The Works of William Shakespeare: Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. Antony & Cleopatra. CymbelineBernhard Tauchnitz, 1868 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Antony beseech better blood Brabantio Cæs Cæsar Cassio Char Charmian Cleo Cleopatra Cloten Cordelia Cymbeline Cyprus daughter dead dear death Desdemona Dost thou doth Duke Emil Enobarbus Enter Eros Exeunt Exit eyes farewell father fear fool fortune friends Gent gentleman give Gloster gods grace GUIDERIUS Hamlet hand hath hear heart heaven hither honest honour Horatio Iach Iago Imogen is't Julius Cæsar Kent king knave lady Laer Laertes Lear look lord madam Mark Antony matter Mess Michael Cassio mistress never night noble on't Othello Parthia Pisanio poison'd Polonius Pompey poor Post Posthumus pray Prithee Queen Re-enter Roderigo SCENE soul speak sweet sword tell thee There's thine thing thou art thou hast to-night villain What's
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 46 - I'll leave you till night: you are welcome to Elsinore. Ros. Good my lord ! [Exeunt Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Ham. Ay, so, God be wi' you : — Now I am alone. O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I ! Is it not monstrous, that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his own conceit, That, from her working, all his visage wann'd ; Tears in his eyes, distraction in's aspect, A broken voice, and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit ?...
Seite 54 - Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor : suit the action to the word, the word to the action ; with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature : for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature ; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure.
Seite 40 - I have of late (but wherefore, I know not) lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises ; and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory ; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me, than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.
Seite 22 - I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul ; freeze thy young blood ; Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres ; Thy knotted and combined locks to part, And each particular hair to stand on end, Like quills upon the fretful porcupine...
Seite 56 - As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing; A man that fortune's buffets and rewards Hast ta'en with equal thanks: and bless'd are those Whose blood and judgment are so well commingled , That they are not a pipe for fortune's finger To sound what stop she please. Give me that man That is not passion's slave , and I will wear him In my heart's core, ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thee.
Seite 170 - Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides, Your loop'd and window'd raggedness, defend you From seasons such as these? O, I have ta'en Too little care of this ! Take physic, pomp ; Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel, That thou mayst shake the superflux to them, And show the heavens more just.
Seite 51 - That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin ? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover'd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all...
Seite 268 - Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls : Who steals my purse steals trash ; 'tis something, nothing ; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands ; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed.
Seite 207 - I'll kneel down, And ask of thee forgiveness : so we'll live, And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues Talk of court news ; and we'll talk with them too, Who loses and who wins ; who's in, who's out ; And take...
Seite 20 - That thou, dead corse, again, in c6mplete steel, Revisit'st thus the glimpses of the moon, Making night hideous; and we fools of nature, So horridly to shake our disposition, With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls?