Abbildungen der Seite

sweet fire-side circle; I see ever before me the ever placid face of my Alice, as her eyes looked into my own with intelligent confidence. I feel her arms twine about my neck; the music of her voice is ever sounding in my ears."

Here the speaker's emotion overcame him. His utterance became choked, and

THE REPOSITORY: brightness and beauty of the sunshine of


Thursday, November 29, 1860.

To-day in accordance with the time

life, and for this, certainly, we have to-day renewed occasion for thanksgiving and praise. Even since the last occasion of its annual observance, we can look back upon many happy scenes, and count up the pleasant memories that the passing hours have numbered. Ourselves, our families,

he stood silent with bowed head and honored custom originating with our Pu- our relatives, our friends, have been sustrembling limbs. The dense mass of peo-ritan fathers, and the proclamation of the ple were hushed into an oppressive stillness, that was broken here and there by half stifled sobs. At that moment, there

tained by a kind Providence. Our counChief Executive of the State, is observed try has been prospered. Our liberties as a day of Thanksgiving and praise. It have been thus far preserved. God has is a day endeared by a thousand hallowed yet kept us as a people-yet preserved us associations, and brings with it in all their a nation, than which no nation on the vividness the scones and memories of the earth was ever more privileged. God has blessed us far beyond our deserts, has given us of the fullness of his bounty, and our smiling hills and fertile valleys have lit erally teemed with the richness of his gifts. Shall we not for this raise to Him the glad songs of thanksgiving and of praise?

so congenial then to our nature, and so

was a movement in the crowd. A single
female figure, before whom every one ap-
peared instinctively to give way, was seen
passing up the aisle. This was not observ-past. Before us rise the visions of our
ed by Delancy, until she had come nearly amid the bright realities of those seasons
youthful days, and our imaginations hover
in front of the platform on which he
stood. Then the movement caught his
ear, and lifting his eyes, that instant fell
on Alice; for it was she that was pressing
onward; he bent forward towards her
with suddenly lifted hands and eager eyes,
and stood like a statue until she had gained
the stand and advanced quickly to his side.
For a moment the two stood thus, the
whole audience thrilled with the scene,
were on their feet and bending forward.-

minute they stood; every one fully, as by a singular intuition, understanding the


fraught with the cheerful vivacity of youth
and ardent feeling. The family gather-
ing-the ancient church and its hour of
lamation, ample in its dimensions, un-
religious service-the Governor's proc-
folded by the pastor, and read in the ears
of the audience, invariably closing with
the stereotyped clause. "All servile labor
and vain recreation are by law on said
day forbidden"-the generous table, groan-
ing under its ample load of the richest vi-

Still we may not look back even upon the past year without undissembled emotion. Since the last time we shared

[ocr errors]

with endeared friends the greetings of this festal occasion, some have passed away to the spirit land. Many a silver cord has been loosed,"-many a pleasant tamily cir Then Delancy opened his arms, and Alice threw herself upon his bosom with a quick ands-the cheerful evening fire-the lus-ones been removed. Some sweet voices cle has been broken, and loving and loved wild gesture. Thus, for the full space of acious fruit-the juvenile nut-cracking and that filled with delight our listening ears merry "blind man's buff;" and amid all as they sounded the anthem of prafse to the cheerful and animated features of the Giver of our blessings, are now swellOne of the ministers then came loved parents and invited guests, who ing the anthem of eternal gladness in heaven. with approving smiles looked upon and encouraged the vivacity and innocent sports of the young-all come up before us, the bright imagery of former days and glowing youthful aspirations.Surely we would not, if we could, now, No, she is not," returned Delancy, amid the more sober realities and riper exmournfully. periences of our nature, obliterate the bright picture, or mar the beauty of these pleasing visions of by-gone days.

forward and gently separated them.
"No, no," said Delancy, "you must
not, cannot take her away from me."
“Heaven forbid that I should do that,"
replied the minister. "By your own con-
fession she is not your wife."

