Abbildungen der Seite

together, or covered up with any material, will in a short time become heated, and deprived not only of its gloss and colour, but also of its flavour. In the way recommended above, I have kept all the codlins and softer kinds of baking apples good to the end of June, and the pippins, as well as various sorts of dessert apples, to the end of October, with their colour as fresh as when they were first gathered, and their flavour not in the least deteriorated. I have found, by repeated experiments, that apples covered up any time are apt to contract a flavour of whatever materials they have been covered with. If laid, for example, in brown paper, they will taste of tar. I have tried apples by wraping them up in white paper, and, although they keep Dearly as long in this way, they are always apt to shrivel up, which renders them unsightly. Apples, when pitted like tatoes, will retain their colour for a long time; but this methad deteriorates the flavour more than any other; as they become quite insipid after being some months under ground. I have experienced also that the fruit of full Town trees preserve better, or keep rather longer, than hose of young trees.-Gibb.




As much, as from occasions you may glean.-Shakspeare.


portion of that indulgence which a kind public has recently evinced towards the compilation of our brother in Scotland.

As yet we have only spoken of the origin of the coiffeur's art, of the changes which it has undergone, and the influence of its different branches upon the minds of princes and na

tions. We are now about to examine the characteristic traits

of the morality of artists in hair, and to signalize the lofty actions which have given to their political opinions a stamp of immortality.

We have already, by anticipation, fixed the political existence of barbers under the reign of Louis XIV.; but it must be

appearance of a stranger, formal introductions did not
take place, yet any person would be inclined to dispense
with such a proceeding, lest it might tend to disturb the
apparent gravity and attention which seemed to reign over
all; and if ever the genius of solemn silence held her throne
on this span of earth, here it might with truth be said to
exist. I waved that modus operandi, and sedately sat down
to my favourite game with my friend, who, though not a
first-rate player, was a passionate admirer of that scientific
amusement. We soon resolved into the same quiet calm
as those around us enjoyed; not a breath of noise was
heard, save the movement of a piece, the spirit-stirring
monosyllable "check," or the more awful compound
"checkmate," when one friend, victor, as it were, exults
over the conquest of another. The treatise of Philidor
(from whom, by the bye, the society then met in "solemn
divan" have borrowed their nom de guerre, Philodorean
Society) with several other excellent scientific works on
that noble game, lay scattered on the table, for reference, dated from Clovis, surnamed the Hairy, the second King of
or otherwise, as also your interesting miscellany, the Ka-France, who was seized with such an extreme passion for
leidoscope, which they regularly receive and preserve.
During my sojourn on this "weary pilgrimage," I by which princes and noblemen were to be distinguished. In
never saw any scene which deserved to be accounted one
of the "few sunny spots" that "mid the gay wilderness
smiles" more than the one I then witnessed; nor could I

remarked, that, long before that epoch, they had associated their name with that of the officers of the Household, who, under Clovis II., the first King surnamed the Idler, possessed themselves of the supreme authority, and, finally, took the title of King, after Childeric, the Idiot. It may be seen from this, that the peruque-barbers were not partisans of the

kings of the first race; their animosity against whom was

long natural tresses, that he made a law respecting long hair,

recompense for the particular services which the coiffeurs had rendered to these officers of the Court, Charlemagne, in

order to better their condition by rendering their profession

more indispensible, wore his hair very short; his courtiers

and his successors imitated his example, down to Louis VIII.,

without, however, making any attack upon the beard. The

latter King having come to England, in order to carry a certain point, caught a severe cold there, after which, for the sake of his health, he suffered his hair to grow to the natural length, a fashion which continued to exist, to the great regret of the coiffeurs, down to the time of the French Revolution, when it was subjected to the general reformation.

Although tale-bearing travellers, who, for the sake of avoid abstracting my attention from the game I was play fishing themselves with materials for book-making in ing, to admire the studious, anxious, and watchful looks yage of folios and quartos, or with gossip for a season, of every person employed; their various physiognomies ght have chanced to pay a flying visit to the land of depicted different emotions; the half-repressed smile of ddies and potatoes, and in the fulness of their fancy re-him who happened to make a successful move, or on whom sented us as the most idle, good for nothing pack of victory had dawned from the commencement of his fight; ages that could well exist on any habitable globe, and the anxious solicitude another face displayed, when in exin the sight of a rale boy, from the wilds and fastnesses pectation of his adversary overlooking a move which would Connemara, crossing the briny wave to seek for the price crown him with conquest, and ad tristem partem strenua the boneen," and the rent against Lady Day, pictured est suspicio only look at the losing player. At eleven, p. m. all ceased playing but one party, who themselves the condition of our entire population, abidhad advanced far into an interesting game, but, according by the sweeping recommendation ex uno, disce omnes; thanks to the present facilities of conveyance arising to ordinance, were obliged to take notes of the positions m the application of the giant power, steam, to master until their next meeting. The necessary introductions, able barber still carries a long rapier. The custom of appear. hitherto dispensed with, now took place, and we all sating at Court, and of frequenting the company of the great, down to recreate after our bloodless strife.

"The mantling bowl, filled with that philtre,' which is
Formed with such power
To charm and bewilder".

