Abbildungen der Seite

master of vessel, in which beef
is exported, 144. Barrels how
to be made, 352. Penalty for
breach, 352. Size of staves of
barrels, 367.

George Parker authorised to pay
a certain sum of money to pa-
rish of Suffolk, in lieu of an
annuity charged, on slaves,
by the will of Richard Ben-
nett, 287.

Parish, in Spotsylvania, formed
from St. George, 399. Berke-
ley county formed from Fred-

[blocks in formation]

erick, 597. Boundaries, 598. At elections what, and how pun-

Court days, 598. Tobacco
fees in, how payable, 599.
Boundaries of Berkeley pa- |
rish, 599.

Entail of certain lands whereof
Harry Beverley is seized,
docked, 166,280.

Entail of certain lands whereof
Robert Beverley, esq. is seiz-
ed, docked, 227.

Entail of certain lands whereof
James Blackwell the younger,
is seized, docked, 641.

Certain lands of Patrick Ram-
say added to town of Bland-
ford, 413.

Certain entailed lands whereof
William Booth and Elizabeth
his wife are seized, vested in
trustees to be sold, 640.

County, formed from Augusta,
395. Boundaries, 396. Court
days, 396. Officers' fees in

ishable, 313.


Bridges over western branch of
Nansemond river authorised
by subscription, 552. So, a
bridge over Nottaway river
from the land of Samuel
Brown, 660.

Vestry of Bristol parish, in Din-
widdie and Prince George,
authorised to sell their glebe,

Certain entailed lands vested in
George Brooke, 474.

Provision for collecting the tax-
es in King George and Buck-
ingham, and the public levy
in Fauquier, 201.

To be placed in Chesapeake bay,
540,653. Felony to take them
up, 541.

No inspector of tobacco to be a
member of the house of bur-
gesses, 95. Wages of, paya-

ble in money, 187,293,303,
490,505,536,671. At what
rate, 187. Salary to speaker of
house of burgesses, 210. Gen- |
eral law for election of bur-
gesses, 305. Each county to
choose two, 305. James city,
one, 306.
Qualification of
electors, 306. Who disqual-
ified, 307. Penalty on such,
for voting, 307. Writs of elec-
tion, how issued, and publish-
ed, 307,308. Penalty on free-
holder failing to vote, 308.
Manner of taking the polls,
308. When polls may be kept
open, 309. Who to be re-
turned burgess, 309. Oaths
to be taken by persons offer-
ing to vote, 309. By whom
to be administered, 311. Name
of freeholder scrupling to take
an oath, to be entered in a se-
parate list, 311. Copies of
polls, when to be delivered by
sheriff to clerk, 311. Forms
of returns, 312. Vacancies,
how supplied, 312. Penalties
on sheriff for breach of duty,
313. Sheriff of James city
returning officer for college &
Jamestown, 313. Bribery
what, and how punishable,
313. Privileges of members,
314. Wages, 314. How paid,
315. Courts for receiving
propositions and grievances &
claims, 316. Sheriff, and in-
spector, disqualified from be-
ing members, 316. Penalty
on inspector interfering in
elections, 316. Burgess ac-
cepting office of profit, inca-
pable of sitting, 317. Ex-
empted from being sheriff, 317.
Williamsburg, Norfolk, and

William and Mary college, to
elect under their charters, 317.
Entail of certain lands whereof
Robert Burwell, esq. is seized,
docked, 448.

Entail of certain lands in Isle of

Wight whereof James Bur-
well is seized, docked, and
vested in trustees in fee-sim-
ple, 481.

Entail of certain lands whereof
Lewis Burwell, esq. is seized,
docked, 663.


Parish, formed from Antrim,
Glebe of Antrim to be
sold, and proceeds divided be-
tween Autrim and Cambden,


Parish of, entitled to proportion
of sales of glebe and church
plate of Truro parish, 203.
Cameron parish divided and
Shelburne formed, 425. Glebe
of Cameron parish to be sold,

Light-house to be erected at, in
conjunction with Maryland,
539. Appropriation for, 540.
Duty on vessels to defray ex-
pense, 540. Keeper, his sa-
lary and duty, 541. Penalty
for neglect, 541. Mode of
ascertaining tonnage of ves-
sels, 541. Keeper to give se-
curity, 541. Taking away
buoys, &c. felony, 541. Di-
rections for procuring mate-
rials, 652. Buoys to be placed
in Chesapeake bay, 653. Ex-
tra duty to cease after expen-

ses reimbursed, 653. Perma-
nent duties then to commence,

Entail of certain lands whereof
Charles Carter, esq. is seized,
docked, 25. Executors of
Charles Carter, of King
George, authorised to sell part
of his lands and slaves, 214.
Trustees authorised to sell
certain lands whereof Charles
Carter, the elder, is seized in
fee tail, 218. Executors of
Charles Carter, of Cleve, au-
thorised to sell part of his
lands in Fauquier and Prince
William, 436. Certain en-
tailed lands vested in Charles
Carter, 464.

Certain lands of George Carter
vested in trustees to be sold,

Certain entailed lands, whereof
William Cary is seized, vest-
ed in Allen Jones, 34,61.

