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Biographical Notices.

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ste of t

**Skins may differ, but affections
Dwell in blacks and whites the same."


İYE [ORIGINALLY PRINTED IN THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY.] had The father of Paul Cuffee was a native of Africa, whence was brought as a slave into Massachussetts. He was here purchased by a person named Slocum, and remained davery a considerable portion of his life. He was Cuffée, but, as it is usual in those parts, took the of Slocum, as expressing to whom he belonged. many of his countrymen he possessed a mind supetheto his condition, and although he was diligent in the s of his master and faithful to his interest, yet by industry and economy he was enabled to purchase monal liberty.

without his having received much personal injury and illtreatment from them.

agricultural pursuits. During this interval, Paul and his
brother John Cuffee were called on by the collector of the
district in which they resided, for the payment of a per- Under such numerous and untoward discomfitures,
sonal tax. It appeared to them, that, by the laws of the con- the courage of most persons would have failed, but Paul's
stitution of Massachussetts, taxation and the whole rights of disposition was not of that yielding nature. He possessed
citizenship were united. If the laws demanded of them the the inflexible spirit of perseverance and firmness of mind,
payment of personal taxes, the same laws must necessarily which entitled him to a more successful issue of his en-
and constitutionally invest them with the rights of repre- deavours, and he believed that while he maintained inte-
senting, and being represented, in the state legislature.grity of heart and conduct, he might humbly hope for the
But they had never been considered as entitled to the pri- protection of Providence. Under these impressions, he
vilege of voting at elections, nor of being elected to places prepared for another voyage: in his open boat, with a
of trust and honour. Under these circumstances, they re- small cargo, he again directed his course towards the
fused payment of the demands. The collector resorted to island of Nantucket. The weather was favourable, and
the force of the laws, and after many delays and vexations, he arrived safely at the destined port, and disposed of his
Paul and his brother deemed it most prudent to silence little cargo to advantage. The profits of this voyage
the suit by payment of the demands; but they resolved, if strengthening the confidence of his friends, enabled him
it were possible, to obtain the rights which they believed still farther to enlarge his plans.
to be connected with taxation.

At the time of his father's decease, Paul had not reThey presented a respectful petition to the state legisla-ceived the benefit of education, and scarcely new the letters ture. From some individuals it met with a warm and of the alphabet, but this disadvantage he obviated by his almost indignant opposition. A considerable majority was, assiduity; and, at the period of his marriage, could not however, favourable to their object :-they perceived the only read and write, but was so well skilled in figures, propriety and justice of the petition, and with an honour-that he was able to resolve all the common rules of arithable magnanimity, in defiance of the prejudice of the times, metical calculation. He then applied himself to the study they passed a law, rendering all free persons of colour liable of navigation, in which, by the assistance of a friend, he to taxation, according to the ratio established for white made a rapid progress, and found himelf able to engage men, and granting them all the privileges belonging to in nautical and commercial undertakings of great extent. other citizens. This was a day equally honourable to the Being now master of a small covered boat of about 12 petitioners and the legislature, a day which ought to be tons burthen, he hired a person to assist him as a seaman, gratefully remembered by every person of colour within and made many advantageous voyages to different parts of the boundaries of Massachussetts; and the names of John the State of Connecticut; and, when about twenty-five and Paul Cuffee should always be united with its recol-years old he married a native of the country, a descendant lection.

of the tribe to which his mother belonged. For some time after his marriage he attended chiefly to his agricultural concerns, but, from an increase of family, he at length deemed it necessary to pursue his commercial plans more extensively than he had before done. He arranged his affairs for a new expedition, and hired a small house on Westport river, to which he removed his family. A boat of 18 tons was now procured, in which he sailed to the banks of St. George in quest of cod-fish, and returned home with a valuable cargo. This important adventure was the foundation of an extensive and profitable fishing establishment from Westport river, which continued for a considerable time, and was the source of an honest and comfortable living to many of the inhabitants of that district.