& foaming surges and wild winds, these visions recede
pidly from public view, and we daily rise in the estima-
in of our more fortunate fellow-countrymen, since they
we begun to open their eyes to the truth, that we (hitherto
wild Irish") are possessed of certain useful cranial de-Freely circulated amongst us; song and glee, anecdote and
apments, deserve a rank in the creation above the joke, enlivened the happy convivials; and, with a bumper

les, and to be classed as the

"Sauetius his animal, mentisque capacius alta."

of leaden-winged Time.

Dublin, Oct. 13, 1827.

I. G. R.

to our next merry meeting, we parted when the iron tongue of midnight told twelve." Never" since summer am not now going to prove myself a "learned The-was leafy" did my moments fly less subject to the influence by entering into an historical detail of our many lifications, or how many of my countrymen shone in le or bower, brains or blundering, but to say that fer and anon," as the maggot bites, you shall have a re" regarding us on this side the channel, respecting ings as they are," leaving our friends who have gone to "That undiscovered country from whose bourne No traveller returns,”

in peace-requiescant.

"Night, silent, cool, transparent crowned the day, The sky receded further into space,

The stars came lower down to meet the eye,"

en an old friend accosted me, in one of our finest

ets, the accustomed warm Irish (which is synonymous


Tales, Romances, &c.

Let us return to the reign of Louis the XIV., where we left the perruquiers in such high estimation, that their order ob

tained, by letters patent, the right of wearing the sword: this privilege passed, along with the Bourbons, into the kingdoms of Naples and Spain, where, at the present time, the fashion.

insensibly gave to the peruquiers ease of manners and refine, ment of language, so much so, that the great King did not disdain to make use of his coiffeurs in bearing billets-dour to his

mistresses. Discretion being the principal merit of the messengers of Cupid, and the barbers of Louis being, as we have shown, more discreet than those of Midas, all the great Lords (servile imitators of their master) selected their peruque

barbers as the confidants of their illicit amours, in which, fol

lowing the example of the King, they were engaged. The easy access which their profession gave to the coiffeurs, even into the sanctum sanctorum of the ladies, soon acquired for them superiority in their new ministry; and, possessing the secrets of amorous intrigues, it was not long before they were initiated into the more important secrets of the intrigues

THE RISE, GREATNESS, AND DECLINE OF ARTISTS of the Court, of the cabals, state manoeuvres, and Court




policy; and, as it commonly happens, that the master is compelled to overlook the impertinences of a valet, whom he has made the depository of his hidden thoughts, all the great Lords endured, without daring to complain, the not unfrequently insolent familiarity of the coiffeurs ; and the latter, emboldened by this impunity, in embroiLet not the friendly reader think that we have the pre-dered dresses, assumed airs of state, and played off all the airs

(Continued from our last.)

A heartfelt) salute was over, and he asked me to accom-sumption to draw a complete sketch of the history of artists which distinguish the man of fashion from the obscure plein hair. We have pointed out some of the marks which may belan. The perfumed little abbes, who were then seen every y him, and spend the evening. I gladly accepted the itation, as I could well anticipate the pleasure I should serve to lead him to their origin; we have described the per-where but in the church, gave the finishing touches to our I in the company of a man of scientific pursuits, which fection to which this art has been brought in modern times; artists, by teaching them to envelop themselves in the cloak aw my friend to be. We entered the. -coffee-house, i were introduced into a drawing-room, brilliantly illunated by a gas chandelier, suspended from the centre the ceiling-judge my surprise when I saw ten or a ten elegant chess boards and men, regularly laid out separate tables, and six or more of them occupied by ties who seemed evidently intent on their respective pes, and although it would be unusual, that, on the

and we have fixed the principal theatre of it in France; but so of devotion, under which Louis the Great contrived to conceal It was thus

A little pig.

soon as the subject brought us to the 17th century, we felt our his royal peccadilloes with so much address.
inability to achieve this important task; the completion of the that, step by step, the colffeurs of the time attained all the
picture of our hero's celebrity requires from us illustrationsquallties which distinguished the most expert and brazen-

which are beyond our reach, and we are appalled by the im-faced courtiers.
The vulgar amongst the coiffeurs residing at a distance
portance of our enterprise. Let us be pardoned, then, if there
are considerable gaps in our history; all our omissions are in- from the Court and the great, divided amongst them financial,
voluntary, and our errors unintentional; and if, notwith-magisterial, and clerical heads; and, in their inferior capacity,
standing our imperfections, we have not hesitated to publish mimicked the game whih cthey saw played by their superiors,
the fruits of our painful labours, we have calculated upon aand made themselves amends for their mediocrity by engross


ing the right of spreading about scandalous reports, and being | in belonging. In fact, how can it be imagined that a body so the first to proclaim to their neighbourhood the tittle-tattle respectable, a body rendered illustrious by its intimate conof the day.

The Papal mummeries having attained their highest elevation, the image-mongers had likewise recourse to the art of the coiffeurs, to dress out the heads of the saints and cherubs in their churches, so as to accord with the burlesque accoutrements with which all those mystical personages were decked. "Here, 'twas their part to make an angel please, There, give a grisly beard to some pure saint, Archangel's wig, to powder well, and grease,

Or holy pate, with black or red to paint.

The invention of pigtails, and alles de pigeon, being much more suitable to the military profession than perukes and long curled hair, this innovation found its principal supporters in the army, and every regiment had immediately its coiffeur for the staff, and a barber for each company. In order to give dignity to this occupation, the military barbers dubbed themselves at the same time professors of fencing, and, as distinguishing marks, carried across their backs a powder-bag, a comb, and a tuft of hair, supended between two masks and two foils, and a sword at their side. It is reported, on this subject, that, at the battle of Rocroy, the colonel of the French guards, seeing his first company suddenly enveloped in a white cloud, thought, at a distance, that it was caused by the explosion of an ammunition waggon, whilst it was nothing but a powder-bag, blown to pieces by one of the enemy's bullets.

