Abbildungen der Seite

self in safety in this place, the fort is not so strictly pellegrino, keeping all the while that considerate counte- He was as fond of fine linen as a Quaker; and bad blockaded that I cannot secure his departure." Anance for which a foreigner has so good reason to be grate-the remnant of his hair oiled and trimmed with all general silence ensued. "If you wish to remain ful. Her hair was what the poet has described as rather the anxiety of a Sardanapalus. The visible character blond, with an inclination to yellow, a very fair and deli- to which this effeminacy gave rise, appears to have indi among us," continued he, "leave every thing to me; cate yellow, at all events, and within the limits of thecated itself as early as his travels in the Levant, where I declare that I will cut off the head of the first man poetical. She had regular features, of the order properly the Grand Seignior is said to have taken him for a woma who shall speak of capitulation." Filled with shame called handsome, in distinction to prettiness or to piquancy, in disguise." and admiration, the knights defended the place with being well proportioned to one another, large rather than Lest this somewhat luxurious sketch might lead some new vigour. The most formidable assault of the otherwise, but without coarseness, and more harmonious readers to believe that Lord Byron was effeminate, M Turks was yet to come. Two thousand five hundred than interesting. Her nose was the handsomest of the Hunt adds:of their best soldiers mounted and gained the wall, kind I ever saw; and I have known her both smile very unperceived by the garrison. The Grand Master sweetly, and look intelligently, when Lord Byron has said himself flew to the spot, and led his chosen com- something kind to her. I should not say, however, that panions to the attack of their own defences. He her want of wisdom were on the side of her feelings, in she was a very intelligent person. Both her wisdom and was wounded in five places, but still pushing on which there was, doubtless, mingled a good deal of selfwards, he inspired his followers with such heroic love natural to a flattered beauty. She wrote letters in valour, that they drove the Turks back in confusion. the style of the "Academy of Compliments," and made Had he been killed, the place must have fallen; but a plentiful use, at all times, of those substitutes for adthis successful effort crowned his admirable ex-dress and discourse, which flourished in England at the ertions. The Pacha Palæologus, finding his army era of that polite compilation, and are still in full bloom disabled and dispirited, at length raised the siege, in Italy. and carried back to Constantinople the fleet and army.


'And evermore

She strewed a mi rallegro after and before.'

'In Magdalen's loose hair and lifted eye,'

In a word, Madame Guiccioli was a kind of buxom parlour boarder, compressing herself artificially into dignity and elegance, and fancying she walked, in the eyes of the whole world, a heroine by the side of the poet. When I The opening of the new year has introduced a work to saw her at Monte-Nero, she was in a state of excitement the literary world which bids fair, judging by the frag-and exultation, and had really something of this look. At ments which have appeared, to engage much of its attenthat time also she looked no older than she was, in which tion. The subject is Lord Byron, and enough is contained respect a rapid and very singular change took place, to the surprise of every body. In the course of a few months in that simple announcement to fix the public interest. she seemed to have lived as many years. It was most One desire of the Noble poet would appear to be attained, likely, in that interval, that she discovered she had no at least as far as regards popular attention, for, in life and hold on the affections of her companion. The portrait of in death, his name seems to act upon it as a spell.-The her, by Mr. Westwriter of the present work is Mr. Leigh Hunt, a gentle man as well known to the literary as to the political world -who was for a considerable time a companion of his Lordship during his residence in Italy. Much as the life of his Lordship has been made matter of discussion, the topic, we see, is far from being exhausted. Mr. Hunt is well qualified for the task he has undertaken-his attachment to the cause of independence has already exposed him to suffering, and in the extracts from his Life of the Noble Lord, we find traits of the same feeling by which he has been heretofore characterized. Until the publication of the work, of course, no decisive opinion can be passed, but, from what is given of it, high aristocratical feel. ing would appear to have had enough to do with Lord Byron, and to have mingled much, very much, with his social intercourse. We do not expect a man, because he may happen to be gifted with a splendid genius, to be

"But he had tastes of a more masculine description, Hs was fond of swimming to the last, and used to push out to a good distance in the Gulf of Genoa. He he liked to have a great dog or two about him, which also, as I have before mentioned, a good horseman ; not a habit observable in timid men. Yet I doubt g whether he was a man of courage. I suspect that pe anxiety, coming upon a constitution unwisely treated, no small hand in hastening his death in Greece. "The story of his bold behaviour at sea in a voyage Sicily, and of Mr. Shelley's timidity, is just rever what I conceive would have been the real state of matter, had the voyage taken place. The account impudent fiction. Nevertheless, he volunteered voya by sea, when he might have eschewed them; and yet same man never got into a coach without being afraid In short, he was the contradiction his father and met had made him. To lump together some more of his sonal habits, in the style of old Aubrey, he spelt affected swore somewhat, had the Northumbrian burr in his spe did not like to see women eat, and would merrily say he had another reason for not liking to dine with th which was, that they always had the wings of the chicke

