Abbildungen der Seite


Instead of 11. 351-432, the quartos of 1616-63 have the following:

Enter Wagner and the Clowne.

Wag. Come hither sirra boy.


Clo. Boy? O disgrace to my person: Zounds boy in your face, you haue seene many boyes with beards, I am sure. Wag. Sirra, hast thou no commings in? Clow. Yes, and goings out too, you may see sir.


Wag. Alas poore slaue, see how pouerty iests in his nakednesse, I know the Villaines out of seruice, and so hungry, that I know he would giue his soule to the deuill for a shoulder of Mutton, tho it were bloud raw.

Clo. Not so neither; I had need to haue it well rosted, and good sauce to it, if I pay so deere, I can tell you.


Wag. Sirra, wilt thou be my man and waite on me? and I will make thee go, like Qui mihi discipulus.

Clow. What, in Verse?

Wag. No slaue, in beaten silke, and staues-aker.


Clow. Staues-aker? that's good to kill Vermine: then, belike if I serue you, I shall be lousy.

Wag. Why so thou shalt be, whether thou dost it or no : for sirra, if thou dost not presently bind thy selfe to me for seuen yeares, I'le turne all the lice about thee into Familiars, and make them tare thee in peeces.


Clow. Nay sir, you may saue your selfe a labour, for they are as familiar with me, as if they payd for their meate and drinke, I can tell you.

Wag. Well sirra, leaue your iesting, and take these Guilders. (Gives money.)

Clow. Yes marry sir, and I thanke you to. 376 Wag. So, now thou art to bee at an howres warning, whensoeuer, and wheresoeuer the deuill shall fetch thee. Clow. Here, take your Guilders, I'le none of 'em. Wag. Not I, thou art prest, prepare thy selfe, for I will presently raise vp two deuils to carry thee away: Banio, Belcher.

354 Sirra om. 1620-63

aker] stauracin or stauracia conj. Tancock

355 Yes om. 1663

372 saue] spare 1631, 1663

379 Guilders 1616:

365 staues369 not om. 1663 Guilders againe

Clow. Belcher ? and Belcher come here, I'le belch him: I am not afraid of a deuill.

Enter 2 deuils.

Wag. How now sir, will you serue me now?

Clow. I good Wagner, take away the deuill then.
Wag. Spirits away; now sirra follow me.


Clow. I will sir; but hearke you Maister, will you teach me this coniuring Occupation?

Wag. I sirra, I'le teach thee to turne thy selfe to a Dog, or a Cat, or a Mouse, or a Rat, or any thing.


Clow. A Dog, or a Cat, or a Mouse, or a Rat? O braue Wagner.

Wag. Villaine, call me Maister Wagner, and see that you walke attentiuely, and let your right eye be alwaies Diametrally fixt vpon my left heele, that thou maist, Quasi vestigias nostras insistere.

Clow. Well sir, I warrant you.



After line 791, Qq 1616–63 insert the following scene not found in Qq 1604–11:

Enter the Clowne.

(Clown.) What Dick, looke to the horses there till I come againe. Í haue gotten one of Doctor Faustus coniuring bookes, and now we'le haue such knauery, as't passes.

Enter Dick.

Dick. What Robin, you must come away & walk the horses.


Rob. I walke the horses? I scorn't 'faith, I haue other matters in hand, let the horses walk themselues and they will. (Reads) A perse a, t. h. e the: o per se o deny orgon, gorgon: keepe further from me O thou illiterate, and vnlearned Hostler. Dick. 'Snayles, what hast thou got there, a book? why thou canst not tell ne're a word on't.


Rob. That thou shalt see presently: keep out of the circle, I say, least I send you into the Ostry with a vengeance. Dick. That's like 'faith: you had best leaue your foolery, for an my Maister come, he'le coniure you 'faith.


Rob. My Maister coniure me? I'le tell thee what, an my Maister come here, I'le clap as faire a paire of hornes on's head as e're thou sawest in thy life.

386 devils Dyce, Cunn.

after away

387+S.D. Exeunt Devils add. Dyce

396-7 vestigiis nostris Dyce, Cunn.

791 S.D. Enter the Clowne] Enter Robin with a book Dyce 797

'faith 1616 ifaith 1619-63

o per he e, veni 1663 806 ifaith 1619-63

o deny]

799 S.D. Reads add. Dyce 802 not om. 1619 not tell om. 1620-63 808 as faire a 1616: a fayre 1619-63


Dick. Thou needst not do that, for my Mistresse hath done


Rob. I, there be of vs here, that haue waded as deepe into matters, as other men, if they were disposed to talke.

Dick. A plague take you, I thought you did not sneake vp and downe after her for nothing. But I prethee tell me, in good sadnesse Robin, is that a coniuring booke?


Rob. Do but speake what thou't haue me to do, and I'le do't: If thou't dance naked, put off thy cloathes, and I'le coniure thee about presently: Or if thou't go but to the Tauerne with me, I'le giue thee white wine, red wine, claret wine Sacke, Muskadine, Malmesey and Whippincrust, hold belly hold, and wee'le not pay one peny for it.


Dick. O braue, prethee let's to it presently, for I am as dry as a dog.