We have said, elsewhere, that the German barbers had quite outdone the French in the dimensions of their pigtails, and that, at first, this fashion was propagated in Prussia, under the special protection of its philosophical king. Austria, Jealous of the progressive march of this newly made kingdom, saw with displeasure its continual tendency to aggrandize itself, and took umbrage, moreover, at the length of the pigtails worn by the Prussian army. Prince Metternich then declared himself in favour of long queues, in order that his country might not be eclipsed on this point by her ambitious neighbour; and his advice prevailed in the Aulic council, after he had explained the advantages which the Austrian infantry might derive from them, when, being put to flight, it would otherwise be sabred in the neck by the enemy's cavalry. The event showed what depth there was in the political calculations of this provident minister, for Napoleon never attacked the Austrians but the field of battle was strewed with thousands of pigtails, as many necks being spared as there were severed pigtails.

SIR,-I am exceedingly gratified to observe the very rapid advancement the fine arts are making in this town. The dulness and distaste of its inhabitants have become almost proverbial; but at present there seems to be a spirit of improvement at work; they have at length discovered It will not be improper, perhaps, to say a word here of those that a taste for the arts and sciences is not incompatible artificial tails which were soon got up in Germany, in order to with mercantile affairs; they no longer allow business to remedy, by a proper uniformity, that defect of length in the engross the whole of their attention, for rational relaxation from their labours is now almost generally adopted. Take, hair which often disfigured a company of soldiers. It is re- as a proof of this, the many improvements recently made ported that the Duke of Hesse had so many false queues in his in the public buildings; their intended Botanic Garden; horse guards, that every Sunday, after the parade, the coiffeur their Mechanics' Institution; their lectures on all branches of the regiment came with a wheelbarrow to carry away the of the arts and sciences; and, lastly, their Royal Institupigtails which strewed the place d'armes. At the unfortunate tion-the pictorial exhibitions of which, considering the Louls the Sixteenth's accession to the throne, when the fire of infancy of the Institution, evince a display of talent truly the revolution already secretly devoured the foundations of astonishing, particularly local talent. There have been, as yet, only two exhibitions; amongst the list of exhibitors the monarchy, and when the different classes of the tiers-état of the first were the names of Northcote, Calcott, Pickerswere all in favour of a general reform, the barber-coiffeurs gill, Ward, Cooper, Lonsdale, Linton, Pether, Fradelle, remained immoveable in the midst of the political convulsions and Nasmyth; and the present one has amongst its list Dewint, Craig, Copley, Fielding, Gastineau, Glover, rocks may be seen unshaken in the midst of the foaming bil- Austin, Jackson, Green, and Sass. Another circumstance, also, that marks the improvement of the taste of After having seen the august protection which the great the inhabitants, is the publication of engravings from Louis accorded to the perruquiers, it is certainly not astonish-portraits of distinguished men of this town, painted ing that the grandchildren of the latter should have esteemed by native artists. Very recently I adverted to a portrait about to be published by D. Bolongaro, of the accomthemselves bound to the interests of the Bourbons by a senti-plished John Hull, M.D. &c. &c. painted by the late D. ment of gratitude, supposing even that the perruque, the pig. tail, and the false front, had been able to resist the shock which soon staggered all the powdered heads of our ancient monarchy.

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two more pleces by this author.

pect, in the next Kaleidoscope, to present our readers
complete tale from this forthcoming novel.
OF CRIMINALS,In an early number weshall
a brief digest of Mr. Roscoe's valuable work on this s

CHESS.-The best answer we can give to An Amer
refer him to our chess table, by which he will perceive
we have resumed the chess department.
THE KANGAROOA correspondent, who recommend
piece of Mr. Thomas Hood for insertion in the Kale
is informed that we have read it, and think it a very
composition indeed. It is one of the worst specime
very bad school.

SPECIMENS OF THE ELDER POSTS.-We shall, in our next

tinue the interesting collection with which we hare favoured by our correspondent Percival Melbourne We have further to acknowledge the communications of Sophia-W. W. M.-S.-A Clown.-M. H-Lego-Criti Printed, published, and sold, every Tuesday, by B.SME and Co., Clarendon-buildings, Marshall-street.


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This familiar Miscellany, from which all religious and political matters are excluded, contains a variety of original and selected Articles; comprehending LITERATURE, CRITICISM, MEN and MANNERS, AMUSEMENT, elegant EXTRACTS, PORTRY, ANECDOTES, BIOGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY, the DRAMA, ARTS and SCIENCES, WIT and SATIRE, FASHIONS, NATURAL HISTORY, &c. forming a handsome ANNUAL VÕLUME, with an INDEX and TITLE-PAGE. Persons in any part of the Kingdom may obtain this Work from London through their respective Booksellers.

. 383.—Vol. VIII.

The Philanthropist.






(Concluded from our last.)


