that section only was
lumbus was assailed with citations from the Bible and the canopied by the heavens; that the opposite half was a
Testament, the book of Genesis, the psalms of David, chaos, a gulph, or a mere waste of water. Not the least
the Prophets, the Epistles, and the Gospels. To these were absurd objection advanced, was, that should a ship even
added, the expositions of various saints and reverend com- succeed in reaching, in this way, the extremity of India,
mentators, St. Chrysostome and St. Augustine, St. Jerome she could never get back again; for the rotundity of the
and St. Gregory, St. Basil and St. Ambrose, and Lactan- globe would present a kind of mountain, up which it
tius Firmianus, a redoubted champion of the faith. Doc- would be impossible for her to sail with the most favour.
trinal points were mixed up with philosophical discussions, able wind."-Vol. i. p. 119, 125.
and a mathematical demonstration was allowed no truth,
if it appeared to clash with a text of scripture, or a com-
mentary of one of the Fathers. Thus the possibility of
antipodes in the southern hemisphere, an opinion so gene-
rally maintained by the wisest of the ancients, as to be
pronounced by Pliny the great contest between the learned
and the ignorant, became a stumbling-block with some of

The following is Columbus's description of the
of Cuba:-

character of the work, which is by no means deficie
merit, we are afraid it will be found that the in
faculties of the author have been borne down by am
of unmanageable materials. Had he given his f
freer play, and occasionally allowed himself a ter
oblivion of the British Museum, he would have
more successful in his fiction, and, perhaps, not less
in his fact. His great anxiety is to overlook nothing
research has offered him; and he accordingly work
the tissue of some of his stories much that might be
vantageously omitted. Perhaps the most meritene
his sketches are amplifications of some of Shak
most humorous heroes-Master Robert Shallow, i
stance is he not painted with a somewhat Shaks

"In the first floor, then, was seated Master Rober low, at his judicial studies; for the sunbeam through his stained glass windows, upon a fel book, bound in red velvet, and written in a simp law text, which was mounted upon a high def him. There was not, in the whole apartment, lar a piece of furniture as the desk in which the student was seated: but such as are acquainted w works, may have a tolerable conception of it. cient illuminated manuscripts, and early typogra formed of dark brown oak, richly carved into Gori nacles, pointed arches, &c.; and in size was s between a four-posted bedstead and a church pew both of which it very much resembled. Iva tered by a side door, and within it were two crimson damask, with a double desk placed ba them, over which hung a brass lamp; while was a sort of lining, or curtain, formed of rich Above, the erection was carved into large oaken p resembling those of a hearse, and the roof trived as to answer the purpose of a bookcase, b with large volumes bound in coloured velvet, broidered canvas covers.

the sages of Salamanca. Several of them stoutly contra-palm-trees of various forms, the highest and most beauti./ was furnished with an oaken settle, or bedstead,

dicted this basis of the theory of Columbus, supporting themselves by quotations from Lactantius and St. Augustine, who were considered, in these days, as almost evan.

"His description of one place, to which he gave the name of Puerto Santo, is a specimen of his vivid and artless feeling for the beauties of nature. The amenity of this river, and the clearness of the water, through which the sand at the bottom may be seen; the multitude of ful that I have met with, and an infinity of other great and green trees; the birds in rich plumage, and the verdure of the fields,-render this country, most Serene Princes, gelical authority. But, though these writers were men of of such marvellous beauty, that it surpasses all others in consummate erudition, and two of the greatest luminaries of what has been called the golden age of ecclesiastical For which reason I often say to my people, that, much as charms and graces, as the day doth the night in lustre. learning, yet their writings were calculated to perpetuate I endeavour to give a complete account of it to your Ma"The passage cited from Lactantius, to confute Colum-jesties, my tongue cannot express the whole truth, nor my pen describe it; and I have been so overwhelmed at the sight of so much beauty, that I have not known how to relate it."-Vol. i. p. 300.

darkness in respect to the sciences.

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bus, is in a strain of gross ridicule, unworthy of so grave a theologian. Is there any one so foolish,' he asks, as to believe that there are antipodes with their feet opposite to ours; people who walk with their heels upward and their heads hanging down ?-that there is a part of the world in which all things are topsy-turvy; where the trees grow with their branches downward, and where it rains, hails, and snows upward? The idea of the roundness of the earth,' he adds, was the cause of inventing this fable of the antipodes with their heels in the air; for these philosophers, having once erred, go on in their absurdities, defending one with another.' Graver objections were advanced on the authority of St. Augustine. He pronounces the doctrine of antipodes incompatible with the historical foundations of our faith; since, to assert that there were inhabited lands on the opposite side of the globe, would be to maintain that there were nations not descended from Adam, it being impossible for them to have passed the intervening ocean. This would be, therefore, to discredit the Bible, which expressly declares, that all men are descended from one common parent.

