Abbildungen der Seite
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To Witne ses : —

The same fees now allowed to witnesses in criminal cases before justices of the peace To Jurors:

The sum of one dollar per day: Which fees shall be taxed by said jugtice, who may draw on the treasurer of the town for the amount of such fees, in the same man er as is now by law provided for payment of costs in criminal cases before justices of the peace.

SEC. 5. The provisions of this act shall apply to and be in force in any other town in this State, whenever such town shall at any legal annual town meeting on due notice given, approve and accept of the same, by a major vote of the inhabitants of such town present at said meeting.

SEC. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 21st, 1860.

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre

sentatives in General Assembly convened :


Approved, June 21st, 1860.


An ac to provide for the more perfect regis. tration of the names of electors of this


tors' meetings, to the best of your abilities: So
help you God."

SEC. 2. The clerk of said board shall, at
least fourteen days before the first Monday in
April, annually, and at least fourteen days be-
fore the next and each successive election of
electors of president and vice president of the
United States, make a list, as nearly perfect
as practicable, of the names of all the persons
legally qualified to vote in such town, at ei-
ther of the elections atoresaid; which names
shall be arranged in alphabetical order and
delivered to said board.

SEC. 3. The board of registration shall, at least twelve days before the first Monday in April annually, and at least twelve days before the next and each succcessive clection of electors of president and vice president of the United States, deposit a list of the names of electors thus prepared, authenticated by the signatures of said board, or a majority of them, in the town clerk's office, for public inspection; post copies of the same, certified by the clerk of said board, in the town clerk's office, and on all the public sign posts in the town, and make such further publication as they deem necessary; and the town clerk, upon payment of the legal fees, shall furnish unto any one desiring it, a certified copy of said list so deposited in his office.


as are shown to be necessary to render the
same a complete and perfect registry of the
legally qualified electors of this State who
have resided in such town the period of four
months as aforesaid; provided, that the name
of no person shall be erased from the published
or posted list until he shall have a fair oppor-
tunity to be heard thereon, and if required,
such examination shall be under oath.
said board shall, at the request of any el ctor of
the town, examine any person applying for the
registry of his own name or the names of any
other person or persons, and shall require
upon the request of any elector as aforesaid,,
the evidence, under oath, of at least one elector
of the state, beside the person so applying,
that said person or persons, whose names are
presented to be added to said list, have or
will have resided in the town the said period
of four months before the day of election, and
at the request of any elector, the residence of
the persou so applying, or applied for, and the
residence of the elector making oath to sup
port such application, shail be recorded by
said board, by street and number, if the street
of such towns are numbered, otherwise by
street or school district.

Sec. 5. The board of registration shall give notice of the time and place of bolding

And in

their sessions to correct and revise the re-
gistry lists, upon the lists posted or pub-
lisshed as aforesaid, and by advertising the
same in one or more newsp pers, if any
are published in the same town.
addition to the sessions of the board before
Dumed, they shall hold a session on the day
of election, at the place where said meeting
is held, hut shall not be in session after
twelve o'clock on said day, which said ses-
sion shall be for the purpose of admitting
as electors those applicants, only, legally
qualified to be so admitted, whose right to
be made electors shall have accrued since
the last meeting of the board; but the
names of such lectors so admitted shall
not be added to said hist, unless at or be-
fore the last prior meeting of said board,
notice shall have been given to said board
o their intention so to apply to be admis
t d as electors, and their names shall have
b en entered on said list under the head of
Intended Applications;" and it shall be
th duty of the board to register on said
list the names of persons so applying under
such head.

