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whom it had been referred, in November of 1832. A month later he was elected governor of the state. General Jackson issued a proclamation, denouncing these proceedings of South Carolina, but Governor Hayne stood firm, and the threatened danger of a bloody issue was arrested by "the compromise act." While in the senate he was a party in the great debate with Daniel Webster, the most celebrated that ever occurred in that body. Governor Hayne died in 1841, in the fiftieth year of his age. His private life was richly adorned with all the social and domestic virtues, and in his public career no one doubted the eminent purity of his patriotism.

William Lowndes was born in South Carolina, in 1780. He was a member of congress from 1812 to 1822, and part of the time chairman of the committee of ways and means. Resigning, from ill health, he died at sea the same year, at the early age of forty-two years. He possessed a mind of the first order, and stood in the very front rank of American statesmen. Peter Parley, who once heard him in his place in congress, gives the following reminiscence:

"Soon after Lowndes arose, and there was a general movement of the members from the most remote parts of the room toward him. His appearance was remarkable. He was six feet two inches high-slender, bent, emaciated, and evidently of feeble frame. His complexion was sallow and dead, and his face almost without expression. His voice, too, was low and whispering. And yet he was, all things considered, the strong man of the house; strong in his various knowledge, his comprehensive understanding, his pure heart, his upright intentions, and, above all, in the confidence these qualities had inspired. Everything he said was listened to as the words of wisdom. It was he who gave utterance to the sentiment that the office of president of the United States was neither to be solicited nor refused.' I was unable to hear what he said, but the stillness around-the intent listening of the entire assembly-bore testimony to the estimation in which he was held. I never saw him afterward. About two years later, he died on a voyage to England for the benefit of his health, and thus, in the language of an eminent member of congress, were extinguished the bright

est hopes of the country, which, by a general movement, were looking to him as the future chief magistrate of the nation.'"

Washington Allston, who has been styled the "American Titian," was born in South Carolina, in 1780, and died at Cambridge, Mass., in 1843, where most of his life had been passed. This gifted painter and poet has left an eminent reputation as an artist. It has been said of him that no man ever possessed a more exquisite appreciation of the beautiful.

The palmetto, which appears so conspicuously on the arms of South Carolina, is a tree of slow growth, not attaining its maturity till after a period of some fifty or sixty years. On the islands these trees grow to the hight of thirty or forty feet. They are peculiar to the low, sandy shores of the southern states. The wood is spongy, and the best known for cannon-shot, as it is so fibrous and tough that it will receive a ball and close over the hole ready to bury another. The one represented in the engraving is in Bay street, in Charleston, near the post-office. It is about twenty-two feet in hight, and of fifteen years growth. The fort on Sullivan's Island, so effective in the defense of Charleston in 1776, was constructed of palmetto logs, in sections, and filled in with sand.



Hugh S. Legare, an accomplished scholar and lawyer, was born in Charleston in 1797. In 1832 he was appointed charge d'affairs to Belgium. From 1837 to 1839 he was a representative in congress; and from 1841 until his death in 1843, attorney general of the United States. His fine taste as a writer, his eminent ac

quirements as a scholar, and his learning and eloquence as a lawyer, were widely appreciated.

Langdon Cheves was born in the Abbeville district, South Carolina, in 1776; was admitted to the bar, and, for a time, was atttorney general of the state. He was a representative in congress from 1811 to 1816, and was speaker during the second session of thirteenth congress. For a time he was president of the United States bank. Resigning his trust, he retired to private life, and died in 1857.

James Gadsden was born at Charleston, in 1788, and was educated at Yale. He was aid of General Jackson, in the Seminole war. In 1853 he was sent as minister to Mexico, where he made from Mexico the celebrated "Gadsden purchase," for ten millions of dollars-now the territory of Arizona, and the richest silver bearing district known on the globe. He died in 1858.