PRICE 340.

his soul, and left him writhing under an anguish "That your destiny is fixed," answered the cler-
which he dared not manifest, and could not revenge. | gyman; "that you have but a few hours to live;
Lord Vernon returned on the morning of the ex-that, therefore, the question of the criminality or the
innocence of society little concerns you; that if, un-
fortunately, it have erred, you ought not to indulge
From the moment of his condemnation Selwyn hatred against it; that if it have condemned you
appeared in a new light. Previously to this period justly, you ought to repent of your most horrid crime:
he was, indeed, sufficiently sensible of the injustice in a word, that you are dying, and that your only
of man to man, and the conviction filled him with concern ought to be to die in charity with man, and
profound melancholy: but from that hour savage peace with God."
sternness took possession of his soul. Soon after
his return to prison from his trial, the Chaplain en
tered his cell. As soon as he understood who he was,
he looked on him earnestly, for some minutes, in

"I will endeavour to do so," replied Selwyn, "and, as the best proof I can give of my sincerity, The balance of the evidence, in the opinion of the I will devote a few of the moments which remain to dge, was against Selwyn. He dwelt particularly me to a last effort to benefit that society which I the circumstance of the pistol, which he prohave tremendous reason to curse. At present I feel ounced to be most extraordinary and mysterious: "So," said he to him, at last, "you are one of the capable of the effort: in another hour I may not be e spoke in glowing terms of the benevolence of ministers of the Christian religion. You are taught so. Leave me do not come to me again. I harord Vernon, but cautioned the jury against suffer- by that religion to love your fellow-men as you love bour no resentment against you; but I wish to have g his eloquence to bias their judgment, and divert yourself. The principle which distinguishes this no farther communication with persons who call eir attention from facts. He said, that as Lord religion from every other is the command it enjoins themselves Christians. I can perceive in you a feelerton was positive of nothing, as he neither saw to act towards others as you would they should act faces of the assassins, nor distinguished them by towards you. What, Sir, are your emotions on the y other circumstance, they could attach to his present occasion? I pity you if you feel as you Anion on this subject no greater weight than they ought. I pity you still more if you do not. You ould to the conjecture of an ordinarý individual: come here to sanction laws which are opposed in at it behoved them to weigh in their minds the their very principle to the essence of the religion you reet circumstantial evidence before them; to decide inculcate; which are a disgrace to human nature; on that, and to give their verdict accordingly. and which nothing among the most horrid savages How seldom does the opinion of a jury differ from can exceed in iniquity. I have been convicted of gem or force, one shilling, or less than one shilling! at of the Judge! Whether in this case it ought to murder; therefore I am to be murdered. On this * differed, God only knows. What alone is cer- principle, ought not the society which murders to be in is, that it did not differ. They pronounced the visited with the same fate? If He who governs so oner-GUILTY! ciety governed it as it governs itself, would he not hang every member in it?

That terrible word struck dismay into every heart. he auditors did not, perhaps, condemn the decision; at the moment the sentence was pronounced a deep pan, which seemed to come involuntarily from every art, filled the court Lord Vernon, as soon as he and the awful verdict, rushed from the place.

ing of the horrible injustice with which I, and thousands of my fellow-creatures, are treated. I have heard of some wretched men, who, the moment before their immolation to this Moloch, Law, have talked of their conviction, of the justice of the sentence which cuts them off violently from life, in the midst of health, with all their faculties in full vigour, because they took from their neighbours, by strata

There cannot be exhibited beneath the sun a more degrading spectacle! Either the understanding of these men was originally so low as to incapacitate them for perceiving the relations of things, and their violation of the institutions of society ought, there"What avails it to plead the motive with which fore, to have placed them in some asylum for the I am put to death? Whatever motive I might have insane; or suffering and injustice must have dehad in committing the murder of which I have been stroyed the faculties of those minds which nature convicted, whether the best or the worst, society made clear and strong. And you would reduce me would still have murdered me. I demand again, if to such a condition. You would bring me, by false this be an equitable principle? Ought not the community which acts upon it to be exterminated?

terrors and false hopes; by religion prostituted; by the name of the Deity insulted; by humanity outraged, to acknowledge that folly the most palpable,

He locked himself up in his closet two hours. He me from it completely altered. There was scarcely Testige to be seen of the former man. It may seem "But the motive, it seems, is to benefit society by meaning to say, and yet it is true, that his coun-example. So, in order to profit its members by ex- is wisdom; and cruelty the most horrible, benevolence. enance was completely expressive of insanity, while ample, society exhibits itself perpetrating the very No, No. I will not disguise my feelings. The sight et there was something in it which showed that the same crime for which it punishes the criminal. Do of such as you irritates and disturbs me. It makes ght of reason was not extinguished. He ordered you talk to me of the salutary terrors of this mode me a sceptic in things most sacred, and in an hour tes to his carriage, and set off for London. of punishment? Who, then, is ignorant that terror, most solemn. It makes me tremble lest I should He went directly to the King. He detailed to by becoming frequent, is no longer affecting, and settle in the belief, that religion itself is nothing but hin the circumstances of the case: he described the that death itself ceases to shock, because it is com- base hypocrisy, and that the very beauty, and maggeneral disposition and habits of the condemned man, mon? Are not you ashamed, Sir, to come to me, in nificence, and goodness, which pervade the creation, and implored him to extend pardon to this miserable this awful hour, to sanction such absurdities and proclaim to me that there is a God, only to delude victim of the law. Unfortunately, there was not a enormities? and do not you blush to name the pre- me. Yes, you bring with you confusion and despair, man in the kingdom whom the King wished so little cepts of your divine Master, at the very moment that instead of light and consolation. It is not every one to oblige; whom he feared and hated so much: nay, you yourself are trampling so horribly on his essen- in my situation who will say this to you; but, perceiving Lord Vernon's intense earnestness, he tial laws? This, as a convicted criminal, I say to be assured, it is the genuine feeling of every took this opportunity to avenge himself of the love you; but when I address you in my true and genuine heart, whensoever the violence of emotion does not of liberty which glowed in the generous patriot's character, AS AN INNOCENT and OPPRESSED MAN, render it incapable of attending to the suggestions breast. Lord Vernon made him feel the baseness of what will you reply to me?"

of reason.