"But is ready to take up her vows again," Alice said, smiling through tears that now rained over her face.

And although with 'swelling hearts and quivering lips, we raise the accustomed song of praise to God “from whom all blessings flow," we realize his mercy still over us and the loved ones

around us.

And to many, very many, will the sweet reflection come, that like gathered flowers transplanted to a better land-the heavenly Paradise; these forms of earth will be gathered fresher, brighter, and more fragrant, to cluster in celestial beauty around the throne of God


These scenes of the past have indeed Before that large assembly, all standing changed. The venerated forms of loving and with few dry eyes, was said in a bro- parents have been, perhaps, consigned to ken voice, the marriage ceremony that the tomb, and we have deposited their And may thanksgiving from grateful gave Delancy and Alice to each other.-precious dust in the grave, with the blessed hearts ascend from thousands in our land As the minister, an aged man, with thin prospect of a glorious immortality. Com- who have been specially blessed of heavwhite locks, finished the rite, he laid his panions and friends may have left us, but en, unto whom the trials of poverty

hands upon the heads of the two he had joined in holy bonds, and lifting up his aged eyes, that streamed with drops of gladness, he said, in a solemn voice;

we are still enjoying the favor of the right
hand of the Most High. Many may have
been our trials, and complicated the mesh-
es of the net work of our after years, yet

and want have never come, into whose family circles the death-angel has not entered, and to whom the bitter cup of suffering and grief has never been admin

"What God has joined together, let what abundant reason have we for grati-istered-surely thanksgiving and praise

not RUM put asunder."
"Amen!" was cried by the whole as-
semby, as with a single voice.

tude and praise to the Great Giver of all
our mercies. Although we have not es-
caped all the shadows that have fallen
around us, we have enjoyed much of the

should ascend from hearts thus joyful in the good things of this life. And shall not these favored ones and all-all who enjoy in profusion the liberal gifts of the

benificent Creator, "remember the poor of the land," and while partaking of the rich bounty of his love, impart of their abundance to the destitute and suffering around them? And thus with purer joy and sweeter harmony be enable to unite in the glad songs of a true Thanksgiving of

the Heart..



INSCRIBED TO E. C., NOV. 29, 1860,

the store of Messrs. Carroll & Parmelee,
No. 14 Main Street, who are the author-
ized agents for this city.

We learn from the Star that "officer Dunford has had his suspicions aroused for some time that an Italian was concerned in the perpetration of these robberies.ARTHUR'S LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE. The fellow came to New London about With the December number, the pub-four months since, and was then “proprilishers of the Home Magazine announce eter" of a hand organ. He has been strolltheir purpose to give additional value and ing about the city for some time past, not interest to the work during 1861. Here- doing any work, but always appearing to tofore they have endeavored to make the have a plenty of money. On Thursday literary portion of their magazine, as it morning, Mr. Wm. B. Tate, on opening should be in all magazines, the most at- his store at N, 79 Bank Street, missed the tractive portion; to hold their readers by change from his money drawer, a ham Blessed is he that considereth the poor.-PS, ILL. 1. the magnetism of mind upon mind, and and some tobacco. He immediately notiwhile thus holding them strongly interest-fied officer Dunford of the robbery, and ed, so give moral power as well as intel- Mr. D. immediately visited the Italian's lectual pleasure. In a still higher degree boarding house, or Water Street, where will they aim to impart this quality to the the thief was tound. On being searched, Home Magazine." Additional literary a bunch of keys was found on his person, aid, of the right character, will be secured one of which fitted the lock to Mr. Tate's during the year, and the editors will, as store, and another which had been filed heretofore, be in constant communication to fit the lock of Mr. Smith's store. A with their readers, giving them the best silver plated watch was also found in his products of their minds. possession, inade by Josh. Johnston,-No. 3618. The ham and tobacco stolen from Mr. Tate's store were also found on the premises, and some articles that Mr. Smith claimed as his property, The thief also had a number of counterfeit bills in his pocket.