At this time, being about twenty years of age, he thought himself sufficiently skilled to enter into business on his own account. He laid before his brother David a plan for opening a commercial intercourse with the state of Connecticut. His brother was pleased with the prospect; they built an open boat, and proceeded to sea. Here, for the first time, his brother found himself exposed to the perils of the ocean, and the hazard of a predatory warfare which was carried on by the refugees. They had not traversed meny leagues before his brother's fears began to multiply and magnify its dangers; his courage sunk, and he resolved to return. This disappointment was a severe trial to a young man of Paul's adventurous and intrepid spirit, but he was affectionate, and many years younger than his brother, and was obliged to submit to the deter- At this period, Paul formed a connexion with his bromination. Paul returned to his farm, and laboured ther-in-law, Michael Wainer, who had several sons well diligently in his fields, but his mind was frequently revolv-qualified for the sea service, four of whom have since lauing new schemes of commercial enterprise. He again dably filled responsible situations as captains and first collected the materials for another effort, and made the mates. A vessel of twenty-five tons was built, and in two attempt. He went to sea, and lost all the little treasure voyages to the straits of Belleisle and Newfoundland, he which, by the sweat of his brow, he had gathered. Paul, met with such success as enabled him, in conjunction with however, seems to have possessed that active courage another person, to build a vessel of forty-two tons burthen, which is the offspring of a mind satisfied of the practica- in which he made several profitable voyages. bility of its plans, and conscious of its power to accom- Paul had experienced the many disadvantages of his plish its purpose. He therefore resolutely determined to very limited education, and he resolved, as far as it was this time the remains of several Indian tribes, who persevere in the road which he had marked out for him- practicable, to relieve his children from similar embarrassally possessed the right of soil, resided in Massa- self. The necessity of aiding his mother and her family ments. The neighbourhood had neither a tutor nor schoolCuffee became acquainted with a woman de- was a constant and strong incitement to renew his efforts. house. Many of the citizens were desirous that a school from one of those tribes, named Ruth Moses, and His funds were not sufficient to purchase a boat; but in should be established. About 1797, Paul proposed a meether. He continued in habits of industry and fru-order to obviate this difficulty, he set himself earnestly to ing of the inhabitants for the purpose of making such and soon afterwards purchased a farm of 100 acres work, and with his own hands formed and completed a arrangements as should accomplish the desired object. estport, in Massachussetts. boat, from keel to gunwale. This vessel was without a The collision of opinion respecting mode and place, occafee and Ruth had a family of ten children. The deck, but he had been on a whaling voyage, and was sioned the meeting to separate without arriving at any coneldest sons, David, Jonathan, and John, are farmers therefore perfectly skilled in its management. Having clusion; several meetings of the same nature were held, neighbourhood of Westport, filling respectable situa- launched his boat into the ocean, and when steering for but all were unsuccessful in their issue. Perceiving that in society, and endowed with good intellectual ca- one of the Elizabeth Islands, to consult with his brother all efforts to procure a union of sentiment were fruitless, They are all married, and have families to whom on his future plans, he was discovered by the refugee Paul set himself to work in earnest, and had a suitable Tre giving good educations. Of six daughters, four pirates, who chased and seized both him and his ves- house built on his own ground, which he freely gave up respectably married, while two remain single. sel. Robbed of every thing, he returned home pen-to the use of the public, and the school was opened to all Tuf was born on the Island of Cutterhunkker, one of nyless, but without sinking under this discouragement. who pleased to send their children. How gratifying to Elizabeth Islands near New Bedford, in the year 1759. Thus circumstanced, he applied to his brother David, humanity is this anecdote! and who that justly appreciates Then he was about 14 years of age his father died, leaving who, though in some degree deterred by the want amiable character would not prefer Paul Cuffee, the offconsiderable property in land, but which being at that of success which had hitherto attended Paul's attempts, spring of an African slave, to the proudest statesman that e unproductive, afforded but little provision for his nu- yet acquiesced in his proposal to build another boat, ever dealt out destruction amongst mankind? Derous family, and thus the care of supporting his mother if he would furnish the materials. This being acsisters devolved upon his brothers and himself. complished, the respectability of Paul Cuffee's character at At this time Paul conceived that commerce furnished to this time procured him sufficient credit to enable him to dustry more ample rewards than agriculture, and he was purchase a cargo. He proceeded towards Nantucket, and Socious that he possessed qualities which, under proper on the voyage was again chased by the refugee pirates, lture, would enable him to pursue commercial employ- but escaped them by night coming on; he, however, Dents with prospects of success; he therefore entered, at struck upon a rock, on one of the Elizabeth Islands, and e age of 16, as a common hand on board of a vessel des- so far injured his boat as to render it necessary for him to ined to the Bay of Mexico, on a whaling voyage. His return to Westport, to refit; which being accomplished, cond voyage was to the West Indies; but on his third he again set out for Nantucket, where he arrived in safety, was captured by a British ship during the American but did not dispose of his cargo to advantage. He afterabout the year 1776: after three months' detention wards undertook a similar voyage with better success; prisoner at New York, he was permitted to return but, as he was returning home, he again fell into the me to Westport, where, owing to the unfortunate con- hands of the pirates, and was deprived of his all, except uance of hostilities, he spent about two years in his his boat, which they permitted him to take; not, however,


(To be concluded in our next.)

Tide Table.

Morn. Even Height..
h. m.h. m. ft. in.'

Tuesday..13 5 56 6 3311
Wednesday14 7 10 7 4012
Thursday..15 8 10 8 36 13
Friday....16 9 2 9 2414
Saturday..17 9 4610 816
Sunday....18 10 29 10 50 18
Monday ..1911 10 11 32 19
Tuesday..2011 5420

6 Britius.


Festivals, &c.

4 Machutus. 111

7 Hugh Bishop of Lincoln.
2 23d Sunday after Trinity.
4 New Moon, 3h. 6m. morn.
2 Edm. King and Martyr.

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The holyhocks were flaunting round,
Yet tower'd the sun-flower gaily;
And from their emerald screen did peep
Red berries, many a clustered heap,
But ah! the rose shone palely.
For winter now proclaim'd his reign,
His despot reign all cheerless;
And prostrate on the glistening ground
The woodland's glory scattered round,
Confest his might resistless.