Mr. Hunt thus speaks of his temper:-" His tea was not good. Reading one day in Montaigne the fession of that philosopher and seigneur, that a saddes well fastened, or the flapping of a leather against hist would put him out of sorts for the day, he said it was own case; and he seemed to think it was the case of body else, of any importance, if people would confess it; otherwise, they were dull, or wanted For he was always mistaking the subtilty of that and confounding patience with weakness, because was a weak patience as well as a strong one was not only in small things that he was I have seen the expression of his counter greater occasions, absolutely festered with i all the beauty of it corrugated and made sore; s at the same time, being soft, and struggling to itself in, as if on the very edge of endurance. 0: occasions, having no address, he did not know to let himself be extricated from his position; and found him in this state, I contrived to make a fev marks as serious as possible, on indifferent subjects, so come away. An endeavour to talk him out of i weakness, he might have had reason to resent-sp would probably have drawn upon you a discussion matters too petty for your respect; and gaiety wel been treated as an assumption, necessary to be put

is flattering upon the whole-has a look of greater delicacy than she possessed: but it is also very like, and the studied pretension of the attitude has a moral resemblance. Being a half-length, it shows her to advantage, for the fault of her person was, that her head and bust were hardly sustained by limbs of sufficient length." After this attractive sketch of the lady's person, we give Mr. Hunt's portrait of the Lord. "Lord Byron's face was handsome; eminently so in some respects. He had a mouth and chin fit for Apollo; and when I first knew him, there were both lightness and energy all over his aspect. But his countenance did not improve with age, and there were always some defects in it. The jaw was too big for the upper part. It had all the wilfulness of a despot in it. The animal predominated over the intellectual part of his head, inasmuch as the face altogether was large in proportion to the skull. The eyes also were set too near one another; and the nose, though handsome in itself, had the appearance, when you saw it closely in front, of being grafted on the face, rather than growing properly out of it. His person was very regret that a title-a silly bauble, should have so woven to fat and effeminacy, which makes me remember what a down in their turn. There was no living wh its superficial, vanity into the texture of Byron's mighty hostile fair one objected to him-namely, that he had eternal assumptions and inequalities. When he knows mind. For it was a mind of no ordinary grasp a mind little beard; a fault which, on the other hand, was in England, independent and able to do him servate whose productions will live through many an after age, thought by another lady, not hostile, to add to the divi. never ventured upon a raillery. In Italy, he so to treat me with it; and I was obliged, for both o and, with the splendid efforts of our most celebrated wri-nity of his aspect-imberbis Apollo. His lameness was ters, cast a halo round the page of our English literature. only in one foot-the left; and it was so little visible to tell him I did not like it, and that he was too to casual notice, that, as he lounged about a room, (which he did in such a manner as to screen it,) it was bardly perceivable. But it was a real, and even a sore lameness. Much walking upon it fevered and hurt it. It was a shrunken foot, a little twisted. This defect unquestionably mortified him exceedingly, and helped to put sarcasm and misanthropy into his taste of life. Un-Translated and abridged from the German of the fortunately, the usual thoughtlessness of schoolboys made him feel it bitterly at Harrow. He would wake and find his leg in a tub of water. The reader will see (hereafter) how he felt it, whenever it was libeiled; and in Italy, the Madame Guiccioli, who was at that time about only time I ever knew it mentioned, he did not like the twenty, was handsome and lady-like, with an agreeable subject, and hastened to change it. His handsome permanner, and a voice not partaking too much of the Italian son so far rendered the misfortune greater, as it pictured fervour to be gentle. She had just enough of it to give to him all the occasions on which he might have figured her speaking a grace. None of her graces appeared en-in the eyes of company; and doubtless this was a great tirely free from art; nor, on the other hand, did they reason why he had no better address. On the other hand, betray enough of it to give you an ill opinion of her sin- instead of losing him any real regard or admiration, his cerity and good humour. I was told, that her Romag-lameness gave a touching character to both. nese dialect was observable; but to me, at that time, all "He had a delicate white hand, of which he was proud; Imlian in a lady's mouth was Tuscan pearl; and she and he attracted attention to it by rings. He thought a trolled it over her lip, pure or not, with that sort of con-hand of this description almost the only mark remaining scious grace which seems to belong to the Italian language now-a-days of a gentleman; of which it certainly is not, as a matter of right. I amused her with speaking bad nor of a lady either; though a coarse one implies handiItalian out of Ariosto, and saying speme for speranza, in work. He often appeared holding a handkerchief, upon which she good-naturedly found something pleasant and which his jewelled fingers lay imbedded as in a picture.

beyond the infirmities of human nature; but we greatly handsome, though terminating in lameness, and tending by sarcasms, which it would have been necessary t

Trades' Free Press.

Madame Guiccioli is thus described :

"We then lounged about, or sat and talked, Madame Guiccioli, with her sleek tresses, descending after her toilet to join us. The garden was small and square, but plenti fully stocked with oranges and other shrubs; and, being well watered, looked very green and refreshing under the Italian sky. The lady generally attracted us up into it, if we had not been there before.



brated Schiller.

(Concluded from our last.)

"We will allow this. But is it consistent with Armenian's plan, that he himself should destroy the i sion which he has created, and disclose the mysterie his science to the eyes of the profane?"

"What mysteries does he disclose? None, ser which he intends to practise on me. He, therefore, nothing by the discovery. But, on the other hard, juggling and deception, should render me secure and an advantage will he gain, if this pretended victory suspecting; if he succeeds in diverting my attention the right quarter, and in fixing my wavering st on an object the most remote from the real one? time, either from my own doubts, or at the suggestin another, I should be tempted to seek in the occult seitser

or a key to his mysterious wonders, how could he better provide against such an inquiry, than by contrasting his prodigies with the tricks of the juggler! By confining the latter within artificial limits, and by delivering, as it were, into my hands a scale by which to appreciate them, he aturally exalts and perplexes my ideas of the former. How many suspicions he precludes by this single contrivance! How many methods of accounting for his miracles, which might afterwards have occurred to me, he refutes beforehand ?"

