A defcription of hell, A dialogue between the fallen angels and a human A dialogue between the foul, riches, fame, &c. Hymn, Hymn, Hymn, Hymn, Hymn on the facrament, Hymn on heaven, 105 43 85 27 2 3 4 5 7 8 Hymn, Hymn, 9 The appeal, 28 Tell me, O thou whom my foul loves, &c. Against drunkenness, By Mr. WATT. An hymn to CHRIST JESUS the eternal life, David's lamentation over Saul and Jonathan, Page 233 223 231 236 1. The fpirit's farewel to the body after long fick nefs, 237 247 2. The departing moments, or absent from the body, ibid. 3. Entrance into paradife, or prefent with the Lord, 248 4. The fight of God in heaven, 249 5. A funeral ode at the interrment of the body, fuppofed to be fung by the mourners, ibid. Searching after God, 225 The Hebrew poet, 227 The midnight elevation, 234 The world a ftranger to God, 226 Thoughts and meditations in a long fickness, 1712 and 1713, 1. The hurry of the spirits in a fever and nervous diforder, 2. Peace of conscience, and prayer for health, 3. Encouraged to hope for health in May, 4. The wearifome weeks of fickness, Shall every infect, bird, and brute And man, who's bleft with speech, be mute, III. Ingratitude avaunt! be gone! My mufe fhall raise her voice, When heav'n infpires, and leads her on, 'Tis duty and 'tis choice. IV. Look round, O man! furvey this globe, V. See! various beings fill the air, And people earth and sea; What grateful changes form the year, VI. Next raise thine eye, the vast expanse A See, See, round the fun the planets dance, VII. Then turn into thyself, O man! VIII. And let obedience to his laws Beyond all worlds enthron'd on high, Glory to him the feraphs cry, |