But heedless of his ruthless sway,
And tyranny unsparing,

A lovely primrose dared to show
Its starry crest above the snow,
Fearless the tempest braving.
And ab, to Fancy's raptured gaze

It seemed like friend unchanging,
That when the golden summer gone,
And loudly raved the gathering storm,

Disdain'd the thought of ranging.
And though but lightly prized I ween,
When prouder flowers are blowing;
The lowly cotter's garden queen,
Or sheltered by the hedgerow green,
'Mong vi'lets wildly growing:
Yet lovelier shone that little flower
The wintry desert cheering;
Lovelier than beauty's cherished one,
That when the joyous summer gone,
Fled-the rude tempest fearing.
Bloom, nursling of the jocund spring,
Round desolation flinging

A halo that shall gild with hope
The darkness of Time's horoscope,
Of future radiance singing.

Whisperer of Friendship ever true,

Of Love no blight estranging;

Ah, lightly prize thee, sweet, who will,
My chosen, and unrivalled still,

Thou, mid the storm unchanging.



The time is past, the time is past,

Nor will it come again ;

When free as flies the summer blast

I frolic'd o'er the plain.

'Twas childhood's gay and happy hour !— How swift those hours flew !

Ere care had bid the prospect lower,
Which opened to my view.

In boyhood's day the cup of life
Bliss fills unto the brim;

For every mead, with verdure rife,
Is paradise to him.

All nature charms the youthful eye
With shades of gayest hue;
'Tis azure still bedecks the sky,
And all on earth is new.


Each flower, each shrub, each leafy spray,
The breeze's hollow moan,
The babbling brook, a charm convey
To riper years unknown.

In Warham's wild, sequester'd wood-
The stock-doves lone abode,

The blackbird rears her callow brood,
With nicest art bestowed.

There, when the songster's mossy nest
Burst on my raptur'd view,
How eager to the prize I prest,

Nor thought what thorns could do.
But soon arose the clouded morn
Which saw me borne away
From home and kindred-rudely torn
From playmates and from play.
From smiling fields and shady groves→→→
From verdant hills and plains-
To smoky streets, where folly roves,
And rude contention reigns.

For life is but one scene of care,-
A dark distempered dream-
A rugged tract, with here and there
An oasis between.

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'Twas in the middle of the night,
To sleep young William tried,
When Mary's ghost came stealing in,
And stood at his bed-side.

O William dear! O William dear!
My rest eternal ceases;
Alas! my everlasting peace
Is broken into pieces!

I thought the last of all my cares
Would end with my last minute;
But though I went to my long home,
I didn't stay long in it.

The body-snatchers they have come,
And made a snatch at me;
It's very hard them kind of men
Won't let a body be.

You thought that I was buried deep,
Quite decent like and chary;
But from her grave in Mary-Bone,

They've come and boned your Mary.
The arm that used to take your arm
Is took to Dr. Vyse;

And both my legs are gone to walk
The hospital at Guy's.

I vow'd that you should have my hand,
But fate gives us denial;

You'll find it there, at Dr. Bell's,
In spirits and a phial.

As for my feet, the little feet

You used to call so pretty,
There's one, I know, in Bedford-row,
The t'other's in the city.

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I can't tell where my head is gone,
But Doctor Carpue can;
As for my trunk, it's all pack'd up,
To go by Pickford's van.

I wish you'd go to Mr. P.

And save me such a ride;

I don't half like the outside place They've took for my inside. The cock it crows-I must be gone! My William, we must part But I'll be your's in death, although Sir Astley has my heart. Don't go to weep upon my grave, And think that there I be; They haven't left an atom there Of my anatomie.

No. VI.


ROBERT HERRICK. Robert Herrick, the fourth son of Nicholas and Herrick, was born in Cheapside, London, in 1591. T is every probability that proper attention was not t his education when young; yet, fortunately for the age of twenty-two years he obtained the patronage his uncle, Sir William Herrick, and in conseque entered a fellow commoner of St. John's College, C bridge, in 1615. During the three years he rema there, he attempted to regain the time lost in his you by applying himself assiduously to study, and devand considerable portion of his time to the poets of Great Rome, but more particularly to Anacreon. In 168 removed to Trinity Hall, and took the degree of Bachel of Arts. In what year he took orders does par but he was presented by Charles I. in October, 19, the vicarage of Dean Prior, in Devonshire; supposed he was ejected from his vicarage, owing popularity, by Oliver Cromwell, in 1648; in which ye his poems were published, under the title of "Hespe or Works both Humane and Divine, of Robert Hers Esquire.' During his residence in London he contr an intimacy with Selden, Jonson, Denham, Cotton, other learned men of the time. He was subsequently stored to his vicarage, after the Restoration, about 1 which period he did not long survive.

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The many beauties displayed in the poems of Hers have excited great astonishment in my mind that they not been admitted into any collection of classical Eng poetry; and I am more surprised at this, when I per the poems of men, which are decidedly inferior to hi lected, and retained through various editions.

Judicious as may have been the selection in stances, the compilers of English poetry have acte erroneously in permitting the veil of oblivion to be t over the poems of Herrick, and in not assigning h conspicuous niche in the temple of Fame, to which be so justly entitled by the exquisite beauty of his com tions.

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Droop, droop no more, or hang the head,
Ye roses almost withered;

New strength and newer purple get
Each here declining violet ;

O primroses! let this day be

A resurrection unto ye;

And to all flowers ally'd in blood,
Or sworn to that sweet sisterhood.