Whenever the oath required by the charter of any City be administered to the may or, aldermen, common council, clerk and SEC. 4. The board of registration in each sheriffs of said city, has been administered by any officer authorized by the laws of town shall meet at such convenient place as this State to administer vatus, although they may appoint, on the last Monday in not by the officer particularly designated March, annually, and on Monday of the week by the charter of said city, said oath shalt next preceding any election of electors of presibave the same effect, as if it had been addent and vice president of the United States, at ten o'clock in the forenoon on said days, to ministered by the officer so particularly correct and revise said list; and they shall re designated, and all acts and proceedings main in session for that purppose and for the of any such city officers to whom said oath bas been administered as aforesaid, shall purposes heripafter prescribed, till five o'clock in the afternoon of the said days, with liberty be as valid and effectual to all int nts and of any necessary recess during said time, and purposes as if said oath had been dininis said board may adjourn from time to time, but tered by the person designated in said char, shall not be in session alter Wednesday of the week next preceding the holding of the elec tion aforesaid, except as is hereinafter provided. But said board shall be in session on said Wednesday of the week preceding the holding of the elections, as aforesaid, from ten o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Said board shall, at such meetings, examine and decide upon all Sec. 1. That the selectmen and town clerk applications to examine and decide upon all of each town respectively, shall constitute a applications to be admitted to the privilege of board of registration, to a certain, determine, an elector, and to admi. ister the oath by law and make registry of the names of all persons provided, to those so found to be qualified; SEC 6. When any person cxhibits to said legally qualified to vote for all the officers and any person claiming to be an elector in Board papers of naturalization, issued to elected at any annual election held on the such town shall have a right to apply to said him in due form by a court having jurisdic first Mouday in April, and also of all who are board for the registration of his name, and al- tion, if said Board is satisfied of the genuentitled to vote at the text and each successive su for that of any other person or persons omit-ineness of such papers, and that they were election of e.ectors of presid.nt and vice-presi- ted in the registry, and may also object to the issued to the persons presenting them, they deat of the United States; and the town registration of the rame of any person (either sha | approve them by a written endorse clerk sha 1 be clerk of said board, and in case inserted by the board, or proposed to be inser- ment thereon, with the date thereof, signed of his absene, or inability to perform the du- ted) on the ground that such person is not le- by the Clerk of said Board; and if such ties, said board may appoint any other elect- gaily entitled to vote in said town; but the applicant shall have the other legal qualit or clerk thereof. And the said selectmen and name of no person shall be added to such list, cations of an elector, they shall admit him town clerk shall be sworn to a faithful dis-on certificate or otherwise, unless, in addition n due form, and cause his name to be in chrge of all the duties imposed upon them by to proof that he is a legally qualified elector of tered on said list. virtue of this act, by having the following oath this State, he shall have resided in the town previously administered to them,to wit: "You do solemnly swear,you will faithfully discharge, according to law, the duties of the office of examiners of the qualifications of voters at elec

Be it onacted by the Senate and House of Representa

twes, in General Assembly convened:

where he claims the right to vote the period
of four months, immediately preceding the day
of election. Said board shall also make such
erasures from such list, and additions thereto,

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SEC. 7. Duplicate copies of said corrected lists shall be made, one of which shall, on or before the Wednesday of the week next preceding any day of election as aforesaid, be lodged in the office of the town clerk,



Vol. III.



The lofty oak, the mountain pine,
So stately in their pride;
Must bend below the howling storms
That on the night winds ride;
While the meek willow lowly stoops
Before the raging blast,

And lifts its head in beauty decked,
When storms and clonds are past.
So, thou, O, man, must lowly bend,

When sorrows round thee press,
They may be angels in disguise
To lead to happiness;
O, trust to him who rules above,
And Lend beneath the blast,
And He will raise thy drooping soul
When storms of life are past.



BY F. M, C.

[blocks in formation]

Thursday, July 12, 1860

to the Governor of Canada at Quebec, to concert the exchange of prisoners, returned this day."


No. 21.

