Hero and Leander: Tragedy in Five ActsRegister Press, 1938 - 111 Seiten |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-3 von 5
Seite 6
... wreath from one who's gladly free . So you give each the other's soul ? Indeed ? I'd rather , if you please , sir , keep my own . Who knows ? Another might not be as good . Eros , the second of my wreaths be yours . Since you're the ...
... wreath from one who's gladly free . So you give each the other's soul ? Indeed ? I'd rather , if you please , sir , keep my own . Who knows ? Another might not be as good . Eros , the second of my wreaths be yours . Since you're the ...
Seite 47
... wreath You wore this morning at the holy rites . The things you find uplift the heart and soul ; Rouse no desires , yet gratify desires ; ) Serving the gods , remake you in their likeness . points toward the curtained door Here in this ...
... wreath You wore this morning at the holy rites . The things you find uplift the heart and soul ; Rouse no desires , yet gratify desires ; ) Serving the gods , remake you in their likeness . points toward the curtained door Here in this ...
Seite 111
... wreath from the statue of Eros This wreath take with her body to the grave . throws the wreath to the group busy with Hero , and addresses the statue of Eros You promised much ! And this is what you gave ! The curtain falls . 66 458 A A ...
... wreath from the statue of Eros This wreath take with her body to the grave . throws the wreath to the group busy with Hero , and addresses the statue of Eros You promised much ! And this is what you gave ! The curtain falls . 66 458 A A ...
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Abydus altar Aphrodite arms beside brother cella child cloak close comes curtain dark dead death door Exeunt eyes fair FATHER feel gate girls give Goddess gods goes ground grove guilty hand happy head hear heart Hellespont Henry H HERO AND LEANDER HERO LEANDER HERO Oh HERO PRIEST holy holy office IANTHE Ianthe's keep kneel knees lamp LEANDER HERO LEANDER NAUKLEROS light lips look maiden mother NAUKLEROS Oh NAUKLEROS Yes never night pause pitcher PRIEST HERO PRIEST TEMPLE GUARD PRIEST Yes priestess rear rites sacred sacred grove servant Sestus shore shoulder sink soul speak stands statue of Eros stay steps strangers talk tell TEMPLE GUARD enters TEMPLE GUARD goes temple-maidens there's things thought tower TEMPLE GUARD uncle UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN wait walks watch waves What's whispers word wreath wrong yonder youth Zeus