Abbildungen der Seite

boat, on a fowling excursion to the Long THE REPOSITORY:

Island coast, opposite New London, and had four companions with him, viz., Capt's. Melally and Angel, both veterans of the sea, Ebenezer Way and William Clark. On the return home, Mr. Shaw

Thursday, October 25. 1860.

three dioces. During the past year the number of candidates for holy orders were two hundred and eighty one; ordained, seventy deacons and ninety three priests: baptized, forty thousand and twenty three; confirmed, fifteen thousand five hundred


wishing to place a loaded musket that lay CONNECTICUT STATE TEACHER'S and ninety six; communicants added,

in the boat in a position of greater security. took hold of it by the muzzle and was laying it aside, when it went off charged with large shot and discharged its fatal contents into his right side. Terrible was the havoc made: it carried away the muscular part, broke three of the ribs and pierced the lungs. Some of the shot, passing through his body and clothes, wounded two others of the party, and one of them in the breast and the other in the head. This was at 4 o'clock, P. M., the wind blowing fresh ahead, and the boat in great distress. Little could be done to relieve the chief sufferer. His companions wrapped cloths around his body to keep the gaping wounds from the cold, which bled but lit


The Convention held its annual meeting at Bridgeport, in connection with the Fairfield County Institute, commencing Thursday, Oct. 17th, and continuing through Friday,

The meeting was large and of unusual interest. Every city, and nearly every town was well represented.

The exercises consisted of lectures and
discussions upon subjects pertaining to the
teacher's vocation. An excellent and
harmonious spirit prevailed during the en-
tire sessions, which afforded most gratify-
ing and conclusive proof that the Associa-
tion is accomplishing much for the cause
of popular education.

the necessity of inculcating good morals as
The lectures were of a high order, and
well as the cultivation of the intellectual
faculties of the child was deeply impressed
upon the teachers.

It is gratifying to know that the teach-
er's of our city and county took an active
part in the convention.

fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety seven; marriages, seven thousand and fifty nine; burials, twelve thousand four hundred and forty two; churches consecrated, sixty-nine.

The Sunday School teachers number fourteen thousand and ninety one, scholars, one hundred and eighteen thousand and sixty nine. Amount of contributions for missionary and charitable purposes, $1, 627,183,12.


The Rev. E. H. Chapin very eloquently remarks

"Two gifts God has bestowed on us that have in themselves no guilty trait, and show an essential divineness. Music tle being seared with the blaze of the exthe gross, or sad, or doubting heart, to inis one of them, which breathes over plosion. Capt. Melally placed himself in the bottom of the boat and took him in spire it with a consciousness of its most his arms, while the others spread over mysterious affinities, and to touch the him their outer garments. By great excord of its undevoted, unsuspected life.And the other gift is that of flowers ertions they made out to land at night bewhich though born of earth, we may well low the Light House near a fisherman's hut, where they found shelter from the believe if anything of earthly soil grows cold. The next morning, Mr. Shaw was Mr. I. W. Allen, of the Broadway in the higher realm—if any of its methods laid gently in a large boat and towed by for the ensuing year. Among the lectur- tical there, will live on the banks of the School, Norwich, was elected President are continued-if any of its forms are idenother boats up to the town. "O what heart rending work," says the writer, to ers we noticed Mr. A. A. White, (4th river of Life. Flowers that in all our his aged mother and to me, and to call School District,) of this city, and on the gladness, in all our sorrow, are never inconBoard of Editors for the Common School gruous-always appropriate. Approprohis friends to receive him thus." But the sufferer himself was tranquil and resign- Journal, Mr. William Marsh, (3rd School priate in the church, as expressive of its District) New London, Mr. Eldridge Smith, purest and most social themes, and blendFree Academy, and Dr. R. B. Whitemore ing their sweetness with the incense of of Norwich. prayer. Appropriate in the joy of the Our thanks are due to the teachers of marriage hour, in the loneliness of the our own city for the deep interest which sick room, and crowning with prophecy they have manifested in the cause of educa- the foreheads of the dead. They give tion, for which as a community, we are completeness to the associations of childdeeply in their debt, and we trust the hood, and are appropriate even by the side time is far distant when as parents and of old age, strange as their freshness concitizens, we shall neglect to afford them trasts with the wrinkles and grey hairs; that aid and encouragement which the all for still they are symbolical of the soul's important cause of education demands. perpetual youth, the inward blossoming of immortalily, the amaranthine crown. In THE their presence, we feel that when the body shall drop as a withered calyx, the soul shall go forth as a winged seed."