"Rather invert the proposition, my dear Count, and discretion. He began by secretly studying the Prince's say, what do all these wonders prove, if I can demonstrate character. A German servant belonging to the latter, that a single one among them is a manifest deception? who had disappeared in a very unaccountable manner, as The prediction, I own, is above my conception. If it stood mentioned in the beginning of these adventures, was, in alone; if the Armenian had closed the scene with it, I con- this respect, of great use to him. This man, it was supfess I do not know how far I might have been carried. But posed, had been enticed from the service of his master by in the base alloy with which it is mixed, it is certainly sus the Armenian, as he was afterwards discovered in a conpicious. Time may explain, or not explain, it; but be- vent in the Guidecca, into which he had entered as a conlieve me, my friend!" added the Prince, taking my hand, vert. with a grave countenance, "a man, who can command From his communications, the Armenian soon learned "But, in exposing such a finished deception, he has supernatural powers, has no occasion to employ the arts of that the mind of the Prince was particularly accessible to very much counteracted his own interest, both by quick-a juggler; he despises them." such ideas as were suggested by any thing extraordinary ning the penetration of those whom he meant to impose or mysterious. In this quarter, therefore, he determined pen, and by staggering their belief of miracles in general. Thus, says Count O...... ended a conversation, which I to assail him. The Sicilian, who was known to be unhe had such a plan, your Highness's self is the best have related entire; because it shows the difficulties which commonly expert in the arts of juggling and legerdemain, of of its insufficiency." "Perhaps he has been mistaken in respect to myself; imposed upon. I hope it may free his memory from the all the pretended miracles, related in the first part of this were to be overcome, before the Prince could be effectually was employed as his assistant. By their joint contrivances this conclusions have, nevertheless, been well founded. imputation of having blindly and inconsiderately thrown the second apparition was managed nearly according to the volume, were successively produced. The adventure of ald he foresee that I should exactly notice the very cir-himself into a snare, which was spread for his destruction mstance which exposes the whole artifice? Was it in by the most unheard of, and diabolical wickedness. Not Prince's conjectures. The ghost itself was a living person, unicative? Are we certain that the Sicilian has not far haps, smiling contemptuously at the Prince's credulity; plan, that the creature he employed should be so com- all those who, at the moment I am writing this, are, per-properly equipped, and the whole transaction was a mere deception. ded his commission? He has, undoubtedly, done so The reader will recollect the account which was given of respect to the ring, and yet it is chiefly this single cir. not all those who, in the fancied superiority of their own the person whom the Prince engaged as successor to the understandings, think themselves entitled to condemn se contexture is so artful and refined, is easily spoiled first attempt with so much firmness. If afterwards, not- which does not appear, to procure a recommendation to the stance which determined my distrust in him. A plan, him; not all those, I apprehend, would have resisted this servant who had left him. This man was also an agent of the Armenian. He had contrived, by some method the execution by an awkward instrument. It certainly withstanding this happy prepossession, we witness his Prince's banker, and, by that means, to the Prince himself. not the Armenian's intention, that the juggler should downfal; if we see that the black design, against which, The latter soon perceived that his new servant possessed ak to us in the style of a mountebank; that he should at its very opening, he was thus providentially warned, is eavour to impose upon us such fables as are too gross finally successful, we are not so much inclined to ridicule such talents and qualities as are very seldom found in a ear the least reflection. For instance, with what coun- his weakness, as to be astonished at the infamous ingenuity person in his situation, and, in a short time, he became ince could this impostor affirm, that the miraculous of a plot, which could seduce an understanding so admi-greatly attached to him. The man, on his part, was not ig he spoke of renounces all commerce with mankind rably prepared. Considerations of interest have no influence idle; he lost no opportunity of insinuating himself into welve in the night? Did not we see him among us at on my testimony. He, who alone would be thankful for the Prince's favour, in which he at last succeeded so effecvery hour?" That is true. He must have forgotten it." it, is now no more. His dreadful destiny is accomplished. tually, that he became his sole confidant, and gained an His soul has long since been purified before the throne of entire ascendancy over him. Count O........., in the meanPeople of this description naturally overact their parts, Truth, where mine must likewise shortly appear. But, for time, who was the only person to whose judgment the by exceeding every limit of credibility, mar the effects the sake of justice, and I hope the involuntary tear, Prince paid any deference, departed for Courland. The ch a well managed deception is calculated to produce." which now flows at the remembrance of my friend, will Armenian and his colleague then began to act more openly. I cannot, however, yet prevail on myself to look upon be pardoned,for the sake of justice I now declare it. They perceived, however, that, in order to complete the whole as a mere contrivance of art. What! the Sici-He was a generous man, and would have been an orna: the aid of female attractions. The principles of the person seduction of the Prince, it would be necessary to call in terror; his convulsive fits; his swoon; the deplo- ment to the throne, which, seduced by the most infernal they had to deal with were not easily shaken. He had e situation in which we saw him, and which was even artifices, he attempted to ascend, by the commission of been early inspired with the most exalted notions of strict as to move our pity; were all these nothing more than mimicry of an actor? I allow that a skilful performer honour, and steady resolution, and nothing less than an carry imitation to a very high pitch, but he certainly entire subversion of his faculties was sufficient to overturn no power over the organs of life." them. His new confidant governed him completely, but he could not blind him. The attachment of one man to another, however ardent it may be, as it produces nothing of that disorder of the senses, nothing of that delirium of the mind, which are the ordinary effects of love, cannot be so easily perverted to the purposes of deception.

As for that, my friend, I have seen Richard the Third Garrick. But were we at that moment sufficiently cool be capable of observing dispassionately? Could we Age of the emotion of the Sicilian, when we were almost rcome by our own? Besides, the dicisive crisis even of eception is so momentous to the deceiver himself, that essive anxiety may produce in him symptoms as violent hose which surprise excites in the deceived. Add to the unexpected entrance of the watch."



