Abbildungen der Seite

Would shrink your head out of the coller at last,

But I hope, as you brought us on, you'l bring us off. 1290 Clow. I warrant you lads, let me alone to conjure her.

Get me a piece of Chalk.

Host. What to do?

Clow. Pish, let me alone.

She sings.

Host. Come now, where is my reckoning?


Clow. Here, here Hostess, here, what's this? I I Chalks a Can.

Host. Two pence.

Clow. What's this, IIII?

[blocks in formation]

Clow. Here take it Hostess, take it, ha, ha, ha.

Cart. O brave Robin, ha, ha, ha.

Host. I hope you don't mean to pay me thus,


Why this is but chalk.

Clow. Chalk and Cheese is all one to us, for truely we

Have no monie Lanladie, but wee'l pay you

Very honestly, when we come again.


Host. Look you do.


Well, I am deeply in my Brewers score,

But the best on't is, he durst as well be hang'd

As tell his wife.

Exeunt omnes.

Lines 1238-84 are given thus in Qq 1616–63:

Thunder and lightning: Enter deuils with couer'd dishes : Mephostophilis leades them into Faustus Study: Then

enter Wagner.

Wag. I think my Maister means to die shortly, he has made his will, & giuen me his wealth, his house, his goods, & store of golden plate; besides two thousand duckets ready coin'd: I wonder what he meanes, if death were nie, he would not frolick thus: hee's now at supper with the schollers, where ther's such belly-cheere, as Wagner in his life nere saw the like and see where they come, belike the feast is done. Exit.

Enter Faustus, Mephostophilis, and two or three


I Schol. M. Doctor Faustus, since our conference about faire Ladies, which was the beautifullest in all the world,

we haue determin'd with our selues, that Hellen of Greece was the admirablest Lady that euer liu'd: therefore M. Doctor, if you will doe vs so much fauour, as to let vs see that peerelesse dame of Greece, whom all the world admires for Maiesty, we should thinke our selues much beholding vnto you. 1251

Faust. Gentlemen, for ỳ I know your friendship is


It is not Faustus custome to deny

The iust request of those that wish him well:

You shall behold that peerelesse dame of Greece,

No otherwise for pompe or Maiesty,

Then when sir Paris crost the seas with her,
And brought the spoyles to rich Dardania:
Be silent then, for danger is in words.


Musicke sound, Mephosto brings in Hellen, she passeth ouer the stage.

2. Was this faire Hellen, whose admired worth
Made Greece with ten yeares warres afflict poore Troy?
3. Too simple is my wit to tell her worth,
Whom all the world admires for maiesty.

I. Now we haue seene the pride of Natures worke,
Wee'l take our leaues, and for this blessed sight
Happy and blest be Faustus euermore.
Faust. Gentlemen farewell: the same wish I to you.

Enter an old Man.



Exeunt Schollers.

Old Man. O gentle Faustus leaue this damned Art, This Magicke, that will charme thy soule to hell,

And quite bereaue thee of saluation.


Though thou hast now offended like a man,

Doe not perseuer in it like a Diuell;

Yet, yet, thou hast an amiable soule,

If sin by custome grow not into nature:

Then Faustus, will repentance come too late,


Then thou art banisht from the sight of heauen;

No mortall can expresse the paines of hell.

It may be this my exhortation

Seemes harsh, and all vnpleasant; let is not,


For gentle sonne, I speake it not in wrath,
Or enuy of thee, but in tender loue,
And pitty of thy future miserie.

And so haue hope, that this my kinde rebuke,
Checking thy body, may amend thy soule.

1281 ennv of 1616, 1619: of enuy to 1620-63

For the speech of the Old Man in Qq 1604-11 (11. 1348-56), Qq 1616-63 insert the following:

Thunder. Enter Lucifer, Belzebub, and Mephostophilis.

Lucif. Thus from infernall Dis do we ascend

To view the subiects of our Monarchy,


Those soules which sinne seales the blacke sonnes of hell, 'Mong which as chiefe, Faustus we come to thee, Bringing with vs lasting damnation,

To wait vpon thy soule; the time is come
Which makes it forfeit.

Meph. And this gloomy night,

Here in this roome will wretched Faustus be.

Bels. And here wee'l stay,

To marke him how he doth demeane himselfe.

Meph. How should he, but in desperate lunacie.


Fond worlding, now his heart bloud dries with griefe; 1360 His conscience kils it, and his labouring braine,

Begets a world of idle fantasies,

To ouer-reach the Diucll; but all in vaine,

His store of pleasures must be sauc'd with paine.
He and his seruant Wagner are at hand,
Both come from drawing Faustus latest will.

See where they come.

Enter Faustus and Wagner.

Faust. Say Wagner, thou hast perus'd my will,

How dost thou like it?

Wag. Sir, so wondrous well,

As in all humble dutie, I do yeeld

My life and lasting seruice for your loue.