"Such were the unlooked-for prejudices which Columbus had to encounter at the very outset of his conference, and which certainly relish more of the convent than the university. To his simplest proposition, the spherical form of the earth, were opposed figurative texts of scripure. They observed, that in the Psalms, the heavens are said to be extended like a hide; that is, according to commentators, the curtain, or covering of a tent, which, among the ancient pastoral nations, was formed of the In the English

Extendens coelum sicut pellem. Psal. ciii. translation it is Psalm civ., v, 3.


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The remainder of the th the custom for all ranks to sleep naked,-nd no few and coarse clothes of the time,-although chair or two, with a massive table, a large press, with a few empty flagons, chalices, a stood in the back ground, near the enormous and before him were the ancient statutes of We "In this inner study then sat Master Rober dressed in a long black robe, with a close cre Merton, and Marlebridge, which he was ostens ing; though now and then the sun glanced up little folio manuscript of Chaucer's Poems, at the p with the exception of Wickliffe's satirical tra Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, the fashionable and favourite book of the day. Thus young lawyer cmployed, and in the following are he conduct his studies.

64 6

By the bones! I marvel much why this fath CHIEFLY ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE MANNERS, TRADITIONS, AND mine keeps me mewed up in a dark inn, to learn


[From the London Weekly Review.]

even burnt clean out !

"There was a priest in Buckingham
And a sturdy priest was he;
For he would roar at his own charch door,
And drink till he could not see.

and knavery from old law books; when a' should have at court a twelvemonth, or an eighteen month past brave gallant; or, in France, like a true soldier if 'twere not for some swinge-bucklers that I s Whatever opinion may be entertained of the fancy or were as a good a deed as drink to Capital originality of the author of these tales, no reader will Sexto.-Murdrum de cætero non adjudicetur deny him the credit of considerable industry. He has ticiariis, ubi infortunium tantummodo ransacked every tome and record appertaining to what at day-break, as I was wont at Oxford.-Ho! this is worse than singing the mass on a winter's his title-page calls "the manners, traditions, and remark-ho!-ho! Purview ensement, que quant C able localities of London," and the result is a work which prise purcette de felony,if a' be not out of all may be dignified with the appellation of the veritable with this law jargon, I am no true man! My pa Cockaigne Manual. So incontestable are its claims on this score, that we expect to see it beside our friend Whittington, and other respectable histories, on the shelves of every true citizen,- a fit companion for his Penates, and cherished as his oracle, his council's consistory. It is not the less qualified for this honourable station, because the writer is occasionally guilty of strange metamorphoses, and is frequently apocryphal. These are only additional recommendations of a work, which, among kindred matters, treats of the Cross-Keys Tragedy, a Legend of Grace “How, now !—who's there at my door? Out ye Church-street, the Goose and Gridiron, a Legend of am I to be your porter ? shall I leave my studies t Fleet-street, and the Cock-lane Ghost, a Legend of all the knaves that would come to jape the hos Snow-hill. Let it not be imagined that the author takes De wreck de mere accorde que— no loftier flights than these, but here will be found the my valiant page, how fare ye?-Ah! what my heart of chief attraction for the patronage he must have, almost St. David ? Cog's bones, my boys! we'll make exclusively, anticipated.

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And the Pope he said to this sturdy priest,-"" As we cannot supply a better notion of the Tak Antiquary than will be found in the adventures of Master Shallow, we continue our quotation. His canticle is interrupted, and he exclaims

What, Falstad

But to come seriously to the on't, and the foul fiend may take the Statutum de M

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Editum Anno Vicesimo Henici Tercii,' for his own ing-We'll call down the Corinthian lads above, and -Southward, ho!

"The lark is up in the matin skv,

And he singeth aloud as he soars on high,
For over the earth he loveth to fly,

All in the blue spring morning."

The company which called forth this effusion of joy lly on the part of Master Shallow, were John Falafterwards knighted, but then a page in the service Thomas Mowbray; and Hugh Evans, then a young student of divinity, in the Hospital of St. Giles, bsequently a parson at Windsor. They were both of lear associates of Shallow; for in their society he could is fan y for gaiety to the utmost, without any fear g checked for its exuberance, even by the young who on such occasions merely looked with a ludilemnity, or made some grave remark with such veness of language, that either of them'served only

ase the merriment.

