Abbildungen der Seite

Prig, prig. s. a pert, conceited, saucy fellow | Print, print. v. a. to impress any thing so as Prim, prim. a. formal, precise

Prim, prim. v. a. to deck up precisely, to
form to an affected nicety [cal station
Primacy, pri'må-se. s. the chief ecclesiasti-
Primarily, pri'mâ-rè-lê. ad. originally, in the
first intention

Primary, pri'ma-rẻ. a. original, first
Primate, pri'mắt. s. the chief ecclesiastick
Prime, prime. s. the dawn; the beginning;
the best part; the spring of life; the first
Prime, prime. a. early; principal; original
Prime, prime. v. a. to put in the first pow-
der, to put powder in the pan of a gun; to
lay the first colours on in painting
Primely, prime'le. ad. originally, primarily
excellently [children are taught to read
Primer, prim'mår. s. a small book in which
Primeval, pri-mè'vâl. a. original [primary
Primitive, prim'è-tiv. a. ancient, original;
Primitiveness, prim'è-tiv-nês. s. antiquity,
conformity to antiquity

to leave its form; to impress wards, or
make books, by the press

Print, print. s. mark made by impression;
picture made by impression; the form,
size, arrangement, or other qualities of the
types used in printing books
Printer, print'år, s. one who prints
Prior, pri'ár. a. former, antecedent [monks
Prior, pri'år. s. the head of a convent of
Prioress, pri'år-és. s. a lady superiour of a
convent of nuns
Priority, pri-ôr'rẻ-té. s. the state of being
Priory, pri'ár-é. s, a convent in dignity bu-
low an abbey

Prism, prizm. s. a mathematical glass
Prismatick, priz-mât'tik. a. formed as a prism
Prismoid, prizm'mòid. s. a body approaching
to the form of a prism
Prison, priz'zn. s. a jail, a place of confine-
Prisoner, priz'zn-úr. s. a captive; one under

an arrest


Private, privát. a. secret; alone [war
Privateer, pri-vå-tèèr'. s. a private ship of
Privateer, pri-vâ-tèèr'. v. n. to fit out ships
against enemies, at the charge of private

Privately, privat-le, ad. secretly
Privation, pri-va'shún. s. removal or destruc-
tion of any thing

[primary Pristine, pris'tin. a. ancient, original Primogenial, pri-mo-jé'ně-ál. a. first-born, Privacy, pri'vâ-sè. 8, state of being secret, Primogeniture, pri-mo-jên'è-ture. s. state of being first-born [ing from the beginning Primordial, pri-môr'de-âl. a. original, existPrimrose, prim'roze. s. a flower [king Prince, prinse. s. a sovereign; the son of a Princedom, prins'dům. s. the rank, estate, or power, of a prince [royal, grand Princely, prinsle. a. becoming a prince, Princely, prins'lè. ad. in a princelike manner Princess, prin'sês. s. a sovereign lady; the daughter of a king; the wife of a prince Principal, prin'sè-pål. a, chief, capital Principal, prin'sè-pâl. s. a head, a chief; a capital sum placed out at interest Principality, prin-sé-pål'è-tè. s. sovereignty; the country which gives title to a prince Principally, prin'sé-pil-è, ad. chiefly Principle, prin'sé-pl. s. element; original cause; fundamental truth; ground of action tenet

Privative, priv'vå-tiv. a. causing privation
Privet, priv'vit. s. an evergreen
Privilege, priv'vè-lidje. s. peculiar advan-
tage; immunity [vilege; to exempt
Privilege, priv've-lidje. v. a. to grant a pri-
Privily, priv'è-lè. ad. secretly, privately
Privity, privé-te. s. private communication
Privy, priv'è. a. secret; admitted to secrets
Privy, priv'è. s. place of retirement
Prize, prize. s. a reward gained by contest
with competitors; plunder

Prize, prize. v. a. to rate; to value; to esteem | Procreation, pro-krè-a'shån. s. generation Prizefighter, prize'fl-tår. s. one that fights Procreative, pro'kré-à-tiv. a. generative publicly for a reward Proctor, prok'tår. s. an attorney in the spiritual court

Probability, prob-â-bîl'è-tè. s, likelihood, ap-
pearance of truth
Probable, prob'ba-bl. a. likely
Probably, prob'bå-ble. ad. likely
Probat, probat. s. the proof of a will
Probation, pro-bá ́shản. s. proof, evidence,
[for trial
Probationary, prò-bå'shẳn-â-rẻ. a. serving
Probationer, prò-ba'shån-år, s. a novice

