Abbildungen der Seite
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Randolph, the American frigate, blown up, vol. iii. p. 87. Rawdon, lord, marches out of Camden, attacks general Greene, and obliges him to retreat, vol. iv, p. 83-evacuates Camden, p. 89-purfues Greene, and foon after is purfued by him, p. 96 -marches to Charlestown, p. 97. Red-bank, count Donop repulfed there, vol. iii. p. 2. Reed, colonel Jofeph, his letter to

a member of congrefs, vol. ii. p. 278-his anfwer to the offers made to corrupt him, vol. iii.

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furing the Maffachusetts affembly and the town of Boston, vol. i. p. 253-the counter refolves of the Virginia houfe of burgeffes, p. 254-the like refolves of North Carolina affembly occafion their diffolution, by governor Tryon, p. 256. Revenue, miniftry inclined to raise one in the colonies, vol. i. p. 132-Mr. Pitt's defign of doing it, p. 136-the first British alt of parliament paffed avowedly for the purpose of raising a revenue in the American colonies, P. 149-it is confidered by the Maffachusetts house of affembly, and a committee appointed to write upon the subject to the other American affemblies, p. 153. Revolt, the, of the Pennsylvania line of troops, vol. iv. p. 16— the revolters march to Princeton, p. 19-to Trenton, and deliver up the British fpies and agents to be executed, and matters are adjufted, p. 21.

of part of the Jersey brigade, is fpeedily fuppreffed, and two of the leaders executed, vol. iv. p. 22.

Rhode Island plantation fettled,

and united to Providence, vol. i. p.37-obtain a royal charter, p. 38-the people feize the cannon, and the affembly refolve upon procuring arms and military ftores, p. 421. The royal forces poffefs themselves of Rhode Island, vol. ii. p. 359 -make an excurfion on the continent, vol. iii. p. 127the expedition against them under general Sullivan and count D'Estaing, P. 157—an engagement between numbers of them and of Sullivan's troops, p. 165-they evacuate the ifland, P. 333. Riot, a great one at Bofton, on ac


count of the ftamp-act, vol. i. P. 175- -the rioters deftroy judge Hutchinfon's houfe, p. 177-a fimilar riot at New York, p. 185.

Riots at Edinburgh and Glasgow, vol. iii. p. 248. Rochambeau, count de, arrives at Rhode Island, and is addreffed by the inhabitants, vol. iii. p. 379-joins Washington with the French troops, vol. iv. P. 123 -lends the American commander money to fupply his troops, P. 186. Rockingham, the marquis of, dies, vol. iv. p. 265. Rodney, Sir George, appointed to the chief command in the West Indies, vol. iii. p. 406-engages and defeats the Spanish feet under Don Juan Langara, P. 407- -engages count de Guichen, p. 411-takes St. Euftatia, vol. iv. p. 74-dispatches a few fhips after the Dutch admiral and his convoy; the admiral is killed in defending his fhip, and the fleet is taken, p. 75-watches count de Graffe, p. 268-engages him, p. 270engages him afresh, defeats and takes him, p. 273-is created an English peer, p. 279. Rutledge, governor, of South Carolina, retaliates for colonel Balfour's conduct, vol. iv. p. 172 -iffues writs for a new election of reprefentatives, &c. p. 211. S.

Salem, the inhabitants thereof, prefent an addrefs to general Gage, vol. i. p. 374Saville, Sir George, moves for the relief of the Papists, vol. iii, p. 113. Savannah evacuated by the British,

vol. iv. p. 301. Sayre, Mr. fecured and committed to the Tower, vol. ii. p. 224 fueslord Rochford, p. 435.

Schaick, colonel Van, his expedition against the Indians, vol. iii. p. 264. Scheme, one for deftroying general Washington's army at New York, vol. ii. p. 276.

Schools, the public, in the Maffachusetts and Connecticut, vol. ii. p. 125.

Schuyler, general, difarms the inhabitants of Tryon county, vol. ii. p. 176-refolutions of congrefs concerning him, p. 426, 474.

Seal of the United States of America, vol. iv. p. 297. Seceffion, the, of many of the minority members, vol. ii. p. 442. Ships, British, taken in Boston bay and the neighbourhood, vol. ii, P. 144.

of war, driven from Nantafket, and the port of Bofton opened, vol. ii. p. 266the Phoenix and Rofe go up the North river and return, p. 304, 305. Skirmishes in the neighbourhood of Bofton, vol. ii. p. 22, 24, 66.

