Abbildungen der Seite

of that 141, the cataloging-in-publication program is a new program for which we are asking for 29 new positions.

Mr. CASEY. Where is that in this summary table?

Mr. CURRAN. It is part of the totals in the first column. That particular program is presented later in the justifications on page 31. It is a new program for the budget request.

Mr. CASEY. Do you have requests for any other new programs? Mr. CURRAN. The national serials data program, which is being requested in this budget for the first time. It has nine new positions, and is a new request in this budget.

Mr. CASEY. You said this is a new request for this budget. In other words, is this an ongoing program that has not been in this budget in the past?

Dr. MUMFORD. The cataloging-in-publication program has begun with grants from foundations. It is an ongoing program. Mr. Welsh will elaborate on what it consists of. It is not new in substance but it is new to our request for funds.

Mr. CASEY. Any others?

Mr. CURRAN. Those are the new programs in our basic appropriation. The rest of the increases in new positions are essential to strengthening existing programs in a variety of ways.

Mr. CASEY. You say a strengthening. Is there a workload factor involved?

Mr. CURRAN. It is a matter of additional workload, yes, sir.


Mr. CASEY. How do you measure this increased workload. Is it determined by finding out that people can't keep current and get behind or what is the measure?

Dr. MUMFORD. It is manifested in terms of arrearages, such as in serials cataloging and increased amounts of material coming in. When we are not able to keep pace with the flow that is coming in, arrearages will develop and increase if we don't receive additional help in managing it.


Mr. CASEY. You mentioned in your statement that one source of revenue is the sale of catalog cards. Do you have other sources of revenue?

Mr. CURRAN. The principal source of revenue for the Library is the catalog card sales and receipts for registration of copyrights. We have miscellaneous receipts in a few other categories that amount up to $50,984.

Mr. CASEY. Please give us for the record at this point a table showing the amount of revenues received by appropriation on a comparative basis for fiscal year 1972, and estimated for 1973 and 1974.

Dr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir. We have a table under the appropriation "Distribution of Catalog Cards," which shows that, and also under the "Copyright Office," which shows the amount of fees collected for registrations. That is shown by year. (The information follows:)


[blocks in formation]

Mr. CASEY. Are the revenues increasing or decreasing?

Dr. MUMFORD. In the case of catalog cards, we received fewer orders.
They are decreasing, but at the same time we are filling more of the
orders and the total amount of card sales, cards sold, remains pretty
much the same.

In the case of copyright registrations, it has leveled off with some
increases, but that is why we withdrew the request for the additional
positions for the Copyright Office.


Mr. CASEY. Last year you gave us a breakdown of space located off
Capitol Hill that you occupy through the General Services Adminis-
tration. Please update that table which appears on page 24 of last
year's hearings and insert it in the record at this point.

Mr. CURRAN. I have that table here.

(NOTE. See pp. 195-197 for additional testimony.)
(The information follows:)



The Library currently occupies the locations listed below in addition to the two buiidings on Capitol Hill.

[blocks in formation]




Physically Handicapped






1. Suitland, Maryland

Motion Pictures


2. Bldgs 159 & 159E, Navy Yard

Card Division, GPO Branch,



Training Offices,

Contracting and Procure-

ment and Storage

3. Middle River, Maryland




4. 1291 Taylor Street, N. W.

Division for the Blind and



5. 215 Massachusetts Ave., N.E. Information Abstracting,



Catalog Publication Division

6. 2028 Duke Street,

7. Crystal Mall

Newspapers and other



Alexandria, Virginia

Arlington, Virginia

8. 800 S. Pickett Street
Alexandria, Virginia

9. Available to Library of Congress for related costs


Copyright Office



Geography and Map Division, 122,200


Laminating, and Copyright



10. Additional space required, fiscal 1974:

110 Indiana Avenue (committed by GSA)
Other Space ....





Note: Locations numbered 1, 2, and 3 are Government-owned buildings and cost shown only reflects
maintenance costs.

Mr. CASEY. Does this table include the cost of your annual rental for space outside the Library complex?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir; it also shows the cost. It is on page 124 of the justifications book.

Mr. CASEY. Has the cost gone up?

Mr. CURRAN. The General Services Administration pays for the space after the first full year of occupancy so the Library's cost in this program tends to vary depending on which year of occupancy we are in. The table indicates a GSA cost for 1974 of nearly $1,600,000.

The Library's request for 1974 is only $397,000 and a major portion of that is a request for additional rental space in 1974.

Mr. CASEY. Give us a comparison of your space rental costs, so we can understand it, from 1974 back through 1972.

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

(The information follows:)

[blocks in formation]

Mr. CASEY. The number of new permanent positions you are asking

for is 286, I believe, less the 13?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CASEY. That would be 273. How much additional money is that going to cost?

Mr. CURRAN. The total for all new positions, 286 positions. May I

supply that for the record?

Mr. CASEY. Yes.

Mr. CURRAN. In round numbers, it will be in the order of $3 million. I will give a precise answer for the record.

(The information follows:)

Salaries for 286 positions----

Personnel benefits


$3, 172, 464

272, 367

$3, 444, 831

Mr. CASEY. Does that include those you want to make permanent? That won't be just your 273?

Dr. MUMFORD. Conversion of the 138 to permanent won't require any additional money.

The costs of the others are broken down by the individual appropriations in table III.

Mr. CURRAN. For example, in salaries and expenses, Library of Congress, the first appropriation, the salary costs would be approximately $1,682,384, for a total of 165 new positions. Total cost for these positions will be approximately $1,682,384. That is for all of the positions in the appropriation salaries and expenses, Library of Congress. Mr. CASEY. Is some of that for space rental cost?

Mr. CURRAN. No, sir. This is just for salary costs.


Mr. CASEY. Are you going to need more space for these additional people or are you going to be able to house them in the space you presently have?

Dr. MUMFORD. We hope the committee will allow some money for some additional space.

Mr. CASEY. How much additional space and money are you requesting for these new personnel?

Dr. MUMFORD. We have a statement on that further on, if you wish us to develop it now or later.

Mr. CASEY. Let us not forget it. We don't want to say we will talk about this later and forget about it.


Will we be able to give up a lot of this rental space when the new Madison building opens? I believe the building is scheduled for completion in the latter part of 1975.

Dr. MUMFORD. That is the target date for beneficial occupancy, to begin moving in equipment and furniture and so on.

Mr. CASEY. That is the target date but that was not the answer that I wanted. I want to know whether we are still going to have some rental space after we complete the new building?

Dr. MUMFORD. We do not anticipate requesting rental space. Mr. CASEY. Do you think that in 1975 you will have room for all your employees in the new building if you keep on adding 200 or 300 people every year?

Dr. MUMFORD. We would expect to provide for space for those we have requested in this budget until the new building can be occupied and then we would begin bringing back activities that are now removed from the present two buildings.

Mr. CEDERBERG. Would the chairman yield?

Regarding this new space for which you are requesting funds, do you go to GSA and ask them to secure the space for you?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir; GSA obtains it.

Mr. CEDERBERG. You pay the first full year's cost?

Mr. CURRAN. Yes, sir.

Mr. CEDERBERG. You don't have any control over the term of the

leases that they enter into for you, do you?

Mr. CURRAN. No, sir.

Mr. CEDERBERG. You really cannot inform this subcommittee what the long-term costs of that lease might be because you anticipate when the new library building is finished in 1975 you are not going to use this rented space; is that correct?

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