[tor Proctorship, prok'tür-ship. s. office of a proc Procumbent, prò-kům bént. a. lying Procurable, pro-ku'râ-bl. a. obtainable Procurator, prok-ků-rå'tår. s. manager Procure, pró-kúre'. v. a. to manage, to transact for another; to obtain, to acquire Procuress, prò-ků ́rės, s. a bawd Prodigal, prod'dè-gâl. a, profuse, wasteful Probatum est, prò-ba'tum-ést. s. a Latin ex-Prodigal, prod'dè-gål. s. a waster, a spendpression, signifying, It is tried or proved Probe, probe. s. a surgeon's instrument Probe, probe. v. a. to search, to try by an in


Probity, probe-tě. s. honesty, sincerity
Problem, problem. s. a question proposed
Problematical, prôb-lè-mât'tè-kál. a. uncer-
tain, disputable
[of an elephant
Proboscis, pro-bos'sis. s. a snout, the trunk
Procedure, prò-sée'jùre. s. manner of pro-

Proceed, pro-seed', v. n. to go forward; to
come forth; to advance; to act
Proceeding, pro-ééd'ing. s. progress from
one thing to another, transaction
Process, pros'sés. s. tendency; gradual pro-
gress; course of law
Procession, pro-sêsh ́án. s. a train marching
in ceremonious solemnity [procession
Processional, pro-sêsh'ån-ál. a. relating to
Proclaim, pro-klåme'. t. a. to promulgate;
to tell openly

Proclamation, prok-klá-ma'shån. s, publica-
tion by authority; a declaration of the
king's will
Proclivity, pro-kliv'è-te. s. tendency, pro-
Procrastinate, prò-krás'tin-åte. v. a. to defer,
to delay
Procrastination, pro-krâs-tin-å'shan. s. delay,
Procreate, pro'krè-åte. v. a. to generate, to


[waste Prodigality, prod-de-gâl'è-tè. s. extravagance, Prodigally, prôd'de-gal-è. ad. profusely, wastefully

Prodigious, pro-did ́jås. a. amazing Prodigionsly, pro-did'jås-lè. ad. amazingly Prodigy, prod'dè-jè. s. any thing out of the ordinary process of nature, portent; monster Produce, prá-dùse'. v. a. to exhibit; to bear, to bring forth

Produce, prod'důse. s. product; gain
Producent, prò-du'sent. s. one that exhibits,
one that offers

Product, prôd'ukt, s. something produced
Production, pro-dúk'shůn. s. thing produced,
[to produce, fertile
Productive, pro-duk'tiv. a. having the power
Proem, prò'éin. s. preface, introduction
Profanation, próf-å-na'shân, s. the act of vio-
lating any thing sacred
Profane, pro-fane'. a. irreverent; secular;
Profane, pro-fane', v. a. to violate, to pollute
Profanely, pro-fàne'lé. ad. with irreverence
to sacred names or things
Profaneness, pro-fane'nês. s. irreverence
Profess, pro-fes'. v. n. to declare openly
Professedly, prò-fés'sèd-lè. ad, according to
open declaration
Profession, pro-fésh'an. s. calling, declaration
Professional, pro-fésh'ån-ál. a. relating to a

Professor, prò-fés'sår. s. one who publickly | Prohibit, pro-hib'it. v. a. to forbid, to interdict Prohibition, prô-hè-bish ́ún. s. forbiddance, interdict

teaches an art

Professorship, prò-fês'sår-ship, s. the station or office of a publick teacher Proffer, prof far. v. a. to propose Proffer, proffår. s. offer made Proficiency, pro-fish ́ên-sè. s. advancement in any thing, improvement gained Proficient, pro-fish'ént. s. one who has made advancement in any study or business Profile, pro-feel'. s. the side face Profit, proffit. s. gain, advantage Profit, proffit. v. a. to benefit, to advantage Profitable, prof'fit-å-bl. a. gainful, advantageous [advantageousness Profitableness, prof fit-å-bl-nés.s.gainfulness, Profitless, prof'fit-lės. a. void of gain or advantage [to virtue and decency Profligate, prof'flè-gát. a. abandoned, lost Profligate, prôffle-gât. s. an abandoned,

shameless wretch [of being profligate Profligateness, prof'fle-gat-nês. s. the quality Profluence, prof flu-ense. s. progress, course Profluent, prof fiù-ént. a. flowing forward Profound, pro-föùnd'. a. deep; submissive; learned

Profoundness, pro-found'nés.
Profundity, pro-fand'é-tè... depth of
place or knowledge

