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part ii.


It may please your Majesty to be advertised, that yester-State Paday the ambassador of Cleve came unto my house at Lam-pers, vol. i. hith, and delivered me bletters from Oslynger, Vice-Chan- Letter cellor unto the Duke of Cleve, which letters I have sent from the unto your Majesty herewith enclosed: the purport whereof, Original. after he hath set forth my lauds and commendations like an orator, when he cometh to the substance of the matter, is nothing else but to commend unto me the cause of the Lady Anne of Cleve. Which although he trusteth that I would do of myself, undesired, yet he saith that the occasion is such, that he will not omit to put spurs to the horse that runneth of his own courage. When I had read the letter, and considered that no cause was expressed specially, but

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a [This Letter also is wholly in the Archbishop's handwriting.] b[Olisleger's Letter is subjoined, from State Papers, vol. i. p. 716. "Salus et pax a Deo patre, et Jesu Christo Domino ac Salvatore "nostro. Reverendissime Præsul ac Domine, multis modis venerande. "Quoniam singularis candor, plurimorumque officiorum tuorum præ"stationes multis bonis viris tam extra quam intra hoc florentissimum 66 regnum Angliæ, cognita atque perspecta, de tua Celsitudine eam "opinionem statuerunt, eandemque Celsitudinem tuam ita suspicentur, "ut quod ad Omnipotentis Dei ac Benedicti Filii ejus gloriam illus"trandam imprimis, ac deinde ad reipublicæ Christianæ, præsertim Anglicana, tranquillitatem ac commoditatem conservandam, augen"dam, promovendamque quovis modo pertinere videatur, id semper "singulari studio, opera, atque industria, Celsitudo tua fuerit prose66 cuta; fieri non potest, quin in eadem spe firmiter consistamus, etiam nunc idipsum Celsitudinem tuam pro sua virili curaturum. Itaque, "quantum plurimum possumus Celsitudinem tuam flagitamus, uti causam illustrissimæ Dominæ Annæ, sororis Principis nostri pro rei com"moditate sibi quam commendatissimam habere non gravatim velit. "Et quamvis existimemus idipsum Celsitudinem tuam sine nostra in"terpellatione æque facturam, nolui tamen committere, quin, pro hujus "temporis occasione, hoc calcar equo sponte currenti admoverem. Et "oro Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, ut gratiam suam alioqui plus "satis infusam in Celsitudinem tuam augere, ac diu incolumem servare "dignetur. Datum Duysseldorpii, pridie Calendas Decembris, 1541. "Ejusdem Celsitudinis tuæ addictissimus, "Henr. Olisl. Doct. "Vicecancellarius Clevensis.

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only in general that I should have commended the cause of the Lady Anne of Cleve, although I suspected the true cause of his coming, yet I would take upon me no knowledge of any special matter, but said thus unto him: ‘Master Ambassador, I have perused Oslynger's letters, by the which he commendeth unto me the Lady Anne of 'Cleve's cause; but forasmuch as he declareth no certain cause, I trust you have some other instructions to inform me of some particular matter.' Whereunto he answered, that the cause was, the reconciliation of your Majesty unto the Lady Anne of Cleve. Whereunto I answered, that I thought not a little strange, that Oslynger should think it meet for me to move a reconciliation of that matrimony, of the which I, as much as any other person, knew most just causes of divorce. And here I moved him to consider your Grace's honour and the tranquillity of this realm, with the surety of your Grace's succession; and further, how this should agree with Oslynger's opinion of me, as he writeth in his letters, that I should study to the commodity and tranquillity of this realm, if I should move your Grace to receive her in matrimony, from whom your Majesty was, upon most just causes, divorced; whereupon might grow most uncertitude of your Grace's succession, with such unquietness and trouble to this realm, as heretofore hath not been seen. And when he would have begun something, as appeared unto me, more largely to have reasoned the matter, and to grope my mind, I finished our communication in this sort: Master Ambassador, this is a matter of great im'portance, wherein you shall pardon me, for I will have no communication with you therein, unless it please the King's Majesty to command me. But I shall signify unto his Highness your request, and thereupon you shall have

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[See the judgment of the Convocation for annulling the marriage, in Burnet, Ref. vol. i. App. B. iii. No. 19, or in State Papers, vol. i. part ii. No. cxxxviii. where the signatures of the members are given, and where also is added Hen. VIII's Declaration of the causes of the separation. However questionable the justice of these causes may be, it was certainly, as Cranmer stated, "not a little strange," that on the discovery of Catharine Howard's incontinence, a reconciliation should have been attempted.]

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an answer. Now what shall be your Majesty's pleasure that I shall do, whether that I shall make him any answer or no, and what answer it shall be, and whether I shall make a general answer to Oslynger by writing, because he writeth generally not touching this matter, or that I shall make a certain answer in this point to the ambassador by mouth, I most humbly beseech your Majesty that I may be advertised; and according thereto I shall order myself, by the grace of God: whom I beseech daily to have your Majesty evermore in his protection and governance. From my manor of Lamhith, this Tuesday the 13 Januarii d.