The translator of this fragment, which ends with the above reflections of Count O......, in order to remove the uncertainty in which the reader is left as to these extraordinary adventures, and particularly with a view to explain some allusions in the concluding paragraph, has thought it necessary to subjoin a few particulars, in addition to what appears in the original.

They, therefore, engaged the assistance of a young woThe Ghost Seer was first published in a German periodi- man of exquisite beauty, and of a cunning and address cal work of the name of Thalia, in detached parts. It not inferior to their own. Methods were next to be devised appeared when a sect of the Illuminati, as they are called, to make the Prince fall desperately in love. The latter, I am glad you mention that, my Prince. Would the was beginning to extend itself very rapidly in Germany. on this occasion, was expected to be somewhat untractable. enian have ventured to discover such an infamous These people, it is well known, were accustomed to seduce They knew his utter indifference to female beauty, and me to the eye of justice? to expose the fidelity of his the ignorant and superstitious by extravagant and incre- that the mere allurements of sense would fail to conquer ture to such a dangerous test? And for what pur-dible tales of supernatural powers and appearances. This him. In his imagination, equally vivid and visionary, he story being calculated, in some measure, to expose these was alone vulnerable. The young woman was, therefore, miraculous accounts, would, of course, be received with avidity; the editor was, therefore, induced to publish the most interesting part in a small volume by itself; and it is from such a separate edition that the present translation has been made.

Leave that matter to him; he is, no doubt, acquainted the people he employs. Do we know what secret es may have secured him the discretion of this man? have been informed of the office he holds at Venice; difficulty will he find in saving a man, of whom he elf is the only accuser ?"

This suggestion of the Prince was but too well justified he event. For, some days after, on inquiring after the oter, we were told that he had escaped, and had not e been heard of.]

You ask what could be his motives for delivering this into the hands of justice?" continued the Prince. y what other method, except this violent one, could have wrested from the Sicilian such an infamous and robable confession, which, however, was material to success of his plan? Who, but a man whose case is perate, and who has nothing to lose, would consent to so humiliating an account of himself? Under what circumstances, than such as these, could we have red such a confession?"

exhibited to his view under such circumstances as were calculated to impress him. The first time he saw her was in a solitary chapel in the midst of a sequestered grove. She was kneeling at the foot of the altar, in the attitude and attire of something more than mortal. In that light The conclusion of these adventures is related, though she appeared to the Prince. He was completely fascinated. very imperfectly, in the periodical work abovementioned. He returned home, and, in the heat of his ecstacy and adIt is principally to be gathered from a very long corre-miration, he related to his confidant what he had seen, and spondence between the Prince and Count O......, chiefly entreated him, if possible, to find out this celestial object. on metaphysical subjects. These letters are very volumi. The task, it may be supposed, was not difficult,-diffinous, and as the translator has not seen them for several culties, however, were pretended in order to inflame his years, the annexed account must, of course, be very im- passion, which at length, irritated by delays and disapperfect, as it is written entirely from recollection. pointments, became impetuous and ungovernable. It was then thought proper to gratify his wishes. He was introduced to the object of his adoration. Lost and bewildered in a maze of pleasure, till then unknown to him, his pas sion knew no bounds. He resigned himself entirely to its dictates, and every rational and manly sentiment was quickly forgotten.

Ensnared in this manner by the artifices of a woman and a priest, the Prince was soon completely perverted. He embraced the Catholic faith, and, under the ridiculous pretence of gaining millions of deluded Protestants to the true church, he was brought to consent to the murder of the Prince who barred his ascent to the throne. The attempt, however, did not succeed, and the same persons ay be easily explained. But the prophecy of the square To the pretended Armenian, as a man of uncom- who engaged him in the crime, inflicted his punishment. S. Mark, that first miracle, which, as it were, opened mon talents and of extraordinary art, was intrusted the To avoid the danger of a discovery, they despatched him te door to all the rest, remains still unexplained; and of conduct of this important enterprise. In executing aby poison, and he died in the bitterest agonies of contrihat use is the key to all his other wonders, if we despair project so glorious for the church, no means were to be tion and remorse. fresolving this single one?" accounted criminal, and he was, therefore, left to his own

It appears, however, from the sequel, that the person so often mentioned in the preceding work under the name of the Armenian, was a Roman Catholic priest. In his attempts upon the Prince, he acted under the influence and direction of the Holy Inquisition. The design of this venerable and enlightened body was to gain him over to the Catholic religion, in order to make him, at some future grant all this, my Prince. The two apparitions were period, the instrument of disseminating it among his subcontrivances of art. The Sicilian has imposed upon jects. Among the unaccountable absurdities in human tale, which the Armenian, his master, had previously nature it may be remarked, that the zeal for making proght him. The efforts of both have been directed to the selytes will frequently urge men to the commission of ne end; and from this mutual intelligence all the won-acts, which are directly inconsistent with the doctrines ful incidents which have astonished us in this adventure they are labouring to propagate.


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I come to yield the charm of life,
I come with every blessing rife;

All hail the sight with rapturous joy,
To each I bring some new employ;
For ever altering my plan,

To catch the wayward mind of man.
Howe'er assailed, by all I'm found,
Though traversing the world around;
I am to no one spot confined,

But span the vast globe with the wind;
Nor clime nor province is on earth,
Which hath not given me a birth.
Courting my smile, and in my train
Are votaries both of love and gain.
Man, let his mood be what it will,
Finds me his fit companion still;
Though wise or proud, or grave or free,
He's sure of an ally in me.