Shallow concluded his shout of welcome, he went or in the back of the chamber, and called to his Gabriel Shortwit, to bring up his cloak, and his and his cittern, and his cap of plumes, and his I music and sonnets, and then to summon from ambers the four other worthies who inhabited the bove him.

nd so, my lads of gold,' began Falstaff, as they
iting we shall to it again; into the world as if
as neither law, nor divinity, nor nobility to bridle
ugh, o' my faith, boys, ye would corrupt a saint.
in a little time be even like the rest of ye. And
laster Evans, thou cockatrice of St. Giles! you
lay the priest o' the wrong side, must ye?'
'assions of our hearts!' cried Evans, I do desire
, Master Page Falstaff, shall remember, and re-
and reflections, look you, that I do go to watch,
oversee, and to preservation your walks and your
look you."

Master Shallow, hark you to his foul logic; and yet en as he saith,' answered Falstaff. What! shall port ourselves without our priest? Nay, nay. e not live by our sins? Good!-if we sin not, 2th he live? Ay, marry, answer me that I pray

Shall we then kill our priest for lack of means for
Go to,—no!—that were foul murdrum, Master
No, our priest shall live, and we will live ;-
well, Master Shallow ?"


of all good boys, the oracle of swinge-bucklers ;-but with more faggots, and now for the catch. Fancy it thy
about it, lads,-about it;-and remember, our watchword pricksong, or thy mottet, my little craven Evans, and sing
is Hem! boys.'
out bravely.' They then commenced the following catch,
the point of which consisted in every man calling, and
being called knave, in his turn.

"This rabble rout of St. Clement's then began to depart in the order so ingeniously devised by Master Bare; and, speedily getting into different wherries, were carried over to the far-famed Bankside. One of the most celebrated houses of entertainment then on the Bank bore the sign of the Cardinal's Hat, and was kept by Mistress Jane Nightwork, assisted by Mistress Quickly, who, about forty years afterwards, removed to the famous Boar's Head Tavern, in Eastcheap. The houses of Bankside were short and miserable buildings, standing but a little distance from the edge of the river, and having signs exposed upon their fronts, rudely delineated upon white boards. Before the doors were stout oaken seats and tables, for such as visited the place to enjoy a view of the Thames; and a low railing, with several long dirty stairs and passages to the water, was erected at the extremity of the bank."

These boisterous companions, after encountering a jester, whose antics and witticisms are quaintly described, proceed to the Windmill of St. George's Fields, which, we are told, was a popular resort of the Toms and Jerries of that day: "When they arrived here, the day was wearing fast into the afternoon; and the sky, which, till then, had been peculiarly fair and bright, was growing lurid, and exhibiting all the signs of a latent storm, which might be expected to fall about sunset. Mass!' said Shallow, looking at the splendid clouds which were rolling up in the south, 'twill be a foul even after so fair a day, Master Falstaff, my waggish page! So what say ye, my boys, to a ride through the night-storm, all three of us together, on one of old Doubletoll's blind mill horses?'

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Marry, no! gossip Shallow,' returned Falstaff, I'll e'en shroud me in the mill till morning, for your double riding knights have all been hanged or burned these ten years.-Bones o' me! his honour, Sir Thomas, will not have such unreason, as to think that I shall leave mine enjoyment with mine host of St. George's Mill, to wade back to him through a marsh in a foul night, and be smothered by Friar Rush!-No, my masters, it would be an un christian act to leave good for evil.-What say you, Master Evans?'

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It is fery truly spoken, Master Page Falstaff; put, poys, let us into the Mill, for I do perceive that mine host has a pottle-pot of sack and sugar, and Canaries, and goot burnt wines, and many other excellencies.'