Two China basins and a punch bowl. A violin, sword, bayonet and pistol. When the estate was settled and the debts all paid, the residue was less than £100. His homestead farm and other lands appear to have stood either in the name of his wife or that of her mother, Madam Knight. The precise location of his residence is not known, but it is supposed to have been upon high ground near Uncasville. Hempsted in his jour

He was subsequently promoted to the rank of Lieut. Colonel, and took an active part in various expeditions against the French and Indians. In the concerns of the Mohegan Indians he manifested a deep interest, was a personal friend of the Sachem, and speculated largely in their lands. He had a farm upon Saw-mill Brook, which was a part of the paternal nal under the date of Oct. 1, 1729, speaks inheritance of his wife, where he erected of "Mrs. Livingston great house," at a saw-mill and a fulling-mill. Large Mohegan, where, in company with Capt. farms also, at Massapeag and Pawmechaug, Wadsworth and Mr. Green he had stayed were at different periods in his possession, all night. or passed through his hands. In 1710, he was one of the four purchasers of the whole Mohegan territory, reserving only the rights of the Indians.


His wife, Mrs. Mary Livingston, died at the farm upon Saw-mill Brook, about six miles from town, on the 8th of JanuaAmong the officers from New York ry, 1713. She was brought into town and that had accompanied General Winthrop interred on the 16th, having been kept till in the unfortunate expedition against Can- that time on account of the severity of the ada in 1690, were Robert and John Liv- weather and a great depth of snow. The ingston of Albany. As they were mem-age of this lady is unknown; no date of her bers of the council, and had concurred in birth or her marriage has been recovered, all the measures of the commander-in-nor is the period of her father's marriage chief, they shared in the odium attached to the failure of the expedition, and to avoid a vindictive prosecution at home, took 'refuge in Connecticut. The death of Leisler, soon delivered them from the fear of molestation, but John Livingston having become attached to Winthrop, entered into the service of the Colony, and ever afterward made Connecticut his home. At first he dwelt in Hartford, but after his marriage with Mary, the only child of Winthrop, his usual residence was at New London, or upon the Indian lands between this place and Norwich.

Col. Livingston married for his second wife, Elizabeth, the only child of Mrs. Sarah Knight. In November, 1718, he went to England upon some business, and while there was taken ill and died. He left a will, which was authenticated in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Great Britain,-dated Feb. 17. 1719-20. The executors named were his wife Elizabeth Livingston, of New London, Ct., and James Douglass, of London, G. B.

Mrs. Livington was then residing with her mother, Mis. Knight, at Norwich, and The following items are from the news- the inventory of his effects was taken at papers of the day :

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“New London, 9 Aug. 1704. On Thursday last marched from hence Capt. John Livingston, with a brave company of volunteers, English and Indians to reinforce the frontiers."

"Boston, June 11, 1705, Capt. John Livingston with the other messengers sent

that place. It consisted of a few articles of household furniture, and the following items:

103 ounces of wrought silver at 10s 6d per ounce.

A parcel of printed pictures.
A japanned cabinet.
A field tent.

The second Madam Livingston died in New-London, (probably at the house of Christopher Christophers Esq., whose wife was a relative,) on the 17th of March 1736, and was interred on the 19th, her pall-bearers being six of the most respectable gentlemen in the place, viz: Messrs. ward Hallam, John Curtis, Daniel HubJeremiah Miller, Timothy Green, Edbard and Joshua Hempsted. The inven5s 5d. Among the items are the silver tory of her estate amounted to £2193 plate, cabinet and pictures that were probably her husband's, three slaves and a variety of curious articles, indicative of the owner's taste and wealth, such as:

A diamond ring with five diamonds £30.
A pair of gold buttons with stones 40s.
A stoned ring 40s.

A pair of gold buttons 1s

A red stone for a locket 7s.
Stone ear-rings 60s.
Stone drop for the neck.
4 gold rings, 1 silver ring.
A magnifying glass 5s.
A tryangle glass 2s.

2 ostritch egg shells 4s.
Damask table-cloth 80s.

A table-stone erected to her memory in the old Burial Ground has the following inscription:

MARCH 17TH A. D. 1735-6

THE REPOSITORY: tory almost illimitable, bordered with tion in the matter, notwithstanding every

[blocks in formation]

"The Glorious Fourth," the anniversa ry of our nation's independence-the birthday of our country's freedom, brings with it the noblest and most patriotic associations. Whether ushered in with the booming of cannon, the sound of the drum and the roar of artillery, or simply the "music of the merry bells," pealing their glad notes in sweetest chimes, and mingling their joyous melody with the tuneful songs of nature, the day with tts past mementoes comes to us commemorative of the most glorious epoch of liberty in the history of nations,

It is ever pleasant to recall the grateful memories of the day which gave to our country its independence. It is a day hallowed in its associations and glorious in its interests. God, who gave to his ancient people a jubilee—an annual day of rejoicing over their deliverance from cruel bondage, has conferred on us a boon no less precious-a jubilee of our nation, in which we hail our deliverance from the yoke of tyr rany and oppression. In token of this, the glad symbol of our triumph-the banner of our country is unfurled to the breeze in every city, town, village and hamlet throughout the entire extent of our territory. And as we look upon the flag of our liberties, our thoughts involuntarily revert to the time when it was first raised over the tried and feeble but faithful few, who in the strength of Hoaven firmly resolved to defend it or perish. And nobly thoy performed the solemn duty-faithfully they executed the sacred trust. They nobly braved the ter

magnificent cities and teeming with mil- necessary accommodation is offered to be
lions on millions of happy freemen!- provided for passengers without any ex-
Then, a few frail barks unfurled the stan-d pense to the town. It certainly is a matter
ard of our country to the ocean breeze; of deep regret, and should be one of mor-
now it waves over thousands af magnifi- tification to our citizens, that such a want
cent floating palaces that traverse every of attention to the comfort and necessities
ocean, visit every clime and are found in of the public should continue to exist.
every part of the civilized world. That Are we willing to go back to the old flat
banner which once led the forlorn hope in scow system of conveyance, when men,
the darkest hour of danger and deadly women and children were all tumbled to-
conflict with our enemies, now waves its gether in the same open barge to be rowed
peaceful folds, the glorious symbol of our across the Thames? If so, we might dis-
country's freedom, and it is greeted on pense with passenger houses; but if not,
other shores and in distant lands, as the if we mean to conform at all to the pres-
emblem of freedom and the welcome ban- ent age of improvement, let us have at
ner of liberty.
least the shelter that a good farmer would
give to his cattle, for those who have occa-
sion to cross the NEW-LONDON FERRY.
For the sake of decency, the public ac
commodation, and for our own reputation
as a civilized community, we trust meas-
ures may be taken speedily to have suita-
ble ferry houses erected at each landing.
If we do not do it, or rather permit it, we
shall be justly worthy of public censure,
and exposed to public scorn.

This is the result of the wisdom, the valor, and the patriotism of our fathers, who achieved the liberties of our country and erected this fair fabric--the "Temple of Freedom" in this western clime, and we repeat the words of one of its most gallant defenders, the noble Lafayette which we exclaim, "May this immense Temple of Freedom ever stand, a lesson to oppressors, an example to the oppressed, a sanctuary for the right of mankind! and may these happy United States attain that complete splendor and prosperity which will illustrate the blessings of their Government, and for ages to come to rejoice the departed souls its founders."

AMERICAN NEWS THROUGH ENGLISH PAPERS.-Our transatlantic brethren of the press, frequently make curious blunders, and publish queer articles in regard to American affairs.

