Found for our use an ocean in the land, When southward we shall steer-0 grant my wish, Supply the barque, and bid Columbus sail; Address to the Deity. Father of light! exhaustless source of good ! Supreme, eternal, self-existent God! Before the beamy sun dispens'd a ray, Flam'd in the azure vault, and gave the day, Before the glimmering moon, with borrow'd light, Shane queen, amid the silver bost of night. High in the heavens, thou reign'st superior Lord, By suppliant angels worshipp'd and ador'd. With the celestial choir then let me join In cheerful praises for the Power Divine. To sing thy praise, do thou, O God! inspire A mortal breast with more than mortal fire. In dreadful majesty thou sit'st enthron'd, With light encircled and with glory crown'd: Through all infinitude extends thy reign. For thee nor Heaven, nor Heaven of Heavens contain: But though thy throne is fix'd above the sky, Saints rob'd in white, to thee their anthems bring, round; With thousand, thousand harps of rapt'rous sound tains nod, Rocks fall to dust, and nature owns her God! CONTENTS. ww On the importance of Order in distribution of our Time. 111 The mortifications of Vice greater than those of Virtue, 115 Virtue, when deeply rooted, not to be influenc'd by Fortune 211 The Speech of Fabricus, 214 Singular Adventures of General Putnam, 216 Friendship, 220 On Early Rising, 221 The Winter's Day, 222 Extract from the Oration of Thomas Dawes, Esq. 223 Extract from Dr Beiknap's Address, 32.5 Importance of studying the Eng. Language grammatically, 234 Fraternal Affection, 239 |