"Shall. Sing we the good-fellows' roundelay,
And I the cittern will blithely play;
"Falst. I'll sing tenor,
"Evans. The treble for me,

"Shall. And what shall the bass of our music be?
"Doublet. The wintry wind as it rushes and roars,
At the windows, and roof, and the well-fastened

"Falst. But the wine, and the sack, and Canary are bright,
They are good-fellows' stars that shine out
through the night,

You're a knave if you quit them till morning. "Shall. to Falst. You're a knave! "Doublet to Evans. You're a knavel "Evans to Shall. You're a knave!-look you! "Omnes. He's a knave who forsakes them till morning. "In this jovial manner passed the hours, till night had overspread a sky that had long been dark and lowering. When the sun set, it was almost invisible through the thick and deep purple atmosphere which covered it, excepting where, in long streaks of brightly-coloured gold, it shone out between the partings of its veil, in the forms of rich cities and brilliant mountains, or where its reflections were cast upon the edges of other floating masses of clouds which sailed about the sky. In some places, before the storm began, which Evans had been so much alarmed at, long lines of deep purple appeared drawn through the air, greatly resembling alligators, or lizards with many legs, and here and there a branch seemed to issue out of them, and pass off into the space beyond." William Gascoigne, known as the eminent Lord Chief JusThe revellers are interrupted by the arrival of Master tice, whose name is so intimately connected with the life and reign of King Henry V. His presence occasions much trepidation,-"all in the mill started at his entrance: some from the knowlege of what he would do, and the fear of what he might do; and the others because they observed the effect which his presence had upon their inebriated companions :

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mill? Shame on ye, shame on ye! How would this guilt have been concealed, if fortune had not driven me, storm-beaten, on my return from his Highness Prince Edward, at Fauqueshall, to seek shelter here? but now it cometh forth, and on all over whom I possess any authority shall penance fall. And what art thou?' continued he, addressing Evans.

Even, goot Master Fillian Gascoigne, a poor Welsh student of definity at St. Chiles's Hospital.'

"His first words were pronounced in a loud and commanding tone: In the name of our Lord King Edward, I am an honest man, it is goot discretions that is I charge ye all to drop your weapons, before I order my mind, Master Falstaff. But now I shall desire, Say'st thou so, young cockerell,' answered Falstaff, apparitors to arrest you. The rapiers and daggers were you, that you will not get you to-day into no then on to the breach, lads; here we should be as bold resigned in a moment, and every one awaited in silence and riotings, and prabbles; but I shall beseech you as lions, or a cudgel-player at a May-game.-In!--In !' his further speech. How, gentles!' he at length began mber to take your sack, and your sherris, and your As they entered, they were met with considerable in a milder voice, looking round him with blended surand your-but I do see here is come our consorts. pleasure by a short, stout man, whom they all saluted prise and anger, some of ye are of St. Clement's Inn! The ceased speaking, Shortwit entered the room, with equal gratification, as the miller and landlord. He how came ye here, sirs? in Master George Bare, a tall gaunt man, with a was dressed in a sort of coarse, brown tunic and kirtle, low, and you other students, to learn the king's laws by Is this the way, Master Shallack bush of hair round his face; Master Francis which hung to his knees, and his legs below were cased breaking them, or to practise the laws of virtue by brawlne, also a tall, slender man, whose limbs were as if in gray frieze, which fitted close to his shape; whilsting in your cups at midnight, in a dishonest and lonely ad been attached to wires continually shaking, and round, untanned leathern shoes covered his feet. At his face possessed a great expression of vacancy, with a girdle he wore a scal's skin pouch, a case of brass-hafted d laugh continually mantling upon it; Master knives, and a stout dagger, hilted with the same metal. Doit, a short, stout, important, and bustling figure; Upon his head was an almost shapeless conical hat, of light aster William Squele, a talkative but empty-headed brown skin; but, oh! the face beneath it!-by the Lord, Sir, as Macklin used to say, it was prodigious!—it was as awhile all the discourse was gratulations and com.if a lion, in his fiercest rage, had suddenly changed colour; ts; till, at length, Shallow said,- But, my masters, his mane turning to a black bush of grizzled hair, and his m daylight, 'tis now near nine of the clock, and we features becoming red, without his physiognomy being in arcely reach the Cardinal's Hat, on the Bank, by the least altered. Such, from generous living and condest dinner-time. Shortwit, do you go down to the tinual brawling, was the appearance of Gabriel Doublehen the commons are cut, and bring my trencher toll, the miller of St. George's Fields. and, look ye, do the same by these gentlemen, "When his guests entered, he seized upon them as old shall come back roaring hungry; and, dost thou intimates, with the warmest, but, at the same time, the Varlet? let me have no prating of our purposes: if roughest, welcomes; and they were all speedily engaged icient ask of us, our grandmothers are taken within a spirited discussion of the miller's sparkling cordials. ainsey, and we are gone to visit them. Oh! good, By St. Thomas!' began Shallow, taking off his cittern word! So, now my cittern slung over it, and now and rapier, but I'm glad to be with tall men at last; men own, which hideth all. But, my masters, we must who can empty me a two-quart beaker and not look muz. It is all in my prain, and I will sing the rest, if hur épart en suite,—no,—go to ;—old Wicket would peerzling after it, nor be overthrown like a country milk-maid. to the matter. Mass now! how shall it be? Oh your good trowler of his pottle loves to meet with Why, thus, Bully Shallow,' replied Bare; Falstaff men of their hands; with companions good at all a tossEvans are past all compare the worst of us, excepting pot's weapons, bowl, rapier, and cittern, and a stout voice who art, to speak truly, the great devil of Clements: in a catch. Come, Master Miller, and you, my merry to then, they shall go first and take the road to the boys, let's roar out the Good fellows' Round."" Pe, and there let them boat me over to the Bank. Master Shallow,' returned Evans, I shall tell you Shall little John here, and our Cotswold champion, what is now come into my prain, and pless us! goot e down the Strand-lane, and embarque me at Mil-Saint Chiles! how it does rain and pluster in the dark Sand, lastly, thou and I will go towards Lincoln's efening. Fell, my masters, I do think fe are not so piety nd then walk to the Temple, where we shall cover as fe ought to have, in so-by'r Lady! it is a foeful night, ly and follow our consorts. Will't catch, Master and-' ? said I well, boys?'