Friend of the needy! To the suffering poor
Thine hand is ever open; from whose door
No sorrowing one with poverty oppressed, -
E'er turns away unheeded or unblest.

Friend of the friendless! Thine's the pleasing task,
To shield the shivering form from Winter's blast;

Thine the unselfish act, in time of need,
The comfortless to cheer, the hungry feed.

Friend of the outcast! Thine the pleasure here,
An almoner of God; the gifts to bear
Of his rich bounty unto them distressed,
And joy impart to many an anguished breast.

Friend of the poor! Thy well known form we see
From day to day dispensing charity ;-
How much of deep-felt sorrow in the heart
Dost thou assuage-how much of joy impart.

Friend of thy race! How many hearts will bless
Thee for thy works of love, thy tenderness,-
Those who in penury and in bitter grief,
From thy kind hand have oft obtained relif.

And when thy works of charity and love
Have all been done below, and from above
The Master calls thee to thy final rest,
By grateful hearts thy memory shall be blessed.

[ocr errors]

This magazine presents strong attrac-
tions to the public, and we feel warranted
in recommending it to all who desire a
good healthful moral tone to pervade their
family reading. Its beautiful steel en-
gravings and colored fashion plates are
unsurpassed by any other magazine in the
country. A splendid premium plate, we
understand, will be forwarded each sub-ic
scriber to this magazine, at only $2 per
year. Subscriptions received by Starr &
Co., No. 4 Main Street,

THE GENESEE FARMER.-The December number of this excellent agricultural LITERARY NOTICES. journal is on our table. We would again

COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL.-We take pleasure in calling the attention of onr readers to this beautiful publication,

in connection with the Art Association

recommend the Genesee Farmer to all who
want a good, sound, practical, reliable
agricultural and horticultural journal,
costs only fifty cents a year.


A new vol-
ume commences with the next number.-

Now is the time to subscribe. Send the
fifty cents in stamps to Joseph Harris,
Rochester, N. Y., or get one of your
neighbors to join with you, and send a
dollar for two copies.

with which it is intimately related, and
which is more fully described in our ad-
vertising columns. The Cosmopolitan Art
Association has become one of the "insti-
tutions" uf our country, and sustains a
high position in regard to the progress of
Art in America. The office of this Asso-
ciation being to place works of true art
within reach of all classes, the induce-
ments offered to each subscriber are ex-
ceedingly liberal and almost unprecedent-late
ed. Again we would refer our readers to
its notice in our advertising columns which
more fully sets forth the advantages it of-
offers. The premium engraving, and spec-
imen numbers of the work may be seen at

CITY ITEMS. Burglary-DETECTION OF THE THIEF, -Several petty burglaries have been of perpetrated in this city, the thief or thieves in every instance heretofore escaping detection. The store of J. W. Smith, on Bradley Street, has been entered several times, and others have been also broken into and robbed of small amounts.—

THE MONEY PANIC.-The recent panin Boston and New York has during in New London, but not sufficiently to the past week prevailed to a trifling extent cause anything more than a very slight embarrassment in the commercial circles. Our shrewd business men, always on the lookout for a good investment, have taken the matter quite coolly, and improved the advantages offered in larger cities, by quietly investing in stocks that have been forced upon the market, at almost fabulously low prices. The Chronicle states that during the past week from thirty to forty thousand dollars was thus invested by capitalists in this city. The investthose concerned, but we cannot recommend ment will doubtless be very profitable to

the withdrawal of our own available re-. sources for such a purpose, at the present time. Doubtless the feeling now pervading the public mind, financially, will quietly subside, and full confidence soon be



PALMER-In Greenville, on the 22nd inst., Har-
WRIGHT. In Norwich, on the 23d inst., Wm. H
PECK.-In Old Lyme, yn the 16th inst., Dr. A. S.
Wright, aged 23.
Peck, aged 32 years.

vey A Palmer, son of Harvey C. Palmer, aged 17.