Woman is to my will so blind,

I rule the empire of her mind:

She vows (for in ny praise she's warm)
I am possessed of every charm
This life can yield; and did not I
Assist her wants, she'd surely die.
The sighing swain, who, at the shrine
Of beauty, pours forth thoughts divine;
And deems that nought on earth can bless,
So much as woman's dear caress;
Who sighs and fools away his days,
In penning sonnets to her praise;
Seeking comparisons as vain

And empty as his shallow brain;

At length, blessed with one faithful heart,
Finds out it yields him but in part
The bliss he sought; and wanting more,
He asks of me the envied store.
Oh woman! woman! fickle, vain,
Would I could say that in my train,
Thy form, not malice could discover ;
Would I could say that with one lover
Thy little heart was satisfied,

Nor to inveigle others tried:
But truth compels me here to own,
Thou to coquet wert ever prone;
And would a faithful heart betray,
Who to thy charms did homage pay,
If gold and tinsel held the bait,
Though age and folly on him wait.
The empty fop, whose only pride
Is taking fashion for his guide,
Who turns a deaf ear to distress,
Yet squanders thousands on his dress,
And thinks himself a dashing spark,
As lounging proudly in the Park,
He eyes with envy all who strut
In garments of a newer cut ;-
Is it not plain I am his god,
Since fashion changes at my nod?
For jitish as the nymph appears,
From ine her friendship never veers.
The man who science would explore,
So deeply versed in learned lore,

Who lives by philosophic rules,”
And deems all gayer men are fools;
Tired with the same researches here,
Will view the starry hemisphere;
Explore the clouds for objects new,
Hid from the less enlightened view;
Ascend to heaven, so far beguiled,
Or trace the depths of ocean wild;
Low in the earth, descending far,
Each mineral, fossil, shell, or spar,
With curious care he ponders o'er,
T'increase his scientific store;

And if all human things he'd ken'd,
Would "weep to see his labours end :".
To other lands now turns his view,
Still in pursuits of objects new,
Forsaking home for changing clime,
At sacrifice of health and time;
Wasting his life in hopes to clasp
That which shall still elude his grasp;
And when tired nature can no more,
Vanquished, he must the chase give o'er;
Finds that his whole life has been spent,
In driving from his mind content;
For wheresoe'er his footsteps roam,
Whatever land he makes his home,
The fund of knowledge he'll acquire,
Shall only thirst for more inspire;
Until his faculties decay,

Or death shall close his earthly day.
Thus man, with happiness in view,
Still blindly seeks for something new;
And, like the dog that crossed the lake,
Will shadows for the substance take.
Soon as a pleasure we enjoy,
We find its sweets begin to cloy;
Possession robs it of the charms
That graced it ere within our arms;
And what than heaven we more have prized,

Is now endured to be despised.

All are alike, and fly to me,
Whate'er their dispositions be:
The gay would for a time be sad,
The grave man seeks to make him glad;
All see the fairest landscape shine
Where opposite effects combine.

The wretched soul, oppressed with woe,
Whom fortune's most destructive blow
Hath robbed of affluence and power,
Of worldly smiles, and princely dower,
Shunned by the base and selfish throng,
That he so lately reigned among,-
For refuge seeks some unknown spot,
Where he, forgetting and forgot,
May pass the remnant of his life,
Free from the din of worldly strife;
For change of scene, and objects new,
Banish past sorrows from his view,
Evaporate the springs of grief,
And bring the mourner prompt relief.
Why is the human mind so frail,
To fluctuate with every gale?
For ever veering in its course,
Impelled by some instinctive force.
No sooner is one end attained,
And the long hoped-for object gained,
Than, lo! another starts in view,
Which we as eagerly pursue,
Fearing some happy rival should
Outstrip our speed, and seize the good.
Onward we press, while heart and soul
Scem centred in the distant goal,
Nor quit the race, till late we find
Nought satisfies the human mind.

It is not here that we shall have
The happiness we blindly crave;
It is not here that true content
Is to earth's weary pilgrim sent.
Vain is all science, still more vain
The selfish thirst for worldly gain:
The projects of those learned fools,
The deep-read pedants of the schools,
To cool the fever of the mind,
Which seeks for that, it ne'er shall find:
Futile all the attempts of man
To alter God's ordained plan,
Or make a heaven on earth, shall be
From every hope of future free.

They who would gain the precious prize,
Must place their hopes beyond the skies,
Quit earth's infirmities, and seek,
With contrite heart, in language meek,
So to propitiate the Lord,
So to fulfil his holy word,
That he shall aid them with his power,
And bless them in their parting hour.
If aught within the heart is vain,
Fancy surrounds it with her chain;
And will her victims oft amuse,
By that which doth the soul abuse.
But Fancy dies! and, late we find,
Leaves many lingering hopes behind
Unsatisfied, yet cloyed with sweets,
Her fairest visions prove but cheats;
Like ignis fatuus, luring still,
Or blindly tempting forth the will,
Till plunged into the dread abyss,
And wrecked all hopes of future bliss.
Reader, be wise, nor caution shun,
Lest, hapless, you may be undone;
From the deceits of fancy flee,
Nor hope much from VARIETY!
London, Jan. 1, 1828.


Son of the morn! his sepulchre
Is desolate and lone;
But yet the monarch's form is there,
Though Thebes holds not his throne.
He saw three thousand summers smile,
And pass him as a flood;
And still upon the banks of Nile,
The giant statue stood.
Changeless, he saw change pass on all;
The beautiful become
Dark, and defaced ;-the kingly hall
The lion made his home;
Princes, as shadows, come,-then fade;
They ruled, and they were gone;
Monarchs enthroned,-then darkly laid
Where slave and king are one.