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Good, very good, very excellent good!' returned w; thou shalt be a Corinthian civilian, the counsel

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"What now, Mandragora?' cried Falstaff, why man, keep up thine heart, and here's that will keep out the storm; send about the flagon, Master Doubletoll; on

And a most wretched practiser of what thou studiest,' replied Gascoigne, what says thy psalterium? Beati sunt viri qui ambulant—'

Oh! yes, inteet, it is very goot rememprances,' interrupted Evans,"That man for ever plest shall pe, Who doth the sinner's haunts eschew; The scoffer's chair his feet do flee, Put pious acts hur loves to do.'



Let it live in thine heart and life,' said Gascoigne, turning from him to Falstaff,- Sir Thomas Mowbray's page, Master Falstaff, as I guess?"

"The same, honoured Master Gascoigne,' returned he, 'tis a name I will never deny, for 'twill yet be famous in England till a far distant age, and I'll make it so!' "It must be by a far different course of life from this, then; else perchance even I may live to condemn thee for thy neglect of all honest manners; thy despite of all virtuous counsel. But the storm has now howled itself to rest; I leave ye with an assurance that this night's brawling shall be answered; and I leave four of mine apparitors to watch your courses; more shall immediately follow them from London; and, until they come, ye are prisoners here.'

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staff, then Sir John, who was levying soldiers in that county,- Do you remember since we lay all night in the windmill in St. George's Fields ?'"

He then departed, and a night of stupid repentance,' as those who may not fully comprehend our correspondent's space for the passage of vessels, and the current of the Falstaff said, followed a day of gallant enjoyment.' more scientific mode of handling the subject. river, Mr. L. recommends excavations on the shore, wt Early in the morning the apparitors conducted each The problem is, two figures being given to add a third, might afterwards be serviceable in lessening the desc of them home, and Gascoigne kept his word with all; for to the tunnel to be formed. In the present unpro so as to make the three divisible by 11, without remainder. state of the Company's affairs, Mr. Lunt recommend the miller was imprisoned, as his character was notorious; the law-students were fined; Falstaff was suspended by Our correspondent, in his solution, which we have just establishment of an immediate mode of crossing them his patron; and Evans was macerated by a long penance given, has, very intelligibly, shown how this is to be done; the profits accruing to be given to the present share of fasting. Master Shallow never forgot this adventure; but the circumstance to which we wish particularly to draw of the tunnel. He suggests, for this purpose, the r and Shakspeare relates, that fifty-five years afterwards, the attention of our readers relates to a peculiarity respect-sive to admit of carriages turning, and to a sufficient de out of platforms, from Horsley-Down, sufficiently a when he was an esquire, and a justice of the peace in Gloucestershire, under King Henry IV., he said to Fal-ing the quotient, which we have never seen pointed out, of water to permit the plying of suitable vessels to a and which, we may say, we stumbled upon by accident. lar pier on the Wapping side, a part of the plat It is this:being moveable, so as to suit the rise or fall of the Whatever the quotient, consisting of three figures, mayThis, Mr. I. considers, would form a inuch more be, if the order of the figures be reversed, the dividend the tunnel, the necessity of which, he thinks, it able, and less expensive, mode of crossing the rivert will also be reversed. We shall give an example or two. supersede. We sincerely hope, however, that, after Suppose the two figures first given to be 35, we must sacrifices already made, the original design will ulum place 2 after the 5, making the dividend 352, which, being bo effected. divided by 11, gives, as a quotient, 32. If this dividend be inverted, it will be 253, which, being divided by 11, gives 23, or 32 inverted. Again, if the original number be 73, by adding 4 before the 7, we have a dividend 473, which, divided by 11, makes 43. Invert the dividend and it is 374, which, divided by 11, leaves 34, or 43 inverted. There are many peculiarities respecting the number 11, which we may probably notice at some other opportunity. Edit. Kal.

