Abbildungen der Seite

Resolved, That as a testimonial of the
affectionate regard which his personal
christian, and ministerial character and
labors are held, this minute be entered on
the records of this Consociation, and pub-
R. P. S., Scribe.

day, or nine million gallons per year.- of the long continued and valuable servi-
Competition having reduced the price from | ces which he has rendered to the cause of
$1.25 per gallon to 70 cents per gallon, Christ within the limits of this County
many of the works above mentioned have and State.
closed, but the supply has been more than
sustained by the petroleum wells, whose
products have been put into market with
great rapidity. The capital already ex-
pended in coal oil works and cannel coal
mines, is estimated at nearly $4,000,000,
Three of the largest companies have ex-
pended fully $1,000,000 in the sea-board
States, and $750,000 has been expended in
the Kananba valley alone. Paraffine, a
beautiful, wax-like product, incidental to
the manufacture of coal oil, is now made
into candles by two companies in New
York, and will most probably become a
regular article of cominerce.

The manufacture of coal oil lamps, a branch of the lamp trade which has resulted from the use of the oil, forms the greater part of the business of sixteen manufacturing companies, who employ

600 men in making burners, 600"



700 "

brass work in stands, marble vases, glass bowls, shades, &c., 200 women and boys in making paper shades, brushes.

200 60


and furnish work for one hundred and twenty-five looms, in making coal oil lamp wick.

The lamps are sold for $3,50 per dozen to $96 per dozen; the greater part are dis. posed of at $7 to $8 per dozen.

The designs for paper and glass shades and fountains are as numerous as those of the lamps, which number two hundred and fifty varieties in the classes of stand, bracket, hanging, and side lamps. The style of these lamps has been much improved lately, and they are now as well made, and as rich and beautiful in appearance as most of the candelebra imported from abroad.

[blocks in formation]


most excellent of the numerous school books extant. For sale by Starr & Co., No. 4, Main Street.

We have received through Messrs Brown and Taggard, No's. 25 and 29 Cornhill, Boston, Mitchell's New Primary Geography, designed as an introduction to the Author's New Intermediate Geography, It is one of a most excellent series of Geographies by the same author,-contains twenty five colored maps, together with an hundred beautiful embellishments on wood, any one of which is a gem in itself. This Geography is printed on fine paper, well bound, and of the most conMELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-Last Satur-venient size for reference. It is a book day afternoon, Mr. John Gard Jr., an acthat cannot but be valued as one of the tive and estimable young man of this city was killed by a full from the roof of the building, now being erected by N. B. Payn Esq., at the north end of the town. It is stated in the Star that he was engaged in shingling the roof, and in ascending it, took hold of a bracket to assist himself forward. The bracket gave way, and Mr. Gard fell to the ground, a distance of twenty feet, breaking the spinal column of his neck. He was taken up insensible and conveyed to his father's house. He rallied several times, and at intervals appeared to have his senses for a moment or two at a time. He spoke audibly only once, when he said that he should die.He died about nine o'clock, and was buried Sunday afternoon. His numerous friends will deeply regret his early and

sudden death.


JUDSON-By A. C. Kendrick Professor of

Greek Literature in the University of Roch-
ester.-New York, Sheldon & Company. 115
Nassau Street. Boston, Gould & Lincoln.


The life and letters of this gifted and devoted writer and missionary are deeply interesting, both to the literary and religous public. As a legacy to her many friends and a treasure to every christian, this work will be highly valued, and deeply cherished. Her letters are really invaluable, revealing as they do, the deep and pure feelings of her inmost heart, and "growing out of the critical passages in her history, they illustrated her feelings amidst these scenes, and derive from the circumstances under which they were written, fresh force and beauty." No admirer of this amiable and deeply devoted christian lady, should fail to possess this interesting volume. For sale in New London by F. Stein, 41 State Street.

THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON.-By Edward Everett. New York, Sheldon & Company. Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1860. The life of "the Father of his country" from the accomplished pen of the above gifted author, cannot fail to call up a most lively interest in the work. A suggestion from the late Lord Macauly to the Messrs Black, of Edinburgh, proprietors of the Encyclopædia Brittannica. to apply to Mr. Everett to supply for that work, a memoir of Washington, was the origin of this volume before us, and we have to be grateful to the memory of that distinguished English historian for so timely a suggestion, calling forth as it has done, a work of the deepest interest to every American heart. It is not designed of course to supercede other and more elaborate works of the same character, but as a concise, truthful and elegantly written, and well arranged memoir of Washington, it occupies the highest rank. We have to thank Messrs Brown and Taggard of Boston, for the fine copy forwarded us. For sale by Starr & Co., No. 4, Main Street.

STORIES OF Scotland anD ITS ADJACENT ISLANDS. By Mrs. Thomas Geldart, aathor of "Stories of England," "Stories of Ire land," &c. New York: Sheldon & Company.Boston; Gould & Lincoln, 1860.

We have received through Messrs Brown and Taggard of Boston, another of thuse fascinating little volumes for the young which the accomplished authoress has invested with so many charming attractions. To those who have her works, it will be sufficient to say this is fully equal to her former productions. It is finely embellished and cannot fail to have an extensive circulation. For sale by Starr & Ce.s No. 4, Main Street.


Scatter the germs of the Beautiful-
By the way-side let them fall,

That the rose may spring by the cottage gate,
And the vine on the garden wall;
Cover the rough and rude of earth

With a veil of leaves and flowers,
And mark, with the opening bud and cup,
The march of summer hours.

SELECTED POETRY. their feet, and finally, by various expedi-season raising watermelons and making ents, separated the good grain from the them into syrup, thinks the watermelon chaff, dust, and other impurities. How will not make sugar, in consequence of comes it, he asked himself, that whatever the waxy properties of the syrup, when is of a useful nature, and intended to be boiled to that consistency, but the syrup profitable to the world, must suffer much, has no equivalent for preserving all kinds and be subjected to every kind of ill treat- of fruits with which the country abounds. ment; but that a man, who himself does It is also excellent for table use. The with other things as he lists, is unwilling process is very simpel. The juice is exto suffer, or to permit God to do as he lists pressed by hand, by putting the core of with him. Wheat, which is the noblest the melon in a sack; then boil to a proper of all the products of the earth, is here consistency in a copper kettle. From exthreshed, trod upon, swept about, tossed periments he thinks we cannot get a betinto the air, sifted, shaked, and shoveled, ter return for our ground than by this and afterwards ground, resifted, and bak- process. He made from one acre of ground ed, and so arrives at last upon the tables last season, eighteen barrels of syrup, and of princes and kings. What, then, do I sold it at eighty cents per gallon, making mean in being displeased with God be- $446 for his labor. It is worth thinking cause he does not strew my path with about. rose leaves, or translate me to heaven in

Scatter the germs of the beautiful

In the holy shrines of home;
Let the pure and the fair and the graceful here,
In the loveliest lustre come;
Leave not a trace of deformity

In the temple of your heart;

But gather about ite hearth the gems
Of Nature and of Art.

Scatter the germs of the beautiful

In the temple of our God-
The God who starred the uplifted sky,
And flowered the trampled sod;
When He built a temple for himself,
And a home for the holy race,
He reared each charm in symmetry

And covered each line with grace.

Scatter the germs of the beautiful

In the depths of the humble soul;

an easy chair? By what other process
could the wheat be cleaned, and how
could I be sanctified or saved were I to
remain a stranger to chastisement?

Deal with me, therefore, O my God, as
thou wilt, and grant that what is thy will

They shall bud and blossom and bear their fruit, may also be mine.

While the endless ages roll;

Plant with the flowers of charity,

Hope, portal of the tomb,

And the fair and the pure about thy path
In Paradise shall bloom.



When our hours shall all be numbered.
And the time shall come to die,
When the tear that long hath slumbered
Sparkles in the watcher's eye,
Shall we not look back with pleasure,
To the hour whon some lone heart.
Of our soul's abundant treasure,
From our bounty look a part?
When the hand of death is resting
On the friend we most do love,
And the spirit fast is hasting
To its holy home above,
Then the memory of each favor

We have given will to us be
Like a full and holy savor,
Bearing blessings rich and free.
O, then, brother, let thy labor

Be to do good while you live, And to every friend and neighbor

Some kind word and sweet smile give. Do it, all thy soul revealing,

And within your roul you'll know. How one look of kindly feeling Cause the tides of love to flow.