The editor of the Gardener's Chronicle GROTON FERRY ACCOMMODATIONS.- of June 2, for instance under the head of The ferry accommodations between this "UNITED STATES," giving his readers the city and Groton, in the hands of the pres- intelligence that the Republican Convenent enterprising proprietor, we are pleased tion at Chicago had nominated Mr. Linto observe, are in good condition, and the coln of Illinois for the Presidency and Mr. facilities for crossing the ferry certainly Hamlin of Maine as Vice President, states cannot be complained of. But there is that "the Republicans of Chicago had now, and has long been, a sad want of nominated Mr. Lincoln for the Presiden passenger accommodations at the landings cy. The lilinois Convention had nomion each side of the river, and and an al-nated Mr. Hamlin as President, and most unaccountable neglect on the part of Mr. Maine as Vice President. Great enthe town owning and leasing the ferry to thusiasm prevailed!” provide proper houses for passengers while waiting for the boat. It matters not how cruel "the pelting of the pitiless storm," burgh, Pa., paper has intelligence of the how bitter or bow rough the cold blasts of death of Mrs. P. Weeden, the last surviwinter, or how oppressive the fierce heat vor of the Wyoming massacre. Only eighty-five years since, and the of the summer, the unfortunate pedestrian twelve years old at the time, and she reglad shout of a few, comparatively, went passenger must stand exposed to all this,-tained a vivid recollection of the massaup to heaven, as the thirteen stars and and for gentlemen, ladies or children, cre until her death, She was a prisoner stripes were first raised over the then thir- even to the tender infant, there is no re- with her sister in the fort where every teen States, embracing a few Atlantic cit- lief. It is, we repeat it, an unaccountable male was put to death by the tomahawk, ies, and the scattered towns and villages and a culpable neglect, of which the pub- The sisters left the valley with their that skirted our inland forests. Now the lic do right to complain. The call for a father and mother, and traveled with a triumphant peans of exulting millions meeting of our citizens, to take measures flag of truce through the dense forest, till swell in thunder tones upon a thousand to remedy the evil, we regret to learn, re- within forty miles of the Connecticut rivhills and amid the verdant valleys of aterri- sulted in an ignoble failure to take any ac

rors of those fearful times tried the souls of men, and amid the horrors of desolation and the sanguinary conflict on the battlefield and on the ocean, achieved the liber

ties of the nation.


THE WYOMing MassacrE.-A Harris

She was

WASHINGTON'S AUTOGRAPH.-At a sale of Autograph letters recently held in London, a letter of George Washington, the first President of the United States, written when a subultern in the service in the Colonial Government to the governor of Virginia, sold at £15 10s., equal to about $75.

VALUABLE SALT-CELLAR.-A salt-cellar of the Henry II, pottery-of which ware only thirty-two pieces exist-was lately sold in Paris for $2,529.


MERRITT-TREADWAY.-In Groton, on the 3rd
inst., by Rev. S. Hine, Charles Merritt to Frances
Treadway, both of Groton.
NEFF-MARKS.-In this city on the 3rd inst., by
Rev. Dr. Hallam, Mr. Charles F. Neff and Miss
Melissa Marks of this city.
MURPHY-HANCOX,-At Mystic Bridge on the
7th inst., by Rev. W. R. Long, Enos Murphy and
Catharine E. Hancox, both of Mystic Bridge.

terize the Ladies' Home Magazine. Its talented
editress, Virginia F. Townsend, is one of our most
The July number commences a new volume, a suffi-
cient hint for our readers. Published by T. S. Ar-
thur & Co., Philadelphia, at $2.00 per annum..

gifted writers, as all who read her articles can attest.

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY.-This well known literary monthly has become an indispensable companion. The high character of the work in regard to literary merit and originality is most admirably sustained, and its enterprising publishers have reason to congratulate themselves on the success that they so richly deserve. Among the many magazines of the present day, the Atlantic sustains an enviable reputation, and commends itself to "earnest thinkers" and independent writers in every portion of the country. Published by Ticknor & Fields, Boston, at $3.00 per annum.

ble Household Magazine comes to us with marked THE HOME MONTHLY.-This excellent and attract punctuality, and ever presents pleasing evidence of decided talent on the part of its able conductors and its inte-ligent and gifted contributors. The July number commences the fourth volume of this excellent Monthly, and presents a good opportunity to send in names as subscribers to the work. We notice, in addition to the strong inducements to take LYONS.-In this city on the 9th inst., Mr. Thomas the publishers offer valuable premiums to clubs and the Magazine on account of its own sterling merits, M. Lyons, aged 57 years.