For health on Julia's cheek hath shed
Claret and creame commingled;
And these her lips doe now appeare
As beams of corrall, but more cleare.


Why doe ye weep, sweet babes? Can tears
Speak grief in you,

Who were but borne
Just as the modest morne
Teem'd her refreshing dew?

Alas, you have not known that shower
That marres a flower,

Nor felt th' unkind

Breath of a blasting wind;
Nor are ye worne with years,
Or warpt, as we,

Who think it strange to see

Such pretty flowers, like to orphans young,
To speake by tears before ye have a tongue.
Speak, whimp'ring younglings, and make known
The reason why

Ye droop and weep;

Is it for want of sleep,

Or childish lullabie ?

Or that ye have not seen as yet
The violet?

Or brought a kiss

From that sweet heart to this?
No, no, this sorrow shown

By your tears shed,

We'd have this lecture read

That things of greatest, so of meanest worth, Conceiv'd with grief are, and with tears brought forth.


Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes,
Which, star-like, sparkle in their skies
Nor be you proud that you can see
All hearts your captives, yours yet free;
Be you not proud of that rich haire,
Which wantons with the love-sick aire;
When as that ruby which you weare,
Sunk from the tip of your soft eare,
Will last to be a precious stone,
When all your world of beautie's gone.

Instead of orient pearls of jet,
I sent my love a carkanet:
About her spotlesse neck she knit
The lace, to honour me or it.
Then think how wrapt was I to see
My jet t'enthrall such ivorie.

(To be continued,)

Original Gymnastic Pun--A pupil of Professor Voelker, ndeavouring, the other day, to persuade his friend to ener the class, was answered. No, I don't like those ymnastic poles. "_" Poles!" says the pupil; "Professor Voelker is a German."

Part of the gymnastic apparatus. An Election Pun.-Many of our readers know that the ame of our present Chief Magistrate is Thomas Colley Porter. During the late contest for the civic chair, a puner observed, that if Mr. Porter should be elected, the Own-hall ought hereafter to be called the Colliseum.


We last week stated that some verses had lately been sent by a wag to the editor of the Monday's paper, to put to the test the taste and judgment of that modest and unassuming personage. We stated that the verses were of home manufacture, which term the said editor has construed into our own manufacture. As we do not, however, like the author of the Damask Rose, wish to strut in borrowed plumes, we must decline the imputed honour. The verses were concocted by a few friends, and we used the term "home manufacture" to imply that they were not of the Cockney or foreign market.

Walpole used to say that "every man meant something," and the editor of the Monday's paper has illustrated the position by discovering meaning and poetry in a composition which the author intended for nonsense and bathos:-"De gustibus non disputandum." A friend, to whom we have shown the verses, has pledged himself to prove that they are not destitute of meaning; but that, on the contrary, they are poetical, highly sentimental, and even metaphysical.

The poor editor, who has been the dupe of this very innocent hoax, affects to be shocked at the depravity of those who planned the scheme, although in his paper of the 29th ult., in order to fasten upon us a charge of blas. phemy, for comparing a bribed freeman to Judas, he, or one of his correspondents, mutilated our epigram,-extended it from four lines to six, and put Liverpool Mercury at the foot of the forgery! He is a pretty fellow, truly, to be so sensitive about a hoax, who, in the very first number of his veracious gazette, published, as genuine, a set of speeches, said to have been made at a dinner which never took place. The hoax was, however, too clumsy to succeed. Every one who knew the Rev. Wm. Shepherd. and the other gentlemen into whose mouths this dull scribbler had put speeches, knew that it was impossible that those gentlemen could have uttered the stupid prosing stuff ascribed to them.

She is gone to her silent bier!
She is gone, and sullen fear (5)

Reign ever now! (6)
Black clouds of night around me fling
Your thickening gloom, and I will string
My harp to woe!

She is gone, and that harp is still
That once, alas! was wont to trill
In solemn ecstasy !(7)

She is gone, and fancy's voice no more
In sweetest, saddest strains shall pour
Its soothing melody !(8)

We shall presume to add a hasty comment or two on the peculiar beauties of this literary bantling of the erudite editor of the Monday's print.-Edit. Kal.

(1) This may strike some of our readers as a pleonasm. The lady, they may say, could not have gone, if she had not previously been.

(2) A silent tear is, no doubt, 'in the author's opinion, very expressive; something akin to the "dumb eloquence of woe."

"Come, then, expressive silence, muse his praise," &c.

(3 and 4) A plain reader will be at a loss to understand how a cheek can be pale and rosy at the same time, and the eye dim and gladsome; but these are little poetic flights.

(5) When she was gone, why this sullen fear? We could have understood the indulgence of a little grief; but as for fear we cannot comprehend it, unless it was fear of her ghost. (6) Reign ever now. We give this up in despair. (7) Solemn ecstasy. We are equally at a loss here. (8) There is something original in the notion of sad strains producing soothi ing melody.

The Beauties of Chess.

"Ludimus effigiem belli."-VIDA.



1 Queen ......C-3X


2 Queen ..B-3X.
3 Queen......D-1
4 Castle ......F-7
5 King

6 Queen......H-5

7 Queen ......F-5
8 Pawn ......H-7X

9 Pawn ...G-7XMATE.

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4 King

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5 King......G-8

6 King......H-8 (a)

7 King ......G-8

8 King


(a) or 6 Pawn ......D-1 becomes a queen.

