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superior, and the defects which sink them into mehe work is divided into livraisons of greater or less ach livraison contains the works of a great master, account of his life, and an outline copy of each picture.


Iconographie romaine, par M. Mongez, tom. 2, faisant suite à l'Iconographie ancienne (grecque et romaine,) par E. Visconti. Paris, 1821.

"Towards the end of the 16th Century, Cardinal Fulvio Ursini, better known among the literati by the name of Fulvius Ursinus, selected from among the objects of antiquity, collected together at Rome, a number of Statues, Busts, Medals, &c. which exhibited Portraits of celebrated personages of Greece and Rome. A. Lafréné had this collection engraved, with some others equally authenticated, and published the whole at Rome, in 1669 in one vol. fol. This work was so well received, that Lafréné republished it, with notes supplied by Fulvius Ursinus himself. Another Edition in 4to. appeared in 1598, by Theodore Galle. A second Edition of this, was edited and commented upon, by Jean Faber, or Lefebre, and published in 1606. Carini (or his brother) republished it, in 1669, with a commentary in Italian, and this collection then received the title of Iconographie. The collection of Ursinus has been the foundation of those which have succeeded. The work now under review owes its existence to Napoleon, and was executed at the public expence. It forms one of the most magnificent productions of the day. The learned Visconti accomplished the Iconographie Grecque, which contains 304 portraits. The Notices, by him, are distinguished by vast erudition,

8vo. of text, and one vol. of plates. Supplement. Paris, 1819-22, 2 vols. with plates.

"This work serves as a catalogue, containing more than 20,000 impressions of medals. It is a valuable work that has found its way into almost every public library in Europe. Every Consul in the Levant has a copy of it; and every learned traveller makes it his vade mecum."-Revue Ency. vol. 17, p. 100.

ORLOFF (Grégoire).

Essai sur l'Histoire de la Musique en Italie, depuis les temps les plus anciens, jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, 1822, 2 vols. 8vo.

"We can at least assure the reader that the elements of the history of the Art are contained in this Essay. The author has spared no pains to procure all the information necessary to his work; and as he cites only the most accredited writers, we may venture to say that the facts which he has assembled may be entirely depended on."-Revue Ency. vol. 17, p. 88.


Manuel du Muséum Français, contenant une description analytique et raisonnée, avec une gravure, au trait, de chaque tableau, tous classés par écoles et par œuvres des grands maitres. Paris, 10 livraisons, 8vo.

This work gives an historical and accurate description of the pictures of the great masters, composing the Muséum Français. It was conceived that it would be doing a real service to the arts, to point out, in each of their productions, the beauties which

render them superior, and the defects which sink them into mediocrity. The work is divided into livraisons of greater or less extent; each livraison contains the works of a great master, with an account of his life, and an outline copy of each picture.


Iconographie romaine, par M. Mongez, tom. 2, faisant suite à l'Iconographie ancienne (grecque et romaine,) par E. Visconti. Paris, 1821.

"Towards the end of the 16th Century, Cardinal Fulvio Ursini, better known among the literati by the name of Fulvius Ursinus, selected from among the objects of antiquity, collected together at Rome, a number of Statues, Busts, Medals, &c. which exhibited Portraits of celebrated personages of Greece and Rome. A. Lafréné had this collection engraved, with some others equally authenticated, and published the whole at Rome, in 1669 in one vol. fol. This work was so well received, that Lafréné republished it, with notes supplied by Fulvius Ursinus himself. Another Edition in 4to. appeared in 1598, by Theodore Galle. A second Edition of this, was edited and commented upon, by Jean Faber, or Lefebre, and published in 1606. Carini (or his brother) republished it, in 1669, with a commentary in Italian, and this collection then received the title of Iconographie. The collection of Ursinus has been the foundation of those which have succeeded. The work now under review owes its existence to Napoleon, and was executed at the public expence. It forms one of the most magnificent productions of the day. The learned Visconti accomplished the Iconographie Grecque, which contains 304 portraits. The Notices, by him, are distinguished by vast erudition,

luminous criticism, sound judgment, and animated description. He also completed the first volume of the Iconographie Romaine. M. Mongez has succeeded in the undertaking, and has given, in the volume he has just published, the lives of the twelve Cæsars, and the principal persons who composed their families. To conclude, the Iconographie of Visconti and Mongez, deserves every recommendation, both for the beauty and fidelity of the Engravings, and the extraordinary merit of the text."- Revue Ency. vol. 26, p. 427-428-430.



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