[From the Patriot.]

The following lines were suggested by the early departure of MISS VIRGINIA A BENTON, of Roxbury, Mass.

O! could you see the joyous throng
That round God's altar stands,
With golden harps, to tune his praise,
And palms within their hands;
Could ye but see that bright array,
So pure from spot or stain,
Ye could not call your loved one back,
To weep on earth again.

Could ye but know whose arms enfold
Your cherished darling now;
Could ye but see the crown of light,
That sparkles on her brow;
Could ye but feel the rapture pure,
That marks her angel strain ;-
Ye would not surely call her back
To weep on earth again.

Joy! joy! the precious tear drops flow!
I've touched their swelling springs:
And God has sent his holy balm
Of healing, on my wings.

Peace, for the spirits reconciled

To his unerring will;

Peace to the hearts that bend-not burst,
That weep-yet trust Him still.

Ah! mid the flight of weary years,
Loft to earth will come,

To shed the rays of heavenly Hope
Around my earthly home.

I'll watch my parent's couch beside,
I'll be with them in prayer,
Then bear their wishes up to Heaven,
And plead those wishes there.

And when the chord of life is rent,
Which separates us now,
When Death his signal seal has set,
Upon each parent's brow,-
My harp shall be the first to hymn,
Their welcome to the skies;
My form shall be the first to meet
Their rapture beaming eyes.

O! mother dear, farewell, farewell!
I have not come in vain,
Ye would not, if ye could, recall
My soul to earth again.

Live on, for those who yet remain,
To heed your loving care;
Live on ! Your hearts will not be dark,
For God's own light is there.



Strong minded! A term of frightful import to many a feinale ear; and some women are so weak-minded that they will start back with a blush if the epithet is applied to them.

'Twas our strong minded women of '76 who nerved our patriots to battle and to victory. Where would have been our freedom from British tyranny if our country then, as now, had been cursed with sickly sentimentalism about woman's sphere-this false delicacy about her strong mindedness?

This" fippery, foppery," fashionable etiquette, which can only allow a woman to sim per behind her fan, to talk nonsense in white kids, and faint at the sight of a caterpillar, will never produce a generation of Washingtons or Adamses.

They seem to associate with the phrase what they have endured,-others,—while everything unlady-like, indelicate, and the fire which will not be quenched is masculine. This is a total perversion of burning within, the worm gnawing, and its meaning. 'Tis the strong minded wo- their heartstrings breaking,—rather than men who endure labor and hardship, pri- to show the world the agony which cannot vation and pain, poverty and self-denial, be relieved, seek to cover their aching without shrinking. hearts and withered hopes with the semblance of joy,—with smiles and laughter, and seeming happiness,-but too often their wild mirth is like flowers on the grave of the lost; they cover only the ruins of what was once beautiful. Alas! that to the children of men should come such bitter sorrow as to make their hearts a sepulchre. Though this world is not all sadness,-for there are joys here many and rich,—there are sorrows which sweep like lightning through the heart and brain, crisping every living thing, striking to clay, all we have loved most; and though in our sufferings there may be pangs widStrong minded! We ought to glory in er far than in a thousand deaths, yet there the name, and thank Heaven that we are is something divine in the idea of sufferso many removes from idiocy! Do not ing. Even CHRIST suffered deep and long. fear, gentlemen, we have no notion of step- By suffering, when we allow it to answer ping into your pants, of wearing your hat its true ends, our spirits are purified and and moustache, of twirling your cane, or made better for the kingdom of Heaven. smoking your cigar! We only mean to What nobler sight can be imagined than mind our own business, recognize our own one weighed down by suffering, patiently individuality, and scout the idea that we enduring all the Master sends for His are a "part and parcel" of our "lords and sake! There are many who, when a few masters." +6 Lord and master!" That bitter dregs are placed in their stereotyped phrase, fresh from the mint of push it all away, exclaiming. “Oh, my would old Paganism, sounds well, when applied Father! this is too much for thy child,— to the women of the nineteenth century, give me the release of death!" thinking doesn't it? Sounds well when the Bible they are acting magnanimously. Ah, the weakness of human nature! Had GOD Let it be distinctly understood, that wo-desired to take them to Himself without men are a part of humanity, and the great-discipline thus derived, never would the er their mental strength, the greater their cup have been given them. 'Tis cowardly influence for doing good, if rightly direct-to wish for death; but the act of a noble ed. Woman, unless made so by constitutional defect, ought to be ashamed if she is not strong minded. What right has she, through idleness and dissipation, to let the powers of her mind dwindle and die, till she becomes a cipher in community.-Life Illustrated.

