Abbildungen der Seite

The church of thine adoption

The Zion of thy care,

Thy words of truth receiving,

No more those words may share ; But hallowed are the counsels

That thou so oft hast given,

So tender, yet so faithful,

The soul to lead to heaven.

The mantle of thy goodness,

Thou ransemed one and blest,
Oh, may it in its fullness

Upon thy people rest
Until the church once favored
By thine unselfish love,
Shall join the church triumphant,
Around the throne above.


And somehow, these people that keep try- AGE OF DISTINGUISHED STATESMAN ing, and always salute her ladyship with a AT THEIR DEATH.-The following table bright face, are the prime favorites of will be interesting at this time, as showFortune. Who would be a mere thermom-ing the age of many of our distinguished eter, to rise and fall in spirit with every statesman at the the time of their death: change of life's atmosphere?”.

We would repeat, put on a cheerful temper. Look on the bright side of nature. Be faithful, hopeful, trustful. Cast off despondency, gloominess, doubt, and dejection. Look up! Trust Providence. Be useful, cheerful, and happy.

met the subject, so blindly discussed, and
so little understood in all its relations by
the American public. Their new profes
sorship will include not only the instruc-

Gen. Washington
Benjamin Franklin
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
John Q. Adams
Andrew Jackson
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Daniel Webster
Thomas H. Benton,

Born. Died. Age. 1732 1799 67 1706 1790 84

1735 1826 91

1743 1826 83 1767 1848 81 1767 1845 78 1777 1852 75 1782 1850 68 1782 1852 70 1782 1858 76

It will be seen that Benjamin Franklin PHYSIOLOGICAL PROFESSORSHIP.-We was born at an earlier period than any learn from the Springfield Republican, statesman who figured at our Revolutionthat not content with erecting as a per-ary history. He was the oldest man who One of the most desirable of all the manent college building, a new and large signed the Declaration of Independence, pleasant amiabilities of human nature, gymnasium-one of the first and finest in being at the time 70 years of age, and had is a cheerful temper-a happy and buoy- the country-the trustees of Amherst have filled the allotted time of the psalmist.ant spirit. There is nothing on earth that taken a step in advance of all its sister He was 26 years older than Gen. Washcan make us really happy without it, while colleges, and established a professorship ington, and was 37 years the senior of with it even the darkest and gloomiest of Physical Culture and Hygiene. They. Thomas Jefferson. In the number of shadows that gather over life's pathway, wisely desire that the new muscle move-years that he lived, John Adams was the wear a faint tinge of beauty-a dim halo le movement' shall be intelligently and patriarch of our statesmen, dying at the of hopeful brightness. To those who are systematically and broadly developed in extraordinary age of 91 years. He lived habitually and constantly looking on the this institution; that the preservation of 27 years longer than General Washington dark side of everything, present and future, the bodily health and the means to it who was appointed on his motion in the nothing is really bright and lovely, while shall be as well understood and intelligent- Continental Congress. Commander-into him of a cheerful nature and hopefully followed as the preservation and culti-chief of the American armies during the heart, "a silver lining" is revealed on ev-vation of the mind and morals. They war of the revolution. His son John Q. ery cloud of sorrow. How important, have thus fully comprehended and wisely Adams, wa. also very aged, being 81 then, is it that we endeavor to cultivate years old. The Adams family was discheerfulness, to look with anticipations of tinguished for its longevity. pleasure upon what may remain for us in future, even though the present may seem dark and unpropitious. What if every-tion thing around us does not accord with our own preconceived ideas of harmony and happiness? What if one does not find everything subservient to his own views and wishes, we would say, in the words of a cotemporary, "Make the best of it. Put a pleasant face on the matter, and don't go about throwing cold water on the firesides of all the rest of mankind. If you are in want of an example, look at the birds, or the flowers, or the very sunshine on the grass! Show us one grumbler in all na-teresting letters in the Republican on ture's wide domains! The man who is Life in Paris,'-has been elected for the habitually gay and cheerful has found the place thus created, and will enter upon its true philosopher's stone-there is no cloud duties at the beginning of the new term, so dark but he sees the blue sky beyond-He unites a sound mind to a sound body; no trouble so calamitous but he finds some and the happiest results may confidently blessing left to thank Providence tor. He be predicted from the wisdom of the offimay be poor and destitute, but he walks clad in armor that all the mines of Golconda cannot purchase. Snow and rain cannot penetrate it-scorn and contumely fall harmless from its surface. The storm that sinks a less courageous craft can only compel him to trim his sails and try again.

