Abbildungen der Seite

tried at Demerara, for conspiring
with the revolted slaves, [137]; his
death, [ib.]

Somerset, lord Fitzroy, sent with
a confidential communication to
Spain, [23], 118*; duke of Wel-
lington's memorandum to, 116* ; let-
ter to Mr. Canning, 132*
Snow-houses, 258*, 273*
Somnambulism, extraordinary case of,

South Polar ocean, discoveries in, 291*
Spain: Mr. Brougham's speech on the
interference of the continental So-
vereigns, [8]; discussions in par-
liament respecting Spain, [15]; re-
peal of the prohibition of the ex-
portation of arms thither, [17]; di-
plomatic papers relative to France
and Spain, laid before parliament,
[18]; debate on the Spanish nego-
tiations, [28]; state of feeling in
England, towards Spain, [47]; de-
bates in the French chamber rela-
tive to war with, [151]; proceedings
of the Cortes respecting the com-
munication from the Holy Alliance,
[181]; the king's reply to the ad-
dress of the Cortes, [182]; proceed-
ings of the Cortes after the com-
munication of the king of France's
speech, [183]; close of the extraor-
dinary Cortes, [ib.]; operations of
Mina, [184]; Bessieres and Ulman
march on Madrid, [ib.]; but retreat,
[185]; Ulman enters Valencia, [ib.] ;
the king refuses to transfer the
government from Madrid, [ib. ;]
changes in the ministry, [186]; open-
ing of the Cortes, [187]; removal of
the king and Cortes to Seville, [188];
military preparations, [ib.]; com-
mencement of the campaign, [189];
blockade of San Sebastian, [190];
march of the French on Madrid,
[191]; operations in Catalonia, [ib.];
Bessieres' attack on Madrid, [192];
regency established at Madrid,
[193]; treachery of Abisbal, [194];
proceedings of the Cortes, at Seville,
[ib.]; removal of the king to Cadiz,
[195]; Bourck's erations against
the Constitutio 3. [197]; Mo-
rillo's defection, [ib.], Corunna at-
tacked by Bourck, [198]; entered
by Morillo, [199]; reverses of the
Constitutionalists, [ib.]; defection of
Ballasteros [20; Riego's expedi-
tion, [ib.]; his feat and capture,
[202]; blockade of Barcelona,

[203]; Milan's victory over the
French, [204]; duke of Angou-
lême before Cadiz, [ib.]; his corre-
spondence with Ferdinand, [205];
capture of the Trocadero, [206];
negotiations, [207]; Ferdinand re-
pairs to the head quarters of the
French, [b].; surrender of Cadiz,
[208]; and of various fortresses, [ib.];
termination of the campaign, [ib.];
Ferdinand's decree against the Con-
stitutionalists, [209]; Riego's exe-
cution, [210]; change in the minis.
try, [ib.]; war declared by Mexico,
[243]; operation in Columbia,-see
Columbia; diplomatic correspond-
ence respecting the relations be-
tween Spain and France, 93*;
dispatch of the Minister for Fo-
reign Affairs, to M. de Columb,
104*; conduct of Great Britain
in a rupture between France and
Spain, 130*; capture and destruc-
tion of British vessels, 148*; reply
to the French Ministry, 154* ;
notes to the Chargés d'Affaires,
at the different Courts, 156*; Ad-
dress voted by the Cortes to the
king, 157*; proclamation of the
duke of Angoulême, 158*; king's
speech at closing the Session of
1823, 160*; reply of the President
of the Cortes, 163*; king's procla-
mation before quitting Cadiz, 165* ;
preliminary convention with Bue-
nos Ayres, 196*

Spanish Subscription Fancy Ball, and
Covent Garden, 85

Spanish and Portuguese Ambassadors,
entertainment given to, 28

Spanish Slave Ships, capture of, 88*, 89*
Sparrows, utility of, in destroying ca-
terpillars, 303*

Speech, King's, at the opening of par
liament, [4]; of the king of France,
[149]; of the king of Sweden at the
close of the Diet, 151*
Spinach, New Zealand, 307*
Statistics: Paris, 324; Sweden and
Norway, 327; Russia, 328*; Por-
tugal, ib.