He saw Sesostris' victor car,

And all his harness'd kings;
From Europe, lo! his hosts afar
The Macedonian brings!
He saw the Persian conqueror
Pass trackless, and the hour
When Cleopatra's smile was more
Than sceptre-fame and power.
And midst the silence of the plain,
The harping giant sent,
As morning broke, a soft low strain,"
Like spirit's wild lament;
As if triumphant over earth,
And years that roll between,
Yet mindful of his heavenly birth,
He hail'd the morning's queen.

* Strabo affirms that this was witnessed by himself.

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For he whose sculptur'd form ev'n now
Stands firm while nations fade,

Time was, a crown adorn'd his brow,

A land his voice obey'd:

He fell, and his high monument

Is Ida's sacred hill;

His tomb is where the Hellespont

Rolls on in beauty still.

Troy saw his might,-earth heard his fame,

Ere Priam's race was run;
How to the field's of Simöis came
The morning's glorious son!

And them, in many a fabled lay,

The ancient minstrels sing;

Aurora, herald of the day,

And Memnon, Egypt's king! rpool, Jan. 1, 1828.


Mamma, the little bird again

Is coming through the broken pane;

Hither, redbreast, shelter take,
Peck at this, my wheaten cake;
Come and dibble in the dish,

Take whatever thou dost wish:
Why afraid, with eye askance?
Come, another hop advance;
No fell cat shall thee alarm,

No one here shall do thee harm;

Perch upon the mantle tree,
There to sing a song for me;
Stay until the storm's gone by,
Till there is a vernal sky,
Then to greet thy mate again,
Slyly take the broken pane.

H. W. J.

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When Phoebus, bursting through night's shade,
To the glad world his light displayed;
And the lark sung forth his minstrelsy-
I've been with thee-I've been with thee.
When the meridian hour appear'd,
And festive glee my lone heart cheer'd:

I have taken the wine cup eagerly,

To drink a joyous health to thee.

When the calm twilight hour came on,
And Sol his glorious race had run,
That softest, sweetest hour found me
Breathing a vesper prayer for thee.

And when night found me sunk in sleep,
Then Fancy still her watch would keep;
Thy beauteous spirit came to me,


In happy, happy dreams of thee.

I've been with thee in joy and pride,

11 Pawn ......C-4X MATE.


1 King ......A—7 2 Castle......B-6

S Pawn 4 Pawn

E-6 ......E-5X E-3

5 Pawn......E—4 6 Pawn......

7 Pawn......E-2 8 Pawn......E-i becomes a Queen. 9 King ...... A-6 10 King ......B-5


White to move, and win in twelve moves, without making any piece.

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help thee, traveller, on thy lonely way,

ad raves the north blast, and the pitiless rain,

ars down its driving torrents: on the plain

ds the wild inundation, while dismay

bles thy heart, thy home so far away,

me, and each blest endearment, children, wife,

all the tender sympathies of life,

blend congenial souls, and cheer the darksome day.

to the eddying tempest !-God help thee

u hapless mother, while the children there,

reckless play, forget each anxious care:

throbs thy breast, and bends the suppliant knee, Him whose tender mercies never cease,

he would gracious bring the wanderer home in




I have met thee when meeting was bliss,
When I deem'd I was dear to thy sight,
Nor thought that a meeting like this
Would wither my joy with its blight.
We have met-but why torture the brain
By recalling the times that are o'er ?
I behold thee-I meet thee again,
And I know that thou lov'st me no more.
Thou art false ! yet thou still art as fair
As thou wert in the days that are gone;
Whilst I have lov'd truly, and care
Has mark'd my pale cheek for its own.

I have been on a far distant shore,
Yet thy image dwelt near to my heart;
But it now must dwell near it no more,
And we meet but-for ever to part.

H. H.

At morn, at noon, at eventide;


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In consequence of information transmitted to us by a correspondent, that there was now living a person, named Jacob Murphy, of the extreme age of 117 years, we visited the old man, and found that our correspondent was incorrect in many particulars, but that still enough remained to make out a strong case for the consideration of the charitably disposed. From what we were able to gather from the statements of the old man and his daughter, it appears that he is 110 years of age, and probably more. He worked at his trade as a tailor till about a dozen years ago, when he lost his sight; since which time his only dependance has been 2s. 6d. a week from the parish, and the casual assistance of the humane. He says that he has always been temperate in his way of living, and that he does not remember to have suffered any serious illness until the infirmities of age began to creep upon him. He is blind, partially deaf, and his memory is very nearly gone; he exhibits the appearance of most extreme old age, and it is an interesting and affecting sight to behold this relic of a generation long since passed away. He re- How is this to be explained? sides in a small passage leading from nearly the bottom of Mersey-street to the Salthouse Dock. We found him in a wretched cellar, on the right hand side, about thirty yards from Mersey-street; but we were informed by his daughter (who waits upon him, and represents herself as the youngest of five children, and in the 62d year of her age,) that he

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on the opposite side of the street. Those who are disposed Wednesday 16 10 14 10 40 18 0 to minister to the necessities of an aged and infirm fellow-Thursday 17 11 511 29 19 creature, will readily find him, by inquiring in the neigh Friday...18 11 53 20 8 Prisca. bourhood for Jacob Murphy. Any donations left at our Saturday..19 0 17 0 40 21 office for the above charitable purpose, shall be carefully Monday ..21 1 482 10 19 7 Sunday....20 1 2 1 25 20 6 2d Sunday after Epiphany. transmitted to their destination, Tuesday..22, 231 2 54 17 10 Vincent.




[From the Literary Gazette.]