Pox.-A writer in the Medical Times and
Gazette says, in regard to this subject,
that if the erruption be distinct, the solid
stick of nitrate of silver should be applied
to the pustule, previously moistened with
a little water. If confluent, the concen-
trated solution of eight scruples to an
ounce of distilled water must be applied
over the whole surface; if necessary to
apply it to the scalp, the hair should be
previously removed.
The application
should be used on the second or third day
of the eruption. A case of confluent small
pox is related, where no punctures were
made, in which the strong solution was
applied to the whole of the face and ears;
the pustules were immediately arrested,
and in nine days the eschar had come
away from the face without leaving pits.-
Another writer recommends applying
a solution of the nitrate of silver, of
the strength of one drachm to an ounce of
water, all over the face for ten days or a
fortnight, commencing a few days after
the eruption makes its appearance; and if
there be intense inflamatory action about
the head, it may be applied over the scalp,
and also to the mouth and face.

DISCIPLINE.-Gothold one day looked on while a farmer's wheat was being threshed, and observed that the men not WATERMELON SYRUP.-A correspondonly stoutly beat it, but trod upon it with ent of an exchange, who was engaged last

ICED GRAPES.-Take large close bunches of fine ripe thin-skinned grapes, and remove any that are imperfect. Tie & string in a loop to the top of the stem.Strain into a deep dish a sufficient quantity of white of egg. Dip the bunches of grapes into it, immersing them thoroughly. Then drain them, and roll them about in a flat dish of finely powdered loaf sugar till they are completely coated with into the hollows between the grapes.— it, using your fingers to spread the sugar Hang up the bunches by the strings till the icing is entirely dry. They should be dried in a warm place. Send them to the supper-table at a party, on glass dishes.

Ripe currants may be iced as above.— ries, plums and cherries may be thus dipRaspberries, strawberries, ripe gooseberped in white of egg, and rolled in sugar.—



matoes on the fire and bring them to a boil; take them off, strain them through a sieve. To every gallon of tomatoes add one quart of vinegar; for spices, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, mace, ginger, black pepper, a desert spoonful of each; one tea spoonful of red pepper; salt to the taste.

GREEN TOMATO PICKLES.-Take green tomatoes, (they are best when nearly full grown,) slice and scald them in salt and water with the addition of a little alum, until they begin to be tender; skim them out and put them in a stone or glass jar.— Take enough good vinegar to cover them, and to every quart add one pound of sugar and spice to suit the taste. Scald them together and pour over the tomatoes while hot. Try them and you will find they are delicious.-Ruralist.


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The New London County Fair, held near Norwich, on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th

days of October, proved a decided success. The exhibition of fruits and vegetables was very fine, and the general exhibition was highly creditable to the farmers and feld growers of the county. The following from the Homestead will not be unin

teresting to our readers:

51 "

N. E.
North. N. E.

Morn. Noon. Eve.
clear clear
cloudy cloudy clear
clear cloudy cloudy
clear clear clear
clear cloudy rain
cloudy cloudy clear
clear clear hazy

Ferdinand Grapes were very beautiful
and in large quantity. The peaches rais-
ed under glass, and the pears were also
very fine. Mr. Fitch is one of the largest
exhibitors of both fruits and vegetables,

General remarks, observations, &c. &c.


Dull and showery.



raising grapes next season. Trim and lay down your vines in November. It makes another thing of grape-growing.

Dr. Frederick Morgan, of Colchester, had fine fruit, among other things a new seedling pear, larger than the Seckel, and said to be nearly as good.