"You will perceive, therefore, that I can well dis-observe this my last request, I do not think you before his father's apprehension, the boy happened pense with your attendance on me. Give me leave will withhold your promise." to go into the chamber in which the trunk was kept to suggest to you a better employment. Go: shut The clergyman assured him that he would com- He saw some keys lying on a table. He had often yourself up in your closet. Meditate there on the ply with his desire. He then bade him adieu, with seen his father go to the trunk, and fasten it with condition to which the laws you countenance have great feeling, and retired. The executioner having good deal of caution. He felt some curiosity to reduced me. Think of the genuine feelings they performed every thing which his office required, re- know what it contained. With one of the keys, be excite in my heart, and which you may be sure they tired also; and then, just God, what a spectacle! | contrived to unlock the trunk, and being struck with produce in every man who is capable of reflection. [ What is man! What, his wisdom! What, his be- a childish admiration of the pistols, took one of Throw off the prejudices to which you are a slave. nevolence! Sometimes, O how blasphemously, he is Suffer yourself to see things as they are, as this aw-called thy noblest work! ful example must, for once, at least, make you see them, in spite of yourself. Go, Sir, do this; and the next time you address the people you call Christians, acquaint them with the result of your reflections."

As he thus spoke, he turned from the clergyman, and covered his face with his hands. He pressed his forehead forcibly, as if to enable him to sustain emotions which suddenly rushed upon him, and which seemed ready to burst the feeble walls that inclose the mysterious seat of human intelligence. "Oh! my wife," he cried-" My children!-my poor children! O God, support me! In mercy prolong my reason to the last; or strike me at once to the dust!" He paced his cell with a hurried step. He wrung his hands. He stood still. He folded his arms, fixing his eyes vacantly on the earth. Again he moved onward, as quickly as his heavy chains would permit him. He sat down. But let us draw a veil over the picture. Who can contemplate it without

sickness of heart?

At the place of execution an extraordinary circumstance occurred. Selwyn had remained inflexible in his determination to hold no farther communication with any man whatever. It was the duty of the clergyman, however, to attend him to the scene of death; but Selwyn would permit him to perform no ceremony of any kind, and excused himself from holding any discourse with him. Before the executioner had completed his awful preparations, Selwyn directed him to desire the clergyman to come to him.

them out of the case, locked the trunk, placed the keys exactly where he found them, and went int the garden to examine the pistol more attentively. While there, he saw his father approach, and fearing his displeasure, threw the pistol into a brook, by the side of which he was standing, and dared not afterwards mention the subject.


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brought nothing of my own but the thread that ties then"


