Abbildungen der Seite

Dupe, dâpe. s. a credulous man
Dupe, dupe. v. a. to trick, to cheat
Duplicate, da'ple-kåte. v. a. to double
Duplicate, duple-kåte. s. a second thing of
the same kind, a transcript of a paper
Duplication, do-ple-ka'shan. s. the act of
doubling; a fold

Duplicature, da'plè-kâ-tshåre. s. a fold, any
thing doubled
Duplicity, du-plis'e-tè. s. deceit [lasting
Durability, dá-rá-bile-tè. s. the power of
Durable, da'rå-bl. a. lasting

Durableness, dù'ra-bl-nés. s. power of lasting
Durably, du'rá-blè. ad. in a lasting manner
Durance, da'rânse. s. imprisonment
Duration, dù-ra'shån. s. continuance of time
Duresse, da'rês. s. imprisonment [tinuance
During, dù'ring. prep. for the time of the con-
Durst, dårst. pret. of dare, to venture
Dusk, dåsk. a. tending to darkness
Dusk, disk. s. tendency to darkness
Duskily, dusk'è-lè. ad. with a tendency to

Duskish, disk'ish. a. inclining to darkness
Dusky, disk'è, a. tending to darkness, obscure
Dust, dist. s. earth reduced to small parti-
cles; the state of dissolution [with dust
Dust, dåst. v. a. to free from dust, to sprinkle
Dusty, dás'tè. a. clouded or covered with


Dutchess, dåtsh'ès. s. the lady of a duke Dutchy, datsh'è, s. a territory which gives title to a duke

Duteous, dà’tê-ús, or dů’tshẻ-ús. a. obedient, obsequious; enjoined by duty Dutiful, du'te-ful. a. obedient [sively Dutifully, du'te-ful-è. ad. obediently, submisDutifulness, da'tè-fül-nês. s, obedience, submission to just authority

Duty, du'tė. s. that to which a man is by any natural or legal obligation bound; tax Dwarf, dwòrf. s. a man below the common size

Dwarfish, dworf'ish. a. little

[blocks in formation]

EACH, ètsh. pron. either of two; every one
Eager, è'går. a. ardently wishing; vehement,
ardent; quick; sour, acrid
Eagerly, è'går-lè, ad, ardently, keenly
Eagerness, è'går-nés, s. impetuosity, vehe-
mence, violence
Eagle, gl, s. a bird of prey.
Eagle-eyed, e'gl-ide. a. sharp-sighted
Eaglet, églét. s, a young eagle [corn
Ear, èèr. s. the organ of hearing; a spike of
Ear, éér. v. n. to shoot into ears
Earless, èèrlés. a. without any ears
Ear-ring, er'ring. s. jewels set in a ring,
and worn at the ears

Ear-shot, éér'shot. s. reach of the ear
Earwax, èèr'waks. s. the cerumen, or exuda-
tion which smears the inside of the ear
Earwig, éèr'wig. s. an insect [a marquis
Earl, erl..s. a title of nobility next to that of
Earldom, él'dům. s. the seigniory of an earl
Earliness, ér lé-nêş. s. quickness of action
Early, ér'lê. a. soon with respect to something


Early, érlè. ad. soon, betimes

Earn, ern. v. a. to gain as the reward of la- | Eat, ète. v. n. to take meals, to feed bour

Earnest, er'nêst. a. warm, zealous; eager Earnest, ér'nést. s. seriousness; the money which is given in token that a bargain is ratified

Earnestly, er'nest-le. ad. warmly, cagerly Earnestness,êr'nést nês. s. eagerness, warmth, vehemence

Earth, erth. s. the element distinct from air, fire, or water; the world [with earth Earth, érth. v. a. to hide in earth; to cover Earth, érth. v. n. to retire under ground Earthborn, erth'börn. a. born of the earth; meanly born

Earthen, er'thn. a. made of earth Earthiness, erth'è-nês. s. the quality of containing earth, grossness


Earthly, erth'le. a. not heavenly, vile, mean,
Earthquake, érth'kwake. s. a tremour or con-
vulsion of the earth

Earthworm, érth'wårm. s. a worm bred under
ground; a mean sordid wretch
Earthy, érth'è. a. consisting of earth; rela-
ting to earth

Ease, eze. s. quiet, rest, tranquillity; facility
Ease, èze. v. a. to free from pain; to relieve;
to assuage

