no very easy operation, as his size was remarkably large. His defective sight, indeed, prevented him from enjoying the common sports; and he once pleasantly remarked to me how wonderfully well he had contrived to be idle without them. Lord Chesterfield, however, has justly observed in one of his letters, when earnestly cautioning a friend against the pernicious effects of idleness, that active sports are not to be reckoned idleness in young people; and that the listless torpor of doing nothing, alone deserves that name. Of this dismal inertness of disposition, Johnson had all his life too great a share. Mr. Hector relates, that he could not oblige him more than by sauntering away the hours of vacation in the fields, during which he was more engaged in talking to himself than to his companion. Dr. Percy, the bishop of Dromore, who was long intimately acquainted with him, and has preserved a few anecdotes concerning him, regretting that he was not a more diligent collector, informs me, that "when a boy he was immoderately fond of reading romances of chivalry, and he retained his fondness for them through life; so that," adds his lordship, "spending part of a summer at my parsonage-house in the country, he chose for his regular reading the old Spanish romance of Felixmarte of Hircania, in folio, which he read quite through. Yet I have heard him attribute to these extravagant fictions that unsettled turn of mind which prevented his ever fixing in any pro fession." After having resided for some time at the house of his uncle, Cornelius Ford, Johnson was, at the age of fifteen, removed to the school of Stourbridge, in Worcestershire, of which Mr. Wentworth was then master. This step was taken by the advice of his cousin, the rev. Mr. Ford, a man in whom both talents and good dispositions were disgraced by licentiousness, but who was a very able judge Cornelius Ford, according to sir John Hawkins, was his cousin german, being the son of Dr. Joseph [Q. Nathanael,] Ford, an eminent physician, who was brother to Johnson's mother.-MALONE. a He was a man, says Johnson, whose abilities, instead of furnishing convi of what was right. At this school he did not receive so much benefit as was expected. It has been said, that he acted in the capacity of an assistant to Mr. Wentworth, in teaching the younger boys. "Mr. Wentworth," he told me,." was a very able man, but an idle man, and to me very severe; but I cannot blame him much. I was then a big boy; he saw I did not reverence him; and that he should get no honour by me. I had brought enough with me, to carry me through; and all I should get at his school would be ascribed to my own labour, or to my former master. Yet he taught me a great deal." He thus discriminated to Dr. Percy, bishop of Dromore, his progress at his two grammar schools “At one, I learned much in the school, but little from the master; in the other, I learned much from the master, but little in the school." The bishop also informs me, that "Dr. Johnson's father, before he was received at Stourbridge, applied to have him admitted as a scholar and assistant to the rev. Samuel Lea, M. A. head master of Newport school, in Shropshire; a very diligent good teacher, at that time in high reputation, under whom Mr. Hollis is said, in the memoirs of his life, to have been also educated. This application to Mr. Lea was not successful; but Johnson had afterwards the gratification to hear that the old gentleman, who lived to a very advanced age, mentioned it as one of the most memorable events of his life, "that he was very near having that great man for a scholar." He remained at Stourbridge little more than a year, and then he returned home, where he may be said to have loitered, for two years, in a state very unworthy his uncommon abilities. He had already given several proofs of vial merriment to the voluptuous and dissolute, might have enabled him to excel among the virtuous and the wise. Life of Fenton.-ED. b He is said to be the original of the parson in Hogarth's Modern Midnight Conversation. Sir John Hawkins communicated to Mr. Nichols that the original of the parson was orator Henley. Nichols' Works of Hogarth, 4to. vol. ii. P. 110. © As was likewise the bishop of Dromore many years afterwards.--Boswell. his poetical genius, both in his school exercises and in other occasional compositions. Of these I have obtained a considerable collection, by the favour of Mr. Wentworth, son of one of his masters, and of Mr. Hector, his schoolfellow and friend; from which I select the following specimens: Translation of Virgil. Pastoral I. Melibaus. Now, Tityrus, you, supine and careless laid, Tityrus. Those blessings, friend, a deity bestow'd, Melibæus. My admiration only I exprest, (No spark of envy harbours in my breast,) Το you alone this happy state remains. Here I, though faint myself, must drive my goats, This scarce I lead, who left on yonder rock Translation of Horace. Book I. Ode xxii. THE man, my friend, whose conscious heart Though Scythia's icy cliffs he treads, For while by Chloe's image charm'd, No savage more portentous stain'd Dire nurse of raging lions, bore. Place me where no soft summer gale With horrid gloom the frowning skies: Place me beneath the burning line, I'll sing of Chloe's charms divine, Her heav'nly voice, and beauteous face. Translation of Horace. Book II. Ode ix. CLOUDS do not always veil the skies, Nor showers immerse the verdant plain ; Nor do the billows always rise, Or storms afflict the ruffled main : Niphates rolls an humbler wave, At length the undaunted Scythian yields, And scarce forsakes his native fields. Translation of part of the dialogue between Hector and Andromache; from the sixth book of Homer's Iliad. SHE ceas'd; then godlike Hector answer'd kind, His various plumage sporting in the wind: How would the Trojans brand great Hector's name! That Priam's house, and Priam's self shall bleed: |