The following is a copy of that paper. It was published in every journal of those days. The Declaration, confirmed with his last breath, at the place of execution, of George Selwyn, who was executed for the murder of the Hon. Charles Grenville. "I, George Selwyn, declare, before God and men, that I am innocent of the crime for which I am about to be Thus was this fatal mystery explained. The put to death. I protest against the sentence which has truth of the boy's statement was confirmed by a condemned me, and the power which takes away my life. discovery of the pistol in the place which he dis I have endeavoured to escape, but I am surrounded by a power which crushes me, and against which it is vain to cribed. On inquiry, it was proved that Selwyn had struggle. I execrate the principle which deprives me of been at the trunk but an hour before the boy, and that existence which the common Maker of us all alone no doubt, observing the pistols were there at the can give, and which he alone has a right to take away. Had I a voice which could fill the earth, I would exclaim time, and having had the key in his possession ti against it till it was stopped in death, as I do now with the officer apprehended him, he did not even examin that which extends not beyond the walls of my cell. I the trunk; undoubtedly, that he might prevent s call upon my fellow-countrymen; I call upon every man of feeling and reflection, who shall hear of my melancholy picion of the possibility of collusion. story, seriously to consider whether there be no better every case of murder, the very same crime as the delinmethod of punishing offences than that of committing, in quent himself, and in every other case infinitely greater crimes. Before he gives his sanction to one more legal have here only made a nosegay of culled flowers, and han murder, I implore him to consider whether all punishment ought not to be corrective: whether, when a crime is committed, society ought not to endeavour to lessen the evil as much as possible, and not increase it by raising it tion of a human being: and whether it be not possible to into the greatest that can happen, namely, the exterminamake the very crimes of its members useful to the state. The editor of the London Weekly Review has by If I could believe that my awful fate will be the means of awakening the attention of reflecting minds to the subject; some means put the public in possession of the fai if I could persuade myself that the tremendous injustice lowing story from Sir Walter Scott's new novel of to which I fall a victim will be the occasion of gradually; the Chronicles of the Canongate before the work itse though ever so slowly, preventing its recurrence, I should in vain. But why should I hope it? Hundreds have in vigorous delineation of character to any of the die without a murmur-I should feel that I have not lived is regularly published. It is, in our opinion, equa been in my situation It is known, it has been proved by former productions of this highly-gifted auth indubitable evidence, that men have been murdered in cold blood for crimes of which they were innocent as the although we think the catastrophe might have bee Deity himself: yet things have gone on just the same: effected without resorting to the exploded mummer and when my name shall have been numbered with these of second sight. So great is the public curiosity u melancholy monuments of human weakness and wickedness, the same tragedies will be repeated. Reader, whoever get a sight of this new work, that we have issati thou art, believest thou that there is a God; that he observes this number of the Kaleidoscope some days before v what is done in his large family, and that he will decide on regular publishing day, in order that we might no the deeds and destinies of his children? Pause, then, and reflect on the judgment which our common Father will be forestalled by too many of our cotemporaries pass between me and thee; for thou art part of the society Edit. Kal. "“I am a dying man. I firmly believe there is a which deprives me of the boon he gave, and unless thou liftest up thy voice against its injustice, thou participatest God. I firmly believe that he observes the actions of its guilt. This is the last effort I can make for thy of men, and will punish or reward them in a future good. I have now done with all earthly things My It was the day after the Doune Fair when my story com mences. It had been a brisk market, several dealers state, as they have done good or evil. It is possible, race is run. I can calculate the moment when my ex-attended from the northern and midland counties a istence, at least in its present mode, will end. What that in the short space of ten minutes I may be be-scenes are before me! What will be my future destiny! fore his bar. Feeling, as I do, the purity of his What sensations, what employments, what woes, what joys nature, and knowing, as I know, the purity he re- await me! It is at moments when these thoughts fill the quires, judge whether at this moment I can be soul, and these moments must come to every man, that one wishes to have spent one's whole life in acts of charity, capable of uttering conscious falsehoods. That mercy, and piety." paper contains the deliberate, the weighed, the solemn declarations of my soul at the moment when In less than a month after the grave received the it feels itself, I had almost said, in the immediate remains of the unhappy Selwyn, it was re-opened to cult trade of driving, which seems to suit them as well The Highlanders in particular are masters of this diff presence of its Maker-certainly when it feels that a admit those of his wife and of his youngest child. the trade of war. It affords exercise for all their habits a single instant only separates it from the Judge who The death of his child was extraordinary. He patient endurance and active exertion. They are require will decide its eternal destiny. I charge you in the was a boy of uncommon acuteness and sensibility. know perfectly the drove-roads, which lie over the wilde name of that God, whom you profess to revere, and He loved his father with an affection beyond his highways, which distress the feet of the bullocks, and tracts of the country, and to avoid as much as possible th whose servant you profess to be, that you publish it years. Some days after his father's execution, he turnpikes, which annoy the spirit of the drover; whereas to the world just as it is. I have no reason to ques- heard a conversation, from which he learnt that the the broad green or gray track, which leads across the part tion your integrity, nor to believe that you are desti-chief circumstance which condemned his father was less moor, the herd not only move at ease and without tas ation, but, if they mind their business, may pick up ture of feeling. When, therefore, I tell you that I the mystery connected with the pistol. It then re-mouthful of food by the way. At night the drovers usual cannot die in peace unless you promise faithfully to mained a mystery no longer. It seems, a few hours sleep along with their cattle, let the weather be what it w

The clergyman obeyed the summons. Selwyn requested that he would remove the fold of his waistcoat, and take from his bosom a paper which he would find there.

The clergyman having done so, Selwyn fixed his eyes earnestly on him, and in a most solemn manner



England, and the English money had flown so mer about as to gladden the hearts of the Highland farme Many large droves were about to set off for England, der the protection of their owners, or of the topsmen whet they had employed in the tedious, laborious, and resp sible office of driving the cattle for many hundred mile from the market where they had been purchased, to th fields or farm-yards where they were to be fattened for th shambles.


and many of these hardy men do not once rest under a roof
during a journey on foot from Lochaber to Lincolnshire.
They are paid very highly, for the trust reposed is of the
last importance, as it depends on their prudence, vigilance,
and honesty, whether the cattle reach the final market in
good order, and afford a profit to the grazier. But as they
maintain themselves at their own expense, they are especi-
ally economical in that particular. At the period we speak
of, a Highland drover was victualled for his long and toil-a
some journey, with a few handfuls of oatmeal and two or
three onions, renewed from time to time, and a ram's hern
filled with whiskey, which he used regularly, but sparingly,
every night and morning. His dirk, or skene-dhu, (that is,
Black knife,) so worn as to be concealed beneath the arm,
or by the folds of the plaid, was his only weapon, except-
ng the cudgel with which he directed the movements of the
attle. A Highlander was never so happy as on these oc-
asions. There was a variety in the whole journey, which
xercised the Celt's natural curiosity and love of motion;
here were the constant change of place and scene, the petty
dventures incidental to the traffic, and the intercourse with
he various farmers, graziers, and traders, intermingled
with occasional merry-makings, not the less acceptable to
Donald that they were void of expense; and there was the
consciousness of superior skill; for the Highlander, a child
amongst flocks, is a prince amongst herds, and his natural
abits induce him to disdain the shepherd's slothful life. so
hat he feels himself nowhere more at home than when fol-
wing a gallant drove of his country cattle in the character
their guardian.

book,) and plenty of English gold in the sporran (pouch of | Glenae, come of the Manly Morrisons of auld lang syne,
goat skin.")
that never took short weapon against a man in their lives.
And neither needed they: they had their broadswords,
and I have this bit supple (showing a formidable cudgel)
for dirking ower the board, I leave that to John High-
landman.Ye needna snort, none of you Highlanders,
and you in especial, Robin. I'll keep the bit knife, if
you are feared for the auld spaewife's tale, and give it
back to you whenever you want it."