Profuse, pro-fuse'. a. lavish, prodigal
Profuseness, pro-fuse'nés. s. prodigality

Profusion, pro-fü'zhún. s. lavishness

Prohibitory, pro-hib'bè-tår-è. a. forbidding Project, pro-jekt'. r. a. to throw out, to cast forward; to scheme

Project, prôd'jekt. s. scheme, contrivance Projectile, pro-jék til. s. a body put in motion Projectile, pro-jék til. a. impelled forward Projection, pro-jék'shån. s. the act of shooting forward; plan, delineation; scheme Projector, pro-jék ́tár. s. one who forms schemes or designs

Prolate, pro-late'. v. a. to pronounce
Proiation, pro-la'shån. s. utterance
Prolifick, pro-lif fik. a. fruitful, generative
Prolix, pro-liks. a. long, tedious
Prolixity, pro-liksè-tè. s. tediousness
Prolixiy, pro-liks'lè. ad. at great length,

Prolocutor, prôl-lò-kú'tår. s. the speaker of a


Prologue, prol'log. s. introduction to a play Prolong, pro-long'. v. a. to lengthen out Prolongation, pròl-lông-gá'shún. s. delay to a longer time

Prominent, prom'mê-nént. a. standing out beyond the other parts, protuberant Prominence, prom'me-nense. s. protuber


Prominency, prom'mè-nen-sẻ. Promiscuous, prò-mis kú-ås. a. mingled, confused [benefit to be conferred

Progenitor, pro-jén'ît-år. s. a fcrefather, an Promise, prôm'miz. s. declaration of some

[blocks in formation]

Promise, prom'miz. v. n. to assure one by a promise

Promiser, prôm'miz-úr. s. one who promises Promissory, prom'mis-sur-è. a. containing profession of some benefit to be conferred Promissorily, prôm'mis-sur-é-lê. ad. by way of promise

Promontory, prom'mån-tår-ẻ. s. a headland, a cape, high land jutting into the sea Promote, pro-mote'. v. a. to forward, to advance; to elevate, to exalt, to prefer


Promoter, prò-mòte år. s. advancer, forward- | Pronounce, pro-noùnse'. r. n. to speak with er, encourager confidence or authority Promotion, pro-mo'shẳn. s. advancement, Pronouncer, prô-noun'súr. s. one who proexaltation to some new honour or rank, Pronunciation, pro-nán-shè-à'shún. s. act or preferment mode of utterance

Prompt, promt. a. quick, ready; petulant;
ready without hesitation, wanting no new
motive; ready, told down
Prompt, promt. v. a. to assist by private in-
struction, to help at a loss; to incite, to
instigate; to remind, to act as a prompter
Prompter, prôm'tår. s. one who helps a
publick speaker, by suggesting the word
to him when he falters; an admonisher, a
Promptitude, prom'tě-túde. s. readiness,
Promptly, promt'lé. ad. readily, quickly, ex-
[ness, alacrity
Promptness, promt'nês. s. readiness, quick-
Promulgate, prò-mál'gåte. v. a. to publish,
to make known by open declaration
Promulgation, prom-ål-gà'shån. s. publica-Prophecy, prof fé-sẻ. s. a prediction
tion, open exhibition

Proof, proof. s. evidence, test, trial, experi-
ment; firm temper; rough sheet of print
Proof, proof. a. impenetrable
Proofless, proof'lés. a. unproved
Prop, prop. r. a. to sustain, to support
Prop, prop. 8. a support, a stay
Propagate, prop'â-gåte. v. a. to promote; to

Promulgator, próm-ål-gà'tår. s. publisher,
open teacher

Promulge, pro-målje'. v. a. to promulgate, to publish, to teach openly

Propagation, prop-á-gå'shån. s. continuance
or diffusion by generation or successive

Propel, pro-pêl'. v. a. to drive forward
Propense, pro-pense'. a. inclined, disposed
Proper, prop'pár. a. peculiar; fit
Properly, prop pår-lè. ad. fitly, suitably
Property, prop'pár-tè. s. quality; possession


Prophesy, proffe-si. v. a. to predict
Prophet, proffit. s. one who tells future
[fortels future events
Prophetess, próffit-tes. s. a woman that
Prophetick, pro-fet'tik.

Promulger, pro-mál'jár. s. publisher, pro- Prophetical, pro-fet'té-kál.a. foretelling fu

mulgator Prone, prone. a. bending downward; lying with the face downwards; precipitous, headlong; sloping; inclined, disposed Proneness, prone'nés. s. the state of bending downwards, the state of lying with the face downwards; descent, declivity; inclination, disposition to ill Prong, prong. s. a fork. Pronominal, pro-nóm'è-nál. a, having the nature of a pronoun [a noun or name | Pronoun, pronoun. s. a word used instead of Pronounce, pro-noûnse'. v. a. to speak, to utter solemnly, to utter confidently; to form or articulate by the organs of speech; to utter rhetorically

ture events

Propinquity, pro-ping'kwè-tė. s. nearness
Propitiate, pro-pish'e-åte. v. a. to conciliate
Propitiation, pro-pish-é-à'shån. s. the act of

making propitious; an atonement
Propitiatory, pro-pish'è-à-tår-è. a. having
the power to make propitious
Propitious, pro-pish'us. a. favourable, kind
Propitiousness, prò-pish'ûs-nès. s. favoura
bleness, kindness

Proplasm, prò plâzm. s. mould, matrix Proponent, pro-po’něnt. s. one that makes a proposal

Proportion, prò-pòr'shån. s. comparative relation of one thing to another, ratio Proportion, prò-pôr'shån. v. a. to adjust by comparative relations

Proportionable, prô-pòr shân-â-bl. a. adjust- | Prosody, pres'so-de. s. the part of grammar ed by comparative relation Proportional, prò-pôr'shån-ål. a. having a settled comparative relation Proportionate, prò-pór'shin-åt. a. adjusted to something else according to a certain


Proposal, pro-pó'zál. s. scheme propounded Propose, pro-poze'. v. a. to offer to the consideration

Proposition, prop-o-zish'ân. s. a sentence in which any thing is affirmed or decreed; proposal

Propound, pro-pòùnd'. v. a. to offer to consideration, to propose

Proprietor, pro-prie-tår. s. a possessor in his own right

Propriety, pro-pri'è-tè. s. exclusive right; justness [dicate Propugn, pro-pùne'. v. a. to defend, to vinPropulsion, pro-pål'shån. s. the act of driving forward

Prorogation, pró-ro-gå'shún. s. prolongation; interruption of the session of parliament by regal authority [off Prorogue, pro-rog'. v. a. to protract, to put Prosaick, pro-za'ik. a. resembling prose Proscribe, pro-skribe'. v. a. to censure capitally [or confiscation Proscription, pro-skrip'shån.s.doom to death Prose, proze. s. language not restrained to harmonick sounds or set number of syllables

Prosecute, pros'sé-küte. v. a. to pursue; to continue; to sue criminally Prosecution, prós-sé-ku'shan. s. pursuit, endeavour to carry on; suit against a man in a criminal cause [any purpose Prosecutor, prós sé-ků-tár. s. à pursuer of Proselyte, pros'sé-lite. s. a convert Prosemination, pro-sem-me-na'shan. s. propagation by seed

Prosodio, pro-sq'dé-ân. s, one skilled in metre or prosody

which teaches the sound and quantity of syllables, and the measures of verse Prosopopoeia, prôs-so-po-pè'yâ. s. personification, figure by which things are made


to thrive

Prospect, prospekt. s. a view [distance Prospective, pro-spêk'tiv. a. viewing at a Prosper, pros'pár. v. a. to favour Prosper, prôs'pår. v. n. to be successful; [fortune Prosperity, prós-pêr'ẻ-tė. s. success, good Prosperous, pros'pår-ás. a. successful, fortu[looking forward Prospicience, pro-spish-use. s. the act of Prostitute, pros'té-tute. v. a. to expose to {wickedness Prostitute, pros'tè-tute. a. sold to infamy or Prostitute, prôs'tè-tàte. s. a hireling; a strumpet


crimes for a reward


down; to

Prostitution, pros-te-tà'shan. s. the state of being set to sale for vile purposes Prostrate, pros'tråt. a. Prostrate, pros'tråte. v. a. to fall down in adoration Prostration, prôs-trå ́shůn. s. the act of falling down in adoration Protect, pro-tékt'. v. a. to defend Protection, pro-ték ́shẩm. s. a defence, shelter from evil

Protector, prô-têk'tår. s. a defender Protectorate, pro-ték'tò-råte. s. government by a protector

Protend, pro-ténd'. v. a. to hold out Protest, pro-tést'. v. n. to give a solemn declaration of opinion or resolution Protest, prò-tèst'. v. a. to note the non-payment of a bill of exchange

Protest, pro-test', or protest. s. a solemn declaration of opinion against something Protestant, prot'tés-tånt. a. belonging to protestants

Protestant, prôt'tés-tânt. s. one who protests against the church of Rome

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