Affecting thoughts coequall with the cloudes, Zen. The Gods, defenders of the innocent, By liuing Asias mightie Emperour. 265 Agidas). I hope our Ladies treasure and our owne, May serue for ransome to our liberties: 271 Returne our Mules and emptie Camels backe, That we may traueile into Siria, Where her betrothed Lord Alcidamus, Expects th' arriuall of her highnesse person. 275 Mag. And wheresoeuer we repose our selues, We will report but well of Tamburlaine. Tamb. Disdaines Zenocrate to liue with me? 275 th'] the 1592 283 Ioue] loue 1592 284 Rhodope Dyce 300 Shall all we all Dyce to Bull. Tech. What now? In loue? Tam. Techelles, women must be flatered. But this is she with whom I am in loue. Enter a Souldier. Sould. Newes, newes. 305 Tamb. How now, what's the matter? Sould. A thousand Persean horsmen are at hand, Sent from the King to ouercome vs all. Tam. How now my Lords of Egypt & Zenocrate? Now must your iewels be restor❜d againe : 310 How say you Lordings, Is not this your hope? And I that triumpht so be ouercome. Agid. We hope your selfe wil willingly restore them. Tamb. Such hope, such fortune haue the thousand horse. Soft ye my Lords and sweet Zenocrate. You must be forced from me ere you goe: A thousand horsmen? We fiue hundred foote? 315 An ods too great, for vs to stand against: But are they rich? And is their armour good? Sould. Their plumed helmes are wrought with beaten golde. 320 Their swords enameld, and about their neckes In euery part exceeding braue and rich. Tam. Then shall we fight couragiously with them, Or looke you, I should play the Orator? 325 Tech. No: cowards and fainthearted runawaies, Looke for orations when the foe is neere. Our swordes shall play the Orators for vs. Vsum. Come let vs meet them at the mountain foot, And with a sodaine and an hot alarme 330 Driue all their horses headlong down the hill. Tech. Come let vs martch. Tam. Stay Techelles, aske a parlee first, The Souldiers enter. Open the Males, yet guard the treasure sure, 311 tryumph 1605 329 foot] top 1605, Dyce to Bull. 335 But if they offer word or violence, Weele fight fiue hundred men at armes to one. And gainst the Generail we will lift our swords, Or take him prisoner, and his chaine shall serue 340 Tech. I heare them come, shal we encounter them? Tam. Keep all your standings, and not stir a foote, 346 My selfe will bide the danger of the brunt. Enter Theridamas with others. Ther. Where is this Scythian Tamberlaine ? Tam. Whom seekst thou Persean? I am Tamburlain. Ther. Tamburlaine? A Scythian Shepheard, so im bellished With Natures pride, and richest furniture, His looks do menace heauen and dare the Gods, His fierie eies are fixt vpon the earth, As if he now deuis'd some Stratageme: Or meant to pierce Auernas darksome vaults, To pull the triple headed dog from hell. Tamb. Noble and milde this Persean seemes to be, If outward habit iudge the inward man. Tech. His deep affections make him passionate. 350 355 Tamb. With what a maiesty he rears his looks : 350 In thee (thou valiant man of Persea) I see the folly of thy Emperour: Art thou but Captaine of a thousand horse, 365 370 Draw foorth thy sword, thou mighty man at Armes, And Ioue himselfe will stretch his hand from heauen, 375 348 this] the 1605 Scythian] Scythian Shepherd conj. Dyce 362 thy] the 1605 To ward the blow, and shield me safe from harme. 380 He sends this Souldans daughter rich and braue, And lead thy thousand horse with my conduct, 385 Those thousand horse shall sweat with martiall spoile And Christian Merchants that with Russian stems 390 400 And by those steps that he hath scal'd the heauens, 395 Tam. Nor are Apollos Oracles more true, 405 Should offer present Dukedomes to our state, Tec. We are his friends, and if the Persean king We are assured of by our friends successe. We thinke it losse to make exchange for that, 410 Vsum. And kingdomes at the least we all expect, Besides the honor in assured conquestes : Where kings shall crouch vnto our conquering swords, 4'5 And hostes of souldiers stand amaz'd at vs, When with their fearfull tongues they shall confesse Theise are the men that all the world admires. 388 cliffes 1592 402 Botees 1590, 1592: Boetes 1605 Ther. What stronge enchantments tice my yeelding soule? Ah, these resolued noble Scythians! But shall I prooue a Traitor to my King? Tam. No, but the trustie friend of Tamburlaine. 420 Ther. Won with thy words, & conquered with thy looks, I yeeld my selfe, my men & horse to thee: To be partaker of thy good or ill, 425 As long as life maintaines Theridamas. Tam. Theridamas my friend, take here my hand. Which is as much as if I swore by heauen, And call'd the Gods to witnesse of my vow, Thus shall my heart be still combinde with thine, 430 And both our soules aspire celestiall thrones. Tech. Welcome renowmed Persean to vs all. (Vsum Cas. Long may Theridamas remaine with vs. 435 Tam. These are my friends in whom I more reioice, Than dooth the King of Persea in his Crowne : And by the loue of Pyllades and Orestes, Whose statues we adore in Scythia, Thy selfe and them shall neuer part from me, 440 Before I crowne you kings in Âsia. Make much of them gentle Theridamas, And they will neuer leaue thee till the death. Ther. Nor thee, nor them, thrice noble Tamburlain Shal want my heart to be with gladnes pierc'd 445 Tam. A thousand thankes worthy Theridamas: And now faire Madam, and my noble Lords, If you will willingly remaine with me, You shall haue honors, as your merits be: Or els you shall be forc'd with slauerie. 450 Agid. We yeeld vnto thee happie Tamburlaine. these] there conj. Cook 439 419 tice] to conj. Cook 420 Ah Brereton: Are 1590-1605, Dyce1: To Rob, Dyce2, Cunn.: Qy., As? statues 1605: statutes 1590, 1592 them] Nor they nor theirs Rob. 441 King 1605 449 will om. 1605 I. ii. 419-454 444 Nor.. |