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thay followynge thayr olde nature and custome, than do breake leage with us, than we shal loke for none other, but that Englonde shal be a prey betwene themperour and thaym. After all this he commeth to the poynte to save the kyngs honour, sayinge that the kynge stondeth evyn opon the brynke of the water, and yet he may save al hys honour; but yf he put furth hys fote but on steppe forwarde, all hys honour ys drowned. And the meanes which he hath devised to save the kyngs honour ys this.

The reste of this mater I must leave to shewe your Lordshippe by mouth, whan I speake with you, which I purpose, god Willynge, shal be to morow, yf the kyng's grace let 6 me not. Now the berer maketh such hast, that I can wryte no more, but that I heare no worde from my benefice, nor Mayster Russel's servunte ys not yet retourned ageyn, whereof I do not a lytle marveil. The kynge and my Lady Anne rode yesterday to Windsower, and this nyght they be loked for agayne at Hampton Courte: god be their guyde, and preserve your Lordshippe to hys most pleasure. From Hampton courte this xiij. day of June.

Youre most humble beideman,

Thomas Cranmer.


Dr. Cranmer, Ambassador with the Emperor, his Letter to the King.

To the Kings Highness.

PLEASITH it your Highnes to understande, that at my Sir W. H. last sollicitacion unto Monsieur Grandeveile for an answer MSS. of the contracte of Merchandize betwene the Merchaunts of your graces reaulme, and the Merchaunts of themperors Low-Countreys; the said Monsieur Grandeveile shewed me, that forsomoch as the Diate concernynge the said Contracte was lately held in Flaundres, where the Quene of Hungary

is Governatrice, themperor thought good to do nothynge therein without her advice, but to make answere by her, rather than by me. Wherefore it may please your grace no further to loke for answere of me herin, but of the Quene, unto whome the whole Answere is commytted. Morover, whan the said Monsieur Grandeveile enquered of me, if I had any answere of the aide and subsidy, which themperor desyered of your grace, I reported unto hym fully your graces answere accordynge unto myn instructions sent unto me by your graces servant William Paget. Which answere he desyered me to delyver hym in wrytynge, that he myght referre the same truly unto themperor, and so I dyd. Nevertheles themperor, now at his departynge, hath had such importune busynes, that Monsieur Grandeveile assigned me to repaire unto themperor agayn at Lintz, for there, he said, I shal have an answere agayn in wrytynge. The French Ambassador, and I with al diligence do make preparacion to furnish our selfs of wagans, horses, shippes, tents, and other thynges necessary to our viage; but it wil be at the lest viij or x dayes before we can be redy to depart hens. Yet we trust to be at Lyntz before themperor; for he wil tary by the way at Passaw x or xij dayes.

As for the Turke, he resideth stil in Hungary, in the same place, environned opon al parties, whereof I wrote unto your Highnes in my last letters. And themperor departed from Abagh toward Vienna the seconde day of this month by lande, not commynge by this towne: but the same day the kynge Ferdinando departed from this Towne by water, and at Passaw xiiij myls hens thay shal mete, and so pase furth unto Lyntz, which is the mydds way from hens unto Vienna. And there themperor wil tary to counsel what he wil do: and there al the Ambassadours shal know his pleasure, as Monsieur Grandeveile shewed me.

I have sent herewith unto your grace the copy of themperors Proclamation concernynge a general Councel, and a reformation to be had in Germany for the controversyes of the faith. Also I have sent the taxe of al the stats of thempire, how many Souldiers every man is lymitted unto, for the aide agaynst the Turk. Wherein your grace may perceyve, that the greatest Prince in Germany (onely the Duke

of Burgondy and Austry except) is not appoynted above 120 horsemen and 554 fotemen. Thus our Lorde evermore have your highnes in his preservation and governance. From Regenspurgh the iiij. day of September.

Your graces most humble subjecte,

Chaplain, and beidman,

Thomas Cranmer.


A parcel of Jewels sent from Greenwich to Hampton Court to the King. To the receipt of which he set his hand.

Henry R.


SENT unto the King's Highnes from Grenewhiche to Sir W. H. Hampton courte, by Master Norrys the xxist day of Septembre in the xxiiijth year of his graces Reigne thies parcelles ensueing. Which parcellex his grace doth knoledge him self to have receyved by this present bylle, signed with his most gracieux hand the day and yere above expressed.

