A progressive Latin anthology. [Ed.] by H.M. Wilkins


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Seite 186 - Pure as the expanse of Heav'n. I thither went With unexperienced thought, and laid me down On the green bank, to look into the clear Smooth lake, that to me seem'd another sky. As I bent down to look, just opposite A shape within the watery gleam appear'd, Bending to look on me. I started back; It started back: but pleased I soon returned; Pleased it returned as soon with answering looks Of sympathy and love.
Seite 233 - Come, my Celia, let us prove, While we can, the sports of love. Time will not be ours for ever, He, at length, our good will sever; Spend not then his gifts in vain. Suns that set may rise again: But if once we lose this light, 'Tis with us perpetual night.
Seite 215 - tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
Seite 30 - Ut celeri passu Cremeram tetigere rapacem, turbidus hibernis ille fluebat aquis, castra loco ponunt: destrictis ensibus ipsi Tyrrhenum valido Marte per agmen eunt, non aliter quam cum Libyca de rupe leones invadunt sparsos lata per arva greges.
Seite 108 - Haec certe deserta loca et taciturna querenti, et vacuum Zephyri possidet aura nemus. Hic licet occultos proferre impune dolores, si modo sola queant saxa tenere fidem.
Seite 108 - Lumina deiectis turpia sint lacrimis. An quia parva damus mutato signa colore, Et non ulla meo clamat in ore fides ? Vos eritis testes, si quos habet arbor amores, Fagus et Arcadio pinus amica deo. Ah quotiens teneras resonant mea verba sub umbras Scribitur et vestris CYNTHIA...
Seite 86 - Delia noctes 2 ante sacras lino tecta fores sedeat 30 bisque die resoluta comas tibi dicere laudes insignis turba debeat in Pharia. at mihi contingat patrios celebrare Penates reddereque antiquo menstrua tura Lari. quam bene Saturno vivebant rege...
Seite 98 - Ipse triumphali devinctus tempora lauro, dum cumulant aras, ad tua sacra veni. Sed nitidus pulcherque veni : nunc indue vestem sepositam, longas nunc bene pecte comas, qualem te memorant Saturno rege fugato victori laudes concinuisse lovi.
Seite 96 - Agricola assiduo primum satiatus aratro Cantavit certo rustica verba pede, Et satur arenti primum est modulatus avena Carmen, ut ornatos diceret ante deos, Agricola et minio suffusus, Bacche, rubenti 55 Primus inexperta duxit ab arte choros.
Seite 134 - Ille mi par esse deo videtur, ille, si fas est, superare divos, qui sedens adversus identidem te spectat et audit...

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