D. W. Colt of Norwich, had a very choice collection of pears, and grapes in pots. The Beurre d'Anjou, Beurre Diel, The whole show is highly encouraging Clairgeau, Louise Bonne de Jersey were uncommonly large and fair the friends of the Society. Its labors The first of these pears are gaining a well for the last six years have not been in deserved popularity. In the first place, vain. Its fruits are manifest in the annuthe tree upon quince is one of the best for al fair, and still more manifest in all parts training in the pyramid shape. With of the County; in better barns and farm very little attention it seems to come easi- buildings; better stock and more of it; ly into this form. in drained fields and long rows of muck The fruit is large Worthless


The Society has put up a large frame building with a good roof and sky lights, for the exhibition of fruits, vegetables, and for such articles as need to be kept showy, and of the first quality. A plate/ along the lines of ditches. dry. This is a great improvement, and of the Crouch pear shows an amateur's af- swamp lands have been reclaimed, and will draw out, we trust, a fuller exposition fection for a very fine native seedling, It are now yielding their heavy burden of of other branches of industry. The me- has been cultivated in Colchester, for half grain and grass, contributing to the chanics and manufacturers of the County a century or more, and is not generally support of quadrupeds instead of snakes have never done themselves justice in for-known. It is about the size of the Virgaand reptiles. The "good time coming" mer exhibitions. Their goods can be kept lieu. so long talked of and dreamed of is already here. If our friends doubt it. come down dry now.

The cultivation of grapes in pots is not

claimed for it, that more grapes can be
yet very common in our vineries. It is

grown under the same area of glass, some
say double the quantity, while it has this
advantage, that the grapes at a suitable

more than sustains the high reputation of
The exhibition of fruits and vegetables
former displays; We noticed O. S. Hatch
with seventy varieties of apples, among
them the old English Codling, rarely seen
in our shows. They were objects of par-stage in the ripening can be removed to a
ticular attention, even among our splen- room of lower temperature, and be kept
did American varieties. Among them
into the winter, when they will bring a
was a plate of Hurlburt's, a Litchfield dollar and a half or two dollars a pound.
County apple, nearly doubled in size by This is a matter worthy of the attention
good cultivation. The Northern Spy of those who grow fruit for the market, or
does not equal its New York reputation. who wish to prolong the grape season in
The Coggswell Pearmains were well rep- to winter. The same treatment would no
resented by almost every exhibitor. This doubt do for the Isabella and Catawba, in
apple deserves its popularity. It is ex- latitudes where they do not ripen. They
tensively grown in this County, where it might stand out until there is danger of
originated, and still more largely in frost, and then be sheltered for a few
Windham County, where it has been sent nights until they ripened. This delicious
out by Mr. Dyer from his nursery for the frnit is worth all the care bestowed upon
last twenty years, and has a place on al-it, to have it in perfection.
most every farm that has an orchard. It The show of grapes from the open gar-
is in season from October to January, and, den was better than any we have ever
all things considered, has no superior for seen-Isabellas, Catawbas and Rebeccas.
these months.
While upon this point, let us say to all
The fruit of Asa Fitch, Esq., of Fitch-grape-growers, lay down your vines this
ville, was better than we have ever seen winter, cover them with a few inches of

before from that famous locality. The unfertile soil, and learn something new in

and see us next fair day, and they shall be

THE FRUIT HARVEST IN CONNECTICUT. -THE HARVEST HEREABOUTS.-In this country we are enjoying a more bountiful harvest than any with which we have been blessed for twenty years past. The wheat and other grain crops are enormous; corn is in abundant supply; potatoes for the first time of late years, are yielding in the almost "old fashioned" measure of 200 bushels to the acre, and large contracts are being made here at 37 1-4 and 40c, per bushel; apples lie rotting by the hundred

bushels in a thousand orchards, not only of Connecticut, but of New England, for want of a market any price. They can be bought good and sound at a shilling a bushel. We have not seen anything like this in our orchards since 1844.

In New England, on the contrary, all accounts agree in stating there has been a rainy, cold, unpropitious season.

We hear of contracts here to send apples to England.-Hartford Times.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

THE REPOSITORY, together with either of the
following publications for one year, will be supi
plied to every subscriber, at the prices annexed, viz:
Authur's Ladies Home Magazine,...................
Godey's Lady's Book,....
The Home Monthly,.
Atlantic Monthly,.


Exeter Bank, Exeter......









Danby Bank, Danby......................
South Royalton Bank, South Royalton.... 90
Stark Bank, Bennington...

$3.00 Cochichuate Bank, Boston......
Genesee Farmer,.............................$1.25 Grocer's Bank, Boston..
Albany Cultivator...................................................... $1.25 Western Bank, Springfield..
American Agriculturist,............................................


Harper's Monthly,...

Rural New Yorker,......