CAPABILITIES OF AFRICA.-A recent and regnlation of the students in the letter from Dr. Livingstone, the African use of the gymnasium and its instrument traveller, reiterates at length and in the alities, but lectures in physiology, and ev-strongest terms, his former expressions erything relating to the care of the physical system, as connected with the discipline and developement of the mind. Instruction in elocution will also be included in his duties. A young, well educated, muscular, enthusiastic young physician, Dr. John W. Hooker-a graduate of Yale College, son of Dr. Worthington Hooker, of New Haven, and the author of the in

concerning the cotton-growing capabilities of the whole region of Africa where his labors have extended, He declares that not only are the soil and climate equal to those of the southern United States, but that the cultivation of the plant will be carried on with much less difficulty than in this country. The character of the natives seems to differ as greatly from that of other Africans as does the district they inhabit from the sterile regions which sur. round it. Dr. Livingstone predicts an easy and rapid civilization of the whole country.


cers of the college and his instruction.- FOBSYTH-SANFORD.-In this 6th inst.. by Rev.
The president announced the creation of
S. B. Grant. Mr. Jonathan Fosyth and Miss Eliz-
abeth Sanford, all of this city.
the new professorship at the dinner table,
and it was received with demonstrations
of much satisfaction, and alluded to in
warm commendation by President Felton, MCEWEN. In this city on the 7th inst., Rev. Abel
Mr. Maynard, and other speakers.


McEwen. D. D., aged 80 years.

CORNELL-In this city, on the 6th inst., Franklin
Cornell, aged 40 years.


For the Repository.



When General Lafayette was in York, (formerly Yorktown.) Pa., 2nd of February, 1825, he called it the seat of the “American Union, in our most gloomy


meet at the State House in Philadelphia, one to observe for himself, and act acon the next Thursday, but did not meet cordingly. till the 7th of July following. On the Scrupulous cleanliness is essential to IN 12th of June, Philip Livingstone, one of the healthful warmth of the feet; hence, the delegates to Congress, for the State of all, especially those who walk a great deal New York, died at the age of 63. He out of doors during the day in cold weathwas one of the Signers of the Declaration er, should make it a point to dip both of Independence. On the 4th of Novem- feet in cold water on rising every mornber 1777, Congress "Resolved, that Gen-ing, and let them remain half ankle deep eral. Washington be informed, it is high- for half a minute at a time, then rub and ly agreeable to Congress, that the Marquis wipe dry, dress and move about briskly to De Lafayette be appointed to the com- warm them up. To such as cannot well mand of a division in the continental ar- adopt this course from any cause, the next my." On January 14th, 1778, Baron best plan is to wash them in warm water Steuben received his commission. On just before going to bed, taking the preOctober 31st 1777, John Hancock took caution to dry them by the fire most thorleave of Congress, and on the following oughly before retiring; this, besides keepday, Nov. 1st, Henry Laurens was elected ing the feet clean, preserves a natural softpresident. ness to the skin, and has a tendency to prevent and cure corns. Many a troublesome throat affection and many an annoying headache will be cured if the feet are always kept clean, warm, soft and dry,

On the 14th of September, 1777, Congress, then sitting at Philadelphia, and having strong reasons to believe that that city would be soon in possession of the British, resolved that if they should be obliged to remove from Philadelphia, Lancaster should be the place where they would meet.

The little back alley, leading up from Codocus creek, is still pointed out as the way through, to avoid public observation and display, which. Washington, entered town from his head-quarters, three miles out.

Also the site of the log tavern which was his quarters in town.