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Huguenot is an appellation given to the reformed or protestant Calvinists of France. The name had its rise in 1560, but authors are not agreed as to the origin or occasion of its being used. Some derive it from a French and faulty pronunciation of the German word edignossen, signifying confederates, and originally applied to that valiant part of the city of Geneva which entered into an alliance with the Swiss cantons, in order to maintain their liberties against the tyrannical attempts of Charles III, duke of Savoy. These confederates were called Eignots; whence Huguenots.

These people underwent a series of persecutions which hardly have a parallel During the reign of Charles IX, and on August 24, 1572, happened the massacre of St. Bartholomew, in which it is computed that thirty thousand Huguenots porished in various parts of France. In 1598, Henry IV passed the famous edict of Nantes, which secured to the Protestants the free exercise of their religion. The formal revocation of this important act did not take place till the year 1685. For some time previous, the Huguenots had been gradually robbed of one privilege after another, and scarcely retained the shadow of their rights. The revocation was intended as a final or death-blow to Protestantism.

The revocation of the edict of Nantes was followed by rigorous enactments. These, with those put in force before, caused a vast number of the most virtuous people in France to leave their native country and find refuge elsewhere. It is

supposed that within a short time eight hundred thousand protestants left France and sought an asylum in foreign lands. Some fled to America. Quite a number came to New England-to Boston. A colony was located in Oxford, in Massachusetts. Some went into the provinces, and located themselves at New Rochelle, and elsewhere. "One hundred and seventy families, besides private individuals, settled in South Carolina, and a large portion of them on the south side of the Santee River, where they laid out a town to which they gave the name of 'Jamestown.' Others fixed their residences in Charleston, and its vicinity. There was a settlement of them in Berkeley county, which they called the Orange Quarter,' and afterward the parish of St. Dennis. A few families settled at St. John's Berkeley."

At the period of the revocation of the edict of Nantes, the English, who at this time had a parental feeling for their young colonies, encouraged the Huguenots to migrate to America, particularly cultivators of land, of which they possessed here such an abundant extent. The band of Huguenot settlers, although at first much unjust prejudice existed against them, was a great acquisition to the infant colony of South Carolina. They were before the English in many of the arts, and better understood the cultivation of land. In the course of a few years the antipathy of the English melted away, intermarriages took place, and the most perfect harmony existed between them and the French refugees.

The four early congregations first formed in South Carolina professed the doctrines, and worshiped according to the forms, of the church of Geneva. After the act of assembly, in 1706, by which the church of England gained a legal settlement in the colony, three of these congregations, conforming to the new order of things, became Episcopalian. The Huguenot church in Charleston, however, maintained its original distinctive features. Its founder was the Rev. Elias Prioleau, a descendant of the Prioli family, which, in 1618, gave a doge to Venice. The following is extracted from the "Huguenots in France and America," a work published in Boston, by Munroe & Co., in 1852:


The French Calvinistic church in Charleston adhered to its pecular worship. It was built about 1693. The time of worship was regulated by the tide, for the accommodation of the members, who, many of them, came by the river from the settlements round. We can hardly imagine anything more picturesque than these little boats, borne on the water and filled with noble and daring beings, who had endured danger and suffering, and risked their lives, for the spiritual life of the soul. Often the low chant was distinguished amidst the dashing of the oars, and sometimes an enthusiastic strain swelled on the ear, like those that proceeded from the lips of the martyrs when the flames curled around them."

Many illustrious names of Huguenot origin stand recorded in the annals of American history. "Three of the nine presidents of the old congress, which conducted the United States through the revolutionary war, were descendants of French protestant refugees, who had migrated to America in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantes. The persons alluded to were Henry Laurens, of South Carolina; John Jay, of New York; and Elias Boudinot, of New Jersey. The ancestors of General Marion, so distinguished in revolutionary history, were Huguenots. The first child born in New York was a daughter of George Rapaeligo, in 1625, a descendant of Huguenot ancestors, who had fled from the St. Bartholomew massacre."


GEORGIA was the last settled of the thirteen original states. Its territory was originally included within the limits of the Carolina charter, but no set

tlement was made until after that charter was forfeited. The settlement of a colony was designed in England about the year 1732, for the accommodation of poor people in Great Britain and Ireland, for the further security of Carolina, and also as a place of refuge for the persecuted Protestants of all nations. It was also a part of the plan to attempt the conversion and civilization of the native Indians.