Steam, poultry hatched by, 310*
Stock in trade, liability of, to poor's
rates, 76

Stockholm, fictitious orders to gen.
Gefle, &c., put into the post, 30
Stocks, 247

Stoffel, Philip, tried for murder of
Mrs. Richards, 44*
Stonehenge, prize poem, 363*

Storm, dreadful, at Messina, 149
Strength of animals, comparative, 288*
Stuart, Miss, cured by Prince Hohen-
lohe, 108

sir C., correspondence with
Mr. Canning, 113, 124, 126",
128*, 132*, 137*, 140*
Styrian evening hymn, 331*
Succory, used as blanched sallad, 304*
Sugar: proposed equalization of the
duties of East and West India
Sugars, [121]; fish preserved by
sugar, 302*

Suicides: law passed respecting their
interment, [88]; extraordinary one,
60; instance of suicide and parri-
cide (A. Griffiths), 77; number of
suicides at Paris, 325*

Sumatra, dissensions between the na-
tives, [171]

Superstition, instance of, 70; of the
Northern Indians, 254*

Sweden: measures of the Diet, and
the king's speech, [172], 151*; po-
pulation, &c. 327*
Swedenborg's skull, 42
Switzerland, decrees respecting the
censorship of the press, and foreign-
ers, [177]; measures of the Diet,
[178]; further demands of the
Holy Alliance, [ib.]; instance of fa-
naticism at Zurich, 41

Talleyrand, wishes to prevent the
publication of Savary's memoirs,

Tables, Public Income, 214

Expenditure, 216
Disposition of Grants, 217
Ways and Means, 227
Unfunded Debt, 228
Funded Do., 229

Trade of Great Britain, 231
- Ireland, 232
Navigation, 233

Prices, of Stocks, 247
Tattooing, as performed by the Crees,

Taxes, Assessed, repeal, or diminu-

tion of several, [108]; amount of
those repealed since the war, [117],

Thermometers, variation in their
bulbs, 298*

Thompson's Island, malignant fever
at, 188*

Thorpe (Sheriff of Dublin) see Dublin
Thurtell, J., murders Mr. Weare,

Tipperary, destruction of property by
fire in, 52*

[ocr errors]

Trade foreign trade, [101]; reci
procity of duties bill, [103]; ship-
ing, [104]; of Great Britain, 231;
of Ireland, 232; state of trade in
New South Wales, 71*

Tread-mill, 26; sir J. C. Hippesley's
letter on, 113

Treasury Chambers: the Deccan
prize case, 17

Trials: Mad. Lecouffe and son, mur-
der, [166]; Thomas Hughes admi-
nistering an unlawful oath, 5; W.
Moore, assault on gen. Kerr, 20;
J. Rolfe, murder, 21; W. Arden,
&c. unnatural crime, 30; Elizabeth
Bryant_and_daughter, maiming
Anne Burgess, 45; Kraus, &c.,
killing two Custom-house officers,
53; J. Burrows, rape, 91; Henry
Delap, murder, 93; Pat. M'Cann,
murder, 94; Begu and Lafforcade,
Paris, murder, 98; W. Donally,
murder of his wife, 103; W. B.
Dyson, murder, 121; Beeman and
Cahuac, stealing books, 125; J.
Wilson, assault on his own daughter,
128; James and Sarah Roxborough,
imposition and stealing, 139; Shore,
&c., robbery, 140; Aaron Smith,
piracy, 158; V. Simon, murder of
M. Honein, 162; Castaign, murder
of H. Ballet, [165], 1*; Widow
Boursier, murder of her husband,
[166], 19*; T. Randall and J.
Croker, murder, 37*; P. Stoffel
and C. Keppel, murder, 44*
Trimleston, lord, trials in the House
of Lords respecting the validity of
his will, 73