Easement, êze'ment. s. assistance
Easily, é'zé-lè. ad. without pain or difficulty
Easiness, è'zé-nés. s. flexibility; readiness;

East, eest. s. the quarter where the sun rises
Easter, éès'tår. 8. the day on which the
Church commemorates our Saviour's resur-

Easterly, éès'tår-le. a. towards the East
Eastern, éès'turn. a. dwelling or found in the
East, oriental

Eastward, éést'wård. ad. towards the East
Easy, è'ze. a. not difficult; quiet, complying
Eat, ète. v. a. pret. ale or eat; part. eat or
eaten, to devour with the mouth; to con-
sume, to corrode

Eatable, e'ta-bl. s. any thing that may be


Eaves, évz. s. the edges of the roof which
overhang the house [under windows
Eavesdropper, évz'drop-pår. s. a listener
Ebb, éb. s. the reflux of the tide towards the
sea; decline; waste
[to decline
Ebb, èb. v. n. to flow back towards the sea;
Ebon, êb'ån.
s. a hard, black, valuable
Ebony, éb'o-ne.


Ebriety, é-bri'è-tè. s. drunkenness
Ebullition, éb-ül-lish'ån. s. the act of boil-
ing up

Eccentrical, ék-sên'trè-kål. }

a. deviating

Eccentrick, êk-sên'trik.
from the centre; irregular
Eccentricity, ék-sen-tris'è-tè. s. deviation
from a centre

Ecclesiastical, ék-klè-zhè-ás'tè-kål.

Ecclesiastick, ék-klė-zhè-ásítik. ·} a.

relating to the church [man Ecclesiastick, ék-kle-zhe-âs'tik. s. a clergyEcho, èk'ko. s. the return of any sound; the sound returned [back Echo, ék'ko. v. n. to resound, to be sounded Echo, čk'kò. v. a. to send back a voice Eclaircissement, ék-klåre'siz-mênt. s. expla

nation, the act of clearing up an affair
Eclat, e-klaw'. s. splendour, show, lustre
Eclectick, ek-lék'tik. a. selecting
Eclipse, è-klips'. s. an obscuration of the
luminaries of heaven; darkness, obscura-

Eclipse, &-klips'. v. a. to darken a luminary;
to obscure; to disgrace
Ecliptic, è-klip'tik. s. a great circle of the
Eclogue, ék'log. s. a pastoral poem [tion
Economy, ê-kon'd-me. s. frugality; regula-
Economick, êk-ko-nom'ik.
Economical, ék-kō-nôm'è-kál.
a. pertain-
ing to the regulation of a household;


Effable, effa-bl. a. expressive, utterable

Ecstasy, eks'ta-se. s. excessive joy, rapture | E'en, èèn. ad. contracted from Even
Ecstasied, eks'tå-sid. a. enraptured
Ecstatical, eks-tâť ́é-kál.
Ecstatick, eks-tátik. a. raptured, ele-

vated to ecstasy

Edacious, e-da'shus. a. voracious, ravenous
Edacity, e-dás'è-tè. s. voraciousness
Edder, ed'dår. s. such wood as is commonly
put upon the top of fences
Eddy, éd'dè. s. a turn of the water; a whirl-
Edge, édje. s. the thin or cutting part of a
blade; a narrow part rising from a broad-
er; keenness, acrimony

Edge, êdje. v. a. to sharpen; to furnish with
an edge; to border; to exasperate
Edged, edjd, or êd'jêd. part. a. sharp
Edging, edjing. s. a narrow lace
Edgeless, édje lês. a. blunt


Edgetool, édje'tóól, s. a tool made sharp to Edgewise, édje'wize. ad. with the edge put into any particular direction Edible, éd'è-bl. a. fit to be eaten Edict, e'dikt. s. a proclamation of command or prohibition [in holiness; instruction Edification, ed-e-fe-ka'shån. s. improvement Edifice, éd'é-fis. s. a building [teach Edify, éd'e-fi. v. a. to build; to instruct, to Edile, e'dile. s. the title of a magistrate in old Rome

Edition, è-dish'ůn. s. publication of a book; republication, with revisal Editor, éd'é-tår. s. publisher, he that revises or prepares any work for publication Educate, éd'ju-kåte. v. a. to bring up Education, éd-ju-kå'shẳn. s. formation of manners in youth

Educe, è-duse'. v. a. to bring out Eduction, é-dák'shån. s. the act of bringing any thing into view