tells us to call no man master!"

[From Moore's Rural New Yorker.]


mind to nerve the soul to encounter all that lies in store for it," to suffer and be strong." Some there are, when the waves of sorrow roll over their souls, who forget the duties they owe themselves, their fellow beings, and their GOD, and selfishly give themselves up to their own sorrow, and thus the purposes of the All-Wise are not accomplished. When we see those whose souls rise above the afflictions of this world,-which are but for a moment compared with the eternity beyond,-we reverence them in their sorrow. It must be a sweet consolation to earth's stricken That there is suffering in our world, no ones to know the more they endure here one will deny, for in almost every counte- of sorrow, the sweeter will be the rest in nance are the lines of agony. Both young and old have their share in the common approving GOD. Heaven, the brighter the smiles of an suffering. Some wear their sorrows on their faces, as if for all the world to know

"Oh, fear not in a world like this,
And thou shalt know ere long,
Know how sublime a thing it is
To suffer, and be strong."


Hillsdale, Mich., 1860.


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This is the month in which to attend to

the wants of all tender shrubs and plants. There are many things in our gardens, which, if they were so well provided for in Winter as the wild plants of the woods overhung by trees, and covered with leaves-would need no further care; but when in the open ground, and exposed to wind, and frost, and sunshine alternately, they will fare hard if not protected by artificial means. North of this city, many shrubs and nearly all herbaceous plants are benefitted by a slight covering. Slight we say, for barn is sometimes done by too thick a blanket.

cloudy clear cloudy Very high and sold winds.


These must have their boughs gathered up and blackberry. Evergreen boughs placin a bundle, and then surrounded by a ed about any tender trees, afford the best thin sheathing of straw, or old matting, and safest protection. fastened in its place by stout cords. If evergreen boughs are neatly tied around shrubs, the appearance is much better than straw or mats. And for front lawns we big fruit, and successful pomological culSacramento papers are full of notices of recommend this mode; at a little distance ture. Some apples over fifteen inches in the effect is the same as that of handsome- circumference was recently exhibited. A ly trained evergreen bushes. gentleman has in his garden on of the Such tender roses as the Chinas, Bour-trees known as the "Dearborn Suckling," bons, Noisettes, and Teas, hybernate best which is but five feet high, on whose fraif put into a cool pit, covered with a win- gile boughs hang seventy-five large_pears. dow frame. But if the soil be well drain. The tree is supported by props. In the ed, tey will sometimes, (with the excep- same garden are rare specimens of pear tion of the tea roses) go through the win- trees of the Duchess d'Angouleme species, ter safely out of doors. If this is tried, one bearing twelve and another sixteen they should not only be covered with large pears; yet the trees are only of a leaves and soil, but should have a little year's growth, and are not larger than a For plants, many persons use long maroof of boards, shaped like an inverted common walking stick. The same garnure, putting a forkful or two about each eaves trough, to shed excess of rain from den contains also two Winter Nellis of the crown. This is very good, but for most them. Still, with the best of care, many same age and about the same thickness as things, a peck of forest leaves is the best will die, and others will come out in the others. On one of these trees are forprotection. These shed the rain like a Spring a good deal sporched. Last Win-ty-five large sized pears, on the other ten. roof, and keep the roots warm enough ter, we kept part of our tenderist roses by Adjoining tho latter are two Bartlett pear without heating thom. They will perhaps putting them in large pots in November trees, one bearing nineteen, and the other need fastening to the ground by a few keeping them in a carriage house chamber, thirty-five pears, averaging in weight one sticks or stones, to prevent their being until December, then taking them into a and one half pounds. These constitute a blown away. Carnations, picotees, dui light cellar, where they remained until curiosity equal to the mammoth trees of sies, Japan lilies, pyrethrums, srap drag-Spring; then they were re-plated in the Calaveras County. One quince, four feet ons, and other half-hardy plants winter garden. Souvenir de la Malmaison, (Bour-high, stem not larger than a common cane, quite well in this way. bon), Taglioni and Bougen, (Teas), and has on it twelve large quinces of an averAgrippina, (China). wintered well, and age weight of one and a half pounds each. flowered abundantly in the open ground-Ruralist. throughout the past Summer Again, we took up several China roses in November, laid them flat on the ground, covered them with the dry tops of phloxes and a few leaves, and finally a few inches of soil;

