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117. It is occupied, as regards the constitution, only with those subjects which caused its being called together.


118. The French nation is the friend and natural ally of free nations.

119. It does not interfere with the affairs of government of other nations. It suffers no interference of other nations with its


120. It serves as a place of refuge for all who, on account of liberty, are banished from their native country.

These it refuses to deliver up to tyrants.

121. It concludes no peace with an enemy that holds possession of its territory.


122. The constitution guarantees to all Frenchmen equality, liberty, security, property, the public debt, free exercise of religion, general instruction, public assistance, absolute liberty of the press, the right of petition, the right to hold popular assemblies, and the enjoyment of all the rights of man.

123. The French republic respects loyalty, courage, age, filial love, misfortune. It places the constitution under the guaranty of all virtues.

124. The declaration of the rights of man and the constitution shall be engraven on tables, to be placed in the midst of the legislative body, and in public places.








THE following is the charter of 1830, as I translated it in that year, for a work published in Boston, under the title of Events in Paris, during the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th of July, translated from the French.

This charter of August 8, 1830, is in substance the charter of Louis XVIII. with such changes as the chambers adopted in favor of liberty. The new articles, or the amendments of the old ones, are printed in italics, and the old reading or suppressed articles are given in notes, so that the paper exhibits both the charters.


The whole preamble of the ancient charter was suppressed, as containing the principle of concession and octroi (grant), incompatible with that of the acknowledgment of national sovereignty. The following is the substitution of the preamble:


The chamber of deputies, taking into consideration the imperious necessity which results from the events of the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th of July, and the following days; and from the situation. in which France is placed in consequence of the violation of the constitutional charter:

Considering, moreover, that by this violation, and the heroic resistance of the citizens of Paris, his majesty Charles X., his royal highness Louis-Antoine, dauphin, and all the members of the senior

branch of the royal house are leaving, at this moment, the French territory

Declares that the throne is vacant de facto et de jure, and that it is necessary to fill it.

The chamber of deputies declares secondly, that according to the wish, and for the interest of the French people, the preamble of the constitutional charter is suppressed, as wounding the national dignity in appearing to grant to the French rights which essentially belong to them; and that the following articles of the same charter ought to be suppressed or modified in the following man


Louis Philippe, King of the French, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting:

We have ordained and ordain, that the constitutional charter of 1814, as amended by the two chambers on the 7th August, and adopted by us on the 9th, be published anew in the following



ART. 1. Frenchmen are equal before the law, whatever otherwise may be their titles or their rank.

ART. 2. They contribute in proportion to their fortunes to the charges of the state.

ART. 3. They are all equally admissible to civil and military employments.

ART. 4. Their individual liberty is equally guaranteed. No per. son can be either prosecuted or arrested, except in cases provided for by the law, and in the form which it prescribes.

ART. 5. Each one may profess his religion with equal liberty, and shall receive for his religious worship the same protection.

ART. 6. The ministers of the catholic, apostolic, and Roman religion, professed by the majority of the French, and those of other christian worship, receive stipends from the public treasury.1

1 This article 6 is substituted for the articles 6 and 7 of the old charter, which ran thus:

6. However, the catholic, apostolic and Roman religion, is the religion of the state.

7. The ministers of the catholic, apostolic and Roman religion, and those of other christian confessions, alone receive stipends from the public trea


ART. 7. Frenchmen have the right of publishing and causing to be printed their opinions, provided they conform themselves to the laws.

The censorship can never be re-established.1

ART. 8. All property is inviolable, without exception of that which is called national, the law making no difference between them.

ART. 9. The state can exact the sacrifice of property for the good of the public, legally proved, but with a previous indemnity. ART. 10. All examination into the opinions and votes given before the restoration are interdicted, and the same oblivion is commanded to be adopted by the tribunals and by the citizens.

ART. 11. The conscription is abolished. The method of recruiting the army for land and sea is to be determined by the law.


ART. 12. The person of the king is inviolable and sacred. His ministers are responsible. To the king alone belongs executive power.

ART. 13. The king is the supreme head of the state; commands the forces by sea and by land; declares war, makes treaties of peace and alliance and of commerce; he appoints to all offices in public administration, and makes all regulations necessary for the execution of the laws, without ever having power either to suspend the laws themselves, or dispense with their execution.

Nevertheless, no foreign troops can be admitted into the service of the state without an express law.*

ART. 14. The legislative power is to be exercised collectively by the king, the chamber of peers, and the chamber of deputies.3

1 Article 8 of the old charter:

The French have the right to publish and to cause to be published their opinions, conforming themselves to the laws, which shall prevent the abuse of this liberty.

2 Article 14 of the old charter:

The king is the supreme head of the state, commands the forces by land and sea, declares war, makes treaties of peace, alliance and commerce, appoints to all offices of public administration, and makes rules and orders necessary for the execution of the laws and the safety of the state.

3 There was in article 15 of the old charter: and the chamber of deputies of the departments. These last three words have been suppressed.

ART. 15. The proposition of the laws belong to the king, to the chamber of peers, and to the chamber of deputies.

Nevertheless, all the laws of taxes are to be first voted by the chamber of deputies.1

ART. 16. Every law to be discussed and freely voted by the majority of each of the two chambers.

ART. 17. If a proposed law be rejected by one of the three powers, it cannot be brought forward again in the same session." ART. 18. The king alone sanctions and promulgates the laws. ART. 19. The civil list is to be fixed for the duration of the reign of the legislative assembly after the accession of the king.


ART. 20. The chamber of peers is to form an essential portion of the legislative power.

ART. 21. It is convoked by the king at the same time as the chamber of deputies. The session of one begins and ends at the same time as that of the other.

ART. 22. Any assembly of the chamber of peers, which should be held at a time which is not that of the session of the chamber of deputies, is illicit, and null of full right, except only the case in which it is assembled as a court of justice, and then it can only exercise judicial functions.3

1 Art. 15 is in the place of art. 16 and 17 of the old charter, which were thus:

Art. 16. The king proposes the law.

Art. 17. The proposition of the law is carried, at the pleasure of the king, to the chamber of peers or that of the deputies, except the law of taxes, which is to be directed to the chamber of deputies.

2 Art. 17 is substituted for articles 19, 20 and 21, suppressed as useless, after the preceding provisions. They were the following:

Art. 19. The chambers have the right to petition the king to propose a law on any subject whatever, and to indicate what seems to them proper the law ought to contain.

Art. 20. This request may be made by each of the chambers, but after having been discussed in secret committee; it is not to be sent to the other chamber, by that which proposes, until after the elapse of ten days.

Art. 21. If the proposition is adopted by the other chamber, it is to be laid before the king; if it is rejected, it cannot be presented again in the same session.

3 This is article 26 of the old charter, augmented by this provision, which was not in the former, and the words following have been suppressed: or that it should be ordained by the king.

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