Edulcorate, è-dűl'ko-råte. v. a. to sweeten Edulcoration, è-dál-ko-rå'shân. s. the act of sweetening

Eel, èèl. s. a serpentine slimy fish, that lurks

in mud

Efface, effåse'. v. a. to destroy, to wear away

Effect, ef-fèkt'. s. that which is produced by an operating cause; consequence, event Effect, éf-fekt. v. a. to bring to pass; to


Effective, ef-fèk'tiv. a. operative Effectively, éf-fék’tiv-lè. ad. powerfully, with real operation

Effectless, ef-fékt'ls. a. without effect Effectual, ¿f-fék'tshů-âl. a. productive of effects, powerful

Effectually, ef-fék'tshů-âl-lẻ. ad. efficaciously Effectuate, ef-fék'tshå-åte. v. a. to bring to pass

Effeminacy, ef-fém'è-nå-sè. s. softness Effeminate, èf-fêm'è-nåte. a. womanish, voluptuous

Effeminate, èf-fêm'è-nåte. v. a. to make wo

manish, to unman [melt into weakness Effeminate, ef-fêm'è-nåte. v. n. to soften, to Effervesce, ¿f-fér-vés'. v. n. to generate heat by intestine motion

Effervescence, êf-fer-vés'sense. s. the act of growing hot, production of heat by intestine motion



the act of

Efficacious, éf-fè-kà'shås. a. powerful to pro duce the consequence intended Efficaciously, éf-fè-ka'shús-lè. ad. effectually Efficacy, effe-ka-sè. s. production of the consequence intended Efficience, ef-fish'yense. Efficiency, éf-fish'yên-se. producing effects, agency Efficient, ef-fish'yênt. s. the cause which makes effects; the affector Efficient, ef-fish'yênt. a. causing effects Effigies, ef-fid'jès. Effigy, éffè-je.


s. resemblance, image

in painting or sculpture Efflorescence, èf-flò-rés'sense. Efflorescency, éf-ad-rés sén-se. s. produc

tion of flowers

Efflorescent, éf-flò-rês'sênt. a. shooting out in | Eject, è-jêkt'. v. a. to throw out forms of flowers

Effluence, ef flà-énse. s. that which issues
from some other principle
Effluvia, éf-flu've-á. the plural of
Effluvium, êf-flù'vẻ-ẩm.


those small particles which are continually flying off from bodies

Efflux, éffláks. s. effusion; emanation Effluxion, ef-flåk'shån. s. the act of flowing -out; effluvium

Effort, effort. s. struggle, endeavour
Effrontery, éf-från'têr-ê. s. impudence
Effulgence, ef-fil'jense. s. lustre
Effulgent, ef-fal'jent. a. shining, luminous
Effuse, éf-füze'. v. a. to pour out
Effusion, éf-fü'zhån. s. the act of pouring out;
the thing poured out

Effusive, él-fu'siv. a. pouring out, dispersing
Eft, éft. s. a newt, an evet

Egestion, è-jës'tshún. s. the act of throwing out the digested food

Egg, ég. s. that which is laid by feathered animals, from which their young is produced

Egg, g. v. a. to incite, to instigate Eglantine, ég lân-tin. s. a species of rose;


Egotism, è'go-tizm. s. too frequent mention of one's self

Egotist, ego-tist, s. one that is always talking of himself [self Egotize, è'go-tize, v. n. to talk much of one's Egregious, è-grè jè-ås. a. eminent, remarkable; remarkably vicious Egregiously, è-grè'jê-ús-lè. ad. eminently, shamefully Egress, égrés. Egression, e-grish'an. Egret, grêt. s. a fowl of the heron kind Ejaculate, è-ják'ů-låte. v. a. to shoot out Ejaculation, e-jak-u-là'shan. s. a short prayer darted out occasionally


the act of going out

Ejaculatory, è-jâk ́ú-là-tür-è. a. sudden, hasty

Ejection, é-jék'shún. s. an expulsion Ejectment, e-jêkt'ment. s. a legal writ by which any inhabitant of a house, or tenant of an estate, is commanded to depart Eight, ayt. a. twice four

Eighth, aytth. a. next in order to the seventh Eighteen, ay teen. a. twice nine

Eighteenth, ay'teenth. a. the next in order to the seventeeth

Eightfold, ayt'fold. a. eight times the num ber or quantity

Eighthly, aytth'lè. ad. in the eighth place
Eightieth, ay'te-êth. a. the next in order to
the seventy-ninth, eighth tenth
Eightscore, ayt'skore. a. eight times twenty
Eighty, ày'tè. a. eight times ten