Slaves, African, first introduced

into the colonies, vol. i. p. 56. Snider, Chriftopher, killed at Boston,

and buried with the greatest refpect, vol. i. p. 276. Sons of liberty, the rife of the title among the Americans, vol. i. p. 167. South Carolina congrefs enter into an allociation, and refolve upon putting Charlestown and the province into a refpectable pofture of defence, vol. ii. p. 81-the governor, lord William Campbell, distrustful of his perfonal fafety, quits Charlestown, and goes on board a royal floop of war, p. 100-the popular meafures oppofed by numbers, and the reafons for it, p. 101


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the committee of fafety fend troops into the fettlements of the royalifts, and feize their leaders, p. 106-the provincial congrefs determine upon an independent conftitution, p. 210 -the ftate goes to war with the Cherokees, p. 364- -new models the temporary form of government, vol. iii. p. 85is invaded by general Prevoft, p. 254-a general revolt in favor of congrefs, p. 429-the affembly meet at Jackfonborough, vol. iv. p. 256. Spaniards, their humanity to their

British prifoners, vol. iv. p. 14. Spanish and French fleets join in the West Indies, but make no attempt against Jamaica, vol. iv. p. 2. Speech, the royal, at the opening of the feffion of parliament in 1777, and the debates after it, vol. iii. p. 95-in 1781, vol. iv. p. 215. Stamp-act, vol. i. p. 157-colonel Barre's fpeech in the debates upon it, p. 160-during the debate, general Conway denies the right of parliament to tax the colonies, p. 162-the refolves of the Virginia houfe of burgeffes refpecting the ftampact, p. 169-the fpirits of the colonifts inflamed by them, fo that great difturbances follow, P. 175, 183, 185-the repeal of the stamp-act, p. 201-the' joy that occafions through the colonies, p. 207. Stamp-papers, the diftributors of them refign, vol. i. p. 184, 187, 188-bufinefs carried on without them, p. 191. Stark, general, arrives with the New Hampshire militia in the neighbourhood of Burgoyne's army, in order to oppofe him, vol. ii. p. 536-defeats lieut.

colonels Baum and Breyman, P. 540. State of the army under general Washington, vol. ii. p. 316in the northern department, p. 318. States General, they are applied to for the Scotch brigade to ferve against the Americans, and the opinion of Johan van der Cappelle on the occafion, vol. ii. p. 238. Steuben, Laron, is chofen infpector general, vol. iii. p. 67. Stewart, lieut. colonel, engages general Greene at the Eutaw fprings, vol. iv. p. 168-abandons the Eutaw, p. 170. Stoney-point taken by the British, vol. iii. p. 261-retaken by the Americans, p. 268. Stonington fired upon by the Britifh fhipping, vol. ii. p. 122. Sufferings endured by the gentlemen fent from Charlestown to St. Auguftine, vol. iv. p. 139~ by the continental officers taken at Charlestown, p. 141-by the American marine prifoners in New York, P. 143. Suffolk county in the Maffachufetts, their delegates meet, and come to various refolutions, vol. i. p. 389-addrefs governor Gage, p. 391-fend to the general congrefs at Philadelphia an account of their proceedings, p. 392-which are approved by congrefs, p. 393. Suffrein, Mr. de, is fent in purfuit of commodore Johnstone, vol. iv. p. 148-attacks the commodore, p. 149-engages admiral Hughes in the Eait Indies, p. 266-engages him afresh, p. 344-a third and fourth time, p. 345-the laft time, p. 348. Sullivan, general, his expedition to Staten Island, vol. ii. p. 503 -against

against the British troops, Rhode Island, vol. iii. p. 159, 161 -engages a number of them, p. 165-retreats from Rhode ifland, p. 168-his expedition against the Indians, P. 307. Sullivan-island fort attacked by

Sir Peter Parker, vol. ii. p. 282. Sumpter, colonel, heads the friends

of independency, quits North Carolina, and takes the field in South against the victorious Britifh, vol. iii. p. 387-attacks the British poft at Rocky-mount, and at Hanging-rock, p. 428on the Wateree, p. 442—is defeated by col. Tarleton, P. 447

is made a brigadier general, p. 454-defeats major Weyms, and is attacked by Tarleton, whom he repulfes, p. 471takes the British garrifon at Orangeburgh, vol. iv. p. 89. Surgeons in the American army, many of them exceffively deficient, vol. ii. p. 334. Synod, the United, of New York and Philadelphia, their paftoral letter, vol. ii. p. 73.