There is much variety in these volumes;-German legends relieve those of London, and, though out of keeping, are indeed a relief. The Paradise of Bears, a legend of Berne, and Death's Horse, another of the Netherlands, have considerable power. The author's poetry, of which he is agreeably profuse, is of a superior order; and, on the whole, these Tales of an Antiquary may be taken as an earnest of future excellence in whatever their author

may attempt.



The following singular circumstance has been communicated to us by a most respectable and intelligent corre spondent. The result of his experiment will furnish our philosophical readers with ample room for speculation.


SIR,-During the late severe weather, a snow-ball, weighing five ounces and a half, was melted; and, on placing the water in the scales, it appeared to be heavier than the snow was. This circumstance was a sufficient inducement to make an accurate experiment, the result of which corresponded with the fact that had given rise to it.-A tin vessel, four inches square and four deep, was filled with snow, compressed into as solid a mass as practicable, and then weighed with extreme care. When melted, the water was found to exceed the weight of the snow twenty-five grains, and to take up only one-half of the space which the latter had occupied.-The following is a correct statement of the particulars:

Inches. Sqr. In. Grains. lb. 03. grs. Snow....4X4X464......7922 = 1 2 47 Increase, Water....4X4X2=32.7947 1 2 7225 grains. From this experiment, it is evident, that, after a heavy fall of snow, no time ought to be lost in removing it from the tops of houses, since it will produce its own weight of water: and when it is considered that ten pounds' weight is equal to one gallon, some idea nay be formed of the quantity which rests on a roof whose dimensions are considerable.-Yours, &c. G. February 20, 1828.


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an inch and a half in height, made of a metal which easily
A gentleman has shown us a curious little cross, about
takes a polish, and, when polished, has much the resem-
blance of gold. It has an inscription on the front, and
also one upon the back, composed of characters which are
apparently of Greek original, but many of the letters are
imperfect, and others appear only as a blur manifestly by
age. The letters which are in relief, and defended by
a blue coloured enamel, are something smaller on the
cross itself than our sketch represents them, and have an
affinity to the Sclavonian, which, according to several
authorities, is the immediate parent of the Polish, Lithu.

SIR,-The reason of any number so constituted being a multiple of 11, and, consequently, divisible by 11, mayanian, Bohemian, Vandalian, Croatian, Russian, Carnish, be thus explained :

Let the figure in the place of the tens be represented by the letter: the figure in the unit's place by the letter . Then the first figure will be properly expressed by t-u. This first figure being one hundred times its apparent value, will be 100 times t, minus 100 times u: the second figure being ten times its apparent value, will be 10 times u: the last figure being simply once u, the amount of the whole number will be 100 times & X 10 times t—that is, 110 times 1, minus 99 times u; which is, obviously, divisible by 11, and gives 10 times t, minus 9 times u. Thus: 473 divided by 11. gives 10 times 7, minus 9 times 3,43: 374 divided by 11, gives 10 times 7, minus 9 times 4, = 34.

We last week stated that we had something to add to the communication of our correspondent Philarithmus, and we now resume the subject, merely to put our own view of it in the simplest manner, so as to be obvious to

Dalmatian, Lusatian, Moldavian, and many other lan-
guages. Should the annexed rough sketch, cut in wood,
afford a clue by which any of our learned antiquarian cor-
respondents can make out the sense, we should feel obliged
by being favoured with a translation.


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To Correspondents.

SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER.-We intend, next week, to pr
our readers with another supplemental sheet, cont
much interesting matter,-including, as we expect
description of Beeston Castle, the appearance of
has been postponed on account of the indisposition
artist who had undertaken to engrave the vignette.
DON JUAN BURLESQUED.-We shall adopt the sugge
A Constant Reader, by giving this whimsical plece a
in our next.

plemental sheet, next week, will enable us to comp
a wish, which has frequently been expressed
should republish the whimsical examination ty
ANATOMICAL DISSECTIONS.-We shall postpone, int
week, the insertion of the article on this sub
we last week promised. No further delay sha
account, occur.