Enter the scholers.

Faust. Gramercies Wagner. Welcome gentlemen. 1. Now worthy Faustus: me thinks your looks are chang'd.

Between lines 1418 and 1419 of Qq 1604-11, the later quartos add this passage:

Meph. I Faustus, now thou hast no hope of heauen, Therefore despaire, thinke onely vpon hell;

For that must be thy mansion, there to dwell.


Faust. O thou bewitching fiend, 'twas thy temptation, Hath rob'd me of eternall happinesse.

1347+(Act V.) Scene IV. add. Rob., Cunn. Scene XIII" Brey. 1349-51 om. 1663 1352 lasting damnation] the Deed 1663

1353 To.. soule om. 1663 1361 and his] and 1624

Scene XIV. add. Brey.

1372 your] you 1663

Gramercy 1619-63

1373+S.D. Exit Wagner add. Dyce

1367+ 1373

Meph. I doe confesse it Faustus, and reioyce;
'Twas I, that when thou wert i'the way to heauen,
Damb'd vp thy passage, when thou took'st the booke,
To view the Scriptures, then I turn'd the leaues
And led thine eye.


What, weep'st thou ? 'tis too late, despaire, farewell, Fooles that will laugh on earth, must weepe in hell. Exit.

Enter the good Angell, and the bad Angell at seuerall


Good. Oh Faustus, if thou hadst giuen eare to me, 1431 Innumerable ioyes had followed thee.

But thou didst loue the world.

Bad. Gaue eare to me,

And now must taste hels paines perpetually.

Good. O what will all thy riches, pleasures, pompes, Auaile thee now?

Bad. Nothing but vexe thee more,

To want in hell, that had on earth such store.

Musicke while the Throne descends.


Good. O thou hast lost celestiall happinesse, Pleasures vnspeakeable, blisse without end. Hadst thou affected sweet diuinitie,


Hell, or the Diuell, had had no power on thee.

Hadst thou kept on that way, Faustus behold,

In what resplendant glory thou hadst set


In yonder throne, like those bright shining Saints,

And triumpht ouer hell: that hast thou lost,

And now poore soule must thy good Angell leaue thee,

The iawes of hell are open to receiue thee.


Hell is discouered.

Bad. Now Faustus let thine eyes with horror stare Into that vaste perpetuall torture-house.


There are the Furies tossing damned soules,

On burning forkes: their bodies broyle in lead.


There are liue quarters broyling on the coles,
That ner'e can die: this euer-burning chaire
Is for ore-tortur'd soules to rest them in.
These, that are fed with soppes of flaming fire,
Were gluttons, and lou'd only delicates,

1430 must 1619-63: most 1616
Bad 1619-63
1434 Gauest Brey.

5.D. follows 1444 Dyce, Cunn.

1430 S.D. bad Angell 1616: 1439 S.D. the om. 1663

1441 blisse. . end om. 1663 1663

1445 hadst] had

1443 had had no power] had no dower
1663 set 1616: sit 1619–63, Dyce, Brey.: sat Cunn.


are open 1616, 1619: is ready 1620-63 1453 broyle 1616, 1619, Brey. boyle 1620-63, Rob., Dyce, Cunn.

1458 and 1616: that

And laught to see the poore starue at their gates:
But yet all these are nothing, thou shalt see
Ten thousand tortures that more horrid be.


Faust. O, I haue seene enough to torture me.

Bad. Nay, thou must feele them, taste the smart of all. He that loues pleasure, must for pleasure fall : And so I leaue thee Faustus till anon,



Then wilt thou tumble in confusion.

The Clock strikes eleuen.

Between 1. 1477 and the Chorus, Qq 1616-63 insert the following new scene:

Enter the Schollers.

1. Come Gentlemen, let vs go visit Faustus, For such a dreadfull night, was neuer seene, Since first the worlds creation did begin.

Such fearefull shrikes, and cries, were neuer heard,
Pray heauen the Doctor haue escapt the danger.

2. O help vs heauen, see, here are Faustus limbs,

All torne asunder by the hand of death.


3. The deuils whom Faustus seru'd haue torne him thus:
For twixt the houres of twelue and one, me thought 1486
I heard him shreeke and call aloud for helpe:
At which selfe time the house seem'd all on fire,
With dreadfull horror of these damned fiends.

2. Well Gentlemen, tho Faustus end be such
As euery Christian heart laments to thinke on:
Yet for he was a Scholler, once admired
For wondrous knowledge in our Germane schooles,
We'll giue his mangled limbs due buryall :
And all the Students clothed in mourning blacke,
Shall waite vpon his heauy funerall.

1477 S.D. the om. 1619–63 1482 haue] has 1619 1620-63 1485 Diuell 1619–63 hath 1620-63 same 1624-63




1483 Heauens

1488 selfe]

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