7 Pawn H-7X 8 Pawn......G-7XMATE.

7 King. ......H-8


We could fill a paper with the petty tricks of this man who is so shocked at the very innocent trick played upon. himself in retaliation. 'In one of his stupid letters from Polly Roberts, he stated that Mr. E. Smith had assured the public that "Miss M'Avoy could tell the colour of a man's clothes by feeling at the window," although he knew that Mr. Smith was particularly prominent in detecting the imposture practised by Miss M'Avoy. What courtesy is due to a person who is in the weekly habit of making assertions of this description; who has done all in his feeble power to ridicule the cork collar jacket, merely because we recommended it; and who carried his petty spite to such unwarrantable lengths as to say in his journal have at least one piece when checkmated. that we had no right to seek for pecuniary compensation upon removal from our premises in Lord-street; thereby endeavouring to influence the Corporation to our detriment? That malevolent effort was, however, as impotent as the rest; for the Common Council soon afterwards were so thoroughly persuaded of the reasonableness of our claim, that, without hesitation, they gave us every shilling we asked.

Bearing these and a countless series of provocations in mind, we thank the author of the Dirge for having enabled us and the public to enjoy a hearty laugh at the expense of the vender of slander, misrepresentation, pla. giarisms, and blundering criticism.-We shall now proceed with the Dirge as it appeared in the Monday's paper of Oct. 1.

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The Bouquet.

"I have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties them."



(From the Literary Souvenir for 1828.)

In days of yore there lived in the flourishing city of Cairo a Hebrew Rabbi, by name Jochonan, who was the most learned of his nation. His fame went over the East, and the most distant people sent their young men to imbibe wisdom from his lips. He was deeply skilled in the traditions of the fathers, and his word, on a disputed point, was decisive. He was pious, just, temperate, and strict; but he had one vice-a love of gold had seized upon his heart, and he opened not his hand to the poor. Yet he was wealthy above most, his wisdom being to him the source of riches. The Hebrews of the city were grieved at this blemish on the wisest of their people; but though the elders of the tribe continued to reverence him for his fame, the women and children of Cairo called him by no other

name than that of Rabbi Jochonan the miser.

None knew so well as he the ceremonies necessary for initiation into the religion of Moses; and, consequently, the exercise of those solemn offices was to him another source of gain. One day, as he walked in the fields about Cairo, conversing with a youth on the interpretation of the law, it so happened that the angel of death smote the young man suddenly, and he fell dead before the feet of the Rabbi, even while he was yet speaking. When the Rabbi found that the youth was dead, he rent his garments, and glorified the Lord. But his heart was touched, and the thoughts of death troubled him in the visions of the night. He felt uneasy when he reflected on his hardness to the poor, and he said, "Blessed be the name of the Lord! the first good thing that I am aked to do, in that holy name, will I perform." But he sighed, for he feared that some one might ask of him a portion of his gold.

While yet he thought upon these things, there came a loud cry at his gate.

"Awake, thou sleeper!" said the voice, "awake! a child is in danger of death, and the mother hath sent me for thee, that thou mayest do thine office."

to his companion," that thou hast not missed the way;'
and his heart misgave him.

"Fear not," returned the stranger: 66
your journey
is even now done," and, as he spoke, the feet of the Rabbi
slipped from under him, and he rolled down a great height.
When he recovered, he found that his companion had
fallen also, and stood by his side.

"Nay, young man," said the Rabbi, "if thus thou
sportest with the gray hairs of age thy days are num-
bered. Woe unto him that insults the hoary head!"

knew thou wouldst not be able to refuse. What thou hast done, to give him power over thee, is known to thyself."

"I swear before Heaven," said the Rabbi, "that I have ever diligently kept the law, and walked stedfastly after the traditions of our fathers, from the day of my youth upward. I have wronged no man in word or deed, and I have daily worshipped the Lord; minutely perform. ing all the ceremonies thereto needful."

"Nay," said the lady, "all this thou mightest have done, and more, and yet be in the power of the demons. But time passes, for I hear the foot of my husband mount. ing the stair. There is one chance of thine escape." "What is that? O lady of beauty!" said the agonized Rabbi.

The stranger made an excuse, and they journeyed on some little further in silence. The darkness grew less, and the astonished Rabbi, lifting up his eyes, found that they had come to the gates of a city which he had never before seen. Yet he knew all the cities of the land of "Eat not, drink not, nor take fee or reward while he Egypt, and he had walked but half an hour from his and as long as thou canst do thus, the Mazikin have ta dwelling in Cairo. So he knew not what to think, but fol-power over thee, dead or alive. Have courage, and per. lowed the man with trembling.


They soon entered the gates of the city, which was As she ceased from speaking, her husband entered the lighted up as if there were a festival in every house. The room, followed by the nurse, who bore all things requisi streets were full of revellers, and nothing but a sound of for the ministration of the Rabbi. With a heavy heart he joy could be heard. But when Jochonan looked upon performed his duty, and the child was numbered among their faces-they were the faces of men pained within; the faithful. But when, as usual, at the conclusion of the and he saw, by the marks they bore, that they were Ma-ceremony, the wine was handed round to be tasted by th zikin. He was terrified in his soul: and, by the light of child, the mother, and the Rabbi, he refused it, whent the torches, he looked also upon the face of his companion, came to him, saying,— and behold! he saw upon him, too, the mark that showed him to be a demon. The Rabbi feared excessively-almost to fainting; but he thought it better to be silent, and sadly he followed his guide, who brought him to a splendid house, in the most magnificent quarter of the city.

"Enter here," said the Demon to Jochonan, "for this house is mine. The lady and the child are in the upper chamber;" and, accordingly, the sorrowful Rabbi ascended the stairs to find them.

"Spare me, my Lord, for I have made a vow that Ifst this day; and I will eat not, neither will I drink."

"Be it as thou pleasest," said the Demon, "I will s that thou shouldest break thy vow:" and he laughed


So the poor Rabbi was taken into a chamber, looking into a garden, where he passed the remainder of the night and day, weeping, and praying to the Lord that he would deliver him from the city of Demons. But when the twelfth hour came, and the sun was set, the Prince of the Mazikin came again unto him, and said:

"Eat now,

I pray thee, for the day of thy vow is past;" and he set meat before him. "Pardon again thy servant, my Lord," said Jochonan, in this thing. I have another vow for this day also. I pray thee be not angry with thy servant.”

The lady, whose dazzling beauty was shrouded by
melancholy beyond hope, lay in bed; the child, in rich
raiment, slumbered on the lap of the nurse, by her side.
"I have brought to thee, light of my eyes!" said the
Demon, "Rebecca, beloved of my soul! I have brought
thee Rabbi Jochonan, the wise, for whom thou didst desire."
Let him, then, speedily begin his office: I shall fetch all
things necessary, for he is in haste to depart." He smiled
bitterly as he said these words, looking at the Rabbi; and
left the room, followed by the nurse.

When Jochonan and the lady were alone, she turned in

"The night is dark and gloomy," said the Rabbi, com-bed towards him, and said, "Unhappy man that thou art! ing to his casement," and mine age is great; are there not younger men than I in Cairo ?"

"For thee only, Rabbi Jochonan, whom some call the wise, but whom others call Rabbi Jochonan the miser, was I sent. Here is gold," said he, taking out a purse of sequins,-"I want not thy labour for nothing. I adjure thee to come, in the name of the living God."

So the Rabbi thought upon the vow he had just made, and he groaned in the spirit, for the purse sounded heavy. "As thou hast adjured me by that name, I will go with thee," said he to the man; "but I hope the distance is not far. Put up thy gold."

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knowest thou where thou hast been brought ?" "I do,"
said he, with a heavy groan; “I know that I am in a city
of the Mazikin."

"I am not angry," said the Demon, "be it as the pleasest, I respect thy vow;" and he laughed louder th


So the Rabbi sat another day in his chamber, by garden, weeping and praying. And when the sun ha gone behind the hills, the Prince of the Mazikin agai stood before him, and said,

"Eat now, for thou must be an hungered. It was sore vow of thine;" and he offered him daintier meats.

And Jochonan felt a strong desire to eat, but he praye inwardly to the Lord, and the temptation passed; and h answered,

"Excuse thy servant yet a third time, my Lord, th eat not. I have renewed my vow."

"Be it so, then," said the other, "arise, and falla me."

"Know then, further," said she, and the tears gushed from eyes brighter than the diamond; "know then, further, that no one is ever brought here, unless he hath sinned before the Lord. What my sin hath been imports not to thee-and I seek not to know thine. But here thou remainest for ever-lost, even as I am lost." And she wept again. The Rabbi dashed his turban on the ground, and tearing his hair, exclaimed, "Woe is me! Who'art thou, woman, that speakest to me thus ?" The Demon took a torch in his hand, and led "The place is at hand," said the stranger, who was a "I am a Hebrew woman," said she, "the daughter of Rabbi through winding passages of his palace, to the da gallant youth, in magnificent attire. "Be speedy, for a Doctor of the Laws, in the city of Bagdad; and being of a lofty chamber, which he opened with a key that tirne presses." brought hither, it matters not how, I am married to a took from a niche in the wall. On entering the root Jochonan arose, dressed himself, and accompanied the prince among the Mazikin, even him who was sent for Jochonan saw that it was of solid silver,the floor, co stranger, after having carefully locked up all the doors of thee. And that child, whom thou sawest, is our first-born, ing, walls, even to the threshold and the door-posts. At his house, and deposited his keys in a secret place at and I could not bear the thought that the soul of our in- the curiously carved roof and borders of the ceiling shot which the stranger smiled. nocent babe should perish. I therefore besought my hus- in the torch-light, as if they were the fanciful work band to try to bring hither a priest, that the law of Moses frost. In the midst were heaps of silver money, piled (blessed be his memory!) should be done; and thy fame, in immense urns of the same metal, even over the brim. which has spread to Bagdad, and lands further towards "Thou hast done me a serviceable act, Rabbi," the rising of the sun, made me think of thee. Now my the Demon; "take of these what thou pleasest; ay, we husband, though great among the Mazikin, is more just it the whole." than the other demons; and he loves me, whom he hath ruined, with a love of despair. So he said, that the name of Jochonan the wise was familiar unto him, and that he

"I never remember," said the Rabbi, "so dark a night. Be thou to me as a guide, for I can hardly see the way." "I know it well," replied the stranger, with a sigh; "it is a way much frequented, and travelled hourly by many; lean upon mine arm, and fear not."