[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



Life Illustrated,.

Gleason's Pictoral,...........

Gleason's Literary Companion,..

Bank of South County, Wakefield...
$2.25 Bank of the Republic, Providence...


Water Cure Journal,..

$2,25 .$..50

Phrenological Journal,...


U.S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebra



[blocks in formation]

ted picture of the "Horse Fair,". Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inches in size, in 15 oil colors,.... Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this distinguished man, in oil colors,........... $1,50 From the above it will be seen that a subscription to the Repository in connection with many of the above publications, will absolutely cost nothing, and with the others only from twenty-five to fifty cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs the publisher more than a dollar. It is only through the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who will receive subscriptions for the same in connecon with the Repository.

[blocks in formation]

[blocks in formation]


Closes at 11 A. M. and 53 P. M.
Arrives at 11 and 8 P. M.

The mail closing at 53 P.-M. is the way mail by which the offices are supplied between New London and New Haven; matter for offices beyond New Haven, however. is also sent by the mail which loses at 12 P. M. An additional New Haven mail is also received at 8 P. M.. bringing nothing from offices between New Haven and New London.

Closes for the "Shore Line" R. R. Route at 12 M.
Arrives at 11 P. M.

Closes for Steamboat and N &W. R. R. at 84 P. M.
Arrives at 10 P. M.

Closes at 5 A. M.

[blocks in formation]


Closes at 6 A. M.

Arrives at 5 P. M.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

On alternate days via Norwich, closing at 51 A. M., arriving at 6 P.M.


Closes for Sea Route on the 4th and 19th of each month,

For Overland Route at St. Louis, every Monday and Thursday.

The Post Office opens at 6 A. M. and closes at 8 P. M. On Sunday opens at 7 A. M. for one hour, and hese hours will be strictly observed.

5 8 P. M. for the New York Steamboat mail, or before
Letters or papers put into the outside box before
5 A. M. for the morning Railroad Mail, are always
in time


Granite Bank, Voluntown........ worthless
Hatter's Bank, Bethel.
Litchfield Bank....
Merchant's Exchange Bank, Bridgeport.... 90
Pahquioque Bank, Danbury.
Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport.
Woodbury Bank, Woodbury..

Agricultural Bank, Herkimer....
Bank of Central New York, Utica.............
Bank of Orleans, Albion....

Chemung County Bank, Horseheads.
Dairyman's Bank, Newport....

Goshen Bank-refuse all notes printed on

white paper, as the bank repudiates
them some having been stolen.


[blocks in formation]











[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Hamilton Exchange Bank, Green.....

6 "


Valparaiso, Chili,.

Callao, Peru,...

Palta, Peru,.

Sandwich Islands,.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Hollister Bank, Buffalo..



[merged small][ocr errors]

New York City..


+22.6 *26 แ *10 "

[blocks in formation]

.*45 "

Australia, via Englahd.. #33 "

Australia, via Marseilles,..

Newspapers to England, Ireland, Scotland and France, should be sent with very narrow envelopes, herwise they will be subject to letter postage.

*Payment to be made in advance, All other let-Western Bank, Lockport.............. ters optional.

+Weekly, per annum. Papers in all cases to be aid in advance.


4 66

Ontario Bank, Utica, secured notes.
Ontario County Bank, Phelps..



Pratt Bank, Buffalo....

[blocks in formation]

Reciprocity Bank, Buffalo..


Sackett's Harbor Bank, Buffalo....


Yates County Bank, Penn. Yann.
Nil the rest of the State.







No 12, Main-Street.


A new and beautiful Art of transferring colored or

plain ENGRAVINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &C. 5 on to GLASS. MARBLE, Or Wood, Sent free to any address, on receipt of 25 cents,coin or stamps.

Address G.W. PLACE.

444 Houston st., New York.



Vol. III.


Time to me this truth has thought,

("Tis a truth that's worth revealing,)
More offend from word of thought,
Than from any want of feeling;
If advice we would convey,
There's a time we should convey it-

If we've but a word to say,

There's a time in which to say it.

Oft unknowingly the tongue,
Touches on a cord so aching,
That a word or accent wrong,

Pains the heart almost to breaking:
Many a tear of wounded pride,

Many a fault or human blindness, Has been soothed or turned aside, By a quiet voice of kindness.