While on the subject of Polar, or rather Arctic expeditions, and while waiting the appearance of Captain Parry's narrative of his last attempt, we may take the opportunity to add a few original anecdotes, &c. to the accounts which have already appeared in the Literary Gazette respecting that voyage. Referring to these preceding and accurate details of the whole course of the expedition, we shall now rather describe some of the personal adventures of our hardy and gallant countrymen while traversing the ice.

It is curious to remark, that, during all their progress northward, the wind was in the north, nearly right against them; and that when they turned, to shape their way back again to the south, the ill-tempered and opposing wind also chopped round, and still blew in their teeth!

were caught, and eaten as delicacies. They are cunning!
in their habits; and it required more time to watch for
them than could be spared.

There were inmense numbers of sea-fowl seen; but few
of them shot for the kitchen. Indeed, the expedition was
one of such incessant labour and toil, that there was little
opportunity for doing any thing else but dragging the
boat, &c. on, and persevering in the principal object of
the undertaking.

The water was full of marine insects, shrimps, &c. whether in the open spaces of the sea, or in the pools formed on the surface of the ice.

In our former papers, we noticed the limited allowance of spirits given to the party; we might have added, that owing to the severity of the temperature, the rum, though conveyed in essence, lost its flavour, and could hardly be called a spirituous liquor. We have only to add to these particulars, loosely thrown together, that, on their return, so accurate were the instruments and the use made of them, the Captain came directly, and within an hour, as he was looking for it, on the headland whence he had set out.

Now it chanced that, in the month of August, 1600, Alexander Ruthven, the younger of the two brothers, came early one morning to the King, who was then hunting in the Park of Falkland, and told him a story of his having seized a suspicious looking man, with a large pot of gold under his cloak. This man, Ruthven said, he had detained prisoner at his house in Perth, till the King should examine him, and take possession of the treasure. With this story he decoyed James from the hunting-field, and persuaded him to ride with him to Perth, without any other company than a few noblemen and attendants, who followed the King without orders.

The explanation was as follows:-The King, when alone with the armed man, had, it seems, prevailed him to open the lattice- window. This was just do when Alexander Ruthven again entered the turret, swearing that there was no remedy, but the King m needs die, he seized upon him, and endeavoured, by m force, to tie his hands with a gaiter. James resisted, dragged Ruthven to the window, now open, and ca out to his attendants in the manner we have desc His retinue hastened to his assistance. The greater ran to the principal staircases, of which they four d door shut, and immediately endeavoured to force open. Meantime a page of the King's, called Sr Ramsay, discovered a back stair which led him to turret, where Ruthven and the King were still struga Ramsay stabbed Ruthven twice with his dagger, called to him to strike high, as he had a doublete on him. Ramsay then thrust Ruthven, now m wounded, towards the private staircase, where he by Sir Thomas Erskine and Sir Hugh Herries, two royal attendants, who despatched him with their s His last words were,-" Alas! I am not to blame in action."

This danger was scarcely over, when the Earl of G entered the outer chamber, with a drawn sword in ce hand, followed by seven attendants, demanding veg for the death of his brother. The King's followers. four in number, thrust James, for the safety of his peste back into the turret-closet, and shut the door; and engaged in a conflict, which was the more desperate they fought four to eight, and Herries was a lame as abled man. But Sir John Ramsay, having run the of Gowrie through the heart, he dropped dead, speaking a word, and his servants fled. The doors of great staircase were now open to the nobles, who were deavouring to force their way to the King's assistance

In the meantime, a new peril threatened the King his few attendants. The slain Earl of Gowrie was P of the town of Perth, and much beloved by the c On hearing what had happened, they ran to art, s surrounded the mansion-house, where this traged been acted, threatening, that if their Provost w livered to them safe and sound, the King's gre should pay for it. Their violence was, at last, c the magistrates of the town, and the mob were on to disperse.


