REGISTER OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, AT EAST NEW LONDON. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1860. REPORTED BY H. E. CHITTY. HORTICULTURAL. CULTURE OF HYACINTHS. Plants of this class form what may be termed the staple of our earliest blossoms. They may be had from December to April in constant succession, with perhaps less trouble than would attend the culture of most plants for so long a period at the most inclement part of the year: hence their value and universal adoption. S. E. cloudy clear cloudy sion of roots, and your efforts will be Those intended for-out door decoration, where they will continue in bloom much longer than if left in a high temperature. With regard to the mode of potting, it Haycinths form a beautiful ornament when is very simple, and may thus be described. grown in glasses. For this purpose colorIn the first place, drain your pots thor-ed glasses are preferable to white, because The months of September, October, and oughly by means of broken potsherds plac- too much light is injurious to the bulbs.-November are usually regarded as the ed in the bottom of each pot, then fill the The bulbs for this purpose should be proproper season for planting the majority of pots to the rim already referred to, with-cured as early as possible and placed in bulbous rooted plants, a word or two as out pressing it down; take the bulb and the glasses, filled up to the neck so as to the manner of doing it may therefore place it on the surface, pressing it down about one fourth of an inch of the bulb is not be considered out of place, but be until the top is level with the rim of the covered, using soft water, standing them acceptable to those who, for the first time, pot, watering the whole, using a moderateattempt to grow their own flowers, forly fine rose, to settle the soil around the fleshy roots have nearly reached the botaway in a dark closet until their long whom, indeed, the following remarks are base of the bulb; then remove them to atom of the glass, after which expose them chiefly intended. cold frame or some sheltered situation, gradually to the lightest position you can standing the pots close to each other on a afford. As soon as the water becomes thich layer of charcoal dust, or boards, to fetid and muddy it should be renewed prevent the ingress of worms; cover them -say twice a week. Ir. severe weather, entirely over to the depth of a foot or eigh- they should be removed from the window teen inches with leaves or fresh saw-dust; to keep them free from frost. but I prefer the farmer on account of the genial heat which they impart, being can be planted from the latter end of Sephighly conducive to a vigorous start; tember to the middle of November; but Like its allies, the hyacinth delights in they ought to remain in this position for the sooner the better. As regards the a rich, porous soil; this is easily provided at least from four to six weeks, affording planting, it is done, nine times out of ten, by mixing together one-third coarse sea or the bulbs an opportunity to make plenty in a manner that would prove fatal to river sand, one-third thoroughly decom- of roots. During the time that they re-things of far less value. A hole made posed turf, one fourth rotten cow dung, at main in this position they will require ex-with a dibble, into which the bulbs are least two years old, and the remainder de-amining two or three times, giving water thrust without any other apparent desire cayed leaves. A compost of this kind I than to place them out of sight, is the sum have used for a number of years, and in of the attention they receive, in this very all cases have found it sufficient to meet important operation, at the hands of some the requirements peculiar to the class of of our patent practioners, and when the plants under consideration. It is a matblooming season cemes, instead of having ter of much importance to the grower to a fine bloom of strong, thrifty plants, the be particular in regulating the time of reverse is experienced. As a matter of potting to that of the time they are requircourse the blame is thrown upon the bulbs ed to be in bloom, for it is next to imposwhich, in nine cases out of ten do not desible to expect bulbs to throw up fine flowdeserve it. As I have already stated, all ors, which have only been potted a few bulbous plants should be allowed every fadays previous to their exposure to the accility for the spread of the roots; and the tion of light and heat; they cannot have only way to insure this is to stir up the provided themselves with the means of beds or borders to the depth of two feet, living, let alone those required to perfect As the plants advance in growth they mixing in at the same time as much rottheir floral developement. Their utmost must be supplied with water as often as ten cow dung and coarse sand as practicaendeavors, the greatest effort of their nathey require it. They will be very much ble. This