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On the 18th of September, Congress sat as usual, and after having fulfilled the regular hours of daily service, adjourned to 10 o'clock the next morning; but during the adjournment, the president received a letter from Col. Hamilton, one of Gen. Washington's aids, which intimat- Jacob Barnitz of Yorktown, was an ed the necessity of removing the Congress ensign in the celebrated "Flying Camp" immediately from Philadelphia. Upon which Congress resolved in 1776, should this the members left the city, and agree- be formed in the “Middle Colonies." A able to a former resolution, repaired to few men of silvered hairs, trembling on Lancaster. Philadelphia was shortly af- the verge of the grave, were then mere terwards, viz., on the 26th of September, boys, but whose memories are still fresh taken by Sir William Howe, which show with respect to the would be hardships ed the wisdom and foresight of Congress, and dangers of their 'earlier youth. The in leaving that capital. Congress met at Camp" above referred to, met with disLancaster on the 27th of September, (the asters-some of them were taken in the very day Philadelphia was taken,) but as battle on Long Island; but the place they had good reasons for fearing moles- which proved the grave of their hopes was tation even in that place, they determin- at that fatal action at Fort Washington, ed that the Susquehanna should flow be- on the Hudson, near the city of New tween them and the enemy, and accord York. Ensign Barnitz was wounded in ingly, on the same day, adjourned to both legs, and laid for fifteen months a Yorktown, The treasury books, papers, comfortless prisoner without hope. After money, &c., were carried from Philadel- his return he suffered the loss of one of phia to Bristol, and round by Reading to those members which had borne the hero Lancaster, and thence to Yorktown.- and the patriot, as he proudly waved to This circuitous route was on account of the winds of his country's liberty, fear that they should fall into the hands of the enemy, who were at that time in Chester county, still fresh from the battle of Brandywine. The first day of the session of Congress at Yorktown was the 30th of September, 1777. In June 1778 the British evacuated Philadelphia, and marched into New Jersey, and of this Congress received information on the 20th of the same month, by a letter from General Washington. They sat in Yorktown but a few days longer, for on Saturday the 27th of June, 1778, they adjourned to

The stars and stripes,
The banner of the free.


THE FEET.--No persons can be well
long whose feet are habitually cold; while
securing for them dryness and warmth, is
the certain means of removing a variety
of annoying ailments.

The feet of some are kept more com-
fortable in winter if cotton is worn,
while woolen suits others better.
wise course, therefore, is for




Some feet are kept cold from their damp. ness from incessant perspiration; in such cases cork soles are injurious, because they become saturated, and maintain moisture for a long time. Soak a cork in water for a day and see. A better plan is to cut a piece of broadcloth the size of the foot, baste on it half an inch thickness of curled hair, wear it inside the stocking, the hair touching the sole; remove at night and place before the fire to dry until morning. The hair titilates the skin, thereby warming it some, and conducts the dampness to the cloth.

Scrupulous cleanliness of feet and stockings, with hair soles, are the best means known to us of keeping the feet warm when they are not cold from decided ill health. A tight shoe will keep the feet "as cold as ice," when a loose fitting one will allow them to be comfortably warm. A loose woolen sock over a loose shoe will maintain more warmth than the thickest sole tight fitting boot. Never start on a journey in the winter, nor any other time, with a new shoe.-Hall's Journal of Health.

BAKED EGG PLANT.-Parboil it until it is soft enough to stick a straw into; then cut it just in half; scoop out the inside, leaving the hull; chop it up very fine, and season it very highly with pepper and salt, a great deal of butter, and crumbs of bread. Mix all well together, and return it into the hull; then strew crumbs of bread on the top, and bake it for about half an hour.-Genesee Farmer.


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tion that the plants will continue in bearthis season for so long a period. At the BLANCHING CELERY WITH SAWDUST.-time of our visit, June 25th, ripe fruit had A correspondent of the London Cardener's been picked for two weeks, and yet there Chronicle, recommends the use of sawdust were plenty of unripe berries in different for blanching celery, as he finds it to an-stages, all healthy, and in a way to come, swer the purpose better than any other in regular succession, to maturity. The material, and is especially valuable for the fruit is on long, strong stems, which keep late crops to be kept during the well exposed to the sun and air. The He says: "Having had some trouble in average size is large-as there are a few the winter of 1857, in keeping late celery small berries-although single specimens from rotting in a new kitchen garden, of other varieties might be found, which where the soil was very retentive and are somewhat larger. A fair comparison damp, and the plants earthed up in the of Cutter's Seedling, with several other usual manner, I have.since used sawdust kinds, including McAvoy's Superior, Jenfor the purpose, and find that it answers ny Lind, Peabody's Prolific, etc., showed perfectly. Last winter all the late celery the former to be more productive than was earthed up with sawdust, and it kept either-much more so than the two latter. quite sound till April, and no slugs or in- It certainly has every indication of being sects attacked it underground, the heads a very valuable variety, both for market being very solid, clear and crisp, and well and for home use. flavored. I had some doubts that the Sawdust from resinous trees might give the celery a disagreeable flavor, but on trial I found this not to be the case, and the sawdust is now taken indiscriminately from the sawpits, where different kinds of trees are sawn up. Before the late severe frost occurred in October I had just finishthe earthing up of all the late celery with sawdust, and I find it is now wonderfully fresh, the frost not having penetrated far through the earthing to the hearts."