"He supported himself with great fortitude and patience through the whole scene, declaring that, he had a discovery of the gospel plan of salvation by Jesus Christ beyond what he ever knew before, and that he was perfectly resigned to the will of God." He expired three days af.

ter the accident.

A massive square table stone in the Old Burial Ground bears the following in scription.

The Dust of

NATHANIEL SHAW ESQ. Who died April 15. A. D., 1782, Aged 47 years.

And of his wife,

Who died Dec. 11, A. D. 1781
Aged 44 years.



A VENERABLE RELIC.-The Chronicle states that the ship Bowditch which re.

The most recent statistics of this large and flourishing denomination of christians give two thousand one hundred and ten parishes, two thousand and thirty priests, and deacons, forty-three bishops, provis-cently arrived at this port, brought ional and assistant bishops, and thirty from the Sandwich Islands a large

brass cannon,
which is a curiosity
both on account of its age and various in-
scriptions, and from its good preservation
and superior finish,

How it ever reached the fort at Honolulu, or was landed there, we cannot say, but for many years it lay an incumbrance within the enclosure, having been dismounted and spiked by the French when they attempted the subjugation of the Hawaiian kingdom years ago.

Some six or seven years since, a blacksmith attempted to bore out the vent and while performing the work the bit struck fire inside the gun and blew out an old charge of powder that had been in the piece for many years. The explosion drove the bit up from the vent, and it passed through the workman's neck, inflicting a severe flesh wound.


land. The talented and devoted Author CITY BOND SUIT.-The decision of the century, and his letters abound with a speaks from the experience of almost half a Superior Court, recently held at Hartford, deep and pervading interest, peculiar to the in favor of the Hartford Savings Bank, subject which he treats. Originally adagainst the city of New London, to re- dressed as a series of letters to a friend cover interest due on the bonds issued by who was the Superintendent of a Sunday the N. L. W. & Palmer Railroad, has re-School at his own request. and afterwards sulted in the issue of an execution by the court on the application of the Bank, to lication in a more compact form was most published in the Independent, their republevy at once on the property of our citizens to the full satisfaction of the judg their excellence and great usefulnees reurgently solicited by many who felt that ment given, the whole amount of which is, we learn, about one thousand dollars.— quired it. Sheriff Goodrich came to this city last week, for the purpose of serving process, previous to which, however, he had an interview with Mayor Harris at whose sug-valuable. gestion he consented to stay proceedings, until the citizens can be fully apprised of the whole matter, and by their vote at a city meeting to be held on Saturday next, decide what shall be done in the emergency. We trust the matter will receive due attention,

This gun is believed to be of a superior quality of metal, and gives evidence in its appearance and perfect workmanship of the skill of its founders. Being too large for use at the Islands it was sold by the government for old metal, and was brought here to be made into ordnance or ACCIDENT FROM BURNING FLUID.-On church bells, as it may happen when melt-accident occurred from the too careless use Thursday evening of last week, a serious


Its size is as follows-whole length eleven feet eight inches, diameter at muzzle fourteen inches, at the breech twenty two inches, bore six inches. Weight 5210 pounds. Each end is adorned with elaborate fancy work, and on the top are the following inscriptions and devices in


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Hence their appearance in the superintendents, teachers and the friends present neat and convenient form. To of Sunday Schools-every where, Dr. Tyng's "Forty Years Experience" is in

this work. For sale by Starr & Co., No. Every family should possess 4, Main Street.

abounds with even more than its usually GODEY'S LADY BOOK for November,


numerous beautiful embelishments. contains in the present number, more than twenty full pages of steel engravings, coloriginal music besides numerous othea ored fashion plates, fine wood cuts and the family of one of our up town citizens &c. of Burning Fluid, by which a domestic in fine illustrations of cottage designs, &c., Its long list of excellent literary arcame near losing her life. We understand ticles from the pens of some of the best lashe was attempting to fill the lamp while dy writers in the country commend it ed a sudden ignition of the contents, from hints, Receipts, and instructions in Drawone of the wicks was burning, which caus- most highly, and its valuable Household which her dress caught fire. It was ex-ing, &c., make it an almost indispensable tinguished with great difficulty, after severely burning the affrighted girl. More than four fifths of burning fluid accidents result from filliug the lamps while burning.