Of a slave, not permitted, exeept
for attempt to ravish a white
woman, 358,

Regulations for driving cattle
through this colony, 245. Ac-
count of cattle and oath of
driver, 245. Viewers appoint-
ed, 246. Bill of health, 246.
Penalty on justice or viewer,
for neglect, 246. Penalty for
refusing to produce bills of
health, 247. Appeal allowed,
247. Bills of health, after de-
cision of justice, 248. Pro-
ceedings on appearance of in-
fection, after obtaining bill of

[blocks in formation]

Causes of caveat recited, and
proceedings thereon, 386. Go-
vernor and council may award
costs to defendants in caveats,
366. And county courts may
give judgments for them, on
motion, 387. Governor and
council may rule petitioners
in caveats, and for lapsed
land; and prosecutors on in-
dictments for assaults, &c. to
give security for costs, 387.

County, formed from Lunen-
burg, 41. Boundaries, 41.
Court days, 42. Certain pub-
lic claims to be equally divid-
ed between Lunenburg, Char-
lotte, and Mecklenburg, 141.
Town of Chatham, an lands of
James Roberts, in Pittsylva-
nia established, 417.

Provision for clearing Chicka-
hominy river, 148.

Certain lands sold by John Chis-

well to John Robinson vested
in trustees, to confirm titles to
purchasers, 270.

Courts for receiving propositions
and grievances, how constitu
ted, 316.

See Fees.


Of county courts, to keep exe-
cution books, and carry them
to court, 123.

Town of Cobham, having lots
laid off, under the Act for
Ports, &c. is now established,
617. Trustees appointed, 618.
Their powers, 618. Wooden
chimnies not to be built in,
618. Titles to purchasers un-
der the Act for Ports confirm-
ed, 618.

Copper, to be imported, 343,535.
At what rates payable, 343.
Currency of copper regulated,


Provision for keeping in repair
certain roads leading to Alex-
andria and Colchester, 549.

Collectors and naval officers to
give receipts for their fees, 251.

To settle accounts of militia late-
ly called into actual service,
1,124. To confer with com-
missioners of the neighbour-
ing colonies, and agree on a
plan for regulating the Indian
trade, 367.

Sheriffs not entitled to commis-

sions, where defendant is dis-
charged as an insolvent, 122.
Not to take commissions on
penalties of bonds, 122.


Commissioners appointed to con-
fer with commissioners from
neighbouring colonies, and
agree on a general plan for

regulating the Indian trade,
367. To make report of their
proceedings, 368. And to be
allowed their expenses, 368.

Vessels importing convicts, ser-

vants or slaves infected with
the jail fever or small pox to
perform quarantine, 260,537.
Money to be imported, 343,535.
At what rates payable, 343,
Currency regulated, 534.
Certain lands of which Rice
Jones is seized in fee tail,
vested in Richard Corbin,
esq. in fee simple, 159.


Liable as sheriffs for breach of
duty, 119. To give bond for
faithful execution of office,
327. Judgment, on motion,
for not paying money, or suf-
fering escape, 328.

What deductions to be made by
clerks of courts, in taxing
costs, payable in tobacco, 102.
Fees of attornies to be taxed
in bill of costs, except against
executors or administrators,
185. Prosecutors for offences,
not capital, liable for costs, in
general and county courts,
256. Costs may be awarded
to defendants, in caveats, 386.
Petitioners in caveats, and for
lapsed land, and prosecutors
in indictments for assaults,
&c. may be ruled to security
for costs, 386. Proprietors of
land, not bound to survey, till
security for costs be given,

Treasury notes, felony, 347,348,
650. So, to counterfeit the
paper money of other British
colonies, or tender it known
to be counterfeit, 651.

Lunenburg county divided, and
Charlotte and Mecklenburg
formed, 41. Boundaries, 41.
Court days, 42. Halifax di-
vided, and Pittsylvania form-
ed, 205. Boundaries, 205.
Court days, 205. Part of
James City county added to
New Kent, and part of New
Kent to James City, 208. Au-
gusta county divided and
Botetourt formed, 395. Boun-
daries, 396. Court days, 396.
Part of Nansemond added to
Isle of Wight, 405. Line be-
tween James City and York,
as it runs through Williams-
burg ascertained, 405. Part
of county of York, in Wil-
liamsburg added to James
City, for the purpose of erect-
ing a court house, 419. Fre-
derick county divided, and
Berkeley and Dunmore form-
ed, 597. Boundaries, 598.
Court days, 598. Botetourt
county divided, and Fincastle
formed, 600. Boundaries, 600.
Court days, 600. Commis-
sioners to strike a dividing
line between counties of Staf-
ford and King George, 601.
Part of county of Nansemond
added to Isle of Wight, 602.

Certain lands devised by Za-
chary Crips for a glebe, in
parish of Ware, in Gloucester
county, to be sold, 435.


Act for destroying crows and
squirrels in certain counties,
389. Continued and amend
ed, 596.

Arrears of land tax, in Culpeper
county, how collected, 139.
Court day of, altered, 400.

Parish of Dale, in Chesterfield
county, divided, and Man-
chester formed, 604. Glebe to
be valued, and a proportion
paid to parish of Manchester,
606. Boundaries of parishes
of Dale and Manchester al-
tered, 655.
Certain entailed lands vested in
Nathaniel West Dandridge,
224. Entail of certain lands
whereof Nathaniel West Dan-
dridge is seized, docked, 638.

Limitation for proving deeds ex-
tended in consequence of the
confusion produced by the act
of parliament, imposing stamp
duties in America, 199.
Additional penalties for killing
deer at unseasonable periods,
591. Charge to grand jury,
592. Oath of grand jury, 592.
No deer to be killed, until the
first of August, 1776; Excep-
tions, 593. Penalty for killing
tame deer of another, 593.
Penalties how enforced, 593.
Penalty for killing deer and
leaving carcases in woods,


Vestry of Dettingen parish, in

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