They journeyed on; and though the darkness was great, yet the Rabbi could see when it occasionally brightened, that he was in a place strange to him. "I thought," said he, "I knew all the country for leagues about Cairo, yet I know not where I am. I hope, young man," said he

• Demons.

"I cannot, my Lord," said Jochonan. "I was s jured by thee to come hither in the name of God; and that name I came, not for fee or reward."

"Follow me," said the Prince of the Mazikin; and Jochonan did so, into an inner chamber.

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These are thine," said the Demon; "one of the vesIs which thou beholdest would make thee richest of the is of men—and I give thee them all.”




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It was of gold, as the other was of silver. Its golden purse was at the service of all who need to share it. His medical men and their associates unnecessarily alarming the roof was supported by pillars and pilasters of gold, resting life was a perpetual act of benevolence, and the blessings public, by bugbears and ignis fatui which have taken posupon a golden floor. The treasures of the kings of the showered upon him by all were returned bountifully session of their own bewildered imaginations, and which arth would not purchase one of the four-and-twenty upon him by the hand of God. But people wondered, they are wantonly and incessantly pawning upon the pub. ressels of golden coins, which were deposited in six rows and said, "Is not this the man who was called Rabbi lic, through the medium of the press, increasing that state of long the room. No wonder; for they were filled by Jochonan the miser? What hath made the change?" mind which has lately led to such disastrous consequences. the constant labours of the demons of the mine. TheAnd it became a saying in Cairo. When it came to I particularly allude to the cases of hydrophobia which heart of Jochonan was moved by avarice, when he saw the ears of the Rabbi, he called his friends together, and have so completely inundated the public papers, and have them shining in yellow light, like the autumnal sun, as he avowed his former love of gold, and the danger to been circulated with such industry and anxiety, that it is bey reflected the beams of the torch. But God enabled which it had exposed him, relating all which has been to me wonderful the terror produced by these horrid, and tim to persevere. above told, in the hall of the new palace that he built by often exaggerated details, has not been productive of more the side of the river, on the left hand as thou goest down serious results than we have witnessed. Who, after readthe course of the great stream. And wise men, who were ing one of these very cdifying cases, clothed in all the horscribes, wrote it down from his mouth, for the memory rors language is capable of expressing; who, I ask, has not But Jochonan refused again; and the Prince of the of mankind, that they might profit thereby. And a vene- felt his very blood recoil at the bare idea of becoming the azikin opened the door of a third chamber, which was rable man, with a beard of snow, who had read it in these next object of this terrible malady? and few amongst led the Hall of Diamonds. When the Rabbi entered, books, and at whose feet I sat, that I might learn the medical practitioners but what have witnessed the fatal screamed aloud, and put his hands over his eyes, for wisdom of the old time, told it me. And I write it in the effects of terror thus produced. What language, then, lustre of the jewels dazzled him, as if he had looked tongue of England, the merry and the free, on the tenth can be strong enough to deprecate the conduct of indivion the noon-day sun. In vases of agate were heaped day of the month Nisan, in the year according to the lesser duals who, for reasons best known to themselves, thus amonds beyond numeration, the smallest of which was supputation, five hundred ninety and seven, that thou wantonly instil their venom into the public mind, whose nger than a pigeon's egg. On alabaster tables lay ame-mayest learn good thereof. If not, the fault be upon thee. duty should prompt them quickly to apply the antidote-sts, topazes, rubies, beryls, and all other precious to sooth and heal, rather than to excite and inflame? If bes, wrought by the hands of skilful artists, beyond this line of conduct was pursued, the hydra-headed monwer of computation. The room was lighted by a carster would vanish with the cause, and we should very soon acle, which, from the end of the hall, poured its everknow nothing of hydrophobia but the name. I use no ang light, brighter than the rays of noon-tide, but measured language in holding up to public censure the ler than the gentle radiance of the dewy moon. This sources of this evil, as I can find no palliation for their sa sore trial on the Rabbi; but he was strengthened conduct, no redeeming trait in their proceedings. If, in om above, and he refused again. SIR,It is with astonishment I have beheld the stu- their numerous papers and cases, they had contributed **Thou knowest me, then, I perceive, O Jochonan, son pidity and dullness of the professional world, in withhold- one tittle towards the advancement of medical science, or Ben-David," said the Prince of the Mazikin; "I am ing, for so long a period, their meed of adoration to the one fact tending to the alleviation of human misery, then Demon who would tempt thee to destruction. As thou brilliant luminary now shining on the medical horizon, they would deserve well of that public they have so deeply st withstood so far, I tempt thee no more. Thou hast dispelling the darkness that has so long overshadowed it, injured. Having trespassed so far on your patience, I will Be a service which, though I value it not, is acceptable in and making the rough paths of physic straight. It has reserve for a future letter the remarks I have to make on sight of her whose love to me is dearer than the light of taken a form so peculiar (viz. that of the Literary Mu- some letters that have lately appeared on the subject of Sad has been that love to thee, my Rebecca! Why seum) that its rays will not be confined to the medical hydrophobia, whose flimsy texture I will endeavour to uld I do that which would make thy cureless grief more world, but will be liberally and generally diffused; and, unravel, by bringing them into collision with some of the evous? You have yet another chamber to see," said if we may judge from the vivid scintillations it has already opinions of the most eminent medical writers; and endeaato Jochonan, who had closed his eyes, and was praying emitted, the sons of Esculapius (whose minds he intends to vour, [by an appeal to facts, to show that the evils I have rvently to the Lord, beating his breast. enlighten by occasional essays) may, I am afraid, consider alluded to are not imaginary, but operating to an alarming Far different from the other chambers was the one into their occupation as already gone." Its effects are so pe-extent; and if by thus appealing to the common sense of tich the Rabbi was next introduced: it was a mean and culiar and singular that it only influences "men endowed the public I shall in any degree lessen their gullibility, Itry apartment, without furniture. On its filthy walls with that share of common sense which is generally be- my object will be fully accomplished. ag innumerable bunches of rusty keys, of all sizes, dis-stowed upon us by our Creator," and ungenerously passes sed without order. Among them, to the astonishment by those "who court notoriety by singularity of opinion, Jochonan, hung the keys of his own house, those which or oddity and eccentricity of thinking." It has already put to hide when he came on this miserable journey, conferred the power of enabling men of common sense to the gazed upon them intently. distinguish clearly and momentarily, by one organ, what "Such is the constitution of man, that labour may be conthe most eminent medical men (unfortunately not coming sidered its own reward. How much happiness is gained, under the common sense class) have been puzzled to dis-how much misery escaped, by frequent and violent exercise of the body! Exercise cannot secure us from that dissolutinguish by five: it has enabled the former to detect a Ition to which we are decreed; but while the soul and body case of hydrophobia under a bed-room window ;-whilst continue united, it can make the association pleasing."-Dr. the latter, alas! would have found it difficult, and often impossible, in actual contact. If such has already been its influence, who can tell where its effects will terminate? Who will now doubt the possibility of a transmutation of metals, or the probability of a universal Panacea?