Many a beauteous flower decays,

Though we tend it e'er so much; Something secret in it preys,

Which no human aid can touch. So in many a lovely breast

Lies some canker grief concealed, That if touched is more oppressed, Left unto itself is healed!



BY F. M. C.


[blocks in formation]

was liberal and public spirited, contribu-
ting largely, both in the way of funds and
personal exertion to every project design-
ed for the public good.

Among the improvements projected or
promoted by Mr. Shaw was the use of an
engine to extinguish fires. In the year
1767 he imported from Philadelphia and
presented to the town the first fire-engine
that had been seen in the place.

Mr. Shaw was very largely engaged in commerce. He had vessels continually employed in the coasting and West India trade, and also in the European line. His accounts and letters still extant show a large amount and wide extension of business and correspondence. A single circumstance will illustrate his enterprize in opening channels of trade. In May, 1772, he shipped to London, as an experiment, to try the market, a quantity of cotton, which he had received in exchange from the South. This was one of the earliest shipments of that article to Europe, as the regular exportation of cotton did not commence until after the American



No. 36.

element, although ignited in several places by special command of the enemy to whom he was particular obnoxious both on account of his patriotism and his successful forays upon their West India merchantmen. After the enemy had left his premises, a neighbor who bad secreted himself in that part of the town, crept from his hiding place and extinguished the fire before it had made much progress.

A few weeks later, Mr. Shaw's house was opened to receive a party of sick and emaciated prisoners, who were sent into port in a cartel, and for whom at that disastrous period, when three fourths of the town lay in ashes, no other shelter could be procured. The wife and mother of Mr. Shaw bestowed upon these wretched sufferers the kindest attentions, hovering around them like angels of mercy, and administering food and medicine with their own hands.

cient in active sports, such as hunting, fowling and fishing, and a sad accident connected with his favorite pastime, terminated his life. Of this tragic event, which filled the town with lively sympathy and sorrow, a minute account was given shortly afterwards, by his brother, Mr. Thomas Shaw, in a letter to a friend, (Col. Josiah Waters,) a copy of which has been preserved. This letter is dated April 25,

Under their kind and skilful treatment they all recovered and returned to their respective families, but the wife of Mr. Shaw canght the infection from those she had nursed, and after a short illness expired, December 11, 1781. During the revolutionary contest, the Mr. Shaw survived his estimable partservices of Mr. Shaw were invaluable.-ner but a few months. He was a profiHe was one of the Committee of correspondence for the town, and was agent of the Colony of Connecticut and of the Continental Congress for naval supplies, for exchange of prisoners, and for taking care of sick seamen during the whole conflict. His judgment in questions relating to commerce and navigation was highly valued by the State authorities, and he was often sent for to Hartford, to consult with the Council of Safety. The privateer. ing business during this war was exceedingly popular. Mr. Shaw engaged in it Nathaniel Shaw was born Dec. 5, 1735. largely, and his vessels bringing various He was a native of New London; his fa- rich prizes into New London harbor, were ther, Capt. Nathaniel Shaw was a ship-instrumental in giving life and animation master and ship owner, and he himself to the place, in the most depressing period was familiar from his childhood with ev- of the contest, When the town was burnt erything connected with the trade and re- and the shipping destroyed, Sept. 6, 1781, sources of the place. In his youth he no person suffered so largely as Mr. Shaw. made several voyages, and was therefore a His loss was estimated at twelve thousand practical seamen, as well as an enterpris-pounds sterling. His house and furniture ing, sagacious merchant. As a citizen, he was fortunately saved from the devouring

These names belong to men, who, in a former day reflected honor upon New London, by their integrity, talents and public spirit. They were cotemporaries of that generation which includes the period of the revolutionary war, and though not military men, were active in furnishing the sinews of war, and in promoting the sacred cause of liberty.


The writer alludes to those scenes of torror and affliction in which his native town had so largely participated, to the friends that he and his family had seen reduced to poverty, or butchered in cold blood, and to the death of his brother's wife from a disease to which she had been exposed by her compassionate ministrations to the sick and suffering, and then gives in substance the following narrative of the last days of his brother.

He went out on the 12th of April in a

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