REBECCA GRAPE.-A New York fruit

cloudy Showery.

and possesses the same rich, sub-acid flavor, It continues bearing a long time.Fruit cylindric, one and a quarter inches long, and nearly half an inch in diameter. Color maioon, or an intense blue black at full maturity. Flesh, juicy, rich, sugary, with a sprightly vinous flavor." Another writer says:-"I have never before known a fruit that gave such universal delight, suiting all palates, and equally excellent with cream and sugar for the table, or freshly gathered from the tree to eat from the hand. In puddings they are very good, in pies unsurpassable. The trees are picturesque, hardy and rapid growers. They give fruit early, which improves in quality and size as the trees advance in age, and never fail of yielding a profuse crop for more than two months of the season when such fruit is most wanted."

WATERING TREES.-More trees are de

grower, in the Gardener's Monthly, char-stroyed, yearly, than saved, by injudicious acterizes this grape as "the sweetest and watering. Many persons pour pailful after richest of all grapes that I know, it being pailful of cold water around the roots of a compound of honey and refined sugar, newly planted trees, during the early part and no one will need more than a bunch or of the season; their object being to assist two at a time, before he will find his ap- the tree by supplying the moisture, to force petite fully satisfied." He further says: out its buds and leaves to vigorous growth. "Unfortunately it is rather delicate and The result is more often to create disease sensitive, and apt to suffer from the sudden and rapid decay in the root, to drown the Another correspondent recommends changes of temperature incident to our young fibres, and by keeping the ground climate, and should be planted in a shel- wet and cold, produce death. Better hoe charred earth, in preference to sawdust, tered place, receive generous treatment, around the tree every other night, just at as it will not only answer the purpose as and by no means be allowed to overbear, sundown, and let the watering alone. The well, but will allow the rain water to per-as that would be ruinous to it. I fear it former practice will destroy the tree, the colate more freely to the roots of the plants, will never become popular in the vineyard. latter will save it.-American Ruralist. as it is not as strong and hardy as the Isabella or Catawba, and more subject to mildew than either of those varieties; but in every well kept garden is certainly indispensable."


and be of infinite service to a sofl of damp, retentive nature." The sawdust, he thinks, will produce an injurious growth of fungi

in the soil.-Genesee Farmer.

CUTTER'S SEEDLING STRAWBERRY.— The editor of the Boston Cultivator has seen this fruit growing recently, and says: "It is evidently a very productive variety, and continues in bearing an unusual length of time. Mr. Manning sent fruit from the same plants to market for thirty-five days last year, and there is every indica


Craib, gardener to S. Matthews, Esq., informs us that his tomatoes raised on cutting were earlier and finer than thore produced on the plants from which the cuttings were taken.-Genesee Farmer.

PEACHES.-A correspondent of the Ohio

DOWNING'S MULBERRY.-This fruit is receiving some attention. Downing thus describes it:-"Originated here from seed of Multicaulis. Tree very vigorous and Cultivator asserts that the only way to very productive, an estimable variety, sur-make sure of a crop of peaches every year, passed by none except the Black English, is to graft upon the wild plum stock.

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Rural New Yorker,...


Life Illustrated,.

Gleason's Pictoral,..

Water Cure Journal,.



MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. POST OFFICE, NEW LONDON, January 1, 1860. NEW YORK AND SOUTHERN-[By Steamboat.] Closes at 8 P. M. Arrives at 2 o'clock A. M. NEW YORK AND SOUTHERN─[By Railroad,] Closes at 11 A. M., and 54 P. M.

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Arrives at 6 P. M.





Closes at 6 A. M. and 1 P. M.

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Gleason's Literary Companion,..

Phrenological Journal,..

$2.50 Bank of South County, Wakefield...

$2.25 Bank of the Republic, Providence....
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U. S. Journal including Rosa Bonheur's celebrated picture of the "Horse Fair, Mount Vernon, a beautiful print, 17 by 20 inches in size, in 15 oil colors,... Edward Everett, a splendid portrait of this dis tinguished man, in oil colors,. ..$1,50 From the above it will be seen that a subscription to the Repository in connection with many of the above publications, will absolutely cost nothing, and with the others only from twenty-five to fly cents, while every volume of our paper actually costs the publisher more than a dollar. It is only through the libera arrangements of cotemporaries, therefore that we can afford to be liberal. Specimens of the Magazines and Engravings may be seen at the Book Store of Messrs. Starr & Co., No. 4. Main Street, who will receive subscriptions for the same in connecion with the Repository.

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6 "

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#22 64

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[blocks in formation]



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Vol. III.


Hope on, though wild and dark the night,
And not a star appear,
Thine eye shall grow more large and bright,
Thy sight become more cleae.