done remove from the surface ture, are therefore altogether abortive; in improved, both in vigor and color of flow- about four inches of soil; then place the short, they are rootless, and plants withers, by watering occasionally with liquid bulbs on the surface, from nine inches to a out roots are in a state of nullity as remanure or guano water. When the flow-foot apart, and cover the whole with the gards developement of any kind; but pot ers are expanded, remove them to the soil removed, leaving it perfectly loose. them early to allow time for the protru- coolest place in the parlor or green house, when required. After standing for the plied to every subscriber, at the prices annexed, viz: 90 .90 90 10 20 .worthless NEW HAMPSHIRE. Exeter Bank, Exeter...... 90 90 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Danby Bank, Danby.. The Home Monthly,............................. Harper's Monthly,.................................................... American Agriculturist,.. Rural New Yorker,..................$2.50 Homestead,.. Life Illustrated,.. ..... $2.50 Gleason's Pictoral,... .... Gleason's Literary Companion,. Water Cure Journal,.. $2,25 .$.50 Phrenological Journal,.. $1.50 U.S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebra $2.00 $1,50 $1,50 ......worthless RHODE ISLAND. ted picture of the "Horse Fair," Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inches in size, in 15 oil colors,.... Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this distinguished man, in oil colors,... From the above it will be seen that a subscription to the Repository in connection with many of the above publications, will absolutely cost nothing, and with the others only from twenty-five to fifty cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs th. publisher more than a dollar. It is only through the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who will receive subscriptions for the same in connecon with the Repostiory. FOREIGN POSTAGE. The following table shows the rates of postage between this and the various foreign countries and ports with which regular mail communication is established. 10 2 .... 90 90 Bank of North America, Seymour..... worthless 2 MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. POST OFFICE, NEW LONDON, January 1, 1860. ( NEW YORK AND SOUTHERN-[by Steambest.] Closes at 8 P. M. Arrives at 2 o'clock A, M. NEW YORK AND SOUTHERN-[By Railroad,] Closes at II A. M., and 53 P. M. Arrives at P. M. NEW HAVEN. Closes at 11 A. M. and 53 P. M. The mail closing at 53 P. M. is the way mail by which the offices are supplied between New London and New Haven; matter for offices beyond New Ha ven, however, is also sent by the mail which loses at 12 P. M. An additional New Haven mail is also received at 8 P. M.. bringing nothing from offices between New Haven and New London. BOSTON, PROVIDENCE AND EASTERN. Closes for Steamboat and N &W. R. R. at 8 P. M. ALBANY AND WESTERN-[By Railroad.] Closes at 7 A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Arrives at 3 P. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On alternate days via Norwich, closing at 54 A. M., arriving at 6 P.M. CALIFORNIA MAIL. Closes for Sea Route on the 4th and 19th of each month, For Overland Route at St. Louis, every Monday and Thursday. The Post Office opens at 6 A. M. and closes at 8 P. M. On Sunday opens at 7 A. M. for one hour, and hese hours will be strictly observed. Letters or papers put into the outside box before 58 P M. for the New York Steamboat mail, or before 51 A. M. for the morning Railroad Mail, are always n time STANLEY G.TROTT, P.M. NEW Merchant's Exchange Bank, Bridgeport.... 90 Agricultural Bank, Herkimer.. Chemung County Bank, Horseheads.. Goshen Bank-refuse all notes printed on white paper, as the bank repudiates 24 cts. Ireland Scotland,. France, (oz.). 2 cts. Hamilton Exchange Bank, Green.. #34 66 6" Valparaiso, Chili,. Hollister Bank, Buffalo.. *34 " 6 " Callao, Peru, #22 66 New York City.. Palta, Peru,. Panama,.. *26 44 +92 " 10" *33 " 6" 4 66 Sandwich Islands,.. Australia, via Englahd.. Australia, via Marseilles,. *45" *Payment to be made in advance, All other letters optional. +Weekly, per annum. Papers in all cases to be paid in advance. Ontario Bank, Utica, secured notes. Ontario Bank, Utica, Safety Fund. DEVOTED TO THE CAUSE OF TRUTH, VIRTUE, AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Vol. III. HOPE AND PRAY. Hope on, though wild and dark the night. So e'en the dark shall yield more light, And though the night be dark and wild, The stars shine forth once more, with mild And though the strife be stern and long, BY B. BURITT. BY W. H. STARR NEW-LONDON, CT. Thursday, November 15, 1860 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR No. 39. dreds cut in the limestone butments. A clings with a convulsive shudder to his new feeling comes over their young hearts little niche in the rock, An awful abyss and their knives were in their hands in awaits his