"What dost thou see," said the Demon, "that makes
en look so eagerly? Can he who has refused silver and
ld, and diamonds, be moved by a paltry bunch of rusty
"They are mine own, my Lord," said the Rabbi;
them will I take if they be offered to me."
"Take them, then," said the Demon, putting them into
aband;—" thou mayest depart. But, Rabbi, open not
by house only, when thou returnest to Cairo, but thy
tart also. That thou didst not open it before, was that As this meteor is one of no common blaze, and as its
hich gave me power over thee. It was well that thou effects have been, and are likely to be, so very uncommon
ilst one act of charity in coming with me without re-surely, Sir, I shall not be out of place in calling upon
ard, for it has been thy salvation. Be no more Rabbi
ochonan the miser.

The Rabbi bowed to the ground, and blessed the Lord or his escape. "But how," said he, "am I to return, or I know not the way ?"-" Close thine eyes," said the Demon. He did so, and, in the space of a moment, he heard the voice of the Prince of the Mazikin ordering im to open them again. And behold, when he opened hem, he stood in the centre of his own chamber, in his house at Cairo, with the keys in his hand.

When he recovered from his surprise, and had offered thanksgivings to God, he opened his house, and his heart also. He gave alms to the poor, he cheered the heart of the widow, and, lightened the destitution of the orphan. His hospitable board was open to the stranger, and his

the public, generally, to cast off their unbecoming apathy,
and acknowledge, with one heart and one voice, their thank-
fulness, their warmest gratitude, for having their lot cast
in a land, and in an age, where the human race is so in-
calculably blessed. I, for one, would thus publicly and
willingly acknowledge my gratitude, could I command
language sufficiently expressive for the occasion; but
I am afraid my intellectual vision has been so dazzled
and confounded by the brilliancy of this meteor, that it
would be a vain and futile attempt: I trust, therefore, the
witty editor and his correspondent will, under these cir-
cumstances, take the will for the deed. Having made these
few dutiful observations, I will, with your permission, now
proceed to notice what I consider a great and growing evil,
calling loudly for some restraint. I allude to the practice of

Nov. 5th, 1827.







SIR,-These quotations speak volumes in favour of gymnastic exercises. If we consider the time spent in theological and controversial disputations, in the acquire. ment of wealth at the expense of health, of honour at the trivial sacrifice of comfort, surely we must deplore the mis-direction of human talent and mental energy. A man engaged in a mental struggle is weakened in body and mind, and needs repose; but he who practises, with Professor Voelker, the corporeal strife, touches the earth, and receives new vigour. Well does Cicero observeWe ought to hold out against old age with courage, and compensate by our diligence for its inconveniences." To preserve health, we should use moderate exercise. How many females have fallen a sacrifice to sedentary habits and want of exercise! simpering over the fashionable foibles of the drawing-room, they foster sickly modes and injurious graces, that embitter their future lives. Fashion, also, with its insidious snares, persuades some belle of its antidote to cancer," and other quackery. If the essential of eloquence be action, action, action! that of health and cheerfulness is exercise, exercise, ex

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