The bonny lasses made their adieus more modestly, and
more than one, it was said, would have given her best
brooch to be certain that it was upon her that his eye last
rested as he turned towards his road.
Robin Oig had just given the preliminary "Hoo-hoo!"
to urge forward the loiterers of the drove, when there was
cry behind him.

[ocr errors]

Stay, Robin-bide a blink. Here is Janet of Toma-
hourich-auld Janet, your father's sister."
"Plague on her, for an auld Highland witch and spae-
wife," said a farmer from the Carse of Stirling: "she'll
cast some of her cantrips on the cattle."

"She canna do that," said another sapient of the same
profession-"Robin Oig is no the lad to leave any of them,
without tying Saint Mungo's knot on their tails, and that
will put to her speed the best witch that ever flew over
Dimayet upon a broomstick."

It may not be indifferent to the reader to know, that the Highland cattle are peculiarly liable to be taken, or infected, by spells and witchcraft, which judicious people guard against by knitting knots of peculiar complexity on the tuft of hair which terminates the animal's tail.


Robin was not particularly pleased with some part of Hugh Morrison's speech; but he had learned in his travels more patience than belonged to his Highland constitution originally, and he accepted the service of the descendant of the Manly Morrisons, without finding fault with the rather depreciating manner in which it was offered.

If he had not had his morning in his head, and bean but a Dumfries-shire hog into the boot, he would have spoke more like a gentleman. But you cannot have more of a sow but a grumph. It's a shame my father's knife should ever slash a haggis for the like of him."

Thus saying, (but saying it in Gaelic,) Robin drove on his cattle, and waved farewell to all behind him. He was in the greater haste, because he expected to join at Falkirk a comrade and brother in profession, with whom he proposed to travel in company.

Robin Oig's chosen friend was a young Englishman, Harry Wakefield by name, well known at every northern market, and in his way as much famed and honoured as our Highland driver of bullocks. He was nearly six feet high, gallantly formed to keep the rounds at Smithfield, or maintain the ring at a wrestling match; and although he might have been overmatched, perhaps, among the regular professors of the Fancy, yet as a chance customer, he was able to give a bellyfull to any amateur of the pugilistic art. Doncaster races saw him in his glory, betting his guinea, and generally successfully; nor was there a main fought in Yorkshire, the feeders being persons of celebrity, at which he was not to be seen, if business permitted. But though a sprack lad, and fond of pleasure and its haunts, Harry Wakefield was steady, and not the cautious Robin Oig M Combich himself was more attentive to the main chance. His holidays were holidays indeed; but his days of work were dedicated to steady and persevering labour. In countenance and temper, Wakefield was the model of Old England's merry yeomen, whose clothyard shafts, in so many hundred battles, asserted her superiority over the nations, and whose good sabres, in our own time, are her cheapest and most assured defence. His mirth was readily excited; for, strong in limb and constitution, and fortunate in circumstances, he was disposed to be pleased with every thing about him; and such difficulties as he might occasionally encounter, were, to a man of his energy, rather matter of amusement than serious annoyance. With all the merits of a sanguine temper, our young English drover was not without its defects. He was irascible, and sometimes to the verge of being quarrelsome; and perhaps not the less inclined to bring his disputes to a pugilistic decision, because he found few antagonists able to stand up to him in the box