almost certain fall. He is faint an instant. "What man has done man with severe exertion, and trembling from can do," is their watch word, while they the sudden view of the dreadful destrucdraw themselves up and carve their names tion to which he is exposed. His knife is a foot above those of a hundred full grown worn way to the haft. He can hear the men who have been there before them. voices, but not the words of his terror stricken companions below. What a moment! a His What a meagre chance to escape destruction! There is no retracing his steps. It is impossible to put his hands into the same niche with his feet and retain his slender hold a moment. companions instantly perceive this new and fearful dilemma, and await his fall with emotions that "freeze their young blood." He is too high, too faint, to ask for his father and mother, his brothers and sisters, to come and witness or avert his destruction. But one of his companions anticipates his desire. Swift as the wind, he bounds down the channel, and the situation of the fated boy is told on his father's hearth stone. They are all satisfied with this feat of physical exertion, except one, whose example illustrates perfectly the forgotten truth, that there is NO ROYAL ROAD TO INTELLECTUAL EMINENCE. This ambitious youth sees a name just above his reach, a name that will be green in the memory of the world when those of Alexander, Cæsar and Bonaparte shall rot in oblivion. It was the name of WASHINGTON. Before he marched with Braddock to that fatal field, he had been there, and left his name The scene opens with a view of the foot above all his predecessors. It was great Natural Bridge in Virginia. There a glorious thought of the boy, to write his are three or four laris standing in the name side by side with that of the great channel below, looking up with awe to father of his country. He grasps his that vast arch of unhewn rocks, which knife with a firmer hand, and clinging to a little jutting crag, he cuts again into the Minutes of almost eternal length rolled the Almighty bridged over those everlastlimestone, about a foot above where he on, and there are hundreds standing in ing butments "when the morning stars stands, he then reaches up and cuts anoth- that rocky channel, and hundreds standsang together." The little piece of sky spanning those measureless piers, is fuller for his hands. 'Tis a dangerous advening on the bridge above, all holding their ture; but as he puts his feet and hands in-breath, and awiting the fearful catastrophe. to those gains, and draws himself up care- The poor boy hears the hum of new and fully to his full length, he finds himself a numerous voices both above and below.foot above every name chronicled in that He can distinguish the tones of his father, mighty wall. While his companions who is shouting with all the energy of are regarding him with much concern death and despair," William! Williara! and admiration, he cuts his name in rude don't look down! Your mother and of stars, although it is mid day. It is almost five hundred feet from where they stand, up those perpendicular bulwarks of limestone, to the key rock of that vast grand arch, which appears to them only of the size of a man's hand. The silence of death is rendered more impressive by the little stream that falls from rock to capitals, large and deep, into that flinty Henry, and Harriet, are all here, praying rock down the channel. The sun is dark-album. His knife is still in his hand, and for you! Don't look down! Keep your ened, and the boys have unconsciously strength in his sinews, and a new created eye towards the top!" His eye is fixed uncovered their heads, as if standing in aspiration in his heart. Again he cuts like a flint towards Heaven, and his young Не the chamber of the Majesty of the whole another niche, and again he carves his heart on Him who reigns there. name in large capitals. This is not grasps again his knife. He cuts another earth. At last this feeling begins to wear enough. Heedless of the entreaties of his niche and another foot is added to the hunaway; they begin to look around them; they find that others have been there be- companions, he cuts and climbs again.- dreds that remove him from the reach of How carefully he fore them. They see the names of hun- The graduation of his ascending scale human help below. grows wider apart. He measures his uses his wasting blade! How anxiously length at every gain he cuts. The voices he selects the softest places in that vast of his friends wax weaker and weaker, till pier! How he avoids every flinty grain! how he economizes his physical powers !— their words are finally lost on his ear.How He now for the first cast a look bencath.- resting a moment each gain he cuts. Had that glance lasted a moment, that every motion is watched from below!