THE WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON.-The first volume of the new edition of Bacon's Works, announced to be published July 1, will not be issued until

Table” is, as usual, a rich melange for the reader.—
The Horticulturist occupies a noble position, and is

Saxton, Barker & Co., 25 Park Row, New York.—
$2.00 per annum.

an honor both to its editor and publishers. C. M.

THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR.-This noble auxilliary in the cause of southern Agriculture is one of our most regular exchanges, and richly deserves the high reputation it enjoys as one of the first of its class published at the South. Devoted as it is to southern Agriculture, Horticulture, and Plantation and Domestic Economy, its value to our southern friends eannot be over estimated. It is of the superroyal octavo form and size, neatly printed on beautiful paper, with thirty-two pages of reading matter each month, and published at Augusta, Geo., by Wm. S. Jones, at $1.00 per annum.

THE GENESEE FARMER.-We need not repeat the Agricultural Monthly. It is among the oldest and frequent commendations bestowed upon this sterling most reliable of all our Agricultural exchanges, an its cost only FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. scribe for it will get twice the worth of their money. All who subPublished by Joseph Harris, Rochester, N. Y.

THE RURAL NEW-YORKER is not only one of our best Agricultural publications, but also a valuable that I have ever read." It is illustrated with nufamily paper, "the best" says a friend at our elbow individuals, Published by Arey & Gildersleeve, merous fine engravings, and filled with most excelBuffalo, N. Y., and O. D. Case & Co., Hart-lent original and contributed matter. In size, emford Conn. $1,50 for one copy, $4.00 for five copies, and $10.00 for ten copies.


their own organ, we shall be signally disappointed.
Connecticut farmers do not liberally sustain this,
With an able editorial corps, and many talented
contributos, together with a wide circle of corres

THE HOMESTEAD.-This most admirably conducted Agricultural weekly is emphatically our own pubSeptember. The publishers, Messrs. Brown & Tag-lication, and one which is an honor to our State. gard, have received a letter from the English editor, Mr. Spedding, who has so interested himself as to inform them that if they will delay the issue until September, he will furnish them with certain notes and corrections, which will add greatly to the value of their edition. Having received this kind offer from Mr. Spedding, the publishers think that it is due to their large list of subscribers to delay the issue, and thus give the American edition a further superiority over the English.

THE MOVEMENT-CURE is the title of a work just published by Messrs. Fowler & Wells, 308 Broadway, New York, giving directions for the treatment of various diseases by a scientific, common-sense method. We have not, personally, had an opportunity of examining the work, but the author, Dr. G. H. Taylor, describes it as a specialty of medical practice, depending entirely on physiological means, and pointing out the means of directing the corporeal energies into just those channels in which they are most needed, in order to perfect the balance of the physiological processes. To the over be-drugged community, suffering from the various ills that flesh is heir to, and desiring relief, this work will be timely and acceptable, offering aid and good practical advice to all its readers, The publishers' price is $1.25.

pondents, the Homestead occupies a high position in
the estimation of an intelligent public. A new vol-
ume commences with the next number, and we trust
our numerous Agricultural friends will not fail to
improve the opportunity to renew their subscrip-
tions, and add a handsome array of names to the
subscription list. Published by M. C. Weld, 152
Asylum Street, Hartford, Ct., at two dollars per an-