But the old woman who was the object of the farmer's suspicion seemed only busied about the drover, without paying any attention to the flock. Robin, on the contrary, appeared rather impatient of her presence. "What auld-world fancy," he said, "has brought you so early from the ingle-side this morning, Muhme? I am Of the number who left Doune in the morning, and with sure I bid you good even, and had your God-speed, last e purpose we have described, not a Glunamie of them all night." cked his bonnet more briskly, or gartered his tartan hose And left me more siller than the useless old woman der knee over a pair of more promising spiogs (legs) than will use till you come back again, bird of my bosom," said Robin Oig M Combich, called familiary Robin Oig, that the sibyl. "But it is little I would care for the food that Young, or the Lesser Robin. Though small of stature, nourishes me, or the fire that warms me, or for God's the epithet Oig implies, and not very strongly limbed, blessed sun itself, if aught but weal should happen to the was as light and alert as one of the deer of his moun-grandson of my father. So let me walk the deasil round He had an elasticity of step, which, in the course of you, that you may go safe out into the far foreign land, and long march, made many a stout fellow envy him; and come safe home." e manner in which he busked his plaid and adjusted his Robin Oig stopped, half embarrassed, half laughing, and mnet, argued a consciousness that so smart a John High-signing to those around that he only complied with the old adman as himself would not pass unnoticed among the woman to soothe her humour. In the meantime, she traced e Lowland lasses. The ruddy cheek, red lips, and around him, with wavering steps, the propitiation, which hite teeth, set off a countenance which had gained by ex-some have thought has been derived from the Druidical Mure to the weather, a healthful and hardy, rather than a mythology. It consists, as is well known, in the person who agged hue. If Robin Oig did not laugh, or even smile makes the deasil, walking three times round the person requently, as indeed is not the practice among his country- who is the object of the ceremony, taking care to move ac men, his bright eyes usually gleamed from under his bon-cording to the course of the sun. At once, however, she et with an expression of cheerfulness ready to be turned stopped short, and exclaimed, in a voice of alarm and horror, ato mirth. "Grandson of my father, there is blood on your hand." The departure of Robin Oig was an incident in the little "Hush, for God's sake, aunt," said Robin Oig; you wn, in and near which he had many friends, male and fe- will bring more trouble on yourself with this Taishataragh ale. He was a topping person in his way, transacted con- (second sight) than you will be able to get out of for many letable buisness on his own behalf, and was intrusted by a day." best farmers in the Highlands, in preference to any other "The old woman only repeated, with a ghastly look, over in that district. He might have increased his busi-"There is blood on your hand, and it is English blood. to say extent had he condescended to manage it by The blood of the Gael is richer and redder. Let us see puty: but except a lad or two, sister's sons of his own, let us in rejected the idea of assistance, conscious, perhaps, Ere Robin Oig could prevent her, which, indeed, could much his reputation depended upon his attending in only have been by positive violence, so hasty and peremp-ing ring. an to the practical discharge of his duty in every in- tory were her proceedings, she had drawn from his side the ace. He remained, therefore, contented with the high-dirk which lodged in the folds of his plaid, and held it up, premium given to persons of his description, and comed himself with the hopes that a few journeys to England ght enable him to conduct business on his own account, manner becoming his birth. For Robin Oig's father, blan M.Combich (or, son of my friend, his actual clan mame being M Gregor,) had been so called by the cele. Rob Roy, because of the particular friendship chhad subsisted between the grandsire of Robin and renowned cateran. Some people even say, that Robin gderived his Christian name from a man, as renowned the wilds of Lochlomond as ever was his namesake. bin Hood, in the precincts of merry Sherwood. "Of hancestry," as James Boswell says, "who would not proud Robin Oig was proud accordingly, but his freat visits to England and to the Lowlands had given him enough to know that pretensions, which still gave him tle right to distinction in his own lonely glen, might be thobnoxious and ridiculous, if preferred elsewhere. The de of birth, therefore, was like the miser's treasure, the ret subject of his contemplation, but never exhibited to ingers as a subject of boasting.

Many were the words of gratulation and goodluck ich were bestowed on Robin Oig. The judges comnded his drove, especially the best of them, which were bin's own property. Some thrust out their snuff-mulls the parting pinch-others tendered the doch-an-dorrach parting cup. All cried-" Good-luck travel out with u and come home with you. Give you luck in the Saxon arket-brave notes in the leablur-dhu, (black pocket


It is difficult to say how Henry Wakefield and Robin Oig first became intimates; but it is certain a close acexclaiming, although the weapon gleamed clear and quaintance had taken place betwixt them, although they bright in the sun, Blood, blood-Saxon blood again. had apparently few common topics of conversation, or of Robin Oig M'Combich, go not this day to England. interest, so soon as their talk ceased to be of bullocks. "Prutt, prutt," answered Robin Oig," that will never Robin Oig, indeed, spoke the English language rather do neither-it would be next thing to running the country. imperfectly upon any other topics but stots and kyloes, For shame, Muhme-give me the dirk. You cannot tell and Harry Wakefield could never bring his broad Yorkby the colour the difference betwixt the blood of a black shire tongue to utter a single word of Gaelic. It was in bullock and a white one, and you speak of knowing Saxon vain Robin spent a whole morning, during a walk over from Gallic blood. All men have their blood from Adam, Minch-Moor, in attempting to teach his companion to Muhme. Give me my skenedhu, and let me go on my utter, with true precision, the shibboleth Llhu, which is road. I should have been half way to Stirling brig by this the Gaelic for a calf. From Traquair to Murder-cairn, time-Give me my dirk, and let me go the hill rung with the discordant attempts of the Saxon "Never will I give it to you," said the old woman-upon the unmanageable monosyllable, and the heartfelt Never will I quit my hold on your plaid, unless you laugh which followed every failure. They had, however, promise me not to wear that unhappy weapon." better modes of awakening the echoes; for Wakefield The women around him urged him also, saying few of could sing many a ditty to the praise of Moll, Susan, and his aunt's words fell to the ground; and as the Lowland Ciceley, and Robin Oig had a particular gift at whistling farmers continued to look moodily on the scene, Robin interminable pibrochs through all their involutions, and Oig determined to close it at any sacrifice. what was more agreeable to his companion's southern ear, "Well, then," said the young drover, giving the scab-knew many of the northern airs, both lively and pathetic, bard of the weapon to Hugh Morrison," you Lowlanders to which Wakefield learned to pipe a base. Thus, though care nothing for these freats. Keep my dirk for me. I Robin could hardly have comprehended his companion's cannot give it you, because it was my father's; but your stories about horse-racing, cock-fighting, or fox-hunting, drove follows our's, and I am content it should be in your and although his own legends of clan-fights and creaghs, keeping, not in mine. Will this do, Muhme ?" varied with talk of Highland goblins and fairy folk, would Low-have been caviare to his companion, they contrived, nevertheless, to find a degree of pleasure in each other's The strong westlandman laughed aloud. company, which had for three years back induced them "Goodwife," said he, "I am Hugh Morrison from to join company and travel together, when the direction

"It must," said the old woman—“ that is, if the lander is mad enough to carry the knife."

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