So e'en the dark shall yield a light,
To guide thee on thy way;
For as man's day, so is his night-

Then hope on, hope and pray.

And though the night be dark and wild,
Patience that waits may see

The stars shine forth once more, with mild
And calm effulgency.

And though the strife be stern and long,
The hounds may miss their prey,
Nor naught than patience is more strong-
Then hope on, hope and pray.





"Florence, I would not let Frank Raymond wait so constantly on me, if I were you," said Annie Weston to her friend Florence Elliot, as they sat togeth

er at the home of the former.

"Why not, Annie, have you heard anything derogatory to his character ?” asked Florence.

"Oh, no, his character may be well enough, but he is nothing but a carpenter and poor at that.”


"Is that all Annie!" said Florence, with a half drawn sigh of relief. you can bring no other argument against


Thursday, September 20, 1860.

"Well, you are the one to bo satisfied, but I am sure I could not be under the circumstances. Only last night George said he wondered at a girl of your beauty and wealth to marry such a poor fellow." Florence's dark eyes flashed, a erimson spot burned upon her cheek as she exclaimed

"Did George Linden dare to say that?" "You need not get so angry, Florence, he did say it, and it was no crime."

Said Annie.

The color faded from Florence's cheek,
and the angry flash from her eyes. She
laid her hand gently upon Annie's, and
in a gentle tone said—

Forgive me if my tone was harsh,
and also pardon what I am about to take
the liberty of saying; but Annie, dearest
I love you, and I cannot help it, You
have spoken to me of Frank's poverty,
would I had nothing worse to complain
of in George Linden. You know, Annie,
that I have a dear brother who is on the
broad road to ruin the path of vice, the
ways of the wicked are familiar to his feet,
the destroyer of that brother, the one who
first led him astray, was George Linden.
Oh, Annie, before it is too late, draw back.
He has untold wealth; he can give you
every earthly luxury which your heart
can desire; but he loves the wine-cup; he
frequents the gaming table; wealth can-
not bring you happiness with such a man.
I would not have spoken of him thus to
for worlds, had I loved you less than
I do; but your happiness is very dear to


No. 31.

When Florence arose to depart, Annie laid a restraining hand upon her arm, and tooking into her deep eyes, said—

"Florence, I know that what you told me you did out of kindness, but I would rather risk my happiness with George, than marry a poor man.".

"Do as you like, but remember dearest Annie, as you sow so shall you reap." It was the last time Florence ever spoke on the subject, but in after years Annie remembered every word she ever said,

Florence Elliot was the only daughter of wealthy parents, beautiful and accomplished, but of her many charms she seemed almost unconscious. Pride she had, but it was of that high, noble standard which instinctively shrinks from contact with anything which does not possess pure and intrinsic worth.

Annie Weston was Florence's dearest friend, but very different was their character and disposition. Annie had many noble traits in her character, but from childhood the evil of her nature had been nourished by a vain frivolous mother, and the estimation in which she held words and wealth, may be seen from her conversation with Florence.

Some months after the conversation related above, the two girls stood before the altar as brides, and heard the words which bound them to the chosen of their hearts. Florence turned away to seek the neat little home which Frank Raymond had provided for her; and Annie went as the mistress of a stately mansion in the city of

him, his being a poor carpenter will have me, and I could not bear to see you cast it New York. Which would be the hap

but little weight with me."

"Florence, you are provokingly democratic in your notions; a girl of your standing in society to throw yourself away upon a poor carpenter is perfectly ridiculous; you will never be happy I am sure."

from you by wedding him who has been
such a curse in our circle, without one
warning word.

Annie was silent for some moments af-
ter Florence ceased speaking, then she


pier? Which bad chosen the better part?

The summer sun was calmly sinking to repose, and the waving poplars cast shadows on the sloping green, before a vine encumbered cottage, which looked as if "I cannot believe what you have told the Angel of Peace had folded his wings above it. The evening repast was spread, and after partaking of it, the gentleman walking out upon the lawn, the lady took her child, a boy about six years old, and prepared him for his night's repose, then he knelt at'her knee, with clasped hands and uplifted eyes he repeats the evening

"I think differently, dear Annie. Ime, Florence." know that Frank is, as you say, poor; "I never told you an untruth, Annie, that is, when I become his wife, I cannot and I would not have spoken aught live in the style that I do now, but I have no fears that I will not be happy, for he is worthy of any woman's love; he is truly noble and good.”

against him if I had not been so sure of
its truth. Let us say no more about it
now; think of what I have told you, and
then act as your heart dictates."

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