SALES OF REAL ESTATE.-Mr. John R. Bolles has sold a building lot at the north end of Main street to Mr. Lewis Crandall, for $400.

Mr. Bolles has also sold a building lot near the same, to Mr. F, C. Payn, for $750.

Mr. George Dyer has purchased a small cottage and grounds of W. H. Starr, at East New London, for $775.

Kelleritigrro Helvetii-f- Dvaca, 1680. The inscriptions seem to imply that this piece came originally from France. The LITERARY NOTICES. second motto, "The last reasoning of kings" was ordered to be inscribed on his cannon, by Louis XIV.

As a relic of the olden time, this piece of ordnance is an interesting object for the inspection of antiquarians, and in the present age of collecting mementos of the past, ought to be preserved.

family companion. Terms $3 per annum.
Two copies one year $5, three copies $6.
For sale by Starr & Co., No. 4. Main



ber has been received. The following is
its table of eontents. "Thomas Hood,"
Fayal and the Portuguse."
44 Midsum-
mer and May," "Gone," "Expression,"
"Italian Experiments in collecting 'Old
Masters,'"' «' Tenty Scran,'" "Recollec
tions of Irving," " Irene Anad omene,"
"The Professor's Story," "Rɔviews and
Literary Notices," "Recent American
Publications." It is decidedly a rich and
interesting number.

ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE.—In reFORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN SUNDAY gard to this beautiful and attractive monthSCHOOLS-By Stephen H. Tyng, D. Dly, we can only speak in unqualified praise, Rector of St. George's Church, New York. As a beautiful, chaste, highly moral, realNew York: Sheldon & Company. Bos-ly instructive, and deeply interesting pubton: Gould & Lincoln, 1860. lication, it will scarcely find a rival in This excellent little volume commends the country. We can cordially commend itself most warmly to every parent, teach-it to all. For sale by Starr & Co., Nɔ., 4 er and friend of Sabbath Schools in the Main St.




We copy for the benefit of the lady readers of the Repository, the following spicy article from our excellent cotemporary, Life Illustrated. The writer is one of its regular and most accomplished contributors, and her productions are always fresh and vigorous, and evince a full knowledge of the subject which engrosses her pen.

The Fall Fashions are fairly inaugurated. Ever since the inevitable rain always damps the ladies' dresses, but not their enthusiasm, on " Opening Day," it has been regarded as one of the seven deadly sins to appear in old-style garments or "coal-scuttle bonnets." So get out your lead pencils, reader, and prepare to take notes of the Fall Fashions. After you have done that, take a note of the length of your purse and see if the two correspond.

in white merino, trimmed with silver round in the waist. One point is allowa
gimp, and white and silver tassels.
ble for evening toiletts. but more. The
Small flounces, that were so indispensa-Zouave jacket has been a brilliant success
ble to full toilettes last summer, have been in this country, and is made up in every
mercilessly consigned to oblivion. Not a conceivable fabric. Modistes are at a loss
dress of this style has been imported.—to tell which sleeve is more fashionable—
For evening costume it will propably be the flowing drapery, or the closely fitting
worn for sometime longer, but to all in- coat sleeve. The old ladies will be grati-
tents and purposes it is obsolete. Double-fied to learn that the days of the leg-of-
skirts, we regret to say, share the same mution sleeve are coming back again.—
fate. Plain skirts reign universally- We saw the identical pattern thereof
Black or dark grounds, "illuminated," as among the Parisan repertoire of one of
the term is, with small set sprigs of bro- our Broadway leaders of fashion. We
caded flowers in rainbow celors, are pre-rubbed our eyes, and looked again, fear-
eminently the mode. Changeable silks,ing lest our vision were incorrect, but
in different shades of the same color, and there it was the genuine leg-of-mutton as
watered silks, are very fashionable, but large as life!
moire-antique will not be worn.
perb corded Ottoman and "reps" silks are
popular among those who can afford to
dress expensively, but the Bayadere styles
may be regarded as decisively dethroned.

The su

To give a general description of trimmings, we cannot better express ourselves than in Hood's famous line, "Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold!" Your mantles are edged with gold cable cord-your dress is trimmed with black and gold gimpyour belt is of gold, with golden claspsyour slippers are not slippers without gold buckles! Let not our readers suppose that this is the genuine auriferous metal-not by any means; merely a gaudy imitation.


