Abbildungen der Seite

362.-Affricetur parti affect. sing. noct. Ung. Hydrarg. fort. magnit. fabæ equinæ, deinde applicetur cataplasma ex Liq. Plumbi Acet. dil., Micâ Panis et Farinâ Lini.

363.- Argent. Nitrat. Aq. destill.

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Fiat mist. et cum hâc illinantur part. affect. sing. noct. horâ somni prius deters.; vel linteum in eâdem madefiat et per totam noctem gestetur.

364.-Utatur balneo, ad grad. nonagesim. cale

facto, bis in septim.

365.- Fel. Bov.

Ol. Amygd.

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M. Fiant guttæ acoust. bis die applicand.

366.-Utatur æger equit. subinde, si fieri possit.

367.-Mittatur fist. arm.

368.- Zinci Sulph.

Aq. pur.



M. Fiat inject. quæ ex syph. eburn. in urethram

injiciatur mane et nocte.

369.- Liq. Ammon. Acet.


Amm. Hydrochl.




Fiat lotio, nocte cubitum ituro tumoribus applicand.

Mitte bij. cum directione propriâ.

370-Fiat fonticulus purul. ad med. brachium, ope Pot. fus.

371.-Cautè tangantur clavi Acid. Sulph. ope penicilli, dein tegantur Emplast. Plumbi.

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Fiat ung. cujus paululum p.r.n. applicetur, urgente ani prurigine.

[blocks in formation]

Aq. comm.



Coque per sext. part. horæ et cola; adde liquori

Soda Sulph..

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Solve et fiat enema statim injiciend. contra insult. apoplect. vel affectus soporosos adhibend.

375.-Mitte Emplast. Galb. super alutam indu


376.-Adhib. lav. frigid. vel tepid. prout ægro gratius erit.

377.-Capilli radant. et caput postea panniculo lotione frigidâ imbut. circumdet.

378.- Hydrarg. Bichlor.

Aq. pur.

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M. Hoc liquore, ter de die, injiciatur ulcus ope siph.; post sing. inject. materia relinq. intra ulcus et coerc. per dimidium horæ, claus. omn. apertur., tumque externè prem. leniter ulcus ut liq. eject. per omn. sinus et meatus propell.

379.- Dec. Mal. comp.

(c. Fœnic. Semin. cont. 3iij.) 3xiv Ft. enem. statim tepide injiciend. Jan. vj°.






1.-DETRAHATUR è brachio sanguis ad uncias decem statim. Let blood be immediately drawn from the arm to ten ounces.

2.-Fiat venæsectio, ut fluant sanguinis unciæ quinque. Let venesection be performed, that five ounces of blood may flow.

3.-Opus est venam cubiti secare, ut sanguis fluat ad uncias decem. It is necessary to cut a vein of the arm, that blood may flow to ten ounces.

4. Ad recidivum præcavendum, detrahatur sanguis pro re nata. To prevent a relapse, let blood be occasionally drawn.

5.-Extrahatur sanguis pleno rivo, ad uncias sex, quamprimum. Let blood be taken away as soon as possible, in a full stream, to six ounces.

6.-Emitte sanguinis uncias sexdecim saltem,vel ad deliquium. Take away at least sixteen ounces of blood, or to fainting.

7.-Dimove sanguinem, per saltum, ad uncias decem vel ultra. Remove blood by leaps, to ten

ounces or more.

8.-Detrahantur ex arteriâ temporali sanguinis unciæ sex, quamprimum. Let six ounces of blood be drawn as soon as possible from the temporal artery.

9.-Mittatur sanguis illicò ex largo vulnere ad uncias decem, vel donec æger pallescat vel languescat. Let blood be immediately taken from a large wound (i. e. orifice) to ten ounces, or until the patient becomes pale or faint.

10. Repetatur sanguinis detractio, et localis et generalis. Let the blood-letting, both local and general, be repeated.

11. Iterum fiat venæsectio ad defectionem animi. Let venesection be again performed to fainting.

12. Sanguis eodem modo quo ante, iterum mittendus est, verò ad uncias sexdenas. Blood is to be again drawn, in the same manner as before, but to sixteen ounces.

13.-Pertundatur vena brachii, et detrahatur sanguis ad uncias viginti, vel usque ut liquerit animus. Let a vein of the arm be opened [literally, bored or beat through], and blood be drawn to twenty ounces, or to fainting.

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