Turkey war with the Greeks, [233];
military operations, [234]; massacre
of the Greeks at Pergamo, [235];
affairs at Constantinople, [ib.]; quar-
rel and negotiations with Russia,
[236]; arrangements with Austria,
[ib.]; treaty with Persia, [237]

Vaccination, introduced into Africa,

Van Dieman's Land: its geographical
divisions and agricultural produce,
77*; number of cattle, 78*; grants
of land, ib.; trade, ib.; ecclesiastical
establishment, 79*; population re-
venue, ib.; public expenditure, 80*
Vansittart, Mr., created lord Bexley,
Vegetation, in atmospheres of dif
ferent densities, experiments on,

Veloz, Mariana, captured by the Jean
Bart, 57

Verona, Congress at, [19]; negotia-
tions respecting the Slave-trade,
80*; resolutions respecting ditto,
85*; determinations respecting the
relations between France and Spain,
Vessels, British, convention respect-
ing the capture and detention of,
by Spanish authorities, 148*
Vigilante, French slave ship, captured
by lieutenant Mildmay, 88*
United States: law against the slave-
trade, [238]; opening of Congress,
[ib.]; negotiations with England to,
[239]; Finances, [ib.]; quarrel
with the Riccaree Indians, [240];
Message to Congress, 183*; nego-
tiations with Great Britain respect-
ing boundary, 184*; negotiations
with France and Russia, ib.; pro-
jected proscription of the Slave-
trade, and privateering, 185*; mi-
nisters appointed to Columbia, &c.,
186*; finances and army, ib.; ord.
nance department, 187*; hostilities
of the Riccarees, ib.; Militia and
Navy, 188*; putting down piracies,
189*; post-office department, 190*;
projected junction of the Chesapeak
and Ohio, 191*; improvements at
Cape Henlopen, 192*; wishes for
the success of the Greek cause, ib.;
policy towards Europe, 193*; in-
creased population, 194*; table of
finances, 195*

Voltaic, apparatus, Mr. Pepys', 298*
Voyages: capt. Parry's second voyage,
271*; Russian voyage of discovery,

Wallace, Mr., answer to the address
respecting the trade of the port of
London, 23

Wanstead-house, sale of, 65
Warehousing-bill, passed, [102]
Warsaw, Jew shot at, for fraud, 66
Waterspout, at Padiham, 108
Weare, Mr., murder of, 141
Wellesley, marquis, (lord lieutenant

of Ireland) outrage against, at the
theatre, 21; letters from, on the
state of Ireland, 50*; his adminis-
tration in India, 228*
Wellington, duke of, negotiations at
Verona, [19]; correspondence with
Mr. Canning respecting France and
Spain, 96*; answer to the French
Plenipotentiary, 98*; memoran-
dum for lord Fitzroy Somerset,

West Indies: discussions in Parlia-
ment relative to their interests in
the sugar-trade, [122]; alarm at
the proceedings in parliament re-
specting the slave-trade, [113]—see
Jamaica; depreciation of property,


Weyhill, tesselated pavement disco-
vered at, 67
Whiteboyism, 124

Wilberforce, speech on the conduct of
ministers towards Spain, [29]
Wild beasts, escape of, from a cara-
van, 26

Wilson, sir R., his expedition in
Spain, [197]; imprisoned at Braga,
[216]; address to the Portuguese,
Winchester, Bishop of, heir of sir
Thomas Pretyman, 38

Wine, quantity exported from Opor-
to, 1

Wirtemberg,-see Germany
Witchcraft, pretended, 139
Wollaston, Dr., elected associate o
the French Institute, 38
Woman, wild, discovered in Spain, 1
Wool, foreign, petition for repeal of
duties on, [119]

Wootton Basset, painting of the mur-
der of archbishop Beckett disco-
vered, 118

Writing, what kind of hands best for
public records, &c., 67*

Zanguebar, state of the slave-trade,

Zaragozana, (pirate schooner), taken
by the Tyne and Thracian, 42



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