The most sensible of our fall-dress goods is the Ottoman velours, a rich, durable fabric, with a raised cord, not unlike Irish poplin, but much cheaper. It comes in three varieties, suited to the varying purses of purchasers-the all wool, the wool Bonnets are smaller-so much so that and linen, and the wool and cotton. Ma- A few evenings ago, Mrs. James Gordgentlemen are soreiy puzzled to find a peg ny are brocaded in silk or worsted sprigs on Bennett created a sensation in the fashwhereon to hang an objection. They are of bright color, but we prefer the plain, ionable world by appearing in the parlors still worn standing up from the head, but as far as our individual taste is concerned. of the Fifth Avenue Hotel with a belt of the hideous "poke" of last spring is dis- This is the fabric which will be most gen-heavy solid gold, a gold comb in her hair, pensed with, and the front is rounded. erally worn as it is suitable for every ordi- and festoons of gold beads around her Cap-crowns are out of date, and their su-nary occasion, and makes up very prettily. trician neck: but we don't know of anypremacy is usurped by small plain crowns. other lady who ventures beyond gilt. The bonnets flare very much at the sides -moderately wide capes are worn, sometimes pointed at the center. The favorite materials are rich Lyons velvet and corded silk-the trimmings, velvet flowers with gold centers and plumes. Small birds of more varieties than ever fluttered through the dreams of an ornithologist are perched wherever the taste of the milliner may dictate, and gold leaves, gold lilies, goll wheat, and gold chains, slides, cords, etc.,

Cashmeres and merinoes come this season in warm, bright colors, printed in small patterns-and brilliant tartan plaids are very handsome.

Purple, in at least a dozen different shades, is the favorite color. The Imperial Purple, with a blue tinge-the vivid Magenta, Mauve, Empress-color--lilac and lavender, are all worn. Black is also very fashionable, and every other lady you meet wears a black silk hat trimmed with Magenta roses and tied with one Magenta

Crochet trimmings are quite fashionable, both for mantillas and dresses, as are gimps and cords of every size. Bows, confined by buckles of gold or marquisette form a graceful trimming for the front of a dress.

Nets, in bright colors for the hair, still remain the favorite coiffure, although fancy combs of coral, composition, pearl, etc. are exceedingly pretty.

Furs are among the few articles of wo

are piled on ad infinitum. Instead of be-string, and one of black. Green and cin-man's costumes that do not change with

ing on top of the front, the outside trimming has taken a retrograde movement and planted itself in clusters farther back.

In the mantilla department the oldfashioned sack has been revived this fall, in velvet and heavy cloths made up very deep and full in the skirts. The basquine, or long basque, is much patronized, and we consider it the prettiest style. It is worn so long as nearly to touch the ground. The Arab mantle in velvet, faced with silk of the same color, and corded with a contrasting hue, is very rich. For the Prince of Wales' ball, the Arab was made

namon-brown rank next in the scale of
colors, and the delicate pink known as
Solforino is worn a great deal.

the changing season. We think muffs are a little smaller than they have beep, and the quiet gray fur called Siberian Squirrel is very fashionable for ycung ladies,

Such of our readers who happen to be color-blind, or what is nearly as bad, are devoid of natural taste in the assortment up," that it is the fashion for ladies to be We may also add by way of a "finish of tints, must beware of carelessly combining miscellaneous colors with Magenta ing their purchase-that it is the fashion as needlessly extravagant as ever in makor Solforino, as these two lines, however for gentlemen to look more sour than of radiant in themselves, "kill" nearly every yore, in paying the bills for the purchases shade with which they come in contact.aforesaid, and that it is the fashion for a Black is always a safe color-so are snuff very few, very sensible people to dress brown and pale green. just as they can afford, without reference to the opinions of their neighbors. May Dress-bodies are cut rather long, and the number of these last increase!


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THE ANNA GRAPE.-This is a white grape, now first offered to the public. It grew from seed in the garden of Mr. Eli Hasbrouck, of Newburgh, and first bore

in 1851.

cloudy clear clear
clear clear cloudy

General remarks, observations, &c. &c.

Heavy rain storm.

Very pleasant.

cloudy cloudy cloudy Dull and showery.

sons with foreign as well as native varie-
ties, laid one bunch aside to dry, and
found the raisins had the sweet rich flavor
and aroma of those from the Muscat of
Alexandria. Well-ripened Isabellas and
Catawbas, dried at the same time, had, as
usual, too much acidity and too great a de-
ficiency of sugar to claim any excellence.