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fcheme of taxing the colonies re-
jected by Sir Robert Walpole,
p. 109-the British govern-
ment under no neceflity of tax-
ing the colonies for their defence,
and the fecurity of the new
ceded countries, p. 165-a bill
for taxing the colonies afrefh
brought in by Mr. Charles
Townsend, p. 214.

Tea, the East India company requeft the repeal of the American duty upon it, vol. i. p. 324 -a bill paffes, enabling them to export their own teas, p. 325 the colonists excited to refift the introduction and fale of their teas upon that plan, p. 331-the confignees at Philadelphia and New York refign their appointment, p. 332—a quantity of tea thrown overboard at New York, p. 333the New York and Philadelphia tea-fhips return to Great Britain, p. 334- -the measures taken at Bofton to induce the confignees at that place to refign, p. 335-the tea-fhips arrive, and are watched, p. 337 -the contents of 342 chefts of tea caft into the falt water, p. P. 341. Terney, admiral de, arrives at Newport, and is addreffed by the inhabitants, vol. iii. p. 380 -dies at Newport, p. 499. Thomas, the American general, dies, vol. ii. p. 253. Thompson, general, difpatched to attack the British at Three Rivers, vol. ii. p. 256-is defeated and taken, p. 258. Tobago taken, vol. iv. p. 133. Towns in the Maffachusetts, their conftitution, vol. i. p. 382. Townsend, Mr. Charles, moves for a bill granting duties in the British American colonies, vol. i. p. 214.


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Trade, the importance of the British West India, vol. i. p. 494-of the colonies, p. 495. Treaties, debates on thofe for employing foreign troops in America, vol. ii. p. 240. Treaty of amity and commerce between the States General and the American States, vol. iv. p. 332-between Sweden and the United States of America, p. 376. Trenton, the Heans there defeated, vol. ii. p. 396. Trial of captain Prefton, for killing the perfons who fell on the 5th of March, 1776, and his acquittal, vol. i. p. 291-of the foldiers on the like account, and two found guilty of manflaughter, p. 292. Troops, general Gage ordered to fend fome to Bofton, vol. i. p. 238-two regiments are landed in the town, p. 247—the foldiers and inhabitants quarrel, and at length the former fire upon the latter, and kill feveral, p. 281-which occafions the utmoft confufion in the town, when it is agreed that the regiments fhould withdraw to the caftle, p. 287-the perfons flain are buried with unparalleled pomp, p. 290. The Boston com mittee act fyftematically to prevent all fupplies for the troops in the town under governor Gage, p. 384. Trumbull, Mr. John, taken up in London and committed to prifon, vol. iv. p. 12. Tryon county, the inhabitants of it difarmed, vol. ii. p. 176.

governor, diffolves the North Carolina affembly, vol. i. p. 256-arrives at New York, vol. ii. p. 94-his influence alarms congrefs, p. 119. He quits New York, and goes on board the packet, p. 120~~

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Vergennes, count de, his politics, vol. iii. p. 226.

Ville de Paris, count de Graffe's
fhip, ftrikes to Sir Samuel Hood,
vol. iv. p. 275.
Vincent, St. taken by the French,
vol. iii. p. 286.
Virginia fettled, vol. i. p. 52-

African flaves introduced among
the fettlers, p. 56-they addrefs
king Charles I. p. 62-the com-
mons of England fend a force
against them, p. 63. They pro-
claim Charles II. king of Eng-
land, Scotland, Ireland, and
Virginia, p. 64-their council
and houfe of burgeffes petition
the king, prefent a memorial to
the house of lords, and remon-
ftrate to the house of commons,
p. 156. The refolves of the
houfe of burgeffes against the
right of parliament to tax them,
P. 169. The circulation of
thefe refolves inflame the inha-
bitants of the feveral colonies
against the ftamp-act, p. 171,
175, 200.
The houfe of bur-
geffes is diffolved for their
Counter-refolves to thofe of the
houfe of lords and commons;
when the gentlemen who formed
it meet, and enter into a una-
nimous affociation against im-
portations, p. 255-the bur-
geffes, before their diffolution,
addreffed the king on the fub-
ject of tranfporting perfons
from the colonies to be tried
in Great Britain, p. 262. The
houfe of burgeles refolves to

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