In the settlement of the colony, private compassion and public spirit were combined. Humane and opulent persons suggested a plan of transporting a number of indigent families to this part of America free of expense. For this purpose they applied to the king, George II, and obtained from him letters patent dated June 9, 1732, for legally carrying into execution what they had generously projected. They called the new province Georgia, in honor of the king who had encouraged the plan.


ARMS OF GEORGIA. Motto: Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.

A corporation consisting of twenty-one persons was constituted, by the name of trustees, for settling and establishing the colony of Georgia, which was separated from Carolina by the river Savannah. The trustees having first set the example themselves, by largely contributing to the scheme, undertook also to solicit benefactions from others, and to apply the money toward clothing, arming and purchasing utensils for cultivation, and to the transportation of such poor people as should be willing to go over and begin a settlement. Their views were not confined to British subjects, but a door

was opened for the indigent and oppressed protestants of other nations. To prevent a misapplication of the money it was deposited in the Bank of England.

In July, 1732, the trustees for Georgia held their first meeting, chose Lord Percival president of the corporation, and ordered a common seal to be made. In November following about 130 settlers, with James Oglethorpe, one of the trustees, as their head and director, set sail from Gravesend in the ship Anne, of 200 tuns, for America. They arrived off the bar of Charleston Jan. 13, 1733. Mr. Oglethorpe went on shore to wait on Governor Johnson, and was received with great marks of civility and satisfaction. The king's pilot was ordered to his assistance to carry the ship into Port Royal, and from thence small craft was furnished to carry the settlers to their intended place of settlement on the Savannah River.

The general assembly of Carolina met three days after the departure of Oglethorpe, and on motion of the governor they resolved that he should be furnished, at the public expense, with 104 breeding cattle, 25 hogs, and 20 barrels of good rice; that boats also should be provided to transport the people, provisions and goods, and that scout-boats and a guard of fifteen rangers should be put under the command of Mr. Oglethorpe for his protection and that of the settlers. The governor also prevailed upon Colonel Bull, a member of the council, and a gentleman of great probity and experience, to attend Mr. Oglethorpe to Georgia.

Oglethorpe having arrived at Yamacraw, on the Savannah River, on Feb. 1, 1733, he explored the country and fixed on a high spot of ground (the present site of Savannah) near that Indian town for commencing a settlement. Having put the colony in a state of safety by the erection of a fort, etc., the next object of Oglethorpe's attention was to treat with the Indians for a share of their lands. The territory was principally occupied by the Upper and Lower Creeks, who were computed to amount to about twenty-five thousand, men, women and children, and these tribes laid claim to the lands lying south-west of Savannah River. It appeared, therefore, of the highest consequence to procure their friendship. By the assistance of an Indian woman who had married a trader from Carolina, who could speak both the English and Creek languages, Oglethorpe summoned a general meeting of the chiefs at Savannah to confer with him in order to procure their consent to the peaceable settlement of his colony.

The meeting, or congress, was accordingly held, at which fifty chieftains were present. Oglethorpe represented to them the great power, wisdom and wealth of the English, and the advantage it would be to form a connection with that nation, and expressed his hope that, as they had plenty of lands, they would freely resign a share of them to his people, who, for their benefit and instruction, had come to reside among them. After he had distributed presents among the Indians an agreement was made. Tomochichi, in the name of the Creek warriors, now made a speech. Among other observations he said: "Here is a little present," and then gave him a buffalo's skin, painted on the inside with the head and feathers of an eagle, and desired him to accept it, "because the eagle signifies speed, and the buffalo strength. The English," he proceeded, "are as swift as the bird and strong as the beastsince, like the first, they fly from the utmost parts of the earth over the vast seas, and, like the second, nothing can withstand them. The feathers of the eagle are soft, and signify love; the buffalo's skin is warm, and signifies protection; he hoped, therefore, that they would love and protect their little


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