COMMUNICATIONS. A Beautiful and Useful Book, 94 Heroism of the Ladies of the ciety,... 57 ..........139 254 Lecture's of Prof. Dunn,. 81 Intemperance, 52 111 Camp Meeting, ......151 Marsh's Defecated Oil,....... 33 27 .291 Capabilities of Africa,.... .......169 ...157 Carbon Oil,.... 98 ...307 Census of New London,....... 219 ...303 Centennial Celebration,...........140 62 ... • ...147 Changing a Five Hundred Dollar 38 ... 167 Cheerfulness,. 26 Child Angels,.. 231 To My Pupils in New London, 112 Washington in Danger,....... .107 213 Conn. S'ate Teachers' Association, 74 Metropolitan Hotel,.........273 Moral Laxity,.. 28 82 ......141 ......226 99 The Last Look,. The Rogerenes,.... 10 136 tion,....... Heavy Post Office Detalcation,.... 81 A California Orchard,........269 Superior Florist's Flowers,....240 The Albion Blackberry,......149 The American Pomological Society,......... The Boston Lady Currant.....149 Strawberrries,... 142 Interesting Artesian Well,. 232 Interesting Astronomical Items...238 It Biteth like a Serpent,.. M. 86 The Anna Grape,. ...204 ...5, 216 Agriculture in China, .113 The Cauliflower,. .......106 American Pomological Society, ......153 American Raspberries,.. ..234 A Profitable Gooseberry Bush, 77 The Concord Grape,.. The County Fair,.... 5 .210 The Curculio,...... K. ..35, 41 83 ...... .183 The Raspberry, Bugs and Cucumbers.. ..124 The Rose Sing,.... 77 .5, 171 59 Ladies' Sanitary National Associa tion.... 14 Lager Beer Saloons,. ...156 Lamartine's Opinion of Woman,.305 Language, .286 Making Needles,. Manufacturing Enterprise,..... Marriages. 15, 27, 33, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75,81,87, 93, 111, 117, 123, 141, 163, 169, 202, 226, 232, 255, 267, 279, 285, 291 .208 Melancholy Accident,.......... Meteorological Observations, 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59, 65, 71, 77, 83, 89, 95, 101, 107, 113, 118, 124, 130, 136, 142, 147, 149, 153, 159, 165, 171, 177, 183, 189, 204, 210. 216, 222, 228, 234, 240, 246. 252, 257, 263, 269, 275, 281, 287, 293, 999 .305, 308 135 80 .233, 239 California Fruit,...........95, 246 The Zante Current,... ...106 To Drive Bugs from Vines,...106 To Make Fruit Trees Bear, 89 Coal Ashes as a Manure,.....159 Commendable Enterprise,....124 Cranberries. Cranberry Culturist,. 89 65 Tomatoes from Cuttings,.....171 29 Cultivating Hops,.. 11 Watering Trees,. Cultivation of Fruit Trees,.... 95 Culture of the Carrot,........ Cutler's Seedling Strawberry,. 171 Downing's Mulberry,.... 17 171 Dwarf Broom Corn,...... .222 Dwarf Pears... 77 English Fruit.,.. 293 .269 ...171 Wheat Planted in Hills,...... 23 Winter Protection for Plants,.246 Work for the Flower Garden, 222 Yale Agricultural Lectures,..252 HOUSEHOLD HINTS, HEALTH RECEIPTS, &C. Advantages of Cleanliness,... 28 |