— moment would have been his last. He There stands his father, mother, brothe The description of this thrilling scene, was from the lips of the learned Blacksmith, in Broadway Tabernacle, before the New York Lyceum. But written language, expressed in the graphic style of the writer himself, must ever fail to give an adequate idea of the EFFECT produced on the great assembly by the impressive manner in which it was delivered -ED. NEW-LONDON, CONN. STARR. BY W. H. CHILD-ANGELS, in a huge hearse, melancholy with plumes, and gloomy as a frown, and we have thought not so, should we accompany those a litt e a little way, who go in the morning. We have wondered why they did not take the little coffin into the carriage with them, and lay it gently upon their laps, the sleeper there lulled to slumber without a bosom there was for tears in such a going-like or a cradle. We have wondered what fair, white doves, with downy wings, emerging from nether night, and flutter The sun is now half way down the west. The lad has made fifty additional niches in that mighty wall, and now finds himself directly under the middle of that vast arch of rocks, earth, and trees. He must cut his way in a new direction, to get from under this over-hanging mountain. The inspiration of hope is dying in his bosom; its vital heat is fed by the increasing shouts of hundreds perched upon cliffs and trees, and others who stand with ropes the first rapturous of the songs of its for entrance at the windows of heaven. in their hands on the bridge above, or with ladders below. Fifty gains more must be cut before the longest rope can reach him. His wasting blade strikes again into the limestone. The boy is emerging painfully, foot by foot, from under that lofty arch. Spliced ropes are ready in the hands of those who are leaning over the outer edge of the bridge. Two minutes more and all will be over. That blade is worn to the last half inch. faithful knife falls from his little nerveless "Death found strange beauty on the infant's brow." enly home. A Fair as alabaster, and al- heart. broken from their parent stem on earth, Two sweet buds of loveliness hand, and falls at his mother's feet. An involuntary groan of despair runs like a death knell through the channel below, and all is still as the grave. At the height of nearly three hundred feet, the devoted boy lifts his hopeless heart and closing eyes of a child, the editor of the Chicago JourIn a recent article relating to the death and commends his soul to God. 'Tis but anal most feelingly and eloquently remarks: moment-there!-one foot swings off!he is reeling-trembling-toppling over radiant morning; many went yesterday, "It went in the morning—a bright and to eternity! Hark! a shout falls on his more to day, and there are dews to be ear from above! The man who is lying shed for the departures of to morrow.— over the bridge has caught a glimpse of the And can it be wondered that pleasant boys head and shoulders. Quick as thought the noosed rope was within the into going? Is it a marvel that they do summer mornings should beguile them reach of the sinking youth. No one not wait for the burden and the noon, but breathes. With a faint convulsive effort, follow the lark, and hear her song over the swooning boy dr ps his arm into the the rim of the rainbow? noose-darkness comes That those over him, and words so beautiful, they should make so with the words GOD! and MOTHER! whis- true, 'joy cometh in the morning?'” pered on his lips just loud enough to be heard in heaven-the tightening rope Never has there been a hand wanting to take the wanderer in, and shut out the darkness and the storm. Upon these little faces it never seemed to us that death could place his seal: there is no thought of the charnel house in those young listeners to the invitation, whose acceptance we are bound not to for bid; there should be morning songs and not sighs; fresh flowers and not badges of dews and bright dawnings together. mourning; no tears nor clouds, but bright Fold up the white robe; lay aside the forgotten toy; smooth the little unpressed and of the fair brow with its diadem of pillow, and gently smile as you think of the white garment, of the harp of gold, make that memory old. An eternal, guile. light ;smile as you think that no years can less child, waiting about the treshold of Paradise for the coming friend from home. Here the glad lips would quiver with anguish; the bright curls grow grizzled and gray; the young heart grow weary and old; but there, changeless as the stars, and the tempest from a tree, and swept rudely young as the last new morning. The poet tells of a green bough rent by along on the breast of an angry river, and a mother bird, with cries of grief, fluttering beside it, for her nest and nestlings were there. Ah! better to be wafted away from earth than thus that they should drift around the world in storm. DRY GOODS TRADE IN NEW YORK.the Boston Post, has been, during the past The Dry Goods trade in New York, according to the Newark correspondent of season unusually heavy. The business of some of the leading dealers is immense, and constantly