Of course there could be no travelling in these regions THE GOWRIE CONSPIRACY. without some communications with their denizens, the bears. (FROM SIR WALTER SCOTT'S TALES OF MY GRANDFATHER.) Two of these natives were slain; and both-oh, want of gallantry in British sailors!-were females. The scenes But the strangest adventure of James's reign, was the must have been very curious and picturesque. At night-event called the Gowrie Conspiracy, over which there hangs fall, every night, the sledge-boat was converted into a tent; a sort of mystery, which time has not even yet completely three light bamboo spars stuck up, fore, midship, and aft, dispelled. You must recollect that there was an Earl of with the oars crossing them aloft, made the support and Gowrie condemned and executed when James was but a roof of this simple and primitive-looking shelter. The boy. This nobleman left two sons, who were well educanvas sail thrown over, and fastened down to the sides,cated abroad, and accounted hopeful young men. The with loose parts for egress and regress, completed the noc- King restored to the eldest the title and estate of Gowrie, turnal domicile. One sentinel paraded the cold outside, and favoured them both very much. to watch for any breaking or separation of the ice, or for other moving accident by flood or field. All being snug one night, the gasping watch suddenly looked in, and gave the alarm of a huge bear approaching: the exquisite sense of smell possessed by these animals had brought it, probably, from a great distance, in quest of its scented prey The order was quickly given to lie close, and be silent; for the least noise is often sufficient to alarm and scare off the animal-and our countrymen were, for various reasons, as will appear hereafter, very anxious that their present visitor should meet with a proper reception. The monster shuffled onwards, and coming to the boat, raised herself on her hind legs, so as to place her fore-paws over the gun- When they arrived at Perth, they entered Gowrie-house, The object of this strange conspiracy is one of the wale, and take a peep at what was going on inside. At the mansion of the Earl, a large massive building, having in history; and what made it stranger, the armed a this moment the triggers of two fowling-pieces were pulled gardens which stretched down to the Tay. The Earl was, was stationed in the turret could throw no light upo -one missed fire, but the other went off, and was so or seemed to be, surprised, to see the King arrive so unex. proved to be one Anderson, steward to the Earl of Ge well directed that the ball went through the creature's pectedly, and caused some entertainment to be hastily pre-who had been ordered to arm himself for the purp heart. She fell backward, and had hardly expired, before pared for his Majesty's refreshment. After the King had taking a Highland thief, and was posted in the t all hands were at work, in a style of which we can hardly dined, Alexander Ruthven pressed him to come with him Alexander Ruthven, without any intimation what be form a conception at home. The consequences were, that to see the prisoner in private; and James, curious by na. to do, so that the whole scene came upon him by sur the lady's dress was off her back, and her entrails, such ture, and sufficiently indigent to be inquisitive after The mystery seemed so impenetrable, and so much of t as heart, liver, &c. (which are excellent eating,) in the money, followed him from one apartment to another, narrative rested upon James's own testimony, that pot in five minutes. The carcass, when stripped, is about until Ruthven led him into a little turret, where there persons of that period, and even some historians of the size and colour of that of a horse; and, what was of stood-not a prisoner with a pot of money-but an armed own day, have thought that it was not a conspiracy of the utmost consequence under the circumstances in which man, prepared, as it seemed, for some violent enterprise. brothers against the King, but of the King agains our poor fellows were placed, the animal supplied more The King started back, but Ruthven snatched the dag- brothers; and that James, having taken a dislike to th than fuel enough for its own cooking. With the skin is ger which the man wore, and, pointing it to James's breast, had contrived the bloody scene, and then thrown the flayed off, when in good condition, a lining of fat of the reminded him of his father the Earl of Gowrie's death, on the Ruthvens, who suffered in it. But besides the breadth of a band; this was immediately cut into pieces, and commanded him, upon pain of death, to submit to cability and gentleness of James's disposition, and b and thrown into a vessel with bits of rope, or junk, which his pleasure. The King replied, that he was but a boy the consideration that no adequate motive can be asse were lighted, and a famous fire soon made for culinary when the Earl of Gowrie suffered, and upbraided Ruthven or even conjectured, for his perpetrating such an purposes. The vessel, however, also deserves notice. It with ingratitude. The conspirator, moved by remorse, or table murder, it ought to be remembered, that the consisted of a sheet of the copper (of which a few spare for some other reason, assured the King that his life should was naturally timorous, and could not even look at sheets were carried to mend any hole that might be maile be safe, and left him in the turret with the armed man, sword without shuddering; so that it was contrary in the bottom of the boat, and expel the winter's flaw,") who, not very well selected to assist in a purpose so des- reason and probability to suppose, that he could be the beat up round the edges, so as to form a shallow receptacle perate, stood shaking in his armour, without assisting viser of a scheme, in which his life was repeatedly exp for the bear's grease and rope's ends; and over the flame either his master or the King. to the most imminent dangers. However, many ot of these, the bear's body was converted into a variety of clergy refused to obey James's order to keep a day of se stews, frys, boils, &c.-which, if not equal to Ude's rethanksgiving for the King's deliverance, intimating, cipes, were, we will be bound to say, relished with a better out hesitation, that they greatly doubted the truth appetite than usually awaits the fricassees and fritters of that story. One of them being pressed by the King, very a eminent artiste. How acceptable such repast must have said, "That doubtless he must believe it, since his been to our men, may be conjectured, when it is rememjesty said he had seen it; but that, had he seen it hi bered that their allowance of pemmacan and biscuit was he would not have believed his own eyes." James little more than sufficient to sustain nature, and, certainly, much vexed with this incredulity; for it was hard Dot not sufficient to enable them to undergo the severe fatigues obtain credit after having been so much in danger. to which they were constantly exposed. Indeed, so fierce and craving was their hunger, we have heard, that, on the killing of one of the bears, a considerable quantity of the flesh was devoured raw during the night of its capture. What remained was put in bags, and served out as occa sion required: but, altogether, it will be seen that a visit from a bear was one of the most welcome events which could happen to the expedition.

The next animal of importance in these icy domains is the seal, which also yields a valuable oil, where it is impossible for travellers to take any quantity of necessaries in great bulk. Of these creatures, however, only two

Let us now see what was passing below during this strange scene betwixt the King and Ruthven. The attendants of James had begun to wonder at his absence, when they were suddenly informed by the Earl of Gowrie, that the King had mounted his horse, and had set out on his return to Falkland. The noblemen and attendants rushed into the court-yard of the mansion, and called for their horses, the Earl of Gowrie at the same time hurrying them away. Here the porter interfered, and said the King could not have left the house, since he had not passed Nine years after the affair, some light was thrown u the gate, of which he had the keys. Gowrie, on the other it by one Sprot, a notary public, who, out of mere curt hand, called him a liar, and asserted that the King had sity, had possessed himself of certain letters, said to ha departed. While the attendants of James knew not what to think, scheming, turbulent, and profligate man, to the Earl been written by one Robert Logan, of Restalrig a half-smothered, yet terrified voice, was heard to call Gowrie. 'In these papers, allusion was repeatedly ma from the window of a turret above their heads Help! to the death of Gowrie's father, to the revenge which was the Rushtreason! help! my Lord of Mar!" They looked up-meditated, and to the execution of some great and per through the window, while a hand was seen grasping his vens were to bring a prisoner by sea to Logan's fortres throat, as if some one behind endeavoured, by violence, Fast Castle, a very strong and inaccessible tower, to draw him back. I hanging the sea, on the coast of Berwickshire. This place

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