LETTERS OF A TRAVELLER.-The continuation of this
series has been received, and should have been i
this day's Kaleidoscope, if we had not been at a loss to
out a certain passage. It shall be put in type, for
tion in our next; and, if Lares will take the trouble m
for a proof slip, on Wednesday evening, the amb
sage shall be marked, for his revision. Lara
small packet waiting for him at the usual place.

FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LIVERPOOL MECEAS APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. Our supplemental sheet, week, will give us the opportunity of complying w request of several friends, who wish to see this ite report transferred to the pages of the Kaleidoscope, uk cument for future reference, and of immediate in GOODRICH CASTLE, which is given entire in our presest cation, interesting as it is in itself, is become mot arly so, on account of the recent melancholy fatt Neele, the talented author of the Romance of Hist unfortunate gentleman, last week, in a temporad rangement, committed suicide, as related in all


If we can meet with any good memoir of shall copy it into the Kaleidoscope. TALES OF AN ANTIQUARY.-The coplous specimens clever work will, we have no doubt, prove acceptab our readers, if we may judge from the pleasure it pa has afforded ourselves.

The Lines addressed to a Friend, by a Constant Reader

appear in our next, if we can deciplier the whole of the LIFE OF COLUMBUS.-We are persuaded that we can Mr. Thomas Lunt, of Chester, has addressed a letter to tify our readers more than by continuing our select from Mr. Irving's new memoir of Columbus. the Directors of the Thames Tunnel Company, containing MUSIC.-The musical benne bouche, for which we ha remarks on the tunnel, and suggesting an improved mode of crossing the river Thames. The method recommended by Mr. Lunt to obviate the disadvantages arising from the depth of the tunnel, is very ingenious, but is itself liable to some objections; amongst others, it might be injured by the dropping of anchors. "I should have proposed," says Mr. Lunt," to enclose, by a semicircle of enclosed part, and form a tunnel of adequate area, and substantial piling, half the width of the river; empty the water-tight, which would only require to be of such depth as to allow vessels to pass over." To gain the requisite

thank Mr. J., shall be immediately attended to It cellent in its way..We have several other musical ca munications, which shall be appropriated in due time MR. BROUGHAM'S SPEECH ON THE LAW. We shall, in or as address a note to E. H. G. F. relative to his suggestion We have further to acknowledge the communicat.

H. H.S-A Friend.

Printed, published, and sold, every Tuesday, by B. Swiz

and Co., Clarendon-buildings, Lord-street.

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Literary and Scientific Mirror.


familiar Miscellany, from which all religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending LITERATURE, CRITICISM, MEN and
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401. Vol. VIII.

The Philanthropist.


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sixteen shillings. We beg also to call the attention | the proprietors to whom they are articled, only according
of the public to the other works issued from our
office, and advertised in another part of this day's
Kaleidoscope.-Edit. Kal.


The Anti-Slavery Reporter for January contains many striking facts, illustrative of the demoralizing effects of slavery upon all who come within the sphere of its influence. These are, aptly enough, introduced by a brief, but able, dissertation upon the love of power inherent in man, and his proneness to abuse it, in the absence of proper checks, more especially when the subject of it is his fellow-creature; for, anomalous as it may appear, the petty tyrant,

"Dressed in a little brief authority,"

