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in the person whom I had thus atrociously outraged, I discovered the preserver of my dear boy's life." A deep groan concluded this part of his confession, and his whole frame shuddered, as if his inmost soul were revolted at the statement of his own monstrous villainy.

"A new light flashes upon me," said Middleton," and in spite of your disguise, methinks I now recognise the man who, when I was assaulted at Widow Allan's house, was addressed by his comrades as Gentleman Joe."

“I am that monster," groaned Clements, striking his forehead with his clenched fist.

"Monster indeed!" cried his interrogator, recoiling with involuntary horror. "What injury had I done you to justify so ruthless and deadly a hatred ?”

"None-none-I knew you not-I had never seen you ;—but I was in sharp distress-in danger; and a devil-a fiend in the likeness of a man, bribed me with gold to practise against your life."

"Gracious heavens! have I then another VOL. III.


enemy still more cruel than yourself? Keep me not in suspense-his name?—his name!"

"Caleb Ball," said Clements, speaking through his closed teeth, and clutching his hands convulsively, as if the very mention of the words filled him with disgust and detestation.

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Impossible! utterly impossible! nothing shall persuade me to believe so monstrous a fiction. Caleb Ball! He is my cousin-my friend. I never did him an injury in my life. Psha! your brain is bewildered by your illness-you know not what you say."

"There is indeed a fiery anguish in my brain, as if the pangs of death were upon me; but well, too well do I know what I am saying, and I repeat my words, it was your cousin, Caleb Ball, who set me on to murder you, who dictated the letter about Miss Norberry, and who has since attempted to poison you, though I was no party to that atrocious deed. I have more-more-more to tell you, but I am sinking-brandy-let me have brandy that I maythat I may-Oh, mercy-mercy!" His lips

still slowly moved, but without any articulate sound, and he fell back upon the sofa, utterly overcome by contending emotions, and the efforts he had made to tell his tale, shortly and imperfectly as he had been enabled to nar

rate it.


No; man is dear to man; the poorest poor
Long for some moments in a weary life,

When they can know and feel that they have been
Themselves the fathers and the dealers out
Of some small blessings; have been kind to such
As needed kindness, for this simple cause,
That we have all of us one human heart.


Certain it is, that whenever the future is hopeless, the mind is easily converted from the rugged to the criminal. E. L. BULWer.

MIDDLETON was still sitting by the sofa, reflecting upon the strange statement he had just heard, which he attributed, so far as it related to Caleb Ball, to mental aberration, when the medical man arrived, and, after feeling the pulse of the patient, recommended that he

should be left perfectly undisturbed, as his present exhaustion would probably induce sleep, from which he would derive more benefit than from all the resources of art. This prediction was verified. He slept for several hours, and though, upon awaking, his ideas remained for some time perturbed and confused, his strength had evidently returned to him, and his bodily faculties had nearly recovered their pristine vigour. As his blindness, however, continued, he could not be persuaded that he was long to remain in a world from which he was thus shut out; the fear of immediate death was still strongly upon him: and, after enquiring with much tenderness for his boy and his sister, he addressed himself to Middleton, expressing an anxious desire to give a short account of his life, in order that he might explain more fully the origin of his connection with Caleb Ball, and the circumstances that had reduced him from a respectable station, to become the associate of thieves and murderers. In his compunctious solicitude to make what atonement was yet possible, he desired that witnesses

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