VERMONT 89145 Ꮪ Ꭲ Ꮑ Ꭲ Ꭼ Ꮲ Ꮑ Ꮲ Ꭼ Ꭱ Ꮪ ; BEING A COLLECTION OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS, CONNECTED WITH THE ASSUMPTION AND ESTABLISHMENT VERMONT ; TOGETHER WITH THE Journal of the Council of Safety, THE FIRST CONSTITUTION, THE EARLY JOURNALS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND THE LAWS FROM THE YEAR 1779 TO 1786, INCLUSIVE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND COUNCILS OF CENSORS. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM SLADE, JUN. SECRETARY OF STATE. MIDDLEBURY : J. W. COPELAND, PRINTER. F 52. A2 L. S. B DISTRICT OF VERMONT, TO WIT. E IT REMEMBERED, that on the third day of February, in the forty-seventh year of the Independence of the United States of America, WILLIAM SLADE, Junior, of the said district, Esquire, hath deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit:-"Vermont State Papers; being a collection of records and documents counected with the assumption and establishment of government by the people of Vermont; together with the journal of the Council of Safety, the first Constitution, the early journals of the General Assembly, and the laws from the year 1779, to 1786, inclusive To which are added the proceedings of the first and second Councils of Censors. Compiled and published by WILLIAM SLADE, Jun Secretary of State." In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." JESSE GOVE, A true copy of record, examined and sealed by CONTENTS. Page. 8 Ancient inscription, 568 - INDEX TO THE DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE CONTROVERSY WITH Correspondence between the Governors of New-Hampshire and New-York, relative to the jurisdiction of those provinces, commencing November, 1749, List of grants made by the Governor of New-Hampshire, west of Connecticut river, previous to the year 1765, Grant from Charles II to the Duke of York, by virtue of which the territory called the New-Hampshire grants, was originally claimed by the province of New-York, Proclamation of the Governor of New-Hampshire, asserting the claim of that province to the grants, west of Connecticut river, March, 1764, Page. 10 18 16 17 Order of the King in Council, establishing the west bank of Connecticut river as the boundary between the provinces of NewYork and New-Hampshire, July, 1764, 19 Order of the King in Council, prohibiting the Governor of New- tory, July, 1767, 20 Continuance of grants by the Governor of New-York, and vio lent proceedings, thereupon, 21 Communication from the Governor of New-York to the inhabi tants of Bennington and its vicinity, May, 1772, 22 Answer of the inhabitants of Bennington, &c. to the foregoing communication, June, 1772, 23 Communication of Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, Remember Baker and R. Cochran, to the Governor of New-York, June, 1772, Order of Governor of New-York, suspending prosecutions in behalf of the crown, against the inhabitants of the New-Hampshire grants, 24 29 Communication of the Governor of New-York to the inhabitants of Bennington and the adjacent country, relative to their dispossessing certain settlers in the vicinity of Otter Creek, Report of the Lords of trade to his Majesty's Privy Council, on the subject of this controversy, Dec. 1772, 33 Review of the controversy,--violent proceedings on the New INDEX. Act of the Legislature of New-York, "for preventing tumultuous March, 1775, York, April, 1775, - - - 42 49 55 60 61 64 66 Declaration and petition of the inhabitants of the New-Hamp- - 70 January and March, 1777, 73 Address of Thomas Young of Philadelphia, to the inhabitants of April, 1777, 76 Resolution of the Continental Congress recommending the as- 77 Vermont, - May, 1777, 77 Resolutions of Congress, on the subject of the assumed indepen- the Governor of New Hampshire, relative to the surrender of the fortress at Tyconderoga, and the exposed state of the frontier, - July, 1777, 79 Address of the Council of Safety, to the people of Vermont, re- |