r some months we have been regularly favoured the numbers of the Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter, Most interesting and valuable publication, written ompiled with the humane design of mitigating, finally, extirpating the traffic and property in in beings. We have, from time to time, inserted #sting extracts from this work in the Mercury; re regret that we have not been enabled to do so quently as we have wished, or as the importof the subject demanded. In a newspaper are so many objects claiming the attention of inflicts upon his fellow-man, a being, no matter of roprietor, and such a diversity of tastes to con- what colour, or nation, endowed with the same privileges that documents of permanent importance, are as himself, and brought into the world for the same times, almost necessarily, passed by, in order to great end,-punishment from which he exempts the brute animals in his service. "Man is a tyrant to the inferior way for parliamentary debates; news, foreign animals, it is true; but unrestrained by law, he becomes domestic; marriages, deaths, ship news, adver- a wolf to man." It is lamentable, too, to reflect that perments, and other matter, which, whether very in-sons arriving, with hearts not yet callous to the touch of humanity, at a place where slavery exists, soon become sting or not, are expected in the columns of a blind to the evils of the system, and often practise ic newspaper. themselves those enormities which once filled them with has occurred, or, rather, it has been suggested horror. Of this some curious instances are adduced, one that we could promote the benevolent views of which we shall briefly notice. A Portuguese captain engaged in the slave trade wooed an amiable and accompublishers of the Anti-Slavery Reporter, by means plished young lady, who would only accept him on conbe Kaleidoscope, which has a very wide, perma dition that he would give up the nefarious traffic in which and most reputable circulation; and as, upon he was engaged: this he agreed to do. After marriage, ry, we find that the Anti-Slavery Reporter is not however, she went to sea with him; habit made her fond ished with a view to profit, but is gratuitously to the horrors of the slave trade. of a naval life, and, soon afterwards, also reconciled her After several years' d, we presume that, in transferring its contents, successful traffic, they settled at Mozambique, and she ample selection from them, to the Kaleidoscope, who was once sensitively alive to the sufferings of the hall be promoting, rather than interfering with, slaves, regulated the whole of her husband's slave establishment; inquired into every offence committed by views of the excellent persons who superintend them, pronounced sentence, and stood by to see them Reporter. Under this persuasion, therefore, con- punished! This sickening detail, and others of a similar ed by inquiries from some most respectable, in-character are given on unquestionable authority. The settlement at the Cape of Good Hope affords the gent, and amiable individuals, we, this day, materials for the melancholy picture drawn of the cruelty, oduce into our work, in the most conspicuous depravity, and debasement consequent upon the slave sysaner, and under the head Philanthropist, the fol- tem. It has been assumed that the emigration of British ing abridgment of the Anti-Slavery Reporter for settlers to that colony, which took place in 1820, will have Quary; and we take this opportunity of remind tendency to modify, and, finally, extirpate slave labour; but there seems no probability that such will be the rethe public, that our work may be regularly had sult. The free labourers only form about one-twentieth ough the London booksellers, or from any of the part of the working population; they are, moreover, ex merous agents specified in the list at the head posed to such hardships and temptations that they frethis page; through whom also may be procured quently have recourse to habitual intoxication,-engage in promiscuous intercourse with the female slaves, or form ols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII, of the Kaleidoscope, a permanent connexion with one; and thus they debase Aboards, with titles and copious indexes, price, each, themselves to the level of the slaves, and are valued by

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to their capacity for improving the breed of human stock. than others, therefore this intercourse is encouraged, and Slaves of European descent are, at the Cape, more valuable the fruits of it are turned to very profitable account. The introduction of free labourers, under the present system, or to such a limited extent, is more likely to perpetuate slavery than remove it.

At Cape Town, handsome mulatto, and even white slaves are numerous, and the majority of these are trained to prostitution from their childhood; morality in a female slave, is a very inconvenient quality, but it is one which is seldom possessed. We will not comment upon such depravity as this; it speaks for itself.

It is not to be wondered at that beings, towards whom so little sympathy is shown while living, should, by their death, excite no other feeling in the breasts of their inhuman proprietors, than that which arises from the calcu lation that it is attended with the loss of the sum which this human merchandise might have produced in the market.

The concluding paragraph of the report speaks volumes, and we shall, therefore, transcribe it.

"Few Englishmen come to the Cape who are not, in the first instance, shocked at the sight of the evils of slavery. There is something, however, so insidious in its nature, and so congenial also to certain dispositions of mind, that this repugnance is, in general, speedily overcome; and, as a last proof of its demoralizing effects, I shall only add to the facts already stated, that I have never met with any class of men in that colony, so much

intoxicated with the love of this baneful system, so enraged against every one who condemns it, so loud in their execrations of the abolition of the slave trade, or so anxious to have it revived in all its former extent, as many of the natives of our own free country."

Despite of all that has been done and said upon the subject, no substantial mitigation of the evils of slavery has taken place; still less has any progress been made towards its extinction. This foul blot still remains upon the scutcheon of England, and it is high time that the public voice should, loudly and unanimously, demand of the legislature that it may be removed.

The Traveller.



compasses in latitude 41 20 south, and longitude 20 east, Now, my good friend, take out your chart, place your and there you will find us outward bound to Calcutta. I think I see you mark the situation, and, with an inward ejaculation, you snuff your candle, draw your wellstuffed arm-chair a little nearer to the fire, and give it an extra stir. I would fain be at the other side of your hearth-rug, with the comfortable steam of your best Bohea

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