THE GARDENER'S MONTHLY.-We have had occa.
sion so frequently to refer in high terms to this ex-
cellent monthiy, that we scarcely need to speak fur-
ther in regard to its merits. The Gardener's Month-
ly for the Gardener, Horticulturist, Arboriculturist,
and Botanist, presents claims and attractions of the
highest order. In addition to its numerous wood
engravings, the present number contains a colored
lithograph of the "Wizard of the North" Strawberry,
showing the size that immense variety attains in
England. The Gardener's Monthly is published at
No. 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, at one dol-
lar per annum.

bellishment, and the valuable intelligence contained in its columns, the Rural New Yorker can scarcely be surpassed. Published by D. D. T. Moore, Rochester, N. Y., at $2.00 per annum.

THE FARMER AND GARDENER.-This valuable in an improved form, and filled as usual with excelHorticultural and Agricultural Monthly comes to us lent matter. As a first class publication, the Farmer and Gardener is already well known to the public,

and its numerous friends and readers will be pleased with its improved and attractive appearance. The Agricultural Department is ably sustained by A. M Spangler, Esq., and its Horticultural pages under the charge of Wm. Saunders, are replete with useful and instructive matter, while the Vegetable Garden and Home Department are well filled with valuable information. The Farmer and Gardener is well printed on fine paper, and well illustrated, and is published by A. M. Spangler, No. 19 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, at one dollar per annum. Specimen numbers sent free.

[blocks in formation]

Our readers may not all be aware that a subscripto either of the following splendid engravings ion of $3,00 entitles the persou paying that amount.

THE HORTICULTURIST.-The July number of this Arthur's Ladies' Home Magazine.-This ele- well known and highly popular monthly is rich with gant and estimable Home Magazine presents contin valuable information. The following are a few of SHAKESPEAR AND HIS FRIENDS," THE VILLAGE ued and increasing attractions to its readers. The its valuable original articles. Flat Culture, by the BLACKSMITH" and MANIFEST DESTINY," also to theJuly number is finely illustrated with a life like editor, Culture of the Cinneraria, Notes on New and Art Journal for one year, and a certificate of mem steel plate, entitled "The Gleaners," while its usual Select Plants, Floriculture, An Hour in the Vine-bership en titling the holder to a member's rights beautifully colored steel fashion plate, children's yard, the Madras Radish, New and Rare Plants, and privileges in the Annual Premium Lists which fashions, and numerous wood engravings are exceed-Notes on Grapes, Pears, &c., Designs in Rural Arch- are unusually valuable and attractive. Subscrigingly useful and attractive. In regard to its contents, itecture, The Single Stem, Dwarf and Renewal Sgs- tions received by Wm. O. Irish, Esq., Honorary brilliancy, beauty and high toned morality charac- tem of Grape Culture, &c., &c., while the "Editor's Member of the Association.


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The growers of roses in and around our cities have many pests to contend with, chiefly owing to the scarcity of their natural enemies, the birds.

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clear clear clear
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cloudy clear



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early in the season, before the enemy has ron, $3; 250 lbs apple melon. $15; 200 tbs its vantage ground taken. beets, $6; 250 lbs parsnips, $15; 125 fbs This I have found to be an effective carrots, $4 15; 2,800 Ibs cabbage and turremedy, without injuring the plants.nip leaves for cow, $20; 100 lbs wheat The editors of the Independent have re- How it affects "Red Spider," I have had and oats, $4; straw, $5; 5,500 lbs mountceived the following note from Mr. JAMES no opportunity of testing. There is little ain peaches, $550; apricots, ndctarines H. PARK, an experienced florist in Brook-doubt, however, that it would keep the and plums, 100 lbs. $19; fruit trees raised lyn. The simple remedy which Mr. measuring-worm from our Street trees if budded and grafted, $50; 20 lbs grapes, Park suggests has been amply tested by applied in good time. $2,50; 2,000 lbs potatoes, $40 ;-making him in his skillful treatment of his own I believe a chemist might prepare from the total produce of the garden foot up the plants. the alianthus leaves and flowers a decoc-snug sum of $1,677 19. In addition to tion which would be most valuable to all the garden, the dairy yielded a net profit gardeners throughout the year. The of $373, and the poultry yard, after payabove recipe is too valuable for any lover ing $250, was left larger than it was the of flowers to reserve exclusively to himself previous year. In all, the figures show and as the remedy is cheap enough, I hope the handsome amount of $2,300 45. Mr. those who have suffered from the insects Dunn, the proprietor, is a miner, and will not fail to apply it; so that, even in makes that his business, and only works the city, we may have good roses, and in his garden at such leisure time as he green leaves with them, throughout the can avail himself of. season A writer in the Tribune suggests the importation of house sparrows as a remedy for street-worms, but these spar rows are seed-feeding birds, and though they may vary their repasts a little, as domestic birds and animals are apt to, question after many years intimacy with them, if they would touch so tough and ugly a customer as the measuring worm.