Either, é'THår. pron. distrib. one or the other
Either, è'THår. conj. answered by Or: Either

the one or the other

Ejulation, éd-jù-lå ́shún. s. lamentation
Eke, èke. ad. also, likewise, beside
Eke, êke. v. a. to increase; to supply
Elaborate, è-láb ́ò-råte. v. a. to produce with

Elaborate, è-lab'ò-råte, a. finished with great
Elaborately, é-lâb'ò-rate-lê. ad. laboriously
Elance, è-lânse'. v. a. to throw out, to dart
Elapse, è-lâpse'. v. n. to pass away
Elastick, è-las'tik. a. springing back
Elasticity, è-lás-tis'è-tè. s. force in bodies, by
which they endeavour to restore them-

Elate, è-late'. a. flushed with success
Elate, è-lite'. v. a. to puff up; to exalt
Elation, è-la'shun. s. haughtiness proceeding

from success

Elbow, él'bò. s. the next joint of the arm
below the shoulder; any angle
Elbow, él'bỏ. v. a. to push with the elbow
to drive to a distance

Elbow, él'bò. v. n. to jut out in angles
Eld, eld. s. old age, old people
Elder, el'dår. a. surpassing another in years

Elder, él'dúr. s. the name of a tree Elders, él'dårz. s. persons whose age gives them reverence; among the Jews, rulers of the people; among Presbyterians, laymen introduced into the kirk polity Elderly, él'dár-lè. a. no longer young Eldest, él'dést. a. the oldest Elecampane, élé-kám-påne'. s. a plant Elect, é-lèkt'. v. a. to choose, to select as an object of favour

Elect, è-lékt'. a. chosen, taken by preference from among others Electary, é-lék'tâ-rẻ. s. a medicine Election, è-lêk'shån. s. the act of choosing; the power of choice; voluntary prefer


Electioneering, è-lék-shûn-éèr'ing. s. concern in elections

Elective, è-lêk'tiv. a. exerting the power of choice

Elector, é-lék'tår. s. one who has a right to choose or elect Electoral, é-lèk'tò-rål. a. having the dignity of an elector [an elector Electorate, è-lek'to-råte. s. the territory of Electre, è-lêk'tår. s. a mixed metal Electrical, é-lék'trê-kål. Electrick, è-lék'trik.


a. attractive with

[blocks in formation]


Element, él'è-ment. s. the first or constituent principle of any thing; the proper habitation or sphere of any thing; the first rudiments of literature or science Elemental, él-é-mên'tál. a. produced by ele[ed Elementary, él-e-mên'târ-è. a. uncompoundElephant, él'è-fänt. s. the largest of all quadrupeds [the elephant Elephantine, él-ẻ-fân'tin. a. pertaining to Elevate, él'è-våte. v. a. to exalt Elevate, él'è-våte. part. a. exalted, raised aloft [aloft; exaltation Elevation, él-e-và'shûn. s. the act of raising Elevator, él'è-và-tår. s. a raiser or lifter up Eleven, è-lév'vn. a. ten and one [the tenth Eleventh, ẻ-lev'vnth. a. the next in order to Elf, êlf. s. plural. elves. a wandering spirit ; a devil [elves Elflock, élf'lók. s. knots of hair twisted by Elicit, é-lis'sit. v. a. to strike out Elicit, è-lis'sit. a. brought into action Elicitation, è-lis-se-tà'shån. s. a deducing the power of the will into act Elide, è-lide'. v. a. to break in pieces Eligibility, él-é-je-bil'è-tè. s. worthiness to be chosen

Eligible, él'è-je-bl. a. fit to be chosen Elision, è-lizh'ån. s. the act of cutting off; division

Elixation, él-ik-sa'shån. s. the act of boiling Elixir, è-lik'sår. s. a medicine made by strong infusion;, the quintessence of any thing; any cordial

[kind Elk, élk. s. a large stately animal of the stag Ell, el. s. a measure containing a yard and a quarter

Ellipsis, él-lip'sis. s. a figure of rhetorick, by which something is left out; in geometry, an oval figure generated from the section of a cone

Elliptical, el-lip'tě-kål.
Elliptick, el-lip'tik.
of an ellipsis


a. having the form

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