Your Grace's most bounden

To the King's Majesty.

chaplain and beadsman,

T. Cantuarien.


My Lord, after my right hearty commendations; these Harl. MSS. are to advertise you, that I have received your letters dated No. 283. at Calais the xith of April; and as concerning your re- Original.

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d["This date is manifestly erroneous, for the 13th of January did "not fall on a Tuesday between 1540, when the King was recently mar"ried to Anne of Cleves, and 1545, when he was the husband of "Catharine Parr. There can be little doubt that January is written "by mistake instead of December, for the 13th of December 1541 was "Tuesday, and this supposition makes this Letter coincide with Lord "Southampton's of the preceding day, which, from the other circum"stances adverted to in it, is fixed beyond dispute to that month and year." Note to State Papers, vol. i. p. 717. These reasons are quite conclusive in favour of the correction. The following is an extract from the letter of Lord Southampton's, on which it is founded. "This morning [12 Dec.] the ambassador of Cleves was here at my house, and advertised me, that he hath letters of credence to your "Highness from the Duke his master, with two other letters; the 66 one addressed to my Lord of Canterbury from Olisleger, the other "from the said Duke to my Lord Great Master; and hath also de“livered letters to me from the same Olisleger." Lord S. then proceeds to give an account of the ambassador's conversation; which was to the same effect as that which is related by Cranmer. Letter from the Earl of Southampton to King Henry VIII, in State Papers, vol. i. part ii. Lett. CLXXVI.]



[George Brook, Lord Cobham, Lord Deputy of Calais. The same volume of the Harleian MSS. from which this Letter is taken, contains much more of his correspondence.]

fol. 205.

quest, that I should revoke the inhibition brought unto the Arches by John Holland, in the matter between him and William Porter: forasmuch as the said Holland hath appealed to the Arches, I cannot with justice interrupt his appellation, so that the same be again remitted unto the Commissary of Calice; for then the said Holland should have just occasion to appeal from me; but for the better expedition of the matter, I have sent to the Dean of the Arches, commanding him to surcease therein, and have wholly resumed the matter into my hands. Wherefore, my lord, I pray you let both the interrogatories and the testament, with all the acts before the judge, be sent unto me, and I shall take such an order therein as shall stand with equity and justice. I will stay the matter for a time, that you may make an end therein, if you can, shortly, and if you cannot, then I shall proceed as to the law appertaineth.

Moreover, I most heartily thank your lordship for your wine, which I trust to remember; and if at any time. this year there come any to be sold at any reasonable price, I pray you that I may have part thereof. Praying you to have me heartily commended to my Lady Cobham, to Mr. Treasurer f, to Mr. Marshall, to Mr. Wenteworthe, and to my lady. Thus heartily, my lord, fare you well. At Bekisborne, the xviiith of April.

Your assured,

T. Cantuarien.

And as concerning my Lady Baynton's request, you write that you are content that she shall have the College 5, and not to meddle with Cobham Hall, I pray, my lord, to send your mind herein to him that hath the ordering of

f ["In the month of July, 1543, the King sent over 6000 men under "the leading of Sir John Wallope, accompanied with Sir T. Seymour, "marshal, Sir Robert Bowes, treasurer," &c. Stow, Annals. The campaign of Henry VIII. himself, and the capture of Boulogne, took place in 1544.]

[The Master and Brethren of Cobham College, foreseeing their dissolution, sold it to George Brook, Lord Cobham, about 1538. Hasted, Hist. of Kent, vol. i. p. 503.]

that house and your affairs there; for my lady is willing to have the same, so that she may have convenient ground thereunto. Wherefore your lordship shall do well to send your determinate mind, what commodities she shall have with the College, and the prices thereof, appointing one to whom she may resort, and commune, and conclude withal in that behalf.

To my very loving lord, my Lord Cobham, Lord Deputy of Calis.


part ii.


It may please your Majesty to be advertised, that ac- State Pacording to your Highness' commandment, sent unto me by pers, vol. i. your Grace's secretary Mr. Pagett, I have translated into Letter the English tongue, so well as I could in so short time, from the certain processions, to be used upon festival days, if after Original. due correction and amendment of the same, your Highness Eccles. shall think it so convenient. In which translation, foras- Hist. vol. ii. much as many of the processions, in the Latin, were but Todd, Life barren, as me seemed, and little fruitful, I was constrained of Cranmer, vol.


p. 206.

to use more than the liberty of a translator: for in some i. P. 355. processions I have altered divers words; in some I have added part; in some taken part away; some I have left out whole, either for bycause the matter appeared to me to be little to purpose, or bycause the days be not with us festival days; and some processions I have added whole, because I thought I had better matter for the purpose, than was the procession in Latin: the judgment whereof I refer wholly unto your Majesty; and after your Highness hath corrected it, if your Grace command some devout and solemn note to be made thereunto, (as is to the procession which your Majesty hath already set forth in English,) I trust it will much excitate and stir the hearts of all men unto devotion and godliness but in mine opinion, the song that shall be made thereunto would not be full of notes, but as near as may be, for every syllable a note; so that it may be sung distinctly

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