Tender shrubs may be protected easily. Make a small mound of old manure or of leaves around the roots, then bend down the branches carefully to the ground, and fasten them there by short stakes. Now, lay over them a few inches of leaves, or any loose litter, and ther. an inch or so of soil. All that they require is a light and porous covering to protect them from sud den changes of temperature. Of course, it is not expected to exclude frost entirely, for that will penetrate two or three feet in depth.

The above is all the covering that hybrid perpetual roses will need, and such shrubs as Foisythia virdisima. Reevess' spirea, and others of like habit. But some tender shrubs have such stiff branches that they cannot easily be bent to the ground.

and these wintered better than others of
the same kind left standing in the ground
and protected in the usual manner.--Ru-

[blocks in formation]

BAD NEWS FOR THE WINE DRINKERS. "It is of no use," says the Revue Bour• guignonne, "to deceive ourselves about the crop of our vineyards. It will be decidedly bad, whatever the weather may be from the present moment to the next vintage. So far as quality goes, 1860 will remind us of the worst years we can remember." The news is still melancholy from Champagne. The Courrier de la Champagne thinks that there is not even the least prospect of a vintage of any kind in that province. Nights being very cold, and the sun remaining hidden during the day, the grapes were not larger than green

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"My motto through life has been-Work and Adver tise. In business. Advertising is the true Philosopher's Stone, that turns whatever it touches into gold. I have advertised much, both in the weekly as well as the daily papers; nor have I found that those of the largest circulation, of either class, benefitted me the most--JOHN JACOB ASTOR. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS THE REPOSITORY GRATIS.

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Exeter Bank, Exeter...


Danby Bank, Danby...

[ocr errors]








THE REPOSITORY, together with either of the
following publications for one year, will be supi South Royalton Bank, South Royalton.... 90
plied to every subscriber, at the prices annexed, viz:
Authur's Ladies Home Magazine,.....
$2.50 Stark Bank, Bennington..
Godey's Lady's Book,..........
The Home Monthly,.
$3.00 Cochichuate Bank, Boston.

Atlantic Monthly,.


[ocr errors]

Harper's Monthly,........................................................... $2.75

Genesee Farmer,.........................................................$1.25 Grocer's Bank, Boston.....


[blocks in formation]

Albany Cultivator,.

American Agriculturist,..

Rural New Yorker,....


Life Illustrated,..


Gleason's Pictoral,.

Gleason's Literary Companion,.....................$2.25

Water Cure Journal,.

Phrenological Journal,....