increasing, ing-when the sky is all beauty, and the Going in the morning! a glorious mornlifts him out of his last shallow niche.Not a lip moves while he is dangling over to heaven, or the stars have gone to God; world is all bliss, ere the dews have gone that fearful abyss; but when a sturdy Vir- when the birds are singing, and the cool ginian reaches down and draws up the lad winds are blowing, and the flowers are out and holds him up in his arms before the that will be shut at noon, and the clouds The heaviest dealers in the city are Claftearful, breathless multitude, such shout- that are never rent in rain, and the shad-lin, Mellen & Co., their yearly business ing-such leaping and weeping for joy-ows, inlaid with crimson, lie away to the exceeding that of Stewart by some three never greeted the ear of human being so West. millions of dollars. Their aggregate sales recovered from the yawning gulph of eterswell up to the enormous figures of eleven nity. millions annually. The per centage of We have sometimes seen a little coffin, like a casket for jewels, all alone by itself, COURSE OF LECTURES. of Lafayette, $2, $1,75, and $1; lines in French by Mezzofanti, 37 cents; signature of T. Moore, 50 cents; another au profits on this amount is, however, quite small; but even at eight per cent Arrangements have been made to secure the sum of eight hundred and eighty to the citizens of New London a course thousand dollars must find its way into of lectures for the coming winter. Nor-tograph of Napoleon appended to a docuthe private bank accounts of the severa! wich has, we learn, got the start of us in this ment, $4; Nelson's, $2,75; another, $3; partners. Next, in amount of sales, comes respect. The young men of that city have epitaph by Porson, 25 cents; Sir Walter already engaged some of the most talerted the establishment of A. T. Stewart & Co. Scott's signature, $1,50; Straus's, 25 cts.; the Duke of Wellington's $2,75; Washington's, (a letter signed), $5,75. DIPTHERIA.-This disease has made its appearance in several localites within the State, but cannot by any means be termed an epidemic. The peculiarity by which it can be distinguished from other throat diseases, is the formation of a membrane which increases gradually until the patient is literally strangled to death. It is sometimes accompanied by ulceration, and extreme prostration of the entire system, and at others, by neither of these symptoms, yet in either case it is equally fatal. To arrest the formation of this membrane would therefore seem equivalent to curing the disease, and this in most instances may be done in the following manner: In the early stages of the complaint, which is always accompanied by a soreness and swelling of the throat, let the patient use a simple solution of salt and water, as a gargle every fifteen minutes. At the same time moisten a piece of flannel with a solution of the same kind, made warm as the patient can bear it, and bind it around the throat, renewing it as often as the gargle is administered, and in the meanwhile sprinkle fine salt between flanUse inwardly some A letter, bearing the signature of the nel and the neck. Empress Josephine, sold for $3.50; that tonic or stimulant, either separately, or if of Sir Joseph Banks, 62 cts.; Napoleon's the prostration be great, use both together. (a letter signed and dated year six of the The treatment as may be seen, is extremeFrench republic), $4,50; another, (a doc-ly simple, and if used in the earlier stages ument on vellum), $3,75; Bulwer, $2.37; of the disease, will effect a complete cure. Daniel Boone's, $3; Charles of Burgundy, 38 cts.; Campbell, the poet, (a letter,) $3,50; two fac-similes of the death war- artesian well is one of the greatest curiosrant of Charles I, 25 cents each; a letter ities of Louisville, Ky. Thss is the deepin fac-simile of Columbus, 62 cents; a est well that ever has been successfully MS page of Oliver Twist, with a letter bored. It was commenced in 1857 by the from Dickens certifying to its genuine-Messrs. Du Pont; is 2086 feet in depth; ness, $2,75; a document, with the signature of the Earl of Essex, 50 cents; an autograph letter from Franklin to David Hartley, dated Passy, May 13, 1782, $11,50; four lines, and the signature, $1,25; a letter from Franklin to the Marquis de Castres, dated Passy, April 2, 1782; Gen. Greene's autograph. $3,50; Humboldt's, $10; a letter from Jefferson, 1; John Kemble's signature, 62 cents; a poem and autograph of L. E. L. $2,50; three letters INTERESTING ARTESIAN WELL.-An discharges 380,000 gallons every twentyfour hours, and carries its flow to the height of one hundred and seventy feet above the surface. MARRIED. MORRISON -REDFIELD.-In Stockton, Cal., 10th ult., by Rev. David L. MacDonald, James A Mor rison, of Columbia, Tuolumne, Co., to Eliza D.. Redfield. BOSS-COON.-In North Stonington, 4th inst., by Rev. C. Lewis, Mr. Benjamin F. Boss, of Hopkinton, and Miss Philura Coon, of North Stoning ton. |