P. Ovidii Nasone Metamorphoseon libri xv, cum versione anglica, ad verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta: or, Ovid's Metamorphoses, with an English translation, as exact as possibleW. Clarke, 1752 - 479 Seiten |
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P. Ovidii Nasone Metamorphoseon Libri Xv, Cum Versione Anglica, Ad Verbum ... John Clarke,John Ovid Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2013 |
P. Ovidii Nasone Metamorphoseon Libri Xv, Cum Versione Anglica, Ad Verbum ... John Clarke,John Ovid Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2023 |
P. Ovidii Nasone Metamorphoseon Libri Xv, Cum Versione Anglica, Ad Verbum ... John Clarke,John Ovid Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2023 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
æquore æther amor arms atque auras blood body brachia breast cafus caput Cinyras conjux corpore daughter dedit defire Deus dixit Eacus earth effe enim erat eſſe eſt faid fame father fays feized fibi fide fifter filvas fimul flain fome fræna frankincense fuch fuit funt fword Goddess Gods habet hæc hair Hanc heaven Hippomenes hunc ignes illa ille illi illo Inque inquit Iphis ipſa ipſe Jamque Juno Jupiter lumina manus mihi modo mother mouth neque nifi numina nunc Nymphs omnes omnia pater pectora Peleus Perque Phineus Phocus Phœbus poftquam Procne quæ quam Quid quod quoque rupit Sæpe ſanguine ſhe ſua ſuis ſuo tamen tears Telamon tellus tempora Tereus terga terra thee theſe things thou tibi undas Utque verba vidit viſa vultus whilst wings wound
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 227 - ... mollit odoratas, pennarum vincula, ceras ; tabuerant cerae : nudos quatit ille lacertos, remigioque carens non ullas percipit auras, oraque caerulea patrium clamantia nomen excipiuntur aqua, quae nomen traxit ab illo. 230 at pater infelix, nee iam pater, " Icare," dixit,
Seite 6 - Jamque nocens ferrum, ferroque nocentius aurum prodierat ; prodit Bellum, quod pugnat utroque, sanguineaque manu crepitantia concutit arma. vivitur ex rapto : non hospes ab hospite tutus, non socer a genero ; fratrum quoque gratia rara est.
Seite 338 - ... muta Quies habitat; saxo tamen exit ab imo rivus aquae Lethes, per quem cum murmure labens invitat somnos crepitantibus unda lapillis. ante fores antri fecunda papavera florent...
Seite iv - Averfion to what is fo manifdl ly calculated for their Eafe, at the fame Time it is fitted for the greater Improvement of Youth under their Care. In order to open the Eyes of fuch, if poffible, upon a Matter fo much for their Quiet, Intereft, and Credit, I have thought fit to prefent-them with this Diflertation.
Seite 285 - Orphea nequiquam voce vocatur. adfuit ille quidem, sed nee sollemnia verba nee laetos vultus nee felix attulit omen. 5 fax quoque, quam tenuit, lacrimoso stridula fumo usque fuit nullosque invenit motibus ignes. exitus auspicio gravior : nam nupta per herbas dum nova naiadum turba comitata vagatur, occidit in talum serpentis dente recepto.
Seite iii - Labours would have been of vaftly more Ufe to the World. Grammars and Notes upon Authors we have in Abundance indeed, and more by far than are good for any Thing ; yet thefe, where they are ufeful, are only fo to fuch as have made a confiderable Progrefs in the Latin Tongue.
Seite 97 - Semiramis urbem. notitiam primosque gradus vicinia fecit, tempore crevit amor; taedae quoque iure coissent, 60 sed vetuere patres: quod non potuere vetare, ex aequo captis ardebant mentibus ambo. conscius omnis abest; nutu signisque loquuntur, quoque magis tegitur, tectus magis aestuat ignis.
Seite v - InftruCtion you will for it, till they come to have a pretty general Knowledge of Words ; fo as that upon reading a Sentence once or twice flowly and attentively over, they either difcover the Senfe or come pretty near it. That alone, and not any Directions you can give Boys fo young, will enable them to unravel the intricate Order Words ufually have in the Latin Tongue. Now Literal Tranflations...
Seite iii - Word for Word, or the Senfe and Meaning of every Word in the Original is given in the Tranflation : The other Free and Proper, wherein Regard is only had to the Senfe, which the Tranflator endeavours to exprefs in the moft juft and handfome Manner, without pretending to give the precife Meaning of every individual Word, as in the Literal or Verbal Way. Now both thefe Sorts of Tranflations are fo highly and apparently ufeful, for the ready Attainment of the Latin Tongue, that it is really amazing...
Seite vii - Impreffion upon the Mind. Will not reading the fame. Word as often over in any other Book, under any other Denomination, produce the like Impreffion ? If not, it muft...