Rob. Come then let's away.


Immediately after the last line above (825), Qq 1616-63 print the following expanded version of the Chorus's (or Wagner's) speech. For the briefer form in which the speech occurs in Qq 1604–11 and, by mistake, at an earlier point in Qq 1616-63, cf. p. 172.

Enter the Chorus.

(Chorus.) Learned Faustus to find the secrets of Astronomy, Grauen in the booke of Ioues high firmament,


Did mount him vp to scale Olimpus top.

Where sitting in a Chariot burning bright,

Drawne by the strength of yoked Dragons neckes;


He viewes the cloudes, the Planets, and the Starres,

The Tropick Zones, and quarters of the skye,

From the bright circle of the horned Moone,

Euen to the height of Primum Mobile:

And whirling round with this circumference,
Within the concaue compasse of the Pole,
From East to West his Dragons swiftly glide,


And in eight daies did bring him home againe.

Not long he stayed within his quiet house,

To rest his bones after his weary toyle,


But new exploits do hale him out agen,

And mounted then vpon a Dragons backe,

That with his wings did part the subtle aire:

He now is gone to proue Cosmography,

That measures costs, and kingdomes of the earth:
And as I guesse will first arriue at Rome,

[blocks in formation]

To see the Pope and manner of his Court,
And take some part of holy Peters feast,
The which this day is highly solemnized.


Instead of 11. 803-904, the edition of 1663 inserts the follow ing new scene, partly plagiarized from the Jew of Malta:


Enter Faustus and Mephostophilis.

Faust. Now,


Having past with delight the famous


Mountain tops: we came to Rome, where

Town of Tyre, environ'd round with Aiery

There is erected as many Cannons as there is
Days in a compleat year, besides the Gates
And high Piramedes, which Julius Cæsar
Brought from Africa.

There is a Bridge cal'd Ponto Angelo, upon which


Meph. Having now Faustus past with delight
The famous City of Rome, and all the

Monuments of Antiquity: our next shall be
To see the Sultans Court, and what


Delight great Babylon affords. This day

The Soldan with his Bashawes holds a

Solemne Feast for his late Victory,

Obtain'd against the Christians: wee'l be


His guests, and though unbidden, bring no
Stooles with us: come stand by,

And thou shalt (see) the(m) come immediately.
Faust. Thou knowst my good Mephostophilis,
Within eight dayes we view'd the face of
Heaven, Earth, and Hell, so high our dragons
Sord into the skie, that looking downwards,
The Earth appear'd to me in quantity
No bigger then my hand.


Then in this shew let me an actor be,


That the proud Turk may Faustus cunning see.
Meph. Faustus I will, but first stay

And view their triumphs as they passe this way,
And then devise what mischief best contents
Thy mind: be cunning in thy art to crosse
Their mirth, or dash the pride of their
Solemnity, to clap huge horns upon his
Bashawes head, or any villany thou canst
Devise, and I'le perform it Faustus.
This day shall make thee admir'd in Babylon.
Faust. One thing more my good Mephostophilis.
Let me intreat of thee that Faustus may


Hark they come,


Delight his mind, and through their follies cause

Some mirth: so charm me, I may appear
Invisible to all are here, and doe
What ere I please, unseen of any.
Meph. Faustus I will kneel down,
Whilst on thy head I lay my hand,


The Planets seven, and the gloomy Air,
Hell, and the furies forked haer,
Pluto's blew fire, and Heccats tree,

And charm thee with this Magick wand.
Take this girdle, thou shalt appear
Invisible to all are here ;


With Magick charmes so compasse thee,
That no eye may thy body see.


Now Faustus for all their tricks, do what

Thou wilt, thou shalt not be deceiv'd of any.
Faust. Thanks Mephostophilis.

Now Bashawes take heed

Lest Faustus make your shaven pates to bleed.

Enter Salomaine and two Bashawes.


Solo. Welcome Mephostophilis from the siege of Malta,

And though we use no great familiarity
Towards our Vassals, but with severe looks
Maintain the reverence due to the Ottoman
Family, and so strike terrour in our subjects
Hearts yet since the fates have so much
Favour'd us, as we have gain'd that proud
Rebellious town, that refus'd payment of our
Yearly tribute: we will recreate your wearied



Limbs and pass the time with you my Lords in

You, let us here the story of Malta's siege.

Mirth, and to increase our joyes the more, Caleph from


Ca. Dread Soveraigne,

We no sooner there arrived, but of the
Governour, in your most Royal name, we
Demanded the ten months tribute left

Vnpaid they desir'd time to make collection

Amongst the inhabitants of the Malta for it.

A moneth we granted, in which time
They seis'd on half the Estates of all
The Jews amongst them;


The time for truce alotted, scarce expir'd,
Arriv'd Martine Belbosco out of Spaine, who
With great promises of his Masters aid,
Incourag'd those of Malta not to render

Their promis'd tribute, but defend themselves :
They follow'd his advice, and made him general,
Who with those Malta Knights and lusty Seamen,
So valiantly the Sea and Coast defended,
That all our force in vain had been employ'd,
Had not an unexpected chance reliev'd us.



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