First in the season, on the early shoots come myriads of the " green fly." With the young buds comes a voracious little black-headed caterpillar, which weaves itself a retreat among the tender leaves, and has a decided penchant for little buds," a bunch of which he can


readily dispose of for breakfast. Then comes the "Thrip," a diminutive white fly, which can easily be seen by shaking the branches. This littie pest punctures the leaves underneath, causing them to be speckled with white, and destroying their vitality to a great extent. With it comes the "Strip-worm," of late years especially destructive. It is a small green worm, and feeds underneath the leaves, stripping them to the scarf-skin, not only disfiguring the plants, but destroying their growth

for the season.

To cure all these ills the rose is heir to, it is only necessary to syringe the plants, say once in two weeks, with an infusion of ailanthus leaves-which I have made in the following manner, but which may probably be improved upon by varying the quantities: Take as many young leaves or shoots of alianthus as can be pressed into half the depth of a common pail. Pour on boiling water until the pail is full. Let the water stand fifteen minutes, then pour it off and add to it about thrice the quantity of clean water, which use when cold. Syringe thoroughly, particularly under the leaves, and begin



of Long Island, recently stated that some farmers in his neighborhood plant as much as ten acres each of cucumbers, and that the way to save them from bugs, is to use plenty of seed at first, and then at four or five successive periods they plant

on a new side of a hill a lot more of seed This supplies an abundance of young plants for the bugs to feed on and they The productiveness of California is cele-leave stronger growing plants untouched. ebrated. A San Francisco paper, noticing the productiveness of a little garden of an acre and a quarter near that town, gives the following items as its produce.

When well out of the way of bugs, the surplus plants are dug up with the hoe.American Ruralist.

The lands

Early onions, lettuce and radishes, $15; COMMENDABLE ENTERPRIZE.-The St. cabbage and tomato plants sold, $15; Louis Vine and Fruit Growers' Associagreen peas and beans, $30; ripe peas and tion have commenced laying out, near beans, $6: 100 pounds ripe onions $4; 20 that city a grand horticultural park of pounds dry sage and sweet savory, S20; 1000 acres, to be filled with choice grapes 150 pounds summer squash, $8; cucum- and fruits. About 100 men are engaged bers, $3; 300 dozen ears sweet corn, $150; in planting the first 100 acres. 2,000 pounds corn fodder, $40; 4 winter thus appropriated are to the south-west of squashes, weighing 425 pounds, $17; 650 St. Louis, upon a tract extending 150 quarts strawberries, $825; 25 quarts goose- miles in that direction, all of which is peberries, currants and raspberries, $12 50; 4 culiarly adapted to the culture of vinecrops clover, 500lbs., $10 200 lbs. vines yards. Such an enterprise, if judiciously of strawberries, cut for hay, $4; 500 pounds carried out and properly managed cannot of tomatoes, $15: melons $35; 50 lbs cit-fail of being successful.

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