$1.25 Western Bank, Springfield..
*.***....... $1.75
Bank of South County, Wakefield...
$2.25 Bank of the Republic, Providence....
Farmer's Bank, Wickford.....................
Hopkinton Bank, Westerly..
Mount Vernon Bank, Providence.
R. I. Central Bank, East Greenwich.
Tiverton Bank, Tiverton....
Warwick Bank, Warwick..




2 90

U.S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebra-
ted picture of the "Horse Fair,"..
Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inch-
es in size, in 15 oil colors,.....
Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this dis-
tinguished man, in oil colors,.
From the above it will be seen that a subscription
to the Repository in connection with many of the
above publications, will absolutely cost nothing,
and with the others only from twenty-five to fifty
cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs
the publisher more than a dollar. It is only through
the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore
that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the
Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book
Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who
will receive subscriptions for the same in connec-
on with the Repository.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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Cosmopolitan Art Association,

have made it a household word throughout every section of the country,

Under the auspices of this popular institution, over three hundred thousand homes have learned to appreciate-by beautiful works of art on their walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits derived from becoming a subscriber.

Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparalleled with that of any previous year.

Terms of Subscription.

Any person can become a member by subscribing three dollars, for which sum they will receive 1st. The large and superb steel engraving, 30x38 inches, entitled

"Falstaff Mustering his Recruits."

2d. -One copy, one year of that elegantly illus trated magazine,


"Cosmopolitan Art Journal."

3d.-Four admissions, during the season, to


In addition to the above benefits, there will be giv. en to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred beautiful Works of Art,

90 comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, outlines, etc., forming a truly national benefit.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]



Merchant's Exchange Bank, Bridgeport.... 90
Pahquioque Bank, Danbury.
Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport..
Woodbury Bank, Woodbury.
Agricultural Bank, Herkimer...
Bank of Central New York, Utica......
Bank of Orleans, Albion..........
Chemung County Bank, Horseheads...
Dairyman's Bank, Newport.......
Goshen Bank-refuse all notes printed on
white paper, as the bank repudiates
them some having been stolen.

Hamilton Exchange Bank, Green....

Hollister Bank, Buffalo...

New York City...

Ontario Bank, Utica, Safety Fund.
Ontario Bank, Utica, secured notes.
Ontario County Bank, Phelps....
Pratt Bank, Buffalo...
Reciprocity Bank, Buffalo...
Sackett's Harbor Bank, Buffalo.....
Western Bank, Lockport..........
Yates County Bank, Penn. Yann..
Nll the rest of the State.



The superb engraving, which every subscriber will receive, entitled, FALSTAFF MUSTERING HIS RECRUITS, is one of the most beautiful and popular engravings ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fine line and stipple, and is printed on heavy plate paper. 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suitable for the walls of either the library, parlor, or office. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Falstaff, receiving, in Justice Shal low's office, the recruits which have been gathered for his "ragged regiment." It could not be furnished by the trade for less than five dollars.

The Art Journal is too well known to the whole country to need commendation. It is a magnificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Essays, Stories, Poems, Gossip, &c., by the very best writers in America.

The Engraving is sent to any part of the country by mail, with safety, being. packed in a cylyinder, postage prepaid.

Subscriptions will be received until the evening of the 31st of January, 1861, at which time the books 1 will close and the premiums be given to subscribers. No person is restricted to a single subscription.Those remitting $15, are entitled to five member 5 berships and to one extra engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from California, the Canadas, and all Foreign Countries must be $3,50 instead of $3, in order to defray extra postage, etc.









For further particulars send for a copy of the ele gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the handsomest Magazine in America. It contains catalogue of premiuins, and numerous superb engravings.— Regular price, 50 cents per number. Specimen copies, however will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, on the receipt of eighteen cents, in stamps or coin. Address

C. L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A.


N, B.-Subscriptions received and forwarded by

Carroll & Parmelee,

Agents for New London, Conn., and vicinity, where specimen engravings and Art Journal can be seen.

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