In the spring following, it was moved, and as is usually the case with the vines of that age and size, it has given no good A hardy white grape, as good as the Cataw-fruit since. Young vines, grown from it, ba, had long been looked for in vain, and have borne well the third season, and layMr. Hasbrouck's attention was particular-ers the first season from planting. ly drawn to it by its color. Its first season of ripening was remarkably favorable for the maturing of grapes, and the fruit of the Catawba had that season unusual ex

cellence of flavor, but was somewhat disposed to rot. This was entirely free from rot, and at its first ripened fully ten days

It is an early and profuse bearer, and the produce of young vines is of very high flavor, but not without a considerable degree of toughness, which disappears as the vines acquire age and maturity.

It ripens quite as early as Diana, and fully two weeks before Catawba, hangs

and Isabella in comparison with it, and by the side of those I recommended it is an acquisition of great importance.

DIANA. This was grown from seed, by Mrs, Diana Crehore, of Milton Hill, near Boston, and brought to general notice by Hovey's Magazine in 1844. After five years acquaintance with it, A. J. Downing noticed it in the Horticulturist, whose remarks I shall extract, after a few words as to the character and the treatment of the vine. In growth it is much more vigorous than the Isabella and Catawba, and this should be borne in mind when preparing for planting, and border, and in due time extent of trellis prepared accordingly.

On well prepared ground it will make shoots of 15 to 20 feet in length the second season after planting. All of its leaves should have full exposure to the

earlier than the Catawba which were very late on the vines, and is not injured sun, This is indispensable for its present

near it, and about a week earlier than Isabella. Both its earliness and its great superiority of flavor were unhesitatingly conceded by all who had opportunity to judge of it, among whom was the late A J. Downing, who thought very highly of it, placing it before the Diana, which was then by a long difference the best American grape in cultivation.

After I had undertaken its propagation, his estimate of its value was more fully made known to me, and it gave not a little pleasure to learn that I had not more than concurred with him in his opinion of its merits, which he expressed by saying: "It was worth as much as a farm to its possessor." And he expressed much regret at my undertaking to move the vine, fearing the possible loss of so great an acquisition to our native grapes.

and future health; and towards the last of

by severe freezing. For late keeping it
is unequalled, and its raisins are not sur-August, its shoots should be stopped, to
passed in quality by any foreign variety.

induce early ripening of the wood. It
The bunches are large and loose, or should also be remembered that it is great-
moderately compact on young vines, but ly disposed to over-bear while young,
on those that are mature, compact, shoul- and heroic firmness exercised in thinning.
[dered, and symmetric. Berries large, It is able richly to repay all the cost that
globular, translucent; and firmly adher- its proper treatment requires. In the
ing to the pediciles. The color varies pure high character of its flavor it is only
from light amber, in the sun, to pearly second to the Delaware, and will be most
white or green in the shade. The bloom satisfactorily enjoyed by those who delight
is white and abundant, through which may in the vinous sweetness of the red Con-
be seen a few brown dots. It is surpas- stantia, To those who find enjoyment in
ingly sweet, rich, vinous, and somewhat the pungency of the skins of the Isabella,
spicy in its flavor, and has a decided but it lacks an element of pleasure. Although
it is in excellent eating condition very ear-
and delightful aroma.
Notwithstanding its exceedingly con-ly, it hangs very late on the vines, even
centrated flavor, it leaves the mouth cool enduring severe frost without damage, and
and healthy.
for late keeping it is scarcely equalled. It
readily dries, and becomes a rich winey


In habit it is much like Catawba, very healthy and vigorous; leaves very fleshy and firm, remarkably exempt from disposition to mildew, and ripens its wood earlier and more perfectly than variety with which I am acquainted, and does not lose its leaves until it has matured


It had a slight amount of adhesiveness in its pulp, but was quite sweet to the centre, while a Catawba at its side had a much greater degree of toughness, and a large amount of acidity, which the new white seedling had not. I was furnished with several bunches of its first bearing, and after critically tasting for two weeks, and When tasted by the side of Catawba the subjecting it to the most severe compari-latter ceases to be a highly-flavored grape,

its fruits.

HARTFORD PROLIFIC.-This grape was first raised by Mr. Steel of Hartford. It is hardy, vigorous, and very productive, growing in large shouldered and rather compact bunches. The berry is sweet, of a good size, black, and ripens about ten days earlier than the Isabella.

[blocks in formation]




"Continuance each week..

1 00

[blocks in formation]

Ellsworth Bank, Ellsworth............
....... worthless







One Square One Week, (16 lines,)...... ....$0 50 Exchange Bank, Bangor..
"Three Weeks......
Grocer's Bank. Bangor...
Hancock Bank, Ellsworth..
Maratime Bank, Bangor..
Mousum River Bank, Sanford.....
Shipbuilders' Bank....

"My motto through life has been-Work and Ad ver tise. In business. Advertising is the true Philosopher's Stone, that turns whatever it touches into gold. I have advertised much, both in the weekly as well as the daily papers; nor have I found that those of the largest circulation, of either class, benefitted me the most."-JOHN JACOB ASTOR.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]


Exeter Bank, Exeter.....

[blocks in formation]

Danby Bank, Danby........
South Royalton Bank, South Royalton.... 90
Stark Bank, Bennington....



.83.00 Cochichuate Bank, Boston......worthless
Grocer's Bank, Boston.....
$1.25 Western Bank, Springfield,

Rural New Yorker,.................. 82.50

[ocr errors][merged small]





$2.50 Bank of South County, Wakefield...
$2.25 Bank of the Republic, Providence....

10 ... 50



[ocr errors]

Albany Cultivator..

American Agriculturist,..


Life Illustrated,..

[blocks in formation]


Phrenological Journal,...



U.S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebra



[blocks in formation]

ted picture of the "Horse Fair,". Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inches in size, in 15 oil colors,... Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this distinguished man, in oil colors,....... $1,50 From the above it will be seen that a subscription to the Repository in connection with many of the above publications, will absolutely cost nothing, and with the others only from twenty-five to fifty cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs the publisher more than a dollar. It is only through the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who will receive subscriptions for the same in connecon with the Repository.

[blocks in formation]

Farmer's Bank, Wickford....... .worthless
Hopkinton Bank, Westerly..



[blocks in formation]


Closes at 11 A. M. and 53 P. M.
Arrives at 1 and 8 P. M.

The mail closing at 52 P. M. is the way mail by which the offices are supplied between New London and New Haven; matter for offices beyond New Haven, however, is also sent by the mail which loses at 12 P. M. An additional New Haven mail is also received at 8 P. M.. bringing nothing from offices between New Haven and New London.

Closes for the "Shore Line" R. R. Route at 12 M.
Arrives at 11 P. M.

Closes for Steamboat and N &W. R. R. at 8 P. M.
Arrives at 10 P. M.

Closes at 5 A. M.

[blocks in formation]

Closes at 7 A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives at 3 P. M., Monday, Wednesday and On alternate days via Norwich, closing at 51 A. M., arriving at 6 P.M.


Closes for Sea Route on the 4th and 19th of each month,

For Overland Route at St. Louis, every Monday 90 and Thursday.




The Post Office opens at 6 A. M. and closes at 8 P. M. On Sunday opens at7 A. M. for one hour, and bese hours will be strictly observed.

Letters or papers put into the outside box before 8 P M. for the New York Steamboat mail, or before 5 A. M. for the morning Railroad Mail, are always in time STANLEY G. TROTT, P.M. NEW


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bank of North America, Seymour......
Colchester Bank, Colchester.....worthless
Eastern Bank, West Killingly....worthless
Granite Bank, Voluntown..
Hatter's Bank, Bethel..
Litchfield Bank.....
Merchant's Exchange Bank, Bridgeport.... 90
Pahquioque Bank, Danbury.
Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport..
Woodbury Bank, Woodbury..
Agricultural Bank, Herkimer....
Bank of Central New York, Utica..
Bank of Orleans, Albion.........
Chemung County Bank, Horseheads..
Dairyman's Bank, Newport......
Goshen Bank-refuse all notes printed on
white paper, as the bank repudiates
them some having been stolen.
Hamilton Exchange Bank, Green....
Hollister Bank, Buffalo.......



33 "

4 ་་

45 6

*26 6

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Sept. 27,

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plain ENGRAVINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &C. on to GLASS. MARBLE, OR WOOD. Sent free to any address, on receipt of 25 cents,coin or stamps.

Address G.W. PLACE.

444 Houston st., New York.

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