Furste, One carkeyne of gold antique warke, having a 1. shielde of gold, set with a great Rose, contenyng xij Dyamants. One fayer table Dyamant. One poynted Dyamant. One table Rubye. One table Emerawde. And iij fayer hinging perles.

Item, Another Carkeyne of golde of harts with ij hands 2. holding a great owche of golde, set with a great table balasse. One pointed dyamant: Two table dyamants: Whereof one rising with Lozanges, and the other flat. And one other long lozanged diamant. And iiij perles, with one longe perle pendaunt.

Item, Another Carkeyne of golde enameled with blac and white, with an owche of golde enameled white and blew: Set with a great rockey Rubye: One rocky Emerawde: One pointed Dyamant. One table Dyamant. A

harte of a Dyamant, rising ful of Lozanges. And one fayer 8 hinging perle.







Item, Another Carkeyne of lynks of gold. The one enameled blac, the other gold: having an owche of golde, set with a great rockey balasse: two smal table Dyamants; and one Lozanged Dyamant. Five slight perles, and one long perle pendaunt therat.

Item, Another Carkeyne of gold, garnished thorowly with xxij coletts of dyamants, contening in al lxxvij diamant smal and great: and xliij perles, with an owche of Antique, set with xiiij dyamants, one rockey Rubye, and one rockey Emerawde; and a flat round hinging perle.

Item, Another Carkeyne of golde, enameled blac, with an owche, set with a fayer table balasse, and three smal tryangled dyamants, and five perles.

Item, A George on horse back: garnished with xvj smal Dyamants. And in the belly of the Dragon a rockey perle.

Item, Another Carkeyne of golde: al blac, having a George on horseback; garnished with xviij smal Dyamants. And in the belly of the Dragon a perle ragged.

Item, A cheyne of golde, of Spaynishe facion, enameled, white, red and black.


The King to Dr. Boner, his Majesty's Agent, to declare to the
Pope his Appeal from him, and his Sentence.

By the King.

Henry R.


Sir W. H. TRUSTY and Welbeloved, we grete ye well. Signifying unto the same, that we have appelled from the Pope's Sentence, lately gevyn against us; which Appele ye receiving herewith, with a Proxy devised for that intent, Our mind and pleasure is, that if it is thought to you good and beneficial, for conservation of the same, ye intimate the same to

the Pope after the order and forme of Lawe, and according to our said proxy sent unto you. And if not, to advertise us of your mind and opynyon in that behalf. Geven under our Signet at our Castell of Windessour, the xviij day of August.

To our Trusty and Welbeloved

Mr. Doctor Bonner.


Cranmer's Protestation at his Consecration.



IN Dei nomine Amen. Coram vobis autentica persona et Cranm. testibus fide dignis, hic presentibus, Ego Thomas in Cant. Archiepiscopum electus dico, allego, et in hiis Scriptis palam, publicè et expressè protestor: Quod cum juramentum, sive juramenta ab Electis in Cant. Archiepiscopos summo Pontifici præstari solita, me ante meam Consecrationem, aut tempore ejusdem pro forma potius quam pro esse, aut re obligatoria ad illam obtinendam oporteat; non est, nec erit meæ Voluntatis aut intentionis per hujusmodi juramentum vel juramenta, qualitercunque verba in ipsis posita sonare videbuntur, me obligare ad aliquod ratione eorundem posthac dicend. faciend. aut attemptand. quod erit aut esse videbitur contra legem Dei, vel contra illustriss. Regem nostrum Angliæ, aut Remp. hujus sui Regni Angliæ, legesve aut prærogativas ejusdem. Et quod non intendo per hujusmodi juramentum aut juramenta, quovis modo me obligare, quominus libere loqui, consulere et consentire valeam, in omnibus et singulis, Reformationem religionis Christianæ, Gubernationem Ecclesiæ Anglicana; aut Prærogativam Coronæ ejusdem, Reipublicæve commoditatem, quoquomodo concernentibus, et ea ubiq; exequi et reformare, quæ mihi in Ecclesia Anglicana reformanda videbuntur. Et secundum hanc interpretationem et intellectum hunc, et non aliter, neq; alio modo, dicta juramenta me præstiturum